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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
District of San Mateo
Sustainability Plan

Communication is the imparting or exchanging information or news by means of a

channel. One of the many factor of good communication is to identify its medium.
Guitnangbayan Elementary School as one channnel in delivering elementary
education together with our teachers in the community uses mediums of
communication by these two means: in print and in digital. Therefore, serving our
clientele especially our remote learners in San Mateo, Rizal the Information
Advocacy Program developed. It helps remote local learners in the community
recieved messages that will help put together programs and projects that will embrace
improvements in attendance levels, parent engagements ,and accomplishments, or
performance results through Information drives. Making this a long term project for
the next years of improving education in remote learning.


The school’s info Drive Team designed programs as early before classes started on
October 5, 2020. These were brochures which presented the (1) School Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan and the (2) Proper Usage of our PIVOT
Self-Learning Materials. The team also made (3) infographics and videos on the
distribution and retrieval of our Learning Resources posted in the official
Facebook account of the school and in group chats of different advisers to help their
learners get information.

The team maximized the use of social medias as the fastest vehicle to use in
promoting our advocacies and engaging the community in the process.

The team sent (4) digitized short messages and letters to our learners. Those who
were found to have no means of communication were visited by a courier and given
(5) letters and brochures in print. Some teachers even went far and beyond to visit
far-flung areas to check on the pupils and visit with the parents. Also, the Info Drive
Team prepared the (6) letters for solicitations and invitation for potential
volunteers and sponsors, (7) prepared and distributed deeds of donations,
certificates, and award to our stakeholders, (8) posted videos of gratitude, info
videos and Brigada Eskwela Videos in our Official FB page and (9) shared all
presentations and info materials on all Social media platforms and group chats
to reach our benefactors and stakeholders and (10) developed a website which
featured a zero-cost e-suggestion box where our stakeholders, visitors and the
community can access to send us immediate feedback about the services that they
availed in GBES.

These activities help our communication leaders mitigate issues to ensure overall
community success and is ongoing to serve its needs in the community.

Current Funding Sources:

The school’s budget is one of the many help we can trust in delivering support and
strengthen the program.The school expanded the use of MOOE funds to develop and
bring foundation enabling the schools to perform its functions. Thus, transparency
and ethical use of funds are highly adapted for proper liquidation of its purpose.

Sustainability Results:

The way Guitnangbayan Elementary School’s Information Advocacy Program

delivered instructions in different forms of communication by means of digitalized
and printed information :
(a. infographics and videos on the distribution and retrieval of our Learning
Resources (reached 80%) ,
b. (4210) letters and brochures in print ,
c. digitized short messages and letters to our learners)
enabled the school to immediately expand their influence to the community by the
help of our Help Desk people to manage and respond to the concerns of the clientele
as the situation demands no face to face communication to the learners. The school
have been able to provide safe interaction to the community without jeopardizing the
health of each learners.
In such a way, services has helped our 2,672 modular learners and 1,538 blended
classes learners and parents received information safe and easy.However, it was a
struggle to reach learners whom we do not see and personally talk to in the three (3)
catchment areas: Guitnangbayan 1, Guitnangbayan 2, and Dulongbayan 2.

Hence, the development of Project INKED (Information and Knowledge

Dissemination) which aimed to provide avenues and opportunities in delivering
relevant information and equitable education to possibly reach 100% of GBES’
Social media like facebook serves a good way to dessiminate information easily to
the learners. But, learners who have no way to social media communication were
distributed 4,210 printed brochures, posted tarpualins in school fence, for wider
dessimination thus, possible. In line to this, GBES continuoulsy insuring it reach all
of its learners by maintaining and improving its systems. Due to this, the school has
developed a zero-cost e-suggestion box, a feedback mechanism project of the
information advocacy team to acknowledge the good services of its faculty,
employees, programs, and projects and to continuously improve the efficiency of its

The info Drive Team is willing to sustain:

Project DIRECT where Video presentations on the process of distribution and

retrieval of materials were made and posted on the school’s official FB page and
accounts and shared on all group chats.
Project COVID (Contributing Videos for Promoting Health Awareness) in response
to theCOVID19 pandemic, the info Drive Team published Videos and Infographic
Posters on Health Protocols and sent precautionary measures to be undertaken, 90%
of our clientele benefited from this project.
The results were clearly seen as our parents sent pictures and videos of the learners
as results to getting what they need to understand.

Project REMOTE, GBES recognizing the importance of transparency and improved

service for all does not solely focus on helping our online learners but also to our
remote learners. The team Written letters on the process of distribution and retrieval
of materials that were sent thru sms/text or delivered via phone calls.

Zero-cost e-suggestion box This has greatly helped our school teams to reassess and
reformulate our services and improve our practices for the benefit of our learners.
This e-suggestion box is a subsidiary partner to our physical suggestion box found in
the school guard’s table and Principal’s Office.

Project OneDesk, GBES established a Help Desk Team who will respond to
inquiries and concerns via text messaging, social media posts and comments, FB
messenger and emails. This one-stop-shop for all our clients’ inquiries has benefited
our 1362 learners as of to date.

The school will maintain and sustain the needs of its clients and ensures health
protocols in many ways possible by continuing what it had been started.


The support getting from the differents LGu’s and volunteers serve many functions to
the performance of the school in delivering quality services. The team sent letters and
pledge agreement forms to potential stakeholders and volunteers for the
implementation of our School learning Continuity Plan that calls for Learning
Resource (LR) Movers, CAL (Connect-a-Learner) Center Volunteers, LR Kiosk
The team coordinated with the BE Coordinator and met with the officers and
membersof GBSTODA and explained the advocacy program of GBES for the
incoming school year. A total of 116 tricycle drivers signed up as volunteers after the
The school have been able to partner and gets support to its stakeholders by insuring
credibility and enthusiasm in work.

Time Frame:
The INFORMATION ADVOCAY PROGRAM started from S.y. 2020-2020
would likely to continue its program advocacy until situation changes thus need for
re-planning. The activities stated has been started for quiet some time now and will
be likely to continue until further notice. More likely, this cannot be determined to
what date and time it will stop or still continue. In line to this, the school developed
partnerships to its stakeholders until situation gets better.

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