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How notable leaders have used emerging organizational leadership trends to address disruption

and rapid change

1. The Airbnb Story: How Three Ordinary Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions and

Created Plenty of Controversy

2. Leading Change

3. Hacking innovation

A. Summary of Societal Impact for Each Trend

1. Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

Leadership has a direct and significant effect on the culture of a company and it is up to the

leader or leaders to establish shared beliefs, values, and goals. For any organization to achieve its

goals, it is necessary that it is based on an established mission. As Airbnb was starting and

picking up as a seriously innovative and disruptive business in the hospitality industry, the

cofounders decided to create a strong mission, and a list of core values for the company. The list

they created was to serve as a guide for the internal conduct of the company. It was also created

to guide the relationship the company and its employees had with its targeted customers,

shareholders, and other stakeholders who were already and who were to be involved in its

establishment. Gallagher (32) notes that the three co-founders, Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and

Nathan Blecharczyk first had a list of ten traits, which, in 2013, were replaced by a new set of six

core values.

As a result of the focus on core values and the need for a mission upon which Airbnb would

be based, potential employees as applicants had to take a separate set of interviews to ensure that

they were perfectly fit for and to it. The impact this had on the society was the establishment of

the necessary steps to take in employees and of a friendly, customer-obsessed Airbnb. A good
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example was the setting of the requirement that each apartment that would be used by its

customers would have a personal and kind touch to it, such that it would fulfil Airbnb’s mission

to have human exchange as unique as possible at the heart of everything it did. As Sundarajan

later states about Airbnb’s mission, it would be so personal that even if the host to the Airbnb

rental was not present, the stay would be personal, intimate, and there would be a connection

created (Gallagher, 48).

2. Emerging Principles and Processes

John Kotter introduces an 8-step model of change management in Leading Change. He lists

the steps as necessary to the transformation of an organization, particularly as a roadmap for

leading any organization through a change initiative. Among the 8 steps are several that stand out

because of the potential societal impact they have. The first step regards the management

establishing a sense of urgency, which refers to the unfreezing of the organization through the

creation of a reason that’s reason enough for change being needed (Kotter, 3). Organizations can

only make impact if those involved know the answers to the questions why the need for the

change and why change then. It definitely works when the management explains or creates

awareness sufficient enough to convince people to change. Forming the strategic vision and

initiatives is also a step towards the right direction because it helps communicate the new plan

(Kotter, 3). It works when the organization creates a step by step plan explaining the end state

and which creates the elevator speech. Additionally, instituting change, which is the 7th step can

only happen when the organization consolidates gains and produces more change. The coalition

set as the guide requires a lot of credibility from short-term wins so as to create more significant

change. This can be impactful as the organization moves in accordance with the change that’s

happening. Considering that in the digital age things tend to change quite fast, it is always
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imperative that an organization consolidates gains from one initiative because there will always

be another wave by the time it reaches the end of one cycle or initiative.

3. Emerging Technology Trends

The most negative and illegal things on the Internet are what hackers are associated with by

almost every other person on it. Linkner states that cybercriminals are creative and successful

because of the tools and techniques they use to hack. Understanding how they do it is a step in

the right direction because it helps with the solution of the challenges that one may face in

setting up something that can run for the long-term. Hacking is a technology trend today, but

how creative hackers are in their problem-solving can help unlock growth and uncover the

innovation process. One of these core things that hackers do whose societal impact can be

significant is their flipping of things. Hackers try to put things upside down, sometimes without

considering authority because they’re always willing to try something new. Their value for

personal success mixed with their competence levels when carrying out hacks is based on their

being ambitious and capable. Additionally, hackers are curious and inquisitive, and they are

always looking to learn, and wanting to satisfy their curiosity, which brings them into the system

in the first place (Muller and Ulrich, 3439). Curiosity is valuable among leaders because it is

considered a competence for people to gain knowledge, since it is an element of the skills that

are necessary for lifelong learning and development (Menning, 7). Research shows that it can be

related to care, therefore, there’s an extent to which leaders can learn from hacking to be careful

about what they do and what they pursue in line with their knowledge of what’s being done.

From hackers also can be learned the values of sharing, openness, collaboration, and the need to

engage in hands-on imperatives by leaders for themselves and for those under them.
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B. Summary of Risks Associated with Implementation of Each Trend (note details in rubric

needed for this section)

1. Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

The original mission, vision, core values, and beliefs the co-founders of Airbnb had come up

with in 2008 when they started the start-up and before it had grown into a worldwide

organization had to be reoriented as the years went by. The company had to risk reorienting them

several times so that the “entire mission and center of gravity,” could, “better articulate the

elements that made using its platform so unique” (Gallagher, 47). The solution was the

repositioning of Airbnb in 2014 after a reoriented mission undertaking in 2013. The new mission

statement in 2013 was to answer such risky questions as why Airbnb exists, what its role is in the

world, and what is its purpose. The repositioning came with a change of the company logo too, a

rebranding and a redesign of the company’s mobile application and website, and an addition of

people who could now have the chance to rent out their apartments and houses, to add to the

original employees and guests who had been considered parties to Airbnb’s home-sharing


2. Emerging Principles and Processes

Actually putting the 8-step model of change into action seems to be risky because it is based

on the idea that the change is that of an one-off event which has a beginning that’s clearly

defined and an end that is deemed to be successful reached by the adherence to each of the steps.

The risk in implementing this in the modern day comes from the point that there’s global

uncertainty, which means that continuous change is now what’s needed. The other important risk

that can be viewed from the model of change is in regard to the fact that there must be a leader to
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initiate change, leaders who have been somehow ignored by the model, which means that there

may be disillusionment among employees because of the lack of a figure of authority to change

(Aiken and Keller, 104). There also is the risk of leaving out personal transition of individual

employees when the company is in the pursuit of change.

3. Emerging Technology Trends

Hackers can be good and evil at the same time, they can deceive and steal of innovate and

create, which makes them risky individuals and which makes hacking a risky undertaking from

which individuals and organizations can draw great lessons. The fact that hackers can easily

break things, then put in place measures to fix them means that they’re individuals and groups

that possess great knowledge with them, but who tend to use it with care to only do what they

feel is best for them. It is risky to keep trying when one step taken by someone or by a whole

organization fails, but in a similar manner to hackers, the former should learn to fail, adjust and

get back on their feet to try again.

C. Description of Experience and Applicability in Academic and Professional Life for Each


1. Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

Just like a company’s mission and vision answer questions about who the company is, what it

values, and where it’s going, personal statements of the same articulate one’s values, who they

are and how they define success. My personal mission and vision statements guide the decisions

I make academically, and will ensure that my professional career path will always be aligned

with my personal goals.

2. Emerging Principles and Processes

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The change management model described by Kotter can be applied to academic situations,

especially when doing a course or unit that seems to be challenging. There are times I struggle

with identifying a proper starting point in academics, and this will also likely be the case when

given assignments as a professional after completing my studies and graduating. This is where

there will be the compelling need to not only instigate change but also to try and seek the help of

other individuals when creating a cross-functional, cross level group of them, especially with

those who have sufficient power to lead the change process in the organization. Whenever there

will be a compelling need to instigate change among others in the organization I’ll be working

with, I’ll make sure to avoid identifying the major problems alongside the possible solutions to

them. Instead, I intend to apply the steps by, for example, assessing potential issues that could

arise involving changes, address potential opportunities that my group or the organization could

capitalize on, identify those who could lead and support the implementation of my vision, come

up with a set of core values that I’d want embodied in the change, ensure that I’m convincing

enough about the vision, find those who can help reinforce the value of the change process I’ll

have identified and created a process to follow, select the right targets and projects, analyze what

might have gone right and wrong after any case of victory or failure, and share success or failure

stories from the change vision with others.

3. Emerging Technology Trends

Hackers have a belief that almost everything has some kind of a weakness, which pushes

them to solve problems that may seem intractable. This is a great lesson that I may always apply

in my academics, particularly when I’m solving problems that require a lot of thought. Taking

this tactic with me to my future profession will build up my attitude to solving things and will

help pursue what I feel could be impossible.

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D. Justification for Implementation of Aspects of Each Trend within an Organization (use

research to support)

1. Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

The emphasis of the core values via a reoriented mission for Airbnb after every few years

since it was founded shows that the leaders value its internal conduct. This is particularly

because once these statements take root among the company’s employees, they guide how they

conduct themselves, and how they relate with customer and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the

shared values, goals, and beliefs that are properly established with an equally strong mission and

vision statement have helped Airbnb’s leaders to inspire others to follow the goals. It has been

such a success as the company currently employees more than 2.500 employees who share these

goals and values, and hosts and travelers around the world who number in the millions because

they believe that this is a product aimed at them and that it serves their needs when they travel

(Gallagher, 43). Dwyer and Hopwood (650) place great importance in the value, mission, values

and beliefs by stating that it is core to effective strategic management. When Uber’s leaders,

including the three co-founders and the other executives set short-term objectives, they give each

team member a clear understanding of the individual as well as team activities, and it helps them

celebrate success and also apply good management control. The result of this is the provision of

hospitality that customers value as it makes them feel at home and valued.

2. Emerging Principles and Processes

The first error Kotter claims hinders effective change management and transformation,

“Not establishing a Great Enough Sense of Urgency,” refers to the complacency organizations

tend to allow. It is a common thing for organizations to assume that problems can be assessed but
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then dealt with at a later date. The result of this is usually the lack of answers to the questions

regarding change, for example, why change? and why change now? The underestimation of this

aspect can prevent the creation of a burning platform. It is an essential first step because it is vital

to motivating people who will then have why the upcoming process of change is inevitable

(Fritzenschaft, 43). Change in itself can be difficult, slow and even painful to be fully achieved

because of the interconnectedness that exists in systems and how it impacts all parts of the

system. Changing everything, which is the most likely situation for it to be attained requires

constant support to make sure it does not fall back to the old pattern, thus the guiding coalition.

Senior leaders and founders of an organization are best suited to lead the third step, because

they’re the topmost individuals who believe in the vision and who can push for changes to

happen to make sure it’s clearly communication. This is because the vision has significant power.

Vision carries with it quality, which can be affected by the parties to the diagnosis of change.

Knowledge and experience are recommendable for those carrying out change because they can

easily diagnose issues and pursue the vision to an acceptable end state, for all stakeholders to be

part of it too (Hayes, 28). The result of this will be everyone feeling the real need for change,

avoiding change exhaustion, having a constant push to change, pursuing an affordable change

management process, and avoiding the various forms of resistance to change.

3.Emerging Technology Trends

Hackers have a culture of creativity and experimentation, which makes them the best

people for their undertakings. They also are very competitive, which comes from the need to be

the first to achieve a certain feat among themselves. Competition is great for individuals and

groups within an organization because it helps them pursue what they can even be considered

impossible. Competition is what the business and corporate world is all about, which makes
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hacking a valuable undertaking for others. Additionally, hacking makes someone fall in love with

the particular problem or issue they’re trying to solve. This is something that always ensures that

one achieves what they want.

E. Identification and Description of Indicators of Successful Application for Each Trend (include

indicators listed in rubric prompt)

1. Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

The long-term obsession on the culture of Airbnb as it was set by Chesky, Gebbia and

Blecharcryzk is what les to the rebranding of the company in 2014, for example, when it

redesigned its mobile app and website. The leaders intended for Airbnb to stand for community

and relationships on the one hand and for the use of technology to bring people together around

the world. It was also redesigned to focus on people, places, love, and Airbnb, something that

was also included in the decision to redesign the company’s logo. More individuals around the

world have become hosts and travelers because it is clear to them that the company values what

they have to offer, and that it wants them to continually feel at home wherever in the world. The

focus on the mission and values by the company is also the reason why its hosts meet the tips,

rules, and suggestions it provides them with, for example, their response to booking queries

within a mere twenty-four hours (Gallagher, 51). As a result, hosts make upwards of $6,000 per

year, because they’ve turned the hosting business into full-fledged branded enterprises with

Airbnb’s name. Investors believed in the mission so much that Airbnb managed to raise as much

as $112 million from backers as early as 2011. By the end of 2016, the company’s net value had

more than reached upwards of $30 billion, while it was still reaching more hosts and travelers

through extensive marketing (Gallagher, 7). It also has been a success because, as Gallagher (49)

states, there even are super-users of the product and service. She gives the example of Michael
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and Debbie Campbell who had stayed in as many as 125 Airbnb listings in 56 countries around

the world. Airbnb also has been used by more than 300 million people in more than 200

countries around the globe.

2. Emerging Principles and Processes

Performance improvements for individuals and groups indicate whether they have been

impacted by the change and whether they’re progressing in the right direction through their

journeys of change. The individuals and groups in this case act as the units of change, therefore,

measuring their level of progress can indicate whether or not change management per Kotter’s 8

steps has been a success (Cummings and Worley, 113). Organizations can measure adoption

metrics, proficiency measures, employee engagement and feedback and observe behavioral

change among them to confirm change is happening. Change management performance can also

be viewed when organizations track change management activities and whether they’re

conducted according to the right plan set from the 8 steps. How communication is delivered and

whether it is effective also helps indicate whether the coalition established really understands

how urgently change is needed in line with step 1 of the model (Kotter, 3). Performance

improvement is also indicated by the extent by which individuals or groups in the organization

adhere to the timeline and how fast they execute any particular step or project.

3. Emerging Technology Trends

Constant innovation of steps to hack comes from the constant need to solve problems and

to get through challenges. Hacking is all about creativity and innovation in a manner that

challenges thinking which can be considered orthodox. The mindset that it is possible to

penetrate every barrier as stated by Linkner means that there will be experiments, successes and
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failures in countless numbers, which makes learning valuable and which creates value for the

achievements of particular steps by someone. Quantity being considered a force multiplier by

hackers means that those who are guided by it can take hundreds or even thousands of tests to get

to the right decision. It is why hackers try deconstructing, because they know it is valuable to the

dismantling and reverse-engineering of the processes one wants to change, and it is measurable


F. Evaluation of Short and Long Term Sustainability for Each Trend (including market

applicability, organizational relevance, etc. listed in rubric prompt)

1. Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

The corporate culture created by the founders of Airbnb back in 2008 and which has been

redesigned to fit more goals, values, and beliefs over the years has dimensions that affect its

sustainability and alignment. First, they act as symbolic reminders to employees and partners,

being visible to all. The second dimension is based on the fact that they influence keystone

behaviors, for example, by enforcing and helping in the pursuit of acts that trigger more visible

or invisible behaviors to the benefit of the company. The other dimension refers to the mind-sets,

or attitudes and belief systems widely shared by all employees and partners to the company

(Jensen). It is these behaviors that can determine real change in the short-and long-term (Kumar

and Sharma, 822). As long as the three co-founders, their executives and other very important

stakeholders continue obtaining and influencing more positive influences from the cultural

situation, Airbnb could be company that works to alter the most critical behaviors among

employees and partners, after which mind-sets could change simultaneously, therefore, better

results over time.

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3. Emerging Principles and Processes

Kotter’s change management model consists of steps that are valid and also necessary for

change to be successful. Change is sustainable, but this only happens when the management

ensures that it sticks. A change plan and process does not have to be created if the change isn’t

going to be sustained after its implementation. Organizations can sustain change by achieving

immediate short-term results that are sufficient enough to establish the credibility for the process.

Employee motivation is possible if there are such things as performance-based rewards created

for their efforts in the change management process. The management should reinforce the

implementation of change so that the organization can achieve all or some of the desired

outcomes. Since change affects every member of the organization in its entirety, it is only

necessary that the management demonstrate the benefits of the process for every individual, for

the groups, and for the whole of it.

3.Emerging Technology Trends

Hacking involves creativity and innovation which it is all about. From hackers,

sustainability is all about holding onto values such as rebellion, unconventional thinking,

challenging the status quo, being meritocratic, taking risks, using brute force, valuing personal

relationships to gain access to others and to challenges, crowdsourcing, borrowing, dismantling

and deconstructing, reverse-engineering without giving up, and working backward to see where

issues are to better solve them.

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Works Cited

Aiken, Carolyn, and Scott Keller. "The irrational side of change management." McKinsey

Quarterly 2.10 (2009): 100-109.

Cummings, Thomas G., and Christopher G. Worley. Organization development and change.

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Dwyer, Judith, and Nicole Hopwood. Management strategies and skills. Vol. 10. in Australia by

McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Pty Ltd Level 2, 82 Waterloo Road, North Ryde

NSW 2113, 2013.

Fritzenschaft, Tim. Critical success factors of change management: An empirical research in

German small and medium-sized enterprises. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.

Gallagher, L. (2017). The Airbnb story: how three ordinary guys disrupted an industry, made
billions... and created plenty of controversy. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Hayes, John. The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave, 2018.

Jensen, Karina R. Leading Global Innovation: Facilitating Multicultural Collaboration and

International Market Success. Springer, 2017.

Kotter, John P. "Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail." (1995): 59-67.
Kumar, Nishant, and Dharam Deo Sharma. "The role of organisational culture in the

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Linker, Josh. “Hacking Innovation: The New Growth Model from the Sinister World of Hackers”


Menning, Soern Finn. "Tracing Curiosity with a Value Perspective." Nordisk tidsskrift for

pedagogikk og kritikk 3.1 (2017).

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Müller, Sune Dueholm, and Frank Ulrich. "The competing values of hackers: The culture profile

that spawned the computer revolution." 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on

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