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English Number Name

Your Name 28 Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Thư

“I was both excited and nervous as I stood there waiting at the airport”

Now, plan your own story using the same first sentence.

You should decide:

1. The beginning of the story (who/where/what/why?)
2. The middle of the story (the difficulties or interesting things that happened before the
3. How the story ended.

Try to make your story interesting, fun, or strange. 

After 10 minutes, upload your plan to Canvas: Unit 3 Writing - Planning Your Story. (5
CAT1 points)

Story 1

Beginning (who/what/where/why?)

I'm flying to my father's country. My father had an unexpected job so I had to wait. I'm
both nervous and excited because it's been a long time since I've seen my dad

Middle (the difficulties or interesting things that happened before the end)

It's been 10 minutes, the airport is getting darker and the people are less. I

kept waiting for another 20 minutes and I saw that the airport was only a few

people. I felt a shadow pass behind me but I couldn't see anyone. Then I saw a

room nearby that looked mysterious. I couldn't contain my curiosity so I

entered that room. I feel like something is wrong but I still go deeper

End (how the situation was resolved)

Suddenly there was a black shadow eating something and it rushed to attack
me. It started to swallow me and tried to chew me up. But by some luck, it let
go of me and disappeared. Then I crawled out of the room and I saw my
father. I panicked and told my father what I just said, but no one believed what
I said and the story that day is still a question mark.

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