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1. Introduction to the site

2. Site Location ,Site accesibility
3. Site dimensions
4. History and Back ground
5. Site orientation:Sun path , Prevailing wind directions , etc
6. Climatic Conditions:
Macro climate : climate of the site in general - Sunpath Temperature (throughout the year)wind direction, Anual Rainfall
(maximum rainy days)
Micro Climate : Climatic conditions affected on the site by both natural and manmade Factors

7. Topography : Understand the terrain of the site

Site Topography: natural slope of the ground , Physical features of
the site.Topography map to show the shape, physical details, ground
form, boundaries, existing natural features of the site.Drainage
pattern , Soil type
• Contours with labels
• Slope gradient
• Site sections -minimum 2
• Characteristic of slope - gentle , medium, steep
• 3 -D Site model
• Natural feautures in and around the site- Lake , Vegetation(Species , existing trees , trees for removal ,trees to
maintain) , mounds , presence of water body etc
How they are affecting the micro climate of the site
Street pattern and Road Network
How they are contributing to Visual potential of the site
Access to the site ,Existing Road network around
10. Surroundings of the Site :
the site-Major Roads , Minor Roads , Arterial roads ,
Service lanes , Pedestrian access , Vehicular access ,
Road widths , Major and minor Junctions , traffic
• Existing Landuse around the site for a
signals , Transit nodes , One way , two way ,existing
radius of 750m -1km
circulation within the site
• Existing buildings around the site : Objective : Impact of the road network on the site
Typology of the buildings present around design proposal and viceversa
the site (Ground Coverage , Height ,
Building Type , Architectural style if any)
Landmarks, historical buildings if any (Bye Sky line study:
laws pertaining to that), Site lines , Visual analysis wrt to site along the four directions for
• Proximity of the metro to be studied a radius of 750 mts- 1 Km with help of Photographs ,
in detail sketches ,
• Open area and built areas Parameters: building heights , building
typology,distance between the buildings, Ratio of the
heights between buildings , Focal points , Mass and
Void study, Visual coherance ,Time era of the
building , architecural style (modern, contemporary,
art deco, traditional)
11. Existing Conditions of the site

13. Existing services

14. Existing Parking
15. Visual Potential of the site :
• Private Views Out
• Public views in
16. Demographics: Study of the communities (Population , ratio of male and female population ) residing around the site
17. Objective : Concerns and life style of people, legal aspects, culture etc. To identify the potential user groups for the proposed
Commercial hub with entertatinment arena
18. Density:
Expected density of activities, people, vehicles, services etc. for different areas around the site . Safety factors: physical hazards
should be foreseen by the designer.
19. Locally available materials around the site
20. Noise levels
21. Site Restrictions : Visibility , Light, Breeze , site surroundings, pollution , Natural hazards, manmade hazards
22. Identify the Explicit characteristic of the site
23. Plus and Minus of the site
24. SWOT Analysis
25. Conclusion
Site Analysis to be represented with the help of Site photographs, Diagrams , images , vedios, maps , Thematic maps, charts
graphs , Sketches , graphic language , site sections , plans , imagery, questionaire

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