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How is your understanding of history different from

what is explained in the video presentation?
 My understanding of history is that it is the study of
the past – specifically the people, societies, events
and problems of the past. I learned that in history, in
order for us to know the present, we need to look
back the past that happened, and the video
presentation explained that history is an art and
science which first investigate and then records it’s
casual relation. In the video presentation, I’ve learned
the origin of the word history like “Historie” is a Latin
word which means “inquiry”. “Histoire/Istoire” is a
Greek word which means “investigation”. “Histor” is a
French word which means “wise man”

2. What is the importance of history into your life?

 The importance of history is that we develop an
understanding of the world. Through history, we can
learn how past societies, systems, cultures and
technologies were built, how they operated, and how
they have changed. There are some importance of
history like first, bridging the gap between present
and the past, what are we today is the result of the
past. Secondly, it explain causes of things and events,
every historical event occurred because of a series of
events that happened beforehand. It is absolutely
vital for historians to understand the cause and
effect relationship between events in history
because this helps to explain why the events
happened in the first place. Thirdly, interprets
conditions of a given space and time, Historical
interprets, analyze, evaluate the historical outcomes.
And lastly, it promotes nationalism and patriotism, It
enables one to acquire a positive attitude
towards the country.

3. What are the contribution of history in shaping the

future of the nation?
 History provides us with a sense of identity.
People need to develop a sense of their collective
past. Events in the past have made us what we
are today. because this helps to explain why the
events happened in the first place.

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