Socsci Current Issues Critical Analysis Millendez

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NAME: Erica Millendez


1. Is the International Community adequately prepared to address global health pandemics?

Justify your answer.

 International organizations are now implementing guidelines for global health risks but
unfortunately during this pandemic as an international community we cannot say that we are
prepared to address this pandemic. As we all know that global is anywhere it is a part of our nature
that we need to be aware of and being ready is one of the best way to save ourselves. We saw
developing countries are being hit hard by this widespread virus and due to this too many
people are now unemployed and are trying to survive during this time. Preparedness is
especially important in countries that have yet to see serious numbers of cases. It is not
enough to control an outbreak like this. We can say an International community to be prepared
if it has the following: A strengthen health systems to include detection, containment, and
treatment, as well as contact tracing and community mobilization. The availability of well-
trained and well-equipped global health surge capacity teams that can deploy to wherever
outbreaks are. The coronavirus pandemic is a vivid and painful example of the devastation that
emerging pathogens can cause to lives and livelihoods worldwide. The global response has
exposed the inherent weaknesses and inequalities in pandemic preparedness and response; it
should be a transformative moment. The painful lessons learned should make governments
wise enough to avoid such costly mistakes and instead take pre-emptive steps to advance
pandemic preparedness in the United States and abroad.

2. Should the International Community attempt to curb population growth in the developing
world? Explain your answer.

 Yes, because the more people in a country the more food it requires and if a country have
small amount of resources the more people die. Developing countries had this kind of situation
especially India. In our situation the more the population increases it would be hard to fit
everyone’s basic needs and aspiration. More people less natural resources and it can cause
damage to our nature. Developing countries of the world and the International Community
should help the counties of the countries in developing the world and reduce the population
growth rates. An increase in the number of poor people. "Total poverty" is the phrase used to
describe the situation. In several nations, it puts an end to democratic, technological, and
social progress. Expand family planning services and increase women's status to help reduce
pregnancy rates. Environmental tension is a result of rising population, per capita demand, and
technological advancements. Environmental stress is a function by three factors: increase in
population, increase in consumption per capita, and the changes in technology in reducing
environmental stress per unit of consumption.

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