Prof. Endang Sukara, PHD Prof. Dr. Dedi Darnedi Prof. Dr. Jatna Supriatna Dr. Fachruddin Mangunjaya, Msi

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Tatang Mitra Setia, MSi

Prof. Endang Sukara, PhD
Prof. Dr. Dedi Darnedi
Prof. Dr. Jatna Supriatna
Dr. Fachruddin Mangunjaya,MSi
I. Pengantar dan Pemahaman Tentang
Lingkungan dan Teori Ekologi

II. Sosiobiologi: Suatu kajian ilmiah

III.Sains dan Perdebatan Tentang

Pengantar dan Pemahaman
Tentang Lingkungan dan
Teori Ekologi :

E. O. Wilson defines sociobiology as :
“The extension of population biology and evolutionary theory to social

Sociobiology is based on the premise that some behaviors (social and individual) are
at least partly inherited and can be affected by natural selection. It begins with the
idea that behaviors have evolved over time, similar to the way that physical traits
are thought to have evolved. It predicts that animals will act in ways that have
proven to be evolutionarily successful over time. This can, among other things,
result in the formation of complex social processes conducive to evolutionary

The discipline seeks to explain behavior as a product of natural selection. Behavior

is therefore seen as an effort to preserve one's genes in the population. Inherent in
sociobiological reasoning is the idea that certain genes or gene combinations that
influence particular behavioral traits can be inherited from generation to generation

Processes and outcomes

Natural history

History of evolutionary theory

Fields and applications

Social implications
Sociobiological theory
Sociobiologists believe that human behavior, as well as nonhuman animal behavior, can
be partly explained as the outcome of natural selection. They contend that in order to
fully understand behavior, it must be analyzed in terms of evolutionary considerations.

Natural selection is fundamental to evolutionary theory. Variants of hereditary traits

which increase an organism's ability to survive and reproduce will be more greatly
represented in subsequent generations, i.e., they will be "selected for". Thus, inherited
behavioral mechanisms that allowed an organism a greater chance of surviving and/or
reproducing in the past are more likely to survive in present organisms. That inherited
adaptive behaviors are present in nonhuman animal species has been multiply
demonstrated by biologists, and it has become a foundation of evolutionary biology.
However, there is continued resistance by some researchers over the application of
evolutionary models to humans, particularly from within the social sciences, where
culture has long been assumed to be the predominant driver of behavior.

Sociobiology is based upon two fundamental premises:

Certain behavioral traits are inherited,

Inherited behavioral traits have been honed by natural selection. Therefore, these traits
were probably "adaptive" in the species` evolutionarily evolved environment.
Chimpanzee Politics:
The first edition of Frans de
Power and Sex among Apes Waal's Chimpanzee Politics was
acclaimed not only by primatologists
for its scientific achievement but also
by politicians, business leaders, and
social psychologists for its remarkable
insights into the most basic human
needs and behaviors. Twenty-five years
later, this book is considered a classic.
Featuring a new preface that includes
recent insights from the author, this
anniversary edition is a detailed and
thoroughly engrossing account of
rivalries and coalitions―actions
governed by intelligence rather than
instinct. As we watch the chimpanzees
of Arnhem behave in ways we
recognize from Machiavelli (and from
the nightly news), de Waal reminds us
again that the roots of politics are older
than humanity.
Sains dan Perdebatan
Tentang Lingkungan

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