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Ying Wa College

S2 English Language 2019-2020

Poem Journal

You have learnt poems about nature, friendship and love in the NET Chat lessons this year. In this journal,
you will work on acrostic poems, focusing on one of the following three themes: disease, online classes,
and family. You will also be given a chance to apply the poetic devices you have learnt.

What is an acrostic poem?

 An acrostic poem is a poem where certain l in each line spell out a w or ph .

 Typically, the f letters of each line are used to spell the message, but they can appear a .
 A poem where the first letter of each line and the last letter of each line spell out words is called a
double acrostic.

Acrostic poems using the first letter

Spelling out
Fiercely loyal to
those we love
Accepting each
for who and
Matchless in ou what they are
r hopes and dr
Instilling pride eams for one
in our hard fo
Learning about ught heritage
You love and ch past guides us in the future
erish the peop
le of your he

Spelling out “charity”:

Cherry lips and sparkling eyes
Hair in glossy locks that lies
Are attractive, we confess
Rarely made the world to bless
If combined with artlessness
These unite to make thee fair
Yielding beauty past compare

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Acrostic poems using different positions

Here are some examples of using letters at the e of the line or in d places in each line. The letters
that spell out the word are still c :

Spelling out “s
Shines and tw
In the nighT
There is a plet
Fore ver and eveR

Acrostic poems that spell names

Spelling out “Sophia”:

Spelling out “Betty”:
Beaming, so joyful Serene, a calming quality
Elegant, so graceful Organized, you always have it together
Tantalizing, thrilling the senses Picturesque, strikingly beautiful
Thorough, attentive to details Honest, so genuine
Yearning, a drive to succeed Imaginative, a creative mind
Alluring, so attractive

Double acrostic poems

Spelling out “encou
re chance at Li
Each new day is a ra keN.
nt, lightly ta
Not merely an accide
our cul de saC
Considering death is sO. Spelling out “thanks”:
at's eventually
Obviously our Fate, th und yoU
to bless all ro Too often I’ve been saying thiS
Use each moment then reveR.
u won't stay fo
Remember on earth, yo nnA
How many times, I’ve lost tracK
as a sort of ma
Always bring Kindness a blessinG.
All the guidance, support and affectioN
s with love as
Nits, suggestions, or even a small ideA
G race yo ur word
portunity ther
Every moment holds op uch theM. Knowledge that’ll never be too mucH
rt in g, with words you can to
Many are hu
fencE, Satisfying journey I hope to lasT
odness knows no
Even across miles, Go to be giveN.
e time for Man's care
Now is th
mes, you sleep
Truly as the night co
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Task 1: Poem writing

1. Choose one of the following three themes: disease, online classes, or family.
2. Decide on the subject of the acrostic poem based on the theme (e.g. your favorite person, cat, or
inanimate objects like pens).
3. Write down the letters of the subject, to spell out its name in a vertical line.
4. Look at the vertical line to help you plan the pattern. Think about the following questions:
 Should the name of the subject be spelt out with the first letter, middle letter, or last letter of
each line?
 Do lines in the poem need to rhyme?
 What is the tone of the poem?
5. After deciding on the pattern, work on a sentence or phrase for each letter of the subject's name. If
it helps, you could first think about the first and last lines of the poem, then fill out the lines in the
middle. For each line, think about which quality of the subject you would like to describe.
6. You MUST use at least TWO poetic devices you have learned in your poem, namely simile,
metaphor, personification, alliteration and sibilance.
7. Now that you have your acrostic poem, you might want to make the letters of the subject’s name
stand out more. For example, you could write each letter in bold, or color it.
8. Write your poem in at least 30 words.
9. Go through each line again and revise the acrostic poem to your satisfaction.
10. Add a relevant picture or drawing and use a well-chosen font.
11. *A bonus mark will be given to students who attempt double acrostic poem! 

Task 2: Inspiration
After writing your poem, explain your inspiration in 50 words.

Last Date of submission: May 8, 2020
Format: Submit your work to Canvas (VLE) under "S2 English" in either WORD or PDF file.

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Marking guidelines

Content (10 marks)

8-10  The title, acrostic word, phrases strongly relate to the topic.
 Reader can see and feel what the writer is describing.
 The reflection is clearly articulated with thoughtful answers which provide depth of
5-7  The title, acrostic word, phrases relate to the topic.
 Reader finds the poem enjoyable to read because of personal language and learns
something about the writer’s topic.
 The reflection adequately informs the reader of the writer’s inspiration with supporting
2-4  One of the components (title, acrostic word, phrases) does not relate to the topic.
 Reader has a difficult time feeling what the writer is describing about his topic.
 The reflection provides limited supporting answers and details.
0-1  More than one of the components (title, acrostic word, phrases) do not relate to the topic.
 Reader cannot feel what the writer is describing because the poem uses impersonal general
statements with non-descriptive words.
 The reflection does not provide any details about the writer’s inspiration.
Language (5 marks)
5  Control of written rules of the English language is demonstrated. There are no spelling or
grammatical errors. The poem is easy to read and understand.
3-4  Control of written rules of the English language is demonstrated. There are a few spelling
and grammatical errors which do not detract the readability or comprehension of the poem.
1-2  Control of the written rules of the English language is minimally demonstrated. There are
many spelling and grammatical errors which interfere with readability and comprehension
of the poem.
0  Control of written rules of the English language is absent. There are numerous spellings
and grammatical errors which make the poem unintelligible.
Organisation and art work (5 marks)
4-5 Text and spacing enhance readability. The picture(s) is / are neat and easily recognizable.
2-3 Text and spacing require some of effort in order to be read.
The picture(s) is / are satisfactorily crafted.
0-1 Text and spacing require a lot of effort in order to be read.
The picture(s) is / are poorly crafted and cannot be distinguished.

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