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NAME: Jhamie Marie P. Nayre TEACHER: Jan Carol S.





Activity 1
Based from your readings, answer the following:

a. How important Internet and technology in the society?

- The Internet and Technology make our life effortlessly moving. It upgraded and
developed all of the different fields in society. In terms of research, politics,
academics, medicine, business, and many more. It also brings us closer to our
loved ones in terms of communication because of the new ways of sending
messages through email, text, messenger, etc. Voice messages, video calls are
now also available. The easy access of information that we need for academic,
social, or even personal reasons. It helped us to be updated about some issues
in the local and international. These are a few examples of why and how
important the Internet and Technology are.

b. What are the dangers that may result from abusing technology?

- Despite the advantages it offers, the Internet and Technology may have
detrimental implications when it is misused by people. It can lead to physical and
psychological issues. Too much exposer to a device can cause eyestrain,
backpain that can contribute to more critical conditions. The never-ending
problem of bashing and cyberbullying are crucial concerns in the online world.
These issues are the source of human conflict and depression.

c. How do you see the concept of Proper Online Conduct in today’s time?

- As we all know, Generation Z, or should we say our generation is the most

consumer of the internet. We consider the online world as our home because we
thought we find the comfort and entertainment we seek there, not knowing we
are also facing the consequences and chaos inside this world. A lot of parasitic
people inhibited and polluted these virtual world. Human conflict, bashing, and
cyberbullying were arising due to the improper behavior of other users. As a
result, Proper Online Conduct is a must. These guides improve our way of
communicating online and makes us watch out for actions that might cost
massive destruction to our fellow human being. The epigram that stated, "Think
before you click" portrays an insightful meaning to all of us.


Complete the sentences below.

1. Digital citizenship is an essential concept for every online user because it helps us
acknowledge digital literacy. To address rampant issues in the digital world such as
bashing and cyberbullying. It is a responsibility to have the decency and proper
behavior in communicating with someone online. Promoting online safety is the key to
have a much diverse and conflict-free relationship.

2. We need to bear in mind the netiquette rules every time we are in contact with
the digital world because it is a responsibility to watch out for our actions online.
Imposing improper way of behavior is not being tolerated. We don't have to judge or say
something that might hurt other people's feelings. We have to be mindful,
understanding, and wise as internet users.

3. The best ways to be a responsible online user are the following: Remember the
Human, Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life,
Know where you are in cyberspace, Respect other people's time and bandwidth, Make
yourself look good online, Share expert knowledge, Help keep flame wars under control,
Respect other people's privacy, Don't abuse your power, Be forgiving of other people's
mistakes. These will serve as a guide in making a harmonious and peaceful community

Activity 1
To deepen your understanding on the aforementioned concepts, fill in the matrix
below. A sample is provided for you.
What format/ What format/ What format/
equipment did equipment did equipment
Age people use to people use to did people use to
communicate store share or
with each other? information? broadcast
Traditional paper Traditional paper Traditional paper
and writing and writing and writing
Pre-Industrial Age materials, scrolls, materials, Cave materials, Cave
leaves paintings/stone paintings/stone
tablets, scrolls, tablets, scrolls,
leaves leaves
Electrical telegraph, Electrical telegraph, Electrical telegraph,
telephone, post pin, telephone, post pin, telephone, post pin,
Industrial Age printing press printing press, printing press,
motion motion photography
photography with with sound, books,
sound, books, news paper
news paper
Television, large Television, large Television, large
electronic electronic electronic
computer, computer, computer,
Electronic Age mainframe mainframe mainframe
computer, computer, computer,
upgraded upgraded upgraded
telephone, cellular telephone, cellular telephone, cellular
phone phone, radio phone, radio
Smartphone, Smartphone, Smartphone,
laptop, computer, laptop, computer, laptop, computer,
tablet, social media tablet, social media tablet, social media
platforms platforms platforms
(Facebook, Twitter, (Facebook, Twitter, (Facebook, Twitter,
Information Age Instagram, etc., Instagram, etc.), Instagram, Reddit,
online platforms online platforms YouTube, etc.),
(Google, Yahoo, (Google, Yahoo, online platforms
Zoom, etc.), virtual Zoom, etc.), (Google, Yahoo,
reality, IOS, smartwatch Zoom, etc.),
smartwatch smartwatch
Analyze and describe the evolution of media using the cartoon below.

The mode of human communication has been evolving from time to time. Our way of
living is an impression of an unlimited limit of media from the traditional age down to the
computerized age. The growth of media can best describe through the four ages. In the
pre-industrial age where people uses caves, stones, scrolls for information
dissemination. As for the industrial age, where telegraph, printing press, books,
newspapers were used. In the electronic age where technology arose, the invention of
the computer, television, the cellular phone, and the radio happened. And the
information age where these inventions have been developed. The redesigned one
which includes, smartphones, smart tv, smartwatch, etc. Humans of different ages have
their strengths and weaknesses in delivering messages and information through the use
of media. The flow of information in the old days is slow-moving compared to the
present times. Now, the growth of communication technology allows us to gain data
online with easy access. In just one click, you already obtain the information that you

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