Strategic Management QB

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Sheth NKTT College, Thane

Sub: Strategic Management

Sem: III
Strategic Management
1. ______ is what an organization is and why it exists.
a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Goals
d. Objectives

2. The vision's essence is _____.

a. Historic
b. Graphical
c. Futuristic
d. Apolitical
3. ______ are the designed ends of organizational activity.
a. Objectives
b. Strategy
c. Plans
d. Goals
4. _______ are the ends that state specifically, how the goals shall be achieved.
a. Plans
b. Strategy
c. Objectives
d. Aims

5. The word ______ is derived from the Greek word Politeia meaning polity or Government.
a. Politics
b. Policy
c. Polite
d. Prolific

6. A _____ defines the areas within which decisions can be made by the subordinates.
a. Politics
b. Policy
c. Polite
d. Prolific

7. _____ is a guideline within which a manager may use his direction in managing routine
business problems.
a. Norms
b. Business policy
c. Business direction
d. Business ethics
8. _____ are the guiding principles established by a company to govern actions.
a. Norms
b. Business policy

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
c. Business direction
d. Business ethics

9. The term ______ is derived from the Greek word "Strategos which means the art of the
a. Policy
b. Plans
c. Strategy
d. Ethics
10. ______ is the means an organization uses to achieve its objectives.
a. Policy
b. Plans
c. Strategy
d. Ethics
11. _______ Management is a set of management decisions and actions that determines the
long-run performance of a corporation.
a. Strategic
b. Operations
c. Administrative
d. Financial

12.________ management enables a firm to achieve and sustain competitive advantage.

a. Strategic
b. Operation
c. Administrative
d. Financial

13. Strategic Management is basically ______ management function.

a. Middle
b. Top
c. Lower
d. Hybrid
14. The focus of ______ management is on relating the organization to its external
a. Operational
b. Strategic
c. financial
d. marketing

15. The focus of strategic management is on _____.

a. Objectives
b. Plans
c. Goals
d. ideas

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III

16. Strategic management is concerned with the _______ direction of an organization.

a. Short term
b. intermediate
c. Long term
d. immediate

17. Strategic management is oriented towards the ______.

a. Immediate action plan
b. Short term action plan
c. Long term action plan
d. Intermediate plan
18. ______ Strategy is the top management plan to direct and run the organization as a whole.
a. Corporate
b. Business
c. Operational
d. Functional

19. Corporate strategy is the ________ Strategy encompassing(including) the entire

a. Short term
b. intermediate
c. Long term
d. immediate

20. ______ strategy is also called competitive strategy.

a. Corporate
b. Business
c. Operational
d. Functional

21. The ______ strategy decides the strategies to succeed in chosen business.
a. Corporate
b. Business
c. Operational
d. Functional

22. The ______ strategies are formulated for different functional areas the production, finance,
marketing, R & D, personnel, IT. etc.
a. Corporate
b. Business
c. Operational

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
d. Functional

23. Functional level strategy is the responsibility of _______ area heads.

a. Corporate
b. Business
c. Operational
d. Functional

24. ________ is any part of a business organization which is treated separately for strategic
management purpose.
a. SBU
b. CBU
c. PSU
d. SU
25. _______ intent means the purposes the organization strives for.
a. Mission
b. Vision
c. Strategic
d. goals

26. _______ intent of an organization is established in the form of a hierarchy consisting of

several layers.
a. Mission
b. Vision
c. Strategic
d. Goals

27. The concept of ______ intent was coined by Hamel and Prahalad in 1989.
a. Mission
b. Vision
c. Strategic
d. Goals
28. _______ explains the purpose of existence of the organisation.
a. Mission
b. Vision
c. Goals
d. Objectives

29. The essence of vision is a ______ looking view of what an organization wishes to become.
a. Backward
b. Lateral
c. Forward
d. effective

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
30. _______ level strategy is a long term strategy.
a. Corporate
b. Competitive
c. Functional
d. Business

31. Vision is shared across entire ______.

a. Organization
b. Nation
c. Society
d. Managers

32. _____ are time bound.

a. Mission
b. Vision
c. Goals
d. Strategy
33. ______ are guides to decision making address repetitive situations.
a. Strategies
b. Business policies
c. Business models
d. Business law
34. Business is known to have ______ of objectives.
a. Unity
b. hierarchy
c. galaxy
d. Ascend

35. _______ analysis is the process through which an organization monitors various
environmental forces to identify opportunities and threats which it is likely to face.
a. Environmental
b. Organizational
c. Operational
d. individual

36. ______scanning is the process by which organizations monitor their relevant environment to
identify opportunities and threats affecting their business for the purpose of taking strategic
a. Environmental
b. Organizational
c. Operational
d. individual

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
37. _____ is the abbreviation for Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W) Opportunities (O) and Threats
38. ______ strategy is made for the corporate enterprise as a whole.
a. Business
b. growth
c. Corporate
d. functional
39. ______ strategy is made when organizations want to expand along some major dimensions
like sales, profits, markets etc.
a. Business
b. Growth
c. Corporate
d. functional
40. ______ strategy is suitable for small firms which are satisfied with their products or market
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Diversification
d. integration

41. ______ strategy is adopted by organizations who want to restructure their business.
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Retrenchment
d. Integration
42. ______ aims at turning the loss-making units into profit-making units by cutting the loss-
making operations or costs.
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Retrenchment
d. Integration

43. ______ involves selling or disinvesting that part of the Business which is loss making and
using sale proceeds to strengthen the remaining business operations.
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Retrenchment
d. Integration

44. _______ strategy is also known as expansion strategy or intensification strategy.

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Retrenchment
d. Integration
45. _________ strategy is followed when an organization substantially reduces the scope of its
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Retrenchment
d. Integration
46. _____ means combining activities related to the present activity of a firm.
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Retrenchment
d. Integration

47. When an organization takes up the same type of products at the same level of production or
marketing process, it is said to follow a strategy of _______.
a. Lateral integration
b. Horizontal integration
c. Lateral integration or horizontal integration
d. Neither lateral integration nor horizontal integration
48. When an organization starts making new products that serve its own needs,______
integration takes place.
a. Lateral integration
b. Vertical integration
c. Horizontal integration
d. Hybrid integration

49. ______ integration means retreating to the source of raw materials. For example, a cloth
mill may add spinning mill.
a. Horizontal integration
b. Forward integration
c. Backward integration
d. Vertical integration

50. _____ integration moves the organization ahead, taking it nearer to the ultimate customer.
a. Horizontal integration
b. Forward integration
c. Backward integration
d. Vertical integration

51. _______ strategies are a type of expansion strategies that require organizations to market
their products or services beyond the domestic or national market.

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
a. Stability
b. Internationalization
c. growth
d. integration

52. Firms adopt an _____ strategy when they create value by transferring products and
services to foreign markets where these products and services are not available.
a. Stability
b. Internationalization
c. growth
d. integration

53. Firms adopt a ______ strategy when they try to achieve a high level of local responsiveness
by matching their products and service offering to the national conditions operating in the
countries they operate in.
a. International
b. Multidomestic
c. Global
d. transnational

54. Firms adopt a _____ strategy when they rely on a low - cost approach based on reaping the
benefits of experience - curve effects and location economies and offering standardized
products and services across different countries.
a. International
b. Multidomestic
c. Global
d. transnational

55. Firms adopt a ______ strategy when they adopt a combined approach of low-cost and high
local responsiveness simultaneously, for their products and services.
a. International
b. Multidomestic
c. Global
d. transnational

56. Corporate-level strategy is formulated for an organization which carries a ______ lines of
a. Single focus
b. unidirectional
c. Diverse
d. consistent

57. Business-level strategy is formulated for those organizations which carry a _____ line of

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
a. Single
b. multidirectional
c. Diverse
d. consistent

58. In ________ Strategy the firm increases market share by lowering the price of the product
and increasing the marketing efforts.
a. Market penetration
b. Rapid market penetration
c. Slow market penetration
d. Market development

59. In ______ Strategy, the firm increases its market share by keeping the prices of its products
same or even more than those of its competitors but ensures the product is unique and has no
similarity with the competitors.
a. Differentiation
b. Niche
c. Cost leadership
d. focus

60. In ______ Strategy the firm increases its market share, sales volume and profits by focusing
on a section rather than the entire market.
a. Differentiation
b. Niche
c. Cost leadership
d. focus

61. Strategies for functional areas are called ______ strategies.

a. Business level
b. Functional level
c. Corporate level
d. Operational level

62. _______ function involves the transformation of a set of inputs to predetermined outputs in
accordance with the objectives of the organization.
a. Marketing
b. Research & Development
c. Production
d. Finance
63. ______ consists of activities through which either a new product can be developed or an
existing product can be improved, so that it becomes more useful.
a. Marketing
b. Research & Development

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
c. Production
d. Finance

64. ______ Strategy of a firm is the complete and unbeatable plan or instrument designed
specifically for attaining the marketing objectives of the firm.
a. Marketing
b. Research & Development
c. Production
d. Finance

65. The ______ policies and plans of an organisation are related to the sources, usage and
Management of funds.
a. Marketing
b. Research & Development
c. Production
d. Finance

66. ______ policies deals with one of the most precious resources- human resources in the
a. HRM
b. Marketing
c. Finance
d. Research & development

67. SWOT analysis is used at ______ intervals.

a. Frequent
b. Infrequent
c. Regular
d. Crucial
68. Environmental ______ identifies opportunities and threats affecting the business.
a. Scanning
b. Evaluation
c. Control
d. Evaluation

69. ______ Strategies ensure that organization selects the right person for the job at the right
a. Human resources
b. Marketing
c. Production
d. Promotion

70. ______ integration occurs when a producing firm starts undertaking the marketing and
distribution of the same product.

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
a. Backward
b. Horizontal
c. Forward
d. Lateral

71. Stability. Growth, Retrenchment etc are types of _____ level Strategies.

a. Corporate
b. Functional
c. Business
d. Operational
72. _______environment consists of larger factors like political, economic and social etc. that
affect the firms.
a. Business
b. Internal
c. Macro
d. Micro
73. _____ strategy aims to reduce the size, diversity, markets or products of an organization.
a. Retrenchment
b. Diversification
c. Market development
d. Integration
74. ______ and threats are external factors over which the business has no control.
a. Strengths
b. Opportunities
c. Weaknesses
d. Challenges

75. Diversification is an example of _______ growth strategy.

a. Internal
b. external
c. environmental
d. Integrative

76. _____ strategy ensures that the organization selects the right person for right job.
a. Human resource
b. Marketing
c. Finance
d. R&D
77. ______ model applies to risk-seeking organizations.
a. Entrepreneurial
b. Adoptive
c. Planning
d. Strategic choice

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III

78. The entrepreneurial mode of strategy making is _______ in nature.

a. Offensive
b. Defensive
c. Objective
d. subjective

79. The adaptive model is _____ in nature.

a. Offensive
b. Defensive
c. Objective
d. subjective

80. _____ model is similar to entrepreneurial model, with the difference that this model of
making strategies is more scientific and systematic in nature.
a. Adoptive
b. Planning
c. Operational
d. objective

81. The ______ model essentially involves decision-making in anticipation of a future state that
the company wants to be in.
a. Adoptive
b. Planning
c. entrepreneurial
d. objective

82. ______ is the investigation of the objective factors considered in the process of strategic
a. Strategic analyst
b. Strategic choice
c. Strategic theory
d. Past strategies

83. ______ is the decision to select from among the alternative strategies considered which will
best meet the organization's objectives.
a. Strategic analyst
b. Strategic choice
c. Strategic theory
d. Past strategies

84. _____ involves the selection of a strategy or set of strategies that helps in achieving
organizational objectives.
a. Strategic analyst

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
b. Strategic choice
c. Strategic theory
d. Past strategies

85. _______ are high growth businesses or products competing in markets where they are
relatively strong compared with the competition.
a. Cash cows
b. Stars
c. Dogs
d. Question mark
86. _____ are low - growth businesses or products with a relatively high market share.
a. Cash cows
b. Stars
c. Dogs
d. Question mark
87. ______ are businesses or products with low market share but which operate in higher
growth markets.
a. Cash cows
b. Stars
c. Dogs
d. Question mark

88. ______ have low market share and a low growth rate and thus neither generate nor
consume a large amount of cash.
a. Cash cows
b. Stars
c. Dogs
d. Question mark

89. The ______ is the ability of the buyers, individually or collectively, to force a reduction in
prices of products or services, demand a higher quality or better service or to seek more value
for their purchases in any way.
a. Threat of new entrants
b. Bargaining power of suppliers
c. Bargaining power of buyers
d. Threat of new substitutes

90. The _____constitutes their ability, individually or collectively, to force an increase in the price
of the products or services or make the buyers accept a lower quality of product or level of
a. Threat of new entrants
b. Bargaining power of suppliers
c. Bargaining power of buyers
d. Threat of new substitutes

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
91. ________ highlights the interconnection between seven factors and their role in successful
implementation of strategy.
a. Porters generic theories
b. Boston consulting matrix
c. McKinsey's 7s framework
d. GE Matrix

92. McKinsey's 7s framework includes _____.

a. Systems
b. Stage
c. Signal
d. Structure

93. ______ mode deals with short term goals.

a. Planning
b. Adaptive
c. Integrated
d. Individual

94. Strategic choice determines the ______ strategy of a firm.

a. Past
b. Present
c. Future
d. Immediate

95. _____ developed the 'five forces model that determine industry structure.
a. Michael Porter
b. Ansoff
c. BCG
d. Maxwell
96. ______ quadrant in BCG matrix represents business units having a large market share in a
mature industry.
a. Cash cows
b. Question mark
c. Dogs
d. Stars
97. McKinsey's 7s framework includes ______.
a. Staff
b. Stage
c. Sense
d. Signal

98. PEST analysis is a tool of strategic ______.

a. analysis

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
b. implementation
c. evaluation
d. Information

99. The purpose of ______ is to evaluate the effectiveness of strategy in achieving

organizational objectives.
a. Strategic formulation
b. Strategic evaluation
c. Strategic implementation
d. Strategic intent

100. The criteria for evaluating strategy can be classified into criterion and ______ criteria.
a. Qualitative
b. Quantitative
c. Controlling
d. independent

101. The first step in the control process is ______.

a. Fixing benchmark
b. Measurement of performance
c. Taking corrective action
d. Comparing actual performance with the standard performance.

102. The second step in the operational control process is _____.

a. Fixing benchmark
b. Measurement of performance
c. Taking corrective action
d. Identifying deviations in the performance

103. The third step in the control process is ______.

a. Fixing benchmark
b. Measurement of performance
c. Taking corrective action
d. Identifying deviations
104. _______ is the difference between actual performance and budgeted (standard)
a. Deviation
b. Average
c. Control
d. evaluation

105. The last step in the control process is ______.

a. Fixing benchmark

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
b. Measurement of performance
c. Taking corrective action
d. Identifying the deviations

106. ______ is related to that aspect of strategic management through which an organization
ensure whether it is achieving its objectives contemplated in the strategic action.
a. Strategic implementation
b. Strategic control
c. Strategic formulation
d. Strategic intent
107. _______ is concerned with tracking a strategy as it is being implemented, detecting
problems or changes in its underlying premises, and making necessary adjustments.
a. Strategic implementation
b. Strategic control
c. Strategic formulation
d. Strategic intent

108. ________ is concerned with action or performance and that is why control focuses on the
results of strategic action and is aimed at evaluating the performance of the whole organization,
different SBUS and other units, to assess their contribution to the achievement of
organizational objectives.
a. Financial control
b. Operational control
c. Marketic control
d. Steering control
109. In ______ control which measures results after an action is completed.
a. Pre-control
b. Post-control
c. Steering control
d. Premise control

110. _____ is designed to detect deviations from standards and to permit corrective actions
before an operation is fully completed.
a. Pre-control
b. Post-control
c. Steering control
d. Premise control

111. ______ control serves the purpose of continually testing the assumptions to find out
whether they are still valid or not.
a. Pre-control
b. Post-control
c. Steering control
d. Premise control

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III

112. _____ control is suitable for organizations operating in a relatively stable environment.
a. Strategic choice
b. Strategic intent
c. Strategic momentum
d. Strategic control

113. When the environment is relatively unstable and dynamic, in which various factors change
beyond production, ______ control is used.
a. Operational control
b. Strategic leap control
c. Premise control
d. Implementation control

114. ______ control is designed to assess whether the overall strategy should be changed in
the light of unfolding events and results associated with incremental steps and actions that
implement the overall strategy.
a. Strategic leap control
b. Implementation control
c. Premise control
d. Operational control

115. ______ is designed to monitor a broad range of events inside and outside the organization
that are likely to threaten the course of the firm's strategy.
a. Strategic choice
b. Strategic surveillance
c. Strategic intent
d. Strategic implementation

116. ______ control is aimed at the allocation and use of organizational resources.
a. Operational control
b. Implementation control
c. Premise control
d. Steering control

117. ______ deals with the identification of strengths and weaknesses of a firm in absolute
a. External analysis
b. Overall analysis
c. Internal analysis
d. Value chain analysis

118. Value chain analysis focuses on a set of inter-related activities performed in a sequence for
producing and marketing a product or service.

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
a. External analysis
b. Overall analysis
c. Internal analysis
d. Value chain analysis

119. _______ considers the financial and the non-financial quantitative parameters, such as
physical units of time, in order to assess performance.
a. Quantitative analysis
b. Qualitative analysis
c. financial analysis
d. Marketing analysis
120. _______ supplements the quantitative analysis by including those aspects which is not
possible to measure on the basis of numbers.
a. Qualitative analysis
b. Progressive analysis
c. Value chain analysis
d. Comparative analysis
121. ______ compares the performance of a firm with its own past performance or with other
a. Comparative analysis
b. Historical analysis
c. Geographical analysis
d. Vector analysis
122. _____ is a frequently used technique for comparing the performance of a firm over a given
period of time.
a. Comparative analysis
b. Historical analysis
c. Geographical analysis
d. Vector analysis

123. ______ is a comparative method for analyzing performance that has the advantage of
making a firm competitive in comparison to other firms in the same industry.
a. Balanced scorecard
b. Vector analysis
c. Industry norms
d. benchmarking

124. ______ is a comparative method where a firm finds the best practices in an area and then
attempts to bring its own performance in that area in line with the best practice.
a. Balanced scorecard
b. Vector analysis
c. Industry norms
d. benchmarking

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III

125. ______ analysis adopts a total approach rather than focussing on one area of activity or a
function or a department.
a. Balanced scorecard
b. Vector analysis
c. Comparative analysis
d. benchmarking
126. ______ is based on the identification of four key performance measures of customer
perspective, internal business perspective, innovation and learning perspective, and the
financial perspective.
a. Balance scorecard
b. Comparative analysis
c. Key factor rating
d. Business intelligence

127. ______ is a method that takes into account the key factors in several areas and then sets
out to evaluate performance on the basis of these.
a. Balance scorecard
b. Comparative analysis
c. Key factor rating
d. Business intelligence

128. _____ is one of the concepts used for discovering knowledge from various internal and
external data repositories available to an organization to support effective decision-making.
a. Balance scorecard
b. Comparative analysis
c. Key factor rating
d. Business intelligence

129. The _______ is an indigenous system adopted usually, by Marwari firms to keep track of
daily cash generation.
b. Business intelligence
c. Parta system
d. Guna system

130. ______ techniques like Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical
Path Method (CPM). and their variants, are used extensively for planning and scheduling
b. Network
c. Synergy
d. Value chain analysis

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
131. _______ is based on a regular evaluation of performance against objectives, which are
decided upon mutually by the superior and, subordinate.
a. MBO
b. MBE
c. MBS
d. MBU
132. А _______ is an agreement between a public enterprise and the Government, represented
by the administrative machinery in which both parties clearly specify their commitments and
a. Memorandum of collaboration
b. Memorandum of association
c. Memorandum of understanding
d. Memorandum of surveillance
133. _______ is one of the major components of the firm's product-market strategy.
a. Synergy
b. Network
c. Variance
d. operation

134. _______is the advantage to a firm gained by having existing resources which are
compatible with new products or markets that the company is developing i.e. with product
market entries.
a. Synergy
b. Network
c. Variance
d. operation

135. ______ can occur when products use common distribution channels, common sales
administration, or common warehousing.
a. Operation synergy
b. Sales synergy
c. financial synergy
d. Investment synergy

136. ______ is the result of higher utilization of facilities and personnel, spreading of overhead,
advantages of common learning curves, and large - lot purchasing.
a. Operation synergy
b. Sales synergy
c. financial synergy
d. Investment synergy

137. Standards can be either quantitative or _____.

a. Numerical
b. Qualitative

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
c. Quote
d. Simulative

138. Financial synergy puts capital to ______use.

a. Optimum
b. Perfect
c. Future
d. Lopsided

139. ______ synergy ensures that two departments do not work on the same product aspects.
a. Operational
b. Functional
c. Financial
d. Administrative

140. Change management is _______.

a. optional
b. avoidable
c. inevitable
d. Indescribable

141. ______ is said to be the blueprint of the company's future operations.

a. Plan
b. Strategy
c. Goal
d. Objectives
142. Which of the following helps in analysing the internal environment of the firm?
a. Strength and weakness
b. Opportunities and threats
c. Strength and opportunities
d. Weakness and threats
143. The last resort for a company to adopt as a strategy is ________
a. Diversification
b. Liquidation
c. Turnaround
d. Integration
144. ________ Strategy refers to company's policy of continuing the same business and with
same objectives.
a. Stability
b. Growth
c. Retrenchment
d. Integration
145. ________ strategy is used when an organisation aims at contraction of its activities.
a. Retrenchment

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor
Sheth NKTT College, Thane
Sub: Strategic Management
Sem: III
b. Integration
c. Stability
d. Growth

146. Performance gap analysis ____

a. Identifies gaps between actual and standard performance.
b. Fills the gaps in actual and standard Performance.
c. Covers the standard Performance
d. Solve the issues concerning the actual performance.
147. ROI is a measure of _______ performance.
a. Financial
b. Marketing
c. Human capital
d. Distribution
148. ______ is a comparative method where a firm finds the best practices in an area and then
attempts to bring its own performance In that area in line with the best practices.
a. balance scorecard
b. Key factor rating
c. Benchmarking
d. Parta system.
149. _______ means combining activities related to the present activity of a firm.
a. Growth
b. Stability
c. Integration
d. Divestment
150. _________ analysis is the identifying the difference between the projected and desired
a. Vector analysis
b. Gap analysis
c. Operational analysis
d. Strategic intent

Shweta Dubey
Assistant Professor

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