Exp 03

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Experiment No: 03

Experiment Name: Verification of KVL, KCL, CDR,VDR

Course Code: EEE 112
Course Title: Electrical Circuit-I Sessional
Name: Tahshin Abrar
Student ID: 1902125
Name of the Department: Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Name of the University: Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Date of Submission: 24-09-2021

(a) Experimental Verification of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)and Voltage Divider

Rule (VDR).
(b) Experimental Verification of Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) and Current Divider
Rule (CDR).

Required Instruments:
1) Variable DC Power Supply
2) Multi-meter/voltmeter
3) Ammeter
4) Resistors
5) Connecting Wires
6) Bread board
Objectives (a):

Objective (b):

Objective (a):

Objective (b):
Experimental data:

Table 1: Verification of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):

R1 = 20 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, R3 = 20 Ω
No. of E I V1 V2 V3 Rs =R1 +R2 Rs= E/I E = V1 +V2+
Obs. (V) (V) (V) + R3 V3
(volts) (amps) (ohms) (ohms)
(Given) (Theoretical) (experimental
) (experimental)
1 10.06 0.16 3.27 3.27 3.25 60 62.88 9.79

2 15.02 0.24 4.87 4.86 4.85 60 62.58 14.58

3 20.01 0.33 6.52 6.51 6.47 60 60.64 19.5

4 25.01 0.42 8.16 8.15 8.09 60 59.64 24.5

Table 2: Verification of Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL):

R1 = 20 Ω, R2 = 20Ω, R3 = 20 Ω
No. of E I I1 I2 I3 RT = (R1-1 + Rs= E/I I= I1+ I2+
Obs. (mA) (mA) (mA) R2-1+ R3-1)-1 I3
(volts) (mA) (ohms) (ohms) (mA)

(Given) (Theoretical) (practical) (Practical)

1 10.02 1.41 0.45 0.48 0.46 6.68 7.11 1.39

2 14.99 2.04 0.67 0.67 0.68 6.68 7.35 2.02

3 19.98 2.7 0.89 0.89 0.9 6.68 7.4 2.68

4 24.97 3.2 1.02 1.02 1.08 6.68 6.87 3.12

Calculations for KVL:
Obs 01:
E = 10.06 V, I = 0.16 A, V1 = 3.27 V, V2 = 3.27 V, V3 = 3.25 V
E = V1 +V2 +V3 = 3.27+3.27+3.25 = 9.79 V (Practical)
Rs = R1 +R2 + R =20+20+20 =60Ω (Theoretical)
E V 1+V 2+V 3 3.27+3.27+3.25
Rs = = = =62.88 Ω (Practical)
I I 0.16

Obs 02:
E = 15.02 V, I = 0.24 A, V1 = 4.87 V, V2 = 4.86 V, V3 = 4.85 V
E = V1 +V2+ V3 = 4.87+ 4.86 + 4.85 =14.58 V (Practical)
Rs = R1 +R2 + R3 = 20+20+20 =60Ω (Theoretical)
E V 1+V 2+V 3 4.87+ 4.86+ 4.85
Rs = = = = 62.58 Ω (Practical)
I I 0.24

Obs 03:
E = 20.01 V, I = 0.33 A, V1 = 6.52 V, V2 = 6.51 V, V3 = 6.47 V
E = V1 +V2+ V3 = 6.52+6.51+6.47= 19.5 V (Practical)
Rs = R1 +R2 + R3 = 20+ 20 +20 = 60 Ω (Theoretical)
E V 1+V 2+V 3 6.52+ 6.51+ 6.47
Rs = = = = 60.64 Ω (Practical)
I I 0.33

Obs 04:
E = 25.01 V, I = 0.42 mA, V1 = 8.16 V, V2 = 8.15 V, V3 = 8.09 V
E = V1 +V2+ V3 = 8.16 +8.15 +8.09= 24.4 V (Practical)
Rs = R1 +R2 + R3 = 20+20+20 = 60 Ω (Theoretical)
E V 1+V 2+V 3 8.16+8.15+8.09
Rs = = = = 59.64 Ω (Practical)
I I 0.42

Calculations for KCL:

Obs 01:
E = 10.02 V, I = 1.41 A , I1 = 0.45 A, I2= 0.48 A , I3 = 0.46 A
I = I1+ I2+I3 = 0.46 A + 0.45+ 0.48= 1.39 A (Practical)
RT = (R1-1 + R2-1+ R3-1)-1 = (20-1 + 20-1+ 20-1)-1 = 6.68 Ω (Theoretical)
E 10.02
RT = = =7.11 Ω (Practical)
I 1.39

Obs 02:
E = 14.99V, I =2.04 A, I1 = 0.67 A, I2= 0.67 A, I3 = 0.68 A
I = I1+ I2+I3 = 0.67 + 0.67+ 0.68 =2.02 A (Practical)
RT = (R1-1 + R2-1+ R3-1)-1 = (20-1 + 20-1+20-1)-1 = 6.68 Ω (Theoretical)
E 14.99
RT = = = 7.35 Ω (Practical)
I 2.02

Obs 03:
E = 19.98 V, I = 2.7 A, I1 = 0.89 A, I2 = 0.89 A , I3 = 0.89 A
I = I1+ I2+I3 = 0.89+ 0.89 +0.89 = 2.68 A (Practical)
RT = (R1-1 + R2-1+ R3-1)-1 = (20-1 + 20-1+ 20-1)-1 = 6.68 Ω (Theoretical)
E 19.95
RT = = = 7.4Ω (Practical)
I 2.1

Obs 04:
E = 21.97V, I = 3.2A, I1 = 1.02 A, I2 = 1.02 A, I3 = 1.08 A
I = I1+ I2+I3 = 1.02+ 1.02 +1.08= 3.06 A (Practical)
RT = (R1-1 + R2-1+ R3-1)-1 = (20-1 + 20-1+ 20-1)-1 = 6.68 Ω (Theoretical)
E 21.97
RT = = = 6.87Ω (Practical)
I 3.06


In this experiment, we have solved the predictions of Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws by
measuring the sum of voltages around several closed paths and the sum of currents at several
nodes in two resistive circuits. We tried our best to take all the data carefully. The results
obtained were as expected from consideration of circuit theory. Measurements on the low
resistance circuit gave voltage and current sums very close to zero and thus confirmed to the
predictions of Kirchhoff’s Laws. Measurements on the high resistance circuit confirmed to
KCL.We have some optical illusion and some instrument error. However, the sum of voltages
around two closed paths in the circuit gave significant errors. Further , because of the arbitrary
nature of the circuits investigated here, we feel confident in concluding that in fact
KVL,KCL,VDR,VCR accurately predict the behavior of resistive circuits.

1) Ammeter should be connected in series and voltmeter should be connected in parallel.

2) Ammeter has almost zero resistance . If an ammeter is connected in parallel across an element
the path will be shorted and a high current will pass through ammeter. It could damage the

3) Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) is Kirchhoff's second law that deals with the conservation of
energy around a closed circuit path. His voltage law states that for a closed loop series path the
algebraic sum of all the voltages around any closed loop in a circuit is equal to zero.

4) A rheostat can only dissipate a finite amount of power. If you know the max current, the
voltage of your source and the resistance currently set on your rheostat, you can calculate the
current flowing through it using the formula I=V/RI=V/R and check if it is lower than the
maximum current the rheostat is rated for.

5) KVL states that around any closed circuit the algebraic sum of the voltage rises
equals the algebraic sum of the voltage drops. So for the following opencircuit, we can consider
that, there a voltage exists in the two open terminalsand thus the total arrangement is a loop.
As it is an open circuit, there is nocurrent passing through it. So ‘I’ is 0.

6) Considering three resistances R1,R2,R3 connected in parallel as shown in parallel combination.

The potential difference across all the resisters are same . the total current in the circuit is the
sum of currents through each resistor.
I = I1+I2+I3………..(1)
By ohm law, I = V/R1 +V/R2+V/R3……………(2)

Let Rp in the equivalent resistance of the parallel combinations.

V/Rp =V/R1 +V/R2+V/R3

1/Rp = 1/R1 +1/R2 +1/R3
7) Voltmeter has very high resistance. So, if a voltmeter is connected in series with an
element, the path will act like an open circuit and no current will flow through the element.

8) Kirchoff's current law (KCL) states that the algebraic sum of branch currents flowing into
and out of a node is equal to zero. This is an outcome of the principle of the conservation of
electric charge. If any new charge enters a node some equal amount of charge must exit.

9) Yes it is valid if the open circuit has a node in it. As KCL states that the total incoming
current across a node is equal to the total outgoing current.

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