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12/14/2009 Advanced Proxy add-on for IPCop an…

advproxy - The Advanced Web Proxy add-

Online Quick Reference Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Advanced Proxy Admin Guide
What are the software requirements to run the
Official HOWTOs
Advanced Proxy add-on?
Version history / C hangelog

How do I install the Advanced Proxy add-on?

Download Advanced Proxy How do I install the Classroom Extensions?

Screenshots How can I get rid of the Advanced Proxy add-on?

IPC op 1.4 web interface
SmoothWall 2.0 web interface How does this add-on affect the system security?
SmoothWall 3.0 web interface
Does the Advanced Proxy cooperate properly with
More add-ons ... ?
URL filter
Is the Advanced Proxy add-on free?
Update Accelerator
C alamaris Report Generator
Where can I get technical support for the Advanced
Proxy add-on?
IPCop kompakt
Das deutsche Buch zum IPC op Which languages are supported by Advanced Proxy?
Errata for the first edition
Why does the Advanced Proxy stop working or the
Donations menu disappear after the installation of a
Secure donations via PayPal fix/update?

Contact When will the Advanced Proxy be adapted to

SmoothWall Express 3.0 64-Bit??

What are the future plans about the Advanced

Proxy add-on?

I have further questions. Can I send you a mail?

What are the software requirements to run the

Advanced Proxy add-on?

You need one of these distributions:

IPCop 1.4.x (release 1.4.4 - 1.4.21)

SmoothWall Express 2.0 (final and sp1)

SmoothWall Express 3.0 (polar i386)

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How do I install the Advanced Proxy add-on?… 1/5
12/14/2009 Advanced Proxy add-on for IPCop an…
Copy the tar archive via SCP to your IPCop or
SmoothWall box. Windows users can use WinSCP for
this. Keep in mind that SSH must be enabled and
you will have to use port 222 instead of 22.

Login as root on the console or via SSH. Windows

users can use PuTTY for this. Extract the tar
archive with the command

tar -xzf distribution-


(Replace distribution with the name of the

distribution you have installed - either ipcop or
smoothwall - and replace version with the version
number of the package you have downloaded)

Start the installation with the command


That's it. Open the GUI with your web browser and
configure the Advanced Proxy...

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How do I install the Classroom Extensions?

Copy the tar archive via SCP to your IPCop or

SmoothWall box. Windows users can use WinSCP for
this. Keep in mind that SSH must be enabled and
you will have to use port 222 instead of 22.

Login as root on the console or via SSH. Windows

users can use PuTTY for this. Extract the tar
archive with the command

tar -xzf distribution-


(Replace distribution with the name of the

distribution you have installed - either ipcop or
smoothwall - and replace version with the version
number of the package you have downloaded)

Start the installation with the command

distribution-advproxy/install cre

That's it. Open the GUI with your web browser and
configure the Classroom Extensions...

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How can I get rid of the Advanced Proxy add-on?

Login as root on your IPCop or SmoothWall box via

console or SSH… 2/5
12/14/2009 Advanced Proxy add-on for IPCop an…
Start the cleanup process with the command


That's it.

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How does this add-on affect the system security?

It doesn't modify any firewall rules.

It doesn't establish arbitrary connections to

external sites.

It doesn't install additional services, but it adds or

replaces some binary files for the Squid web proxy

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Does the Advanced Proxy cooperate properly with ...


URL filter add-on : Yes.

Update accelerator add-on : Yes.

Copfilter add-on for IPCop 1.4 : Yes.

SquidGuard add-on for IPCop 1.4 : It might work,

but will be unsupported.

Cop+ (Copplus) add-on for IPCop 1.4 : No.

DansGuardian Content Filter : Yes, the same way

as the standard Proxy does.

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Is the Advanced Proxy add-on free?

This software is free for personal and commercial use and

is released under the GNU General Public License:

You are allowed to:

change code as long as you publish changes, who

made changes and when it was changed

You have to give access to your changes

(download) to any third-party. All changes are
released under GPL too.

You are NOT allowed to:

rebrand Advanced Proxy (just give it a different… 3/5
12/14/2009 Advanced Proxy add-on for IPCop an…
name and thinking it's a code change under GPL)

remove any copyright information

soften or change copyrights

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Where can I get technical support for the Advanced

Proxy add-on?

Technical support for problems related to the Squid

web proxy, any authentication method or your
individual infrastructure can be obtained from the
Web or from Mailing Lists.

The add-on functionality and the GUI may be

supported by the author.

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Which languages are supported by Advanced Proxy?

Advanced Proxy for IPCop: English, French, German,

Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and

Advanced Proxy for SmoothWall: English.

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Why does the Advanced Proxy stop working or the

menu disappear after the installation of a

This usually happens if some system files has been

replaced by an update. This may cause the Advanced
Proxy to stop working or lets the GUI disappear.

To fix this problem, run the install script


to repair the Advanced Proxy. (Replace distribution

with the name of the distribution you have installed: ipcop
or smoothwall).

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When will the Advanced Proxy be adapted to

SmoothWall Express 3.0 64-Bit?

The adaption to SWE 3.0 polar 64-Bit will follow. Please… 4/5
12/14/2009 Advanced Proxy add-on for IPCop an…
be patient.

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What are the future plans about the Advanced Proxy


The code will be frozen except for bug fixes and security

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I have further questions. Can I send you a mail?

Meanwhile I'm spending more time on answering mails

rather than working on the code. For this reason, I
provide no more free email support!

However, if you need support, send me a mail with a

detailed description of your problem and the statement
that you need paid support. I'll contact you for the next

Possible bug reports, feedback and contributions are

always welcome to

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advproxy © C opyright 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 8 by M arc o S ondermann - L as t update: 2 0 0 8 - 0 7 - 2 4… 5/5

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