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Week 4 (Sept. 6 , 2021)

Lesson 3: Science Education in the Philippines
► Discuss the concept of Science education
► Identify science schools established to promote science education in the Philippines

The Concept of Science Education

► It focuses on teaching, learning and understanding science
► It involves developing ways on how to effectively teach science
► Dewey (2001) stressed the importance of utilizing natural environment to teach
students. Accordingly, nature must indeed furnish its physical stimuli to provide
wealth of meaning through social activities and thinking
► Marx (1994) opines that science is going to be one of the most important school
subjects in the future.
► Knight (1986) describe as the age of science and develop a citizenry that will meet the
goals of science in the society
► (Tilghman, 2005) Developing a science culture is therefore an immense responsibility
of schools

Science Education in Basic and Tertiary Education

Basic education
► Helps students the important concepts and facts that are related to everyday life.
► Many authors cite that it includes important skills such as process skills, critical
thinking skills, and life skills that are needed in coping up with daily life activities
► (Charlie & Britain, 2002) it develops positive attitude such as: love of knowledge,
passion for innovating things, curiosity and study about the future
Tertiary Education
► Deals with developing students’ understanding and appreciation of science ideas and
scientific works
► This is through offering science courses in General Education Curriculum
► It also focuses on the preparation of science teachers, scientists, engineers and other
professionals in various science- related fields such as engineering, agriculture,
medicine and health sciences

Science Schools in the Philippines

► An outstanding program for science education supported by the government is the
establishment of science schools in various parts of the country
Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)
► DOST offers a scholarship basis for secondary course with special emphasis on
subjects pertaining to science, with the end view of preparing students for science
carrier (RA No. 3661)
► PHSS students continued to be the beacon of excellence, courage and hope of the

Special Science Elementary School Projects

► SSES projects is pursuant to DepED Order No. 73 s. 20088 and DepED Order No. 51 s.
► It identifies schools participated as science elementary schools in the country
► There are more than 60 schools and implemented for decade already

The Mission of SSES

► Provide a learning environment to science- inclined children through a special
curriculum that recognizes the multiple intelligence of the learners
► Promote the development of lifelong learning skills; and
► Foster the holistic development of the learners

Examples of Science High School in the Philippines

Quezon City Regional Science High School
► Established on September 17, 1967
► It was a regular high school, but became a science high school in 1999.
► The curriculum’s focus is on science and technology
► This is an avenue for providing maximum opportunities for science- gifted students to
develop spirit of inquiry and creativity
Manila Science High School
► Established in October 1, 1963
► First science high school in the Philippines
► The curriculum puts emphasis on mathematics and science
► It aims to produce scientists with souls
Central Visayas Institute Foundation
► Home and pioneer of the prominent school- based innovation known as the Dynamic
Learning Program (DLP)
► DLP is a synthesis of classical and modern pedagogical theories adapted to foster the
highest level of learning, creativity and productivity
► It takes pride in the Research Center for Theoretical Physics established in 1992
Science, Technology and Society
By: Serafica et al., pp. 35- 41

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