The Effectiveness of E-Learning: A Comparative Summary

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The Effectiveness

Of E-learning: A

Comparative Summary
Jason Lee Pamati-an
Jerson Kho
Ginelle Gelomina
Merry Juztine Villacanas
ABM 11-D
Submission Date: October 2, 2020
Effectiveness of E- Learning and a Student’s Perspective:
A Comparative Summary

In these times of pandemic, e- learning has currently become the ideal way of learning as

an alternative for face to face learning. The literal definition of e- learning is a way of learning

that involves the help of electronic resources and devices. It is important for us to understand

whether this alternative way of learning is actually effective. There are actually numerous

amounts of benefits regarding the e- learning platform, and not to mention, it works around the

sphere of electronic resources so students have access to an adequate amount of information.

There are numerous amounts of studies that are able to show both the advantages and

disadvantages of e- learning. In many research studies and papers, they use different ways of

assuring their data and results that usually involve qualitative and quantitative methods. It is also

important to know the differences between them and showing their different ways to validate

their data and make their results credible. However this still raises a few questions, how effective

is it? Are the students in agreement regarding this platform? How great is the learning retention

that stems from the e- learning platform? These questions are answered by these two studies and

it shows how effective e-learning actually is and the student’s perspective on this relatively

modern learning platform.

For example, according to the Research Institute of America, they discovered that e-

learning increases learning retention rates by 25% to 60% while retention rates from face to face

learning rates by 8% to 10%. From comparing these two studies, the researchers are able to

identify the connection between them. The e-learning platform is obviously being used by
students and they relate to each other on the basis of the students’ learning and both these studies

focus on the effectiveness on the e- learning platform despite the differences of their way of

approaching research. While e-learning platforms have some disadvantages, there are actually a

surprising amount of benefits that stem around this particular platform.


There are certain aspects of both of these studies that have a similar objective. Both of these

studies aim to study the effectiveness of e- learning in order to help students and gain their

perspective. One major objective to highlight is their agenda to investigate the student’s

perception and understanding of the e- learning platform on the basis of understanding the

effectiveness of the e-learning platforms’ way of conducting their teachings and learnings.

However, there are noticeable differences within the sphere of their objectives, one of them is the

audience. The study presented by Ali et al., (2018) was very vague and general to the age

demographic of their students, however in the study discussed by Luaran et al., (2013), which

involved a quantitative way of conducting their study, only stated the effectiveness of e-learning

of the secondary school students. There are also differences in the objectives themselves, for

example, Ali et al., (2018) focused on examining the existing online educational education and

how effective their way of teaching is, notwithstanding, Lauran et al., (2013) focuses on the

student’s exposure to the e-learning platform. While both studies are aiming to study the

effectiveness of the e-learning platform by studying students’ perspective, yet their reasoning

behind it is different.

The research methods that they had to undertake in order to conduct their study is also

different. For instance, the quantitative research study titled “A Study of Student’s Perspective of

the Effectiveness of E- Learning” conducted by Lauran et al., (2013) involved questionnaires

that were divided into three sections. The first section asked about demographic of the students,

the second section asked for their frequency of exposure to the e-learning platform and the third

section asked students to rate ten statements from a scale of 1-5, 1 being strongly disagree, 2

being disagree, 3 being unsure, 4 being agree and lastly 5 being strongly agree. This

questionnaire was given to 45 secondary school students that studied in Sekolah Menengah

Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Sentul, Kuala Lempur. However, the qualitative research study

explained by Ali et al., (2018) entitled “Student’s Perception towards the quality of Online

Education: A Qualitative Approach” the way they conducted their research was entirely different

compared to that of the quantitative research. They conducted their research using interviews,

observations and documents. They collected data first by reading documents in order to out

together adequate information, interviews were also conducted. Observations were conducted in

60-minute intervals to gain more qualitative data. These interviews asked the student’s

perceptions regarding online classes based on their own experiences.

From these two studies, you can see noticeable differences in the way the questions were

asked and conducted. The quantitative research study used questionnaires that were separated

into sections and given to students from a secondary school. However, the qualitative research

study involved more personal interviews and observations. The interviews were divided into 2

versions, structured and unstructured. The structured interviews were more formal in nature and

asked questions about their experiences in online classes, and the unstructured interview focused

on the observations that were not noticed in the researchers’ observation. In addition, this

research study only sampled 3 students enrolled in online courses. These students came from

different schools, 2 of these students are studying in different universities and one of these

students are studying in a community college. The research studies both have their strengths and
weaknesses regarding their differences in the way of conducting research which can lead to

different yet credible results. The way of verifying their results are also different, the quantitative

data makes use of methods like percentage and frequency. While the qualitative data only bases

their results from the experiences and perceptions of the students without making use of

mathematical equations.

Undoubtedly, because of the differences in conducting their research and the sample they

have interviewed or given questionnaires to, they simply had different results. The quantitative

research study resulted with more advantages than disadvantages and they had more results that

were shown compared to the qualitative research study, this study was able to identify how the

students were able to learn independence and how they were assisted in their development in

their study skills. They were also able to highlight the cost disadvantages claiming that they had

to spend a little more extra in e-learning. However, there are also a few different results that the

qualitative research study also highlights such as easy navigation of the online class interface.

They discuss that students were able to navigate information that they were already seeking, this

is a result that the previous study didn’t talk about.

The comparison between the results of the two studies are very apparent because they

have different results, for example the quantitative research study actually had interesting results

of the experiences of the students and had mathematical methods to back it up. However, the

qualitative research’s results only had the positive experiences and a few negative experiences of

the students. There are a few significant results that they have in common though. In the

quantitative and qualitative research studies, they were able to highlight the advantage of

flexibility. Both of these studies were able to highlight how students were able to be flexible with

their schedules. Minor inconveniences that the students once had before engaging in e-learning,
were able to be reduced because of their decision to engage in online learning. The flexibility of

the time schedules were very significant in both of their studies. Another advantage for e-

learning that was highlighted in both of these studies is the easy accessibility to learning at any

time anywhere. These studies showed the advantage of e-learning platforms which is how

students were able to access their modules and lessons without having to physically get to school

and access them. Lastly, they also talk about the electronic research availability. It refers to the

fact that students find it easier to research online without having to read books and review related


The conclusions from both studies still revolve around the sphere about how e-learning

can have a few disadvantages such as mental health and connectivity issues. However, there are

an array of positive outcomes that stem from e-learning such as flexibility and easy accessibility

to online platforms. Both of these studies have come to a conclusion that online classes can allow

a student to be more independent and maximize their schedule. Furthermore, the qualitative

research study conclusion goes more into depth regarding the mental aspect and situational

aspect in their conclusions, whereas the quantitative conclusion only talked about flexibility,

independence and the disadvantages that stem around the e-learning platform. Regarding their

recommendations, both simply want to recommend their students, teachers, and practitioners to

help them in their journeys going through online classes.


Both studies raise a point regarding both the advantages and disadvantages that stem

around online classes. In addition, these studies gave an insight about the reality of online classes

and the varying situations that a few must go through to study online. One of the studies,

specifically the study discussed by Ali et al., (2018) highlights the mental aspect of e-learning.
While the disadvantages of e-learning usually revolve around the mental health and situational

issues that a few students face, the effect of online classes in the sense of improving the students’

learning retention are actually proven by these studies. Moreover, the mental health and

situations of these students should be taken into consideration and it is important that we pay

attention to these aspects as well.

Besides, just like any studies there are strong and weak points that each of them has.

Looking at the qualitative research study’s data, they only interviewed college students and they

only had 3 college students to interview. They didn’t take into aspect that the more diverse or

bigger their sample is, the better chances they have to study their points well. If they only

interviewed 3 college students, who might be in a decent situation, they might not get a diverse

answer. Not to mention, they fail to recognize that the demographics they surveyed are far more

likely to be independent and have part time jobs, some might even have their parents pay for

their college. Additionally, one of the strong points they explained is that the students they

surveyed said the quality of education they got was moderate but the researchers go on to say

that their mind set or lack of motivation were partly the reason why. This is exceptionally true

because according to E-Learning Industry, self-motivation is partly the reason why students tend

to struggle in online classes. However, a weak point that they made was cost effectiveness, again

they interviewed students who come from relatively good colleges and they might have been

able to afford the technology necessary for them. If they had interviewed more than 3 students,

they might be able to see that some students who actually struggle in finding the technology they

need. In some cases, there are students who struggle with issues like outdated hardware and

software, financial issues and technical issues. There are solutions to some of these problems but

not everyone can readily do them. This is highlighted in the quantitative research study that talks
about how some students have to go to cyber cafes and their friend’s house in order to get to the

device they need. In the quantitative study, a strong point they made is the educators also need to

act on their roles in order for the learning process to occur. They also made the point that

moderation is also important, they stated a study stating that too much exposure to the webs can

negatively impact the brain. However, moderation is key and it is also important to release some

tension when going through online classes. In the quantitative study however, one weak point

they made was e-learning can be accessed any time and anywhere. This isn’t always the case,

especially in times of pandemic, there might be cases where students might not be able to travel

because of their living situations and environment. However, they don’t exactly mention the

mental aspect of going e-learning such as lack of motivation, but students can solve it by keeping

a proper schedule and take breaks every now and again.

Overall, these studies have both strong and weak points in their conduction of research.

However, the qualitative and quantitative approaches yield different results and credibility.

These approaches are able to help get to the findings and results that you require or maybe

discover something beyond your realm of knowledge. Both of these approaches specialize in

their way of conducting research and verifying the results. Qualitative approaches of research are

able to answer questions why and how people behave, this kind of approach can help in the

psychology and behavioural research, these kinds of research can focus on the development of

society and see the neurological behaviours of people especially children. Quantitative

approaches to research involve using mathematical methods in order to conduct research. These

can help with looking at the current situations of society, the world, can help in developing

statistics and even help solve contemporary issues such as systematic oppression. These

approaches of research can contribute to the world in different ways and they can help with the
development of the world. These approaches to research can be beneficial to current unsolved

situations and ones yet to come.


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