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“The Impact of online classes on one's stress and anxiety level”

Prelim Paper
Qualitative Research



Japhet John Vacal

Ast. Leader:

Kert Caron


Aaron Pasiliao

Janrus Angeles

Nysa Delos Reyes

Section: E11B


Background of the Study: …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the problem…………………………………………………………………………………………2

Conceptual Framework: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Significance of the Study: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Scope and Delimitation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Operational Definition of Terms: ……………………………………………………………….……………………. 6
Quantitative Design & Respondent and sampling :……………………… ………………………………………… 8

Instrument & Data Gathering Procedure……………………………..……………………………………………… 9

Data Analysis:……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10

Reference: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19


Schools have switched from face-to-face classes to e-learning as a result of the Coronavirus
pandemic. Many argue, nevertheless, that the amount of learning that students would receive via
online class is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of online classes
on one's stress and anxiety levels, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of the aforementioned
factors. Students believe that the learning activities provided on Canvas are effective for their
learning objectives, and students are always capable of dealing with their problems, according to
the findings of this study. On the other hand, participants do not even have dependable access,
enough finances, or proper gadgets, making it harder for them to learn successfully and inferred
as variables that affect their cognitive results. Furthermore, the findings revealed that a variety of
factors influence their mental health. This includes the formative assessment utilized in online
learning, which has limited flexibility and sluggish cognitive abilities. Overall, the researchers
conclude from the findings of the study that students prefer traditional learning because it
permits them to keep a simplified approach.

Keywords:Corona Virus, Online Classes, Pandemic, Benefits, Students, Mental Health, School.


We would like to thank Mr. Mark Anthony Reyes for his time and effort to correct and approve
our research study. We also want to thank the people behind Google, Google Scholar, Microsoft,
And other articles websites. Because they are the one who made our research possible and be
refined as is.

Most of all we want to thank God for the guidance on this research making and for making this
research possible.

Background of the study

Online Classes has become the normal environment for the student's today after the
implementation of Online Education through the utilization of gadgets for virtual introduction
and doing activities and modules. Online Classes has a lot of benefits but also have its fair share
of downsides and bad effects. Since the medium of education has been altered into online, it is
expected that these learners will conduct schooling through the use of gadgets and technologies.
No research has been conducted about the average amount of time a student invests in online
learning, since it is of course, subjectively. However, it is automatically understood that those
who are having difficulties in their courses spend more time - approximately 6 hours or more - in
order to accomplish and comply with the course demands. Thus, they are considered to be
potential candidates to suffer from screen dependency. In addition to this, staring at the screen
for too long can put a person’s health in line. According to Shree Nandy, the physical risks
overusing of computer carry are fatigue, weakened immune system, muscle or joint cramps, risk
of heart attack, dizziness, weight fluctuation, and eye strain. 

It is also not a mystery nor is it ridiculous to say that Online Classes has also been the
main contributing factor of heightened stress and anxiety of the students. Students and professors
are the most potential victims to harbor stress and its damaging effects to their overall condition.
Many students have been very vocal about the effects of stress on their well-being, which
unfortunately, is the primary source of degradation of an individual’s health. Stress was
generally considered as being synonymous with distress and dictionaries defined it as “physical,
mental, or emotional strain or tension” or “a condition or feeling experienced when a person
perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to
mobilize.” (The American Institute of Stress, 2017). According to Mayo Clinic, the usual
outcomes of stress are anxiety, fatigue, bewilderment, headache, outburst, or even worse,
depression. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of
interest (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Despite its two distinctive areas, namely the positive and negative
sides, people are more commonly known or most likely to experience the harmful type of stress.
This unfortunate feeling or experience hinders students from focusing while studying,
understanding and comprehending the given lessons, being productive throughout the day, and
optimizing their overall skills and abilities. Because of this phenomenon, learners are more prone
to procrastination and cramming of school activities. Take note that, stress cannot be avoided due
to the immense amount of school demands such as activities, exams, and projects. 

Up until today, there isn’t any way or method that is effective enough to fully eliminate or detach
stress from a student’s life. However, the researchers aim to distinguish, create, and disseminate
a healthy and efficient approach to overcome distress and such difficulties. They are also
inclined to propose an appropriate coping mechanism or strategy to manage and combat stress
and anxiety. Above all of the things mentioned, it is practically safe to conclude that Online
Learning poses danger and harm to the students’ health, may it be physically, mentally,
emotionally, and socially.

Statement of the problem:

This research attempts to cope up the Stress and anxiety level of participants of the online
learning. At the end of this research we will aim to answer the ff:

1. How does the modules or school activities affect the students’ motivation and stress level
in terms of the;
(a)Time allotted or deadlines
(a)Amount of workloads
(c)Course level of difficulty
2. How does online learning affect the students’ stress and anxiety level in terms of their;

(a)Screen usage
(b)Sleeping Schedule
(c) Student's learning ability and dependency

3. What kind of recommendation will help the respondents cope with their stress in online

Conceptual Framework:

Identifying the Statement of the

Examined and Formulated the
Asking for each opinion of the questionnaire for the respected
respondents depending on the respondents.
given topic.

Interviewed the respected

respondents based on the
examined and formulated
Data Analysis & Data questionnaire regarding impact of
Interpretation online classes on one's stress and
anxiety level.


Significance of the Study:

The study will identify and measure the impact of online learning to the anxiety and stress level
of the students by examining the experiences and behaviors of the said learners.

To the students. This study is beneficial to students in terms of evaluating the impact of online
classes to their anxiety and stress level. This will provide a better understanding of the factors
that affect their behaviors as well as construct recommendations on how to improve their overall
wellbeing while undergoing online learning.

To the parents. In this study, they will know what to do on how to support their children when
facing health tensions. They will know the factors of online learning that contribute to the
anxiety and stress level of their children whose undergoing an online learning, as well as, how
they can aid their children in improving their experiences in excelling academically while
enjoying their personal lives.

To the teachers. Each classification will pave the way to a better understanding of the factors that
impact the anxiety and stress level of the students and will serve as a guide on how they will
handle such situations.

To the administrators. The study will establish better recognition of authorities into which
measurements are vital and essential for the students in order to achieve healthy learning

To the researchers. This study will gather and provide a more detailed information on how online
learning contribute to the anxiety and stress level of the students. It will further improve the
understanding of future researchers and will identify which elements are to be given more
attention. As well as guide future researchers during their creation of such studies related to this

Scope and Delimitations:

The focus of this study is to assess the impact of online class on one’s stress and anxiety levels in
order to determine their negative effect on all strands of Jose Rizal University’s Grade 11
students for the school year 2020-2021.

The survey’s respondents will be grade 11 students from all strands who are currently enrolled in
online e-learning or online class, which means their response will differ based on the amount of
stress they are experiencing during the online class.

The researchers would use a quantitative procedure, such as a survey and questionnaire, to obtain
the average responses. The researchers will perform a 15-item survey in response to the question
provided in the problem statement, with 8 questions allocated to each section of the problem
statement. This survey will measure the viewpoint of grade 11 students about the level of stress
in an online class on a scale of one to four, with one (1) being the minimum and four (4) being
the maximum. Multiple-choice questions will be included in the questionnaire. The aim of this
survey, which will be completed by student, is to determine the respondents’ perspective on the
effects, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of taking an online class.

The survey’s findings will be evaluated, and the average response will be used to determine the
study’s outcome. All sections of al strand will participate in the survey and assessment for the
school year 2020-2021

Operational Definition of Terms:

Virtual Learning:

• Virtual learning is a learning environment that is improved both outsides and within the
educational organization's facilities by using computers and/or the internet. The training most
often takes place in an online environment. Teaching activities are done online, with teachers and
students physically separated.

Asynchronous Learning:

• A student-centered teaching approach typically used in online learning is asynchronous

learning. Its basic principle is that, as opposed to synchronous learning at the same time and
place with groups of learners and their teacher, or one learner and their teacher, learning will take
place at various times and spaces unique to each learner. Usually, instructors create a learning
path in asynchronous learning, in which students participate at their own pace.

Synchronous Learning:

• Synchronous learning refers to all ways of learning in which students and teachers are
concurrently in the same position to learn. This involves in-person courses, online live meetings
where the whole class or smaller groups come together. Students usually go down the learning
path together in synchronous learning, assisted by their teacher, who can encourage students to
complete assignments and activities.


• Stress at the most basic level is the reaction of our body to stresses from a circumstance or life
event. What leads to stress can differ greatly from person to person and varies based on our
social and economic environments, the world in which we live, and our genetic makeup.
Experiencing something different or unpredictable, something that undermines your sense of
self, or feeling that you have no control over a situation, are some common features of things that
can make us feel stress.


• Our body's normal reaction to stress is anxiety. It's a feeling of anticipation or fear of what's to
come. Going to a job interview on the first day of school, or delivering a speech, can cause most
people to feel afraid and anxious. Anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by anxiety, worried
feelings, and physical changes, such as elevated blood pressure. In general, people with anxiety
disorders have persistent unwanted thoughts or fears. Out of worry, they can avoid such
circumstances. Physical signs such as sweating, shaking, dizziness, or a fast pulse can also be

Time Management:

• The process of organizing and planning how to split your time between specific tasks is "time
management". Effective management of time helps you to work smarter, not harder so that even
though time is tight and stresses are high, you get more done in less time. Failure to regulate your
time hurts your productivity and induces tension.


• The workload is defined as the number of tasks and responsibilities that within a given
specified period you have to perform or complete. The sum of work assigned within a specified
period for completion. This is an example of a situation where you have a heavy workload
because you have a lot of stuff on your to-do list and have to achieve it all in one day.

Quantitative Design

In this study, the Impact of Online Classes on One's stress and Anxiety Level as viewed by
senior high school students was evaluated using a quantitative approach. The researchers used
the descriptive study design in particular. According to Priscylio and Rochintaniawati (2018),
descriptive research aims to define the aspects of a systematic and reliable population or about a
specific area. One of the benefits of descriptive research is that it can be used to analyze non-
quantifiable issues or concerns; two, researchers can study the phenomenon in its real setting;
and three, it takes less time than other quantitative research methods. A research design, as stated
by Durrheim (2006), is a conceptual structure for action that acts as a link between survey
questions and study application or performance. Since there is no need to manipulate any
variables, descriptive research was particularly helpful in assisting the researchers in collecting
data from the students' interactions and how they interpret the level of stress in various online
class in this study.

Respondents and sampling

Many factors are important when it comes to conducting high equality interviews. gaining valid
and reliable data from elite interviews demands the researchers be well prepared, construct sound
questions, establish a rapport with respondents, know how to write up their notes, and code
responses accurately and consistently. Improving these skills will certainly reduce the amount of
measurement error contained in interview data. (Kenneth Goldstein, 2002). The target population
of the research will be the Grade 11 students of the Jose Rizal University. The number of
students who will participate on the study will be the total of 50 students of the JRU. The sample
of the researchers are grade 11 students. The sampling technique that the researchers use is the
non-probability sampling technique, the researchers will ask 50 random grade 11 students and if
required we will make a consent letter for the respondents to answer the designated survey.


The researchers conducted a survey questionnaire to get the designated answers need for their
research. Researcher used the Likert scale as their survey type to question the respected
respondents. A Likert scale is a psychometric scale that has multiple categories from which
respondents choose to indicate their opinions, attitudes, or feelings about a particular issue (T.
Nemoto, & D. Beglar 2014). The survey was prospered by the researchers after critically
thinking the best questions for the respondents to answer. The survey that the researchers
executed has core factors of the research, which is the Impact of online classes and the Coping of
Stress and Anxiety when it comes to online classes. The survey had 2 parts of the appointed
questionnaire, part 1 was to find out the impact of students on online classes and part 2 was
howdo students cope with stress when handling an activity. To sum it all, the researchers survey
was 16 question all in all.

Data Gathering Procedure

Data is the supplied information of respondent on a specific area of research. The importance of
data to research cannot be over emphasized as this enables accurate information on research
work. The paper finally concludes that adequate care must be generally taken to ensure that data
collection techniques are properly applied and managed so as to avoid collection of inaccurate
and misleading information which may lead to poor research result. (MG.Murgan, 2015) The
researchers had allotted plenty of time and efforts to come up with their survey to serve it's
intend respondents. In surveys are questions that is about the impact of online class in their
stress/anxiety level. The survey is given through online that is compromise of 2 main parts
consisting of 16 questions. The survey is started once the respondents obtained the survey given
through google forms. The survey is given to all Grade 11 students of Jose Rizal University. The
researchers explain to the respondents their importance and respond to this study. The survey
will be tallied and tabulated.

Data Analysis

The research design of the study being conducted is descriptive; thus descriptive analytics or
statistics is the type of analysis used in order to examine and interpret the data with accuracy.
The mean and standard deviation of the data will then be calculated to get the verbal
interpretation of it. Mean can prove to be an effective tool when comparing different sets of data [
CITATION Res18 \l 1033 ] . While the standard deviation is a statistical tool used in order to identify
how spread out the data are with regards to the mean, may it be narrower or wider.

The formula used for calculating the mean is;

∑ xi N = total number of respondents

μN ∑xi = total sum of scores in a data set

The formula used for calculating the standard deviation is;

μ = population mean
σ= √ ∑ ( x−μ )
N ∑ = ‘sum of’ the data set
N = total number of respondents

Once the mean and standard deviation is computed, the data will then betransferred and
tabulated in Microsoft Excel. The following value will then be compared to the table below, a
range of numbers with their respective verbal interpretation.

Verbal Mean
Interpretation Value
Strongly Agree 3.25 - 4.00
Somewhat Agree 2.50 - 3.24
Somewhat Disagree 1.75 - 2.49
Strongly Disagree 1.00 - 1.74

Results and Discussions

Impact of Online Classes

The researchers’ aim for this study is to assess the impact of the online class to the
students' stress and anxiety level. In the Table 1, The grand mean is 3.32 which means that the
impact of the online classes to the students’ performance and routines are very high. This
research proves that the students are having difficulties with their experiences learning in the
New Normal. Problems such as; compromising sleeping schedule and concentration, excessive
parent dependency and low adaptability are usually what students go through during the
conduction of online learning. The item (2) with a mean 3.48 and verbal interpretation of very
high influence implicates that students exchange sleeping time for working time. According to
Professor Mistleberger, it is believed that people, especially young adolescence, tend to obtain
insufficient amount of sleep due to work and school activities. Students’ poor sleep habits and
consequent poor sleep quality can have many mental, as well as physiological consequences.
Students who spend their night getting one to two hours of less sleep have a tendency to
accumulate a “sleep debt” which leads to excessive daytime sleepiness (Voelker, 2004; Teter,
2006). Deprivation of sleep to less than six to seven hours per day can lead to serious impairment
of cognitive and psychomotor function (reduces concentration, memory and thinking strategies),
daytime dysfunction, increased incidence of sleep related accidents (Teter, 2006; Banks, 2007;
Brown, 2002), and diminished academic performance, often resulting in poor grades. One of the
results also shows that slow learners are most likely to experience difficulties and bewilderment
due to lack of experience with regards to this learning system, as well as, their cognitive
capacity. According to Susanna Loeb (2020), In online classes, lower-performing students
performed significantly worse than during the in-person courses. The amount of time and effort
students commit to online learning is directly proportional to factors such as the number of
course materials available and the level of difficulty, and is indirectly proportional to the
students' ability to learn. Eventually, the more these learners spend time engrossed in their
schooling gadgets, the more likely for them to experience emotional burn out. Prolonged time
facing screens, tablets, and smart devices increases stress and anxiety. Mental health stressors
associated with telecommunication can add to other stressors related to quarantine time and

lockdown to eventually lead to exhaustion and burnout (Mheidly, Fares, &Fares 2020). This
leads to feeling of drowsiness and social withdrawal after exerting energy and devoting oneself
in work and activities throughout the whole day. These results affirm the findings that online
learning presents a major risk on our emotional and physical health, otherwise known as
functional health which results in a trend away from active leisure pursuits and recreational
sports and leading us towards a sedentary lifestyle (Wang, Luo, Gao, & Kong, 2012).

Table 1. Impact of Online Classes

Items Mean SD Verbal Interpretation

1. Feeling of drowsiness or dizziness after class 3.34 0.77 Very High Influence

2. Sleeping late at night to finish the activities and 3.48 0.91 Very High Influence

3. Withdrawal from social life after school 3.06 0.87 High Influence

4. Some student depend on their parents when 2.78 0.93 High Influence
doing their assignments and project

5. Student have low adaptability 3.48 0.68 Very High Influence

6. Slow learners experience difficulties 3.76 0.56 Very High Influence

3.32 0.79 Very High Influence

Legend: 3.25-4.00 = Very High Influence; 2.50-3.24 = High Influence; 1.75-2.49 = Moderate
Influence; 1.00-1.74 = Low Influence

Coping with Stress regards to activities

The objective of this study is to determine the coping system of the students with regards
to the academic demands and its association with stress. At the table 1, the grand mean of the
data is 2.56 implies that students have acquired high coping skills within the duration of virtual
learning. Students’ are able to adapt to the current online learning system and comply with the
academic tasks and responsibilities. Much to their dismay, the results also indicate that students
are tempted to exercise procrastination proven by item (5) with a mean of 2.16 and verbal
interpretation of moderate coping skills. According to Brian Fang and Kevin Ymeri, falling
behind lectures leads to late nights, watching multiple lectures before exams or assignments
deadlines. Additionally, the lack of normal university environment, including the support and
pressure of other students, makes it easier for students to procrastinate. Procrastination has a long
term effect on the students’ health and behaviors. The tendency to procrastinate results in an
increased level of anxiety and anxiety related problems (Solomon &Rothblum, 1984; Rothblum,
Solomon & Murakami, 1986; Roberts, 1995). One of the findings, based on the table presented,
shows that the time allocated or deadline of the activities deter students from accomplishing the
task immediately. The findings show that the presence of rigid deadlines detracted from student
participation with the adaptive learning assignments [ CITATION Lau19 \l 1033 ]. However, even if
students are influenced and inclined to practice procrastination, they are still aware and
conscious of their responsibilities, are still able to attend the asynchronous sessions, and finish
the school activities and projects. Good stress-management skills have the potential to benefit
young people in an ongoing manner throughout their lives, given that many long-term health-
related behaviors and patterns, both positive and negative, are established during adolescence
and early adulthood (Sawyer et al., 2012). These findings confirm the results from the study of
YosindraGanesan (2018) that some levels of stress can be good, as the right kind of stress
encourages them towards change and growth. However, when students are unable to cope with
stress, they can become a burden.

Table 2. Coping with Stress regards to Activities

Items Mean SD Verbal Interpretation

1. The activities are easy and are not stressful 2.20 0.81 Moderate Coping Skills

2. Time allocated or deadline set are not 2.28 0.86 Moderate Coping Skills
intimidating or pressuring

3. Ability to greatly accomplish the task 2.80 0.73 High Coping Skills

4. Huge amount of workloads given the initial 2.60 0.81 High Coping Skills

5. Students’ urge to avoid procrastination to gain 2.16 0.89 Moderate Coping Skills
more leisure time

6. Students’ productivity and ability to finish 3.30 0.71 Very High Coping Skills
activity earlier than said due date

2.56 0.80 High Coping Skills

Legend: 3.25-4.00 = Very High Coping Skills; 2.50-3.24 = High Coping Skills; 1.75-2.49 =
Moderate Coping Skills; 1.00-1.74 = Low Coping Skills


This study aimed to examine the impact of online classes on one’s stress and anxiety
levels, as well as to assess the factors that can influence a student’s educational experience. The
researchers draw the following conclusions centered on the study’s findings:

First, students believe that the influence of an online class is inefficient and inferior to
face-to-face learning. Two of the factors that affect and influence these findings are low
adaptability and slow learning capacity in the instructional activities used in online learning, the
real time engagement that some students don’t get or understand during the preceding set-up, and
strategies that some students don’t use while learning a lesson or performing a task.

Second, learners consider dealing with stress in the context of activities to be efficient
and equivalent to face-to-face learning. Furthermore, Students believe that the instructional
activities posted in canvas are sufficient for their educational purpose; and students are always
able to cope with their difficulties, even though it is hard and they’re in a new environment

Third, it can be deduced that stress and anxiety are variables that influence a student's
learning outputs. Most participants do not have reliable internet, sufficient funds, or adequate
devices, which makes it difficult for them to learn effectively. It is also clear that students are
struggling to cope with the distractions that anxiety and stress, such as overthinking and
procrastinating, bring.

Finally, students prefer face-to-face learning because it allows them to maintain a

streamlined process; however, they usually engage in group formative assessments to strengthen
their comprehension of the lessons.

Based on the results of this research, implications for coping mechanisms and
instructional activities used in online learning were established, implying that educators should
include a range of formative task for students to study with and that these activities should be
comprehensible so that students must learn to adapt to their surroundings and take steps to avoid

anxiety or stress while learning. These will assist the students in having a better online learning


In all of the based answers by the respondents and conclusions in this study, the
researchers recommend the following:

First, students must refine their attentiveness and keen listening to really adapt their
lessons while on synchronous sessions and to furthermore rely on themselves to build
independence. In addition, with a trained mind and an attentive focus, students can easily
understand the task that they are facing and face it head-on. It is also recommended to self-study
while asynchronous sessions so that students can have more additional knowledge of the lesson
that they are tackling.

Second, students must cope with the new online learning system to furthermore release
the stress on their minds when comparing the basis of the face-to-face classes. Researchers
suggest that getting used to the environment can help learners face their activities with ease in
online classes because they are now familiar and adjusted to the changes in their educational

Third, Stress and anxiety can take a toll on every work on every individual, researchers
suggest take a breath and calm down, with a calm and composed mind students can properly
think and tackle the task that they are worried about and diminish it with ease. It is also
recommended to find a proper time to do activities and study so that they can focus on that
specific time to do their duties as a student and finish their task with confidence. Having an

initial time on duties can solve outside distractions, like studying at night time for fewer noises
and a focusable environment.

Lastly, students must not always rely on groups’ formative assessments very often.
Researchers recommend that relying on a group is okay but not very often, it may cause a student
to rely on their group/friends on specific works and not doing their own. Also, recommend that
participating in synchronous classes like reciting and communicating with the teacher for
reference. This method can help students build confidence and independence when faced with a
task and can help them answer it by themselves.

For future researchers facing the same study, researchers for this study recommend that
staying calm and composed can really help the students reduce the stress and anxiety they feel on
this online learning system. This research recommends research again after all the
recommendation to see improvement and development in one’s stress and anxiety level in the
online class environment.


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Appendix A: Informed Consent Letter

Hello! Good day to you. You are invited to participate in a research study titled "The Impact of
online classes on one's stress and anxiety level". The study aims to learn the impact of online
classes on student’s stress and anxiety level and to know whether they can manage their mental
health on this new type of learning. It will only take about 5-6 minutes of your time to complete
the questionnaires. You may withdraw anytime if you feel uneasy on some particular way or as
you wish. Rest assured, all of the given information will be highly secured and will be used for
research purpose only. If you are willing to participate, please click the "I Agree".

Appendix B: Survey Questionnaire

Impact of Online Class

Instruction: The item will below will ask how do you handle certain activities when facing trials
like stress. Please rate each statement depending on how much it applies to you ("4" as "Strongly
Agree", "3" as "Somewhat Agree", "2" as "Somewhat Disagree, "1" as Strongly Disagree).

Statement Strongly Strongly Somewhat Disagree

Agree Disagree Agree
1. Do you feel drowsy or dizzy after
class? (staring at the gadget for a
long time)
2. Do you often sleep late at night to
finish the activities and projects?
3. Do you withdraw from your social
life after completing the school
4. Do you think that some of the
students depend on their parents
when doing their assignments and
project with this kind of set-up on
online classes?
5. Do you agree that many students
doesn`t take up the new online
learning system?
6. Does your school give too much
school works?

Coping with Stress regards to Activities

Statement Strongly Strongly Somewhat Disagree

Agree Disagree Agree
1. The given activities by your

teachers are easy and aren't too
2. The given time to do the activities
aren't pressuring you.
3. I can do the activities just fine.
4. I can handle loads of work given
with the initial deadline.
5. I don't procrastinate, which is why
I have so much free time.
6. I can finish my school assessments
three days before the deadline with


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