7 Laws of The Learner

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Prepared By: J.D.


Reflection: “The Seven Laws of the Learner”

By Bruce Wilkinson

As a future Teacher, the seven laws of the learner by Bruce Wilkinson really
helped me a lot to realize how it is challenging to be an effective and an efficient
Teacher to my future students. He said that his teachers changed him and influenced
him to become a Teacher himself. Every one of us could be a teacher - A parent
teaching his/her child, an employer teaching his/her employee, or just someone who
teach and influence others.

There are different teachers and they all have different perspective, concept, and
understanding of the word “Teaching”. Teacher is responsible to cause the students to
learn. If the students did not learn, then it means that you did not really taught them.
Some teachers would say that their job is just to teach the content of the material they
have, and that they do not care whether you pay attention or not. But, on the other
hand, an effective and efficient Teacher would always think of his/her students and
make them have their interest in learning. As a Teacher, you are not just responsible
about the content of your material to teach, but you are responsible on making the
students learn. When they learned, that’s when you could say that you really taught
your students.

Moreover, we should expect the best on and for them. Whether it turns out fail or
success, it would still generate motivation. When they fail, there will be disappointment,
but it could be an inspiration and motivation to do better. And when they succeed, they
would feel great and excited. They will maintain what they do or try to strive further to be
successful. Teachers should not just teach, but teach the lesson with the idea of
applying or using the learnings in real life scenarios. It’s like giving them the necessary
equipment to be prepared when they go outside the school, because that’s when ‘real
life’ happens.

Teachers should be able to show the students the need to learn and make them
realize how these learning could be applied in their lives. In line with this, Teachers
should be teaching the right material, and also teaching in the right manner. By this,
students could see the relevance of what you’re teaching and that they could really
learned something. And on this note, we could say that there is a retention on them,
because they really learned something.

Teachers could left a mark on their students’ lives – and it should be a mark of
remembering them to always do good and do things with sincerity.

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