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Dakota Martin

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Introduction to Literature

University of Maine at Presque Isle
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From the naivety and sweetness of youth, to the ugliness of drugs and violence, to the

exhaustion of a tough life, the poem the Tooth Fairy experiences all of. In the poem, “The Tooth

Fairy” by Dorianne Laux, life is portrayed and shows just how quickly things can change. In

only a few stanzas Laux shows us how things changed for her and her parents’ relationship, and

the toll the years did to these relationships. The way a life can be summarized, and a simple

poem can hold so much meaning to an induvial story. When reading any type of literature, it is

not always clearly stated whether or not the piece is fiction or nonfiction, and sometimes you

have to dig deeper to discover the true meanings. When looking into the background and life of

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Dorianne Loax it was clear that the “Tooth Fairy” was a reflection of her life.

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Dorianne Laux, an American poet, was born in Augusta, Maine on January 10, 1952. She

was a professor at the University of Oregon and North Carolina State University. Before
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receiving her bachelor’s degree Laux worked as a cook, gas station manager, and maid.

Currently, her and her husband live in Raleigh, North Carolina, and they are both American
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Laux’s childhood is very exposed in the poem The Tooth Fairy. Before researching it was

unknown if the poem was just a piece of fiction or nonfiction. However, with research of Laux’s
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childhood the poem is relatable; her mother was a nurse and her father worked at a paper mill.

Her mother left her father and moved to California with her two daughters. Referencing the

poem where it talks about the mother being a nurse working the grave yard shift and the father

living alone, shows the relativeness to Dorianne’s Laux life. The poem was not an easy piece for

Laux to write or publish; it brought a lot of her personal life into the spotlight. The poem is

nothing to be ashamed of; it is the harsh reality of what happens with some relationships and


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Unlike reading a story, poems are not as straightforward; there is a bit of a mystery to

them with hidden messages, double meanings and plot twists. There are so many parts to

understanding a poem, and words that need to be understood in order to process the message the

author is trying to put forth.

In poems, there are figures of speech, similes, metaphors, symbols, personification,

parallelism, and many more. Personification is giving living traits to nonliving things, which

Laux uses when she says, “a love so quiet, I still can’t hear it” (Laux, 2008). Laux also uses

symbols, figure of speech, and imagery. Imagery is making or creating a scene or imagine of

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something through words, best explained as “show, but do not tell.” Laux creates two scenes in

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this poem. One of these being the scene of her bedroom after the tooth fairy’s visits, where she

brushed a quarter with glue and glitter and painted rows of delicate gold footprints on my sheets
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(Laux). When reading this an image of what her bed looked like is drawn in our heads, as well

as the image of her parents waiting for her to fall asleep, sitting at the kitchen table with him, a
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warm breeze lifting her embroidered curtains (Laux). The use of all these different types of
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poetic writing create so much meaning and content in a short poem.

In “The Tooth Fairy,” Laux shows us how quickly life changes, and how at one point
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everything seemed so simple and easy. When beginning to read this poem, the title “The Tooth

Fairy” puts a much different image in one’s mind about what this poem may be about. Although,

the tooth fairy was involved in the poem, it was only a symbol. The tooth fairy was a symbol

that reminded Laux of the time when everything was good, her parents’ marriage, her childhood,

and their home. The tooth fairy was not the important part but how her parents could portray

themselves as a peaceful, quiet, content, and loving image for their daughter and put aside their

troubles and issues. Although, things soon changed. It shows how crazy it was to believe that

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the same parents that once portrayed themselves as so peaceful were now tired, lonely, and

hurting. This image of her parents seemed like it was a lifetime ago.

Love can change into something ugly. The palms curled into fists, a floor of broken

dishes, the relationship of the parents turned into something that was unexpected, abuse and

hostile even though it one appeared so perfect. Her chain smoking through long silences, him

punching holes in his walls, both turning to a different way of escape and relief from the

struggles and sorrows of life, trying to mask their sorrows and angry with nicotine and anger

(Laux). The hidden messages of abuse that was occurring, not only domestically but as well as

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towards the children throughout the poem there were hidden cues. The daughter found her

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mother hiding in the closet with a paring knife (Laux). A paring knife is a normal kitchen knife

used for cutting fruits and vegetables. The mother was scared and did not know any other way to
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protect herself or her children from the abuse. The night she found her mother in the closet with

the knife was the same night the father kicked her sister in the ribs (Laux). Living scared and
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afraid put a toll on all of them. Never really feeling safe around the same man, their father or
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husband whom once showed love and patience.

Through all the love and pain life played its toll on this family. They no longer have
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contact with their father. He lives alone in now in Oregon, dying of a rare bone disease (Laux).

Almost as though karma had paid it dues, the sum of a person’s actions was being returned to


The end of the poem goes back to the childhood memory of patience and peacefulness, as

they were still trying to process how they were able to portray such a calming demeanor. She

was constantly searching for an answer that she knew was not simple and that her mother could

not give her. Her mother responded with “I don’t know, we were as surprised as you (Laux,

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2008)” . The fact that her mother was able to become something so loving and happy when she

was facing such pain was something she could not even put into words to explain to her

daughter. This was a real example of the struggles of marriage and how the end result is not

always what we hope for. With everything the family and relationship had become, that memory

still remained the same.

Researching about different interpretations and opinions of the poem “The Tooth Fairy”

was very insightful. There were different types of opinions on the poem some critiqued the

actually structure of the poem while others commented on the storyline. One said the poem the

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tooth fairy was a great example of specific details in poetry, using concrete language which is

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something you can experience with one or more of the five senses (Thea, 2012). The line in the

poem “palms curled into fists, a floor of broken dishes was the example of concrete detail the
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critic used. Stating this was the way of displaying violence and fighting between her parent

rather than just saying my mother and father fought (Thea, 2012). The structure of the poem is
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what makes the storyline so intense and relatable. It is as though you are experiencing what Laux
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went though, due to the precise detail. Another critic talked about how much detail is in such

short amount of writing, how in the poem Laux describes her father in four lines and we
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immediately understand who he is and what he is like (Meg, 2013).

On an online post of the poem there were many reflective comments by anonymous

readers. One reader states the poem took them from a bright joy to a deep sadness, which was

surprising to them (Thea, 2012). Another state how love changes into something ugly and

sometimes does not get fixed yet leaves behind some sort of magic. One of my favorite

reflections was “Laux can hold the magic of a moment and know that the sadness that came after

it was not the whole story of her parents’ lives. It is hard to reconcile the complexities of life, to

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make peace with parts that don’t stand together, that shoot our theory (Thea, 2012).” The same

poem with the same words everyone reads yet they affect each of us differently.

Life can change so fast and so unexpectedly that we tend to take simple moments for

granted and forget how truly important the little things are. Everyone is always waiting for

someday, postponing the implementation of life plans until Monday, next week, or next year.

Weekdays are filled with moments. Some are memorable, and some are not, but all are

important. Few people remember that tomorrow might not even come, but today and yesterday

have, so enjoy the time you are given. The magic of a single moment, what memories, and

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meanings it can carry and knowing how things change in the blink of an eye. That single

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moment of magic the daughter remembered of her parents and the sadness that came after was

only part of the story of her parents’ lives.
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Hamill, S. (2018, April 24). Dorianne Laux. Retrieved from

Laux, D. (2008, March 10). The Tooth Fairy. Retrieved from

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Meg. (1970, January 01). What It Is. Retrieved from

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Poets on Poetry: A Virtual Village of Discovery and Poetics. (2016, November 22). Retrieved

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Thea, I. (2012, January 11). Write with Heart and Soul. Retrieved from
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