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Badminton Shots #1 –

The Badminton Serve

Know your different types of Badminton shots? Possibly one of the most important
Badminton shots is the serve as it not only starts the game. As you play against
more competitive opponents it will become a key shot/stroke you will need to
improve. Improving your serve skills will change your game for the better, so let
look at the serve.

There are basically two different types of Badminton serves, however before we go
into those it should noted that you have to serve under hand in badminton; over
head serves are not permitted.

Serve Type 1: High Deep Serve

Take a full under hand swing with the aim to the shuttlecock high in the air and to
put your opponent to the back line.

Serve Type 2: Shorthand Serve

Place you racquet into your stomach area as you will be playing this as a backhand
shot, and flick the shuttlecock over the net with the aim of landing as close to the
first line, on or over.

Badminton Shots #2 – Clear Shot

Overhead Clear Shot

Here you will move to the back of the court and hit an Overhead shot. The aim here
is to put the shuttlecock to the back or corner of your opponents half of the court.
The higher the shuttlecock the more defensive the shot. This allows you more time
to recover your position. The flatter the shot the more offensive the shot giving you
more chance of putting your opponent out of position.

Underhand Clear Shot

Here you will move close to the net to make the underhand clear shot. Sweep your
arm up the net to flick the shuttlecock over the net and then move back to the
middle of the court to prepare for your next shot.
Badminton Shots #3 – Drop Shot

Underhand Drop Shot

So here you will move into the net with your arm shoulder high and lightly flick the
racquet with aim of the shuttle just dropping over the net. Following the shot
return to the middle of the court ready for the next shot.

Overhand Drop Shot

Move to the back of the court and lift the arm to hit with overhand shot, but here
we only to make the shuttlecock drop just over the net. Don’t follow through the
shot with full power. The shuttlecock needs to drop short, with a little practice this
will become an important shot in your shot arsenal. As with all shots you need to
move back into position to prepare for the next shot.

Badminton Shots #4 –

Smash Shot
This is the shot commonly used to win the point. You will normally be somewhere
in the middle of the court to perform the Smash shot. You need to bring your
racquet over your head but unlike other shot you will continue in a downwards
motion at speed with the aim of making the shuttlecock hit the floor on the other
side of the net.

Badminton Shots #5 –

Drive Shot

Drive shots are fast shots aimed to hit low over the net, making your opponent to
move quickly. This shot can be done on both forehand and backhand, with drive
shots you don’t really need to move your feet.

There are a variety of basic badminton shots all can be played either forehand or

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