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ASSIGNMENT: Logical Conditioning & grouping

Direction: The VC [Vice-Chancellor] of a university has to select four professors, out of eight professors
for a committee. The VC decided to select these four professors in such a manner that each selected
professor has a habit common with at least one of the other three professors selected. The selected
professors must also share at least one of the non-common habits of any of the other three professors

Professor Arora likes surfing and smoking but hates gambling.

Professor Bhalla likes smoking and drinking but hates surfing.
Professor Chadha likes gambling but hates smoking.
Professor Dhyani likes movie but hates drinking.
Professor Eswar likes drinking but hates smoking and movie.
Professor Fazil likes surfing but hates smoking and movie.
Professor Goyal likes gambling and movie, but hates surfing.
Professor Hooda likes smoking and gambling but hates movie.

Question: Who are the four professors selected by the VC for the committee?
[1] Prof. Chadha, Prof. Dhyani, Prof. Eswar, Prof. Goyal
[2] Prof. Arora, Prof. Bhalla, Prof. Eswar, Prof. Fazil
[3] Prof. Bhalla, Prof. Chadha, Prof. Goyal, Prof. Hooda
[4] Prof. Dhyani, Prof. Eswar, Prof. Fazil, Prof. Hooda

Direction: Answer the questions based on the following information

Director of an institute wants to distribute teaching assignments of HRM, Psychology, Development
Studies, Trade policy and Finance to five of six nearly appointed faculty members. Prof. Fotedar does not
want any assignment if Prof. Das gets one of the five. Prof. Chaudhary desires either HRM or Finance or no
assignments. Prof. Banik opines that if Prof. Das gets either Psychology or Trade policy then she must get
the other one . Prof. Eswar insists on an assignment if Prof. Acharya gets one.

Question: Which of the following is the valid faculty – assignment combination if all the faculty preferences
are considered ?
[1] Prof. Acharya-HRM , Prof. Banik-Psychology, Prof. Chaudhary- Development studies, Prof. Das-Trade
policy, Prof. Eswar-finance
[2] ] Prof. Chaudhary-HRM, Prof. Das-Psychology, Prof. Acharya - Development studies, Prof. Banik-Trade
policy, Prof. Eswar-Finance
[3] Prof. Acharya- HRM, Prof.Banik- Psychology, Prof. Eswar-Development Studies, Prof. Das-Trade policy,
Prof. Fotedar-Finance
[4] Prof. Banik-HRM, Prof. Fotedar-Psychology, Prof. Eswar-Development studies, Prof.Chaudhary- Trade
policy, Prof. Acharya-Finance
Question: If Prof. Acharya gets HRM and Prof. Chaudhary gets finance , then which of the following is not a
correct faculty-assignment combination assuming all faculty preferences are considered?
[1] Prof. Das- Development studies , Prof. Banik-Trade policy
[2] Prof. Fotedar- Development studies, Prof. Banik- Trade policy
[3] Prof. Banik- Development studies, Prof. Eswar- Trade policy
[4] Prof. Banik- Development studies Prof. Das- Trade policy

Direction: Read the following paragraph and following conditions to answer the questions
The Vice Chancellor of a University wants to select a team of 5 members organising committee for the
next convocation of the University to be held in March 2012. The committee members are to be selected
from five shortlisted professors [ Prof. Ahuja, Prof. Banerjee, Prof. Chakravarty, Prof. Das and Prof. Eqbal]
and four short listed students [Prakash, Queen, Ravi and Sushil].
Some conditions for selection of the committee members are given below:
1. Prof. Ahuja and Sushil have to be together.
2. Prakash cannot be put with Ravi.
3. Prof. Das and Queen cannot go together.
4. Prof. Chakravarty and Eqbal have to be slected.
5. Ravi cannot be selected with Prof. Banerjee.

Question: If two members of the committee are students and Prof. Das is one of the members of the
committee , who are the other committee members?

[1] Prof. Banerjee, Prof. Chakravarty,Prakash & Queen.

[2] Prof. Ahuja, Prof. Banerjee, Sushil & Prakash
[3] Prof. Chakravarty, Prof. Eqbal, Prakash & Sushil.
[4] none of the above

Question: In case Prof. Ahuja and Chakravarty are members, who are the other members who cannot be
selected for the committee?

[1] Prof. Banerjee, Prof. Eqbal and Sushil

[ 2] Prof. Eqbal , Prakash, Queen
[3] Prof. Eqbal , Sushil, Prakash
[4] none of the above

Direction: Some information is provided in the paragraph below. Answer the questions based on this
A weekly television show routinely stars six actors J,K,L,M,N and O. Since the show has been on the air for
a long time, some of the actors are good friends and some do not get along at all. In an effort to keep
peace, the director sees to it that friends work together and enemies do not. Also, as the actors have
become more popular , some of them need time off to do other projects. To keep the schedule working,
the director has a few things she must be aware of:
• J will only work on episodes on which M is working.
• N will not work every with K under any circumstances.
• M can only work every other week, in order to be free to film a movie.
• At least three of the actors must appear in every weekly episode.

Question: In a show about L, getting a job at the same company J already works for and K to work for, all
three actors will appear. Which of the following is true about the other actors who may appear?

[1] M,N,O must all appear.

[2] M may appear and N must appear
[3] M must appear and O may appear
[4] O may appear and N must appear

Question: Next week, the show involves N’s new car and O’s new refrigerator. Which of the following is
true about the actors who may appear?
[1] M,J, L and K all may appear
[2] J,L and K must appear
[3] L and K must appear
[4] only L may appear

Direction: Answer the following questions based on the information given below.
During a four-week period, each one of seven previously unadvertised products – G, H, J, K, L, M and O –
will be advertised. A different pair of these products will be advertised each week. Exactly one of the
products will be a member of two of these four pairs. None of the other products gets repeated in any pair.
Further, the following constraints must be observed:

• J is not advertised during a given week unless H is advertised during the immediately preceding
• The product that is advertised twice is advertised during week 4 but is not advertised during week
• G is not advertised during a given week unless either J or O is also advertised that week.
• K is advertised during one of the first two weeks.
• O is one of the products advertised during week 3.
Question: Which one of the following could be the schedule of the advertisements?
(1) Week 1: G, J; week 2: K, L; week 3: O, M; week 4: H, L
(2) Week 1: H, K; week 2: J, G; week 3: O, L; week 4: M, K
(3) Week 1: H, K; week 2: J, M; week 3: O, L; week 4: G, M
(4) Week 1: H, L; week 2: J, M; week 3: O, G; week 4: K, L
(5) Week 1: K, M; week 2: H, J; week 3: O, G; week 4: L, M

Question: If L is the product that is advertised during two of the weeks, which one of the following is a
product that MUST be advertised during one of the weeks in which L is advertised?
(1) G (2) H (3) J (4) K (5) M

Question: Which one of the following is a product that could be advertised in any of the four weeks?
(1) H (2) J (3) K (4) L (5) O

Question: Which one of the following is a pair of products that could be advertised during the same week?
(1) G and H (2) H and J (3) H and O (4) K and O (5) M and O

Direction: Answer the following questions based on the information given below.
Professor Mukhopadhay works only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. She
performs four different activities – Lecturing, Conducting quizzes, evaluating quizzes and working on
consultancy projects. Each working day she performs exactly one activity in the morning and exactly one
activity in the afternoon. During each week her work schedule MUST satisfy the following restrictions:
• She conducts quizzes on exactly three mornings.
• If she conducts quizzes on Monday, she does not conduct a quiz on Tuesday.
• She lectures in the afternoon on exactly two consecutive calendar days.
• She evaluates quizzes on exactly one morning and three afternoons.
• She works on consultancy project on exactly one morning.
• On Saturday, she neither lectures nor conducts quizzes.

Question: On Wednesdays, the professor could be scheduled to?

(1) Work on a consultancy project in the morning and conduct a quiz in the afternoon
(2) Lecture in the morning and evaluate quizzes in the afternoon.
(3) Conduct a quiz in the morning and lecture in the afternoon
(4) Conduct a quiz in the morning and work on consultancy project in the afternoon.
(5) Evaluate quizzes in the morning and evaluate quizzes in the afternoon.

Question: Which of the following statements must be true?

(1) There is one day on which she evaluates quizzes both in the morning and in the afternoon.
(2) She works on the consultancy project on one of the days on which lectures.
(3) She works on consultancy project on one of the days on which she evaluates quizzes.
(4) She lectures on one of the days on which evaluates quizzes.
(5) She lectures on one of the days on which she conducts quiz.

Question: If the Professor conducts a quiz on Tuesday, then her schedule for evaluating quizzes could be?
(1) Monday morning, Monday afternoon, Friday morning, Friday afternoon
(2) Monday morning, Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon
(3) Monday afternoon, Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Saturday afternoon
(4) Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Friday afternoon, Saturday afternoon
(5) Wednesday afternoon, Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon

Question: Which one of the following must be a day on which professor lectures?
(1) Monday (2) Tuesday (3) Wednesday (4) Friday (5) Saturday

Direction: Questions are based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful
to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each
In a local pet store, seven puppies wait to be introduced to their new owners. The puppies, named Ashlen,
Blakely, Custard, Daffy, Earl, Fala and Gabino, are all kept in two available pens. Pen 1 holds three puppies,
and pen 2 holds four puppies.
If Gabino is kept in pen 1, then Daffy is not kept in pen 2.
If Daffy is not kept in pen 2, then Gabino is kept in pen 1.
If Ashlen is kept in pen 2, then Blakely is not kept in pen 2.
If Blakely is kept in pen 1, then Ashlen is not kept in pen 1.

Question: Which of the following groups of puppies could be in pen 2?

(1) Gabino, Daffy, Custard, Earl.
(2) Blakely, Gabino, Ashlen, Daffy.
(3) Ashlen, Gabino, Earl, Custard.
(4) Blakely, Custard, Earl, Fala.
(5) Gabino, Ashlen, Fala, Earl.

Question: If Earl shares a pen with Fala, then which of the following MUST be true?
(1) Gabino is in pen 1 with Daffy.
(2) Custard is in pen 2.
(3) Blakely is in pen 2 and Fala is in pen 1.
(4) Earl is in pen 1.
(5) Gabino shares a pen with Blakely.

Question: If Earl and Fala are in different pens, then which of the following must NOT be true?
(1) Fala shares a pen with Custard.
(2) Gabino shares a pen with Ashlen.
(3) Earl is in a higher-numbered pen than Blakely.
(4) Blakely shares pen 2 with Earl and Daffy.
(5) Custard is in a higher-numbered pen than Fala.

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