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Different perspectives, norms, values, traditions, and ideologies can lead to

superiority. Thinking one's culture is dominant from the other that causes negative
judgments towards the other group or society. A simple judgment of the life of an
individual is an act of discrimination. It destroys a person's mental and emotional state.
They began to question themselves, especially their existence in this world.
Discrimination happens when an individual can't make the most of their common
liberties or other lawful rights on an equivalent premise with others due to a ridiculous
qualification made in strategy, law, or treatment.
Discrimination is often based on ignorance, prejudices, and negative stereotypes.
Because many people fear what seems strange or unknown, they react with suspicion
or even violence to anyone whose appearance, culture, or behavior is unfamiliar.
Attitudes, actions, or institutional practices that subordinate or marginalize anyone can
be considered discrimination. Racism, in particular, has historical roots in beliefs in the
superiority of one group over another, beliefs that were once used to justify
discrimination against inferior groups. Although such beliefs are now widely rejected,
racial discrimination nevertheless continues to exist (Ramirez, 2018).
In the Philippines, discrimination exists in various forms. Everybody is aware of
the lousy prejudice and stereotypes that are being thrown to Bisaya people. The Bisaya
language is often used when cracking a joke or when someone is trying to make a
person laugh by mimicking the native accent. What‘s more saddening, is the fact that
the Visayan people are being turned into a laughing stock just because some people
think they are better than them (Ramirez,2018).

 To provide additional knowledge about racial discrimination among Bisaya
 To determine the outcome of racism towards Bisaya people.
 To generate effective solutions in resolving the issue of racism.
Philippine society is full of discrimination. It is very rampant that it became natural to
some Filipinos. People commit judgment and discriminate without even realizing that it
is a serious mistake that can affect the life of an individual or the image of a particular
group or society. This prejudicial treatment is that it exists everywhere and can happen
anytime. Mostly to the people from Visayas and Mindanao because of their Bisaya or
Visayan accent. There are some Filipinos who treat their fellow countrymen differently
just because they came from a different place and they are not used to a particular
language. Since there are a lot of Bisaya in Manila their accent is being heard
everywhere in the city. Every day, discrimination is committed against them, on TV
shows, on radio programs, on the streets, and inside buses, trains, passenger jeepneys,
malls, department stores, even churches. During Miss Universe Philippines last Sunday,
a candidate from Davao City answered the question in Bisaya and people criticized her
for that. There are a lot of hate comments about her, calling her "cheap" because she
answered it with her own dialect.
Superiority is present in this kind of situation, believes that they are dominant among
other races. Assumes that Bisaya people are "low-class" compared to them. The other
group started to think that their dialect is inferior to the other one. They are
misunderstood and receives hateful comments about their way of pronunciation when
speaking Tagalog. When a Bisaya mispronounces a Tagalog word or two, others bursts
into laughter. Bisaya people are turned into laughing stock just because some people
think they are better than them. Racism creates huge destruction to individuals. These
effects include the destruction of one’s self-esteem, causing serious mental problems.
The oppression that they experience affects their emotional and mental health. Not only
in health, but it also affects the relationship between two different groups. Racism can
even create division in society. Communities can be separated because of it. Racism
results in resentment and vengeance against the other group that leads to conflict and
even war.


1. Being open-minded and respecting each other's differences.
2. Stop criticism and start to spread awareness of its impact on an individual.
3. Start to speak up and educate one another.
4. Disregard the idea of superiority, treat fellow countrymen equally. Live in a more
diverse and understanding world.
5. Apply the law against racism and discrimination. Let everyone express
themselves, enjoy their rights as humans and a life that they all deserve. 
Ramirez, I. (2018, June 23). (PDF) The Racial Slur against Bisaya in The Light Of John
Rawls' theory of Justice. Retrieved October 30, 2020, from

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