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"""#$$%$ #&  ?
$'( )  *' !! ?
Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following 200 multiple choice questions and enter
the answer against the corresponding question number in the answer sheet by a THICK HORIZONTAL
STROKE in black ink with a sketch pen ACROSS a single correct alphabet a,b,c,d . More than one entry
or other type of markings or incomplete markings or erased markings or dots will invalidate the mark
for that question. ?
+  % : If (d) is the correct answer ?
(a) (b) (c) (d) ?
1. The lowest structure in the root of the lung is ?
a) )%  , ,?
b) Bronchus?
c) Pulmonary vein?
d) Inferior pulmonary vein?
2. The hepato pancreatic ampulla opens in to ?
1 part of duodenum?

) ?
3 part of duodenum?
d) 4 part of duodenum?

3. Illioinguinal nerve?
a)  - &  %)-  %+) ?
b) Passes through the deep inguinal ring(it   ).  ) $&$ %$.)$ %$. ) ?
?? c) Its root value is dorsal ramus L1?
d) Runs between external and internal oblique muscles of abdominal wall ?
4. The depressor temporomandibular joint is ?
a) Lateral pterygoid(
 ,,side to side movemnts)?
b) Medial pterygoid(  )
ëelevate n protracts)?
c) Masseter(% mandible to close mouth)?
d) Temporalis(%  &) ?
[. The following statement regarding motor speech / & 0   1 !) is true ?
a) It is present bilaterally ?
b) It is supplied by $

%&- % ,?
c) A lesion in this area )%$   %,$ % ,. %)&% ?
d) It is situated in the temporal lobe of cerebrum(% &
$ %  %% -2&%  

% %&-%)%&)?
‰.The axon reflux is related to ?
a) Wheal ?
b) Red reaction?
c) Flare?
d) White reaction?
7. The following are increased during muscular exercise except?
a) $  %$ &?
b) Cardiac output?
c) Venous return?
d) Coronary blood flow?
8.The µC¶ wave in arterial pressure tracing is due to ?
a) Atrial filling ?
b) Atrial systole?
c) Ventricular filling?
d) Ventricular systole?
9. Mammalian RBC are biconcave, therefore ?
a) They can easily pass through capillary?
b) They are flexible?
c) Their ) &  is more compared to sphere of the same diameter?
d) They can be stacked one over other to form µroluex¶?
10.One of the following statement is true of Rh factor ?
a)    ) %%, &&)$. $-
$ ?
b) Is present only in women?
c) Is present only in human race?
d) Is not important for blood transfusion?
$  ,% $ is a metabolic pathway that uses energy released by oxidation of
ntutients to produce ATP,its ahighly efficint way f releasin energyis inhibited at &, &  
Is a large TRANS MEMBRANE PROTIEN complex found in - &$ and d $ & 
2last enzyme in RSPIRATORY ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN in mitochondrial or bactrial
membrane,converting molecular oxygen to 2 molecules of wate)by ?
a) Carbondioxide ?
b) Barbiturates?
c)  -   +$
d) Rotenone?
12.In c%,& %,$ , $ is catalyzed by ?
a) + *$ ?
b) ‰ phosphofructo 1 kinase?
c) Glyceraldehydes 3 phosphate de hydrogenas?
d) Phosophoglycerate kinase?
13.Carboxypeptid B acts as an Exopeptidase and hydrolyses terminal peptide bonds containing?
a) Lysine and arginine?
b) Glycine and leucine ?
c) Leucine arid isoleucine?
d) Leucine and arginine?
14.In which disease of the following organs, LDH1 and LDH2 will be released in plasma? ?
a) Kidney, Red cells, Liver?
b) Heart, Kidney, Redcells?
c) Heart, Kidney, Liver?
d) Heart, Lungs, Brain ?
1[.The two nitrogen atom in urea arise from(excess nitrogen is converted into )   which is
less toxic than  $ () ?
a) Ammonia and glutamine?
b) Ammonia and aspartic acid?
cc%) $ 
  $& &$
.%)  ( ?
d) Glutamic acid and alanine?
1‰.The chlorination of water ?
a) Kills all spores ?
b) Kills hepatitis A virus at normal concentration?
c) Kills polio virus at normal concentration?
d)  $
) %&?
17.The causative agent in  $
$&, )% )-  
$&)%) ) $&  $?
a) Rickettsia Quintana& ) ?
b$&*$   " 3*$- &$ ?
c) Borellia recurrentis% $.2 %,4/5% )- % $ ?
d) Tunga penetrans(chigoe flea or jigger, %%*" % ) ?
18.The bacteria that are involved in   & $ %  $ %  &$ 
 infections are transmitted
most often by ?
a) Airborne route?
b) Fomites ?
"%%$.&   ?
d) Direct contact via hands ?
19.The safe limit of fluorine level in
$*$." ( a diet poor in & %&$ causes retention of
flouride.," &%$ -% "6.7%$,& %climatesë)  6# .7%$ëbased on d fact that
we sweat more in warmr climate n drink more water!but considering resistance to tooth decay its
set 6#1.7%.the WHO guidline value 4 flouride in water is not  % "
$$-% %$$ 6#1   6 $6889 ?
a) 0.[ to 0.8 mg/litre ?
b) 6#! 6#1.7%$?
c) 2.0 to 2.[ mg/litre?
d)3.0 to 3.[ mg/litre ?
20.The disease transmitted by 
$&* is($+
ëhard tick, . $
ësoft tick,based on scutum or
hard schield)?
a) Viral hemorrhagic fever(Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever is $&*- 3  $,lassa
feverë3  $ëman gets from rodents :  ,  %$0ërat,yellwo fevr/american
plague,dengu,$ %,3  $7%$ &*-, 
 )%+,kyasar forest/monkey
diseae/monkey feverë$&*- ) ?
b) Epidemic typhus(% )- ) ?
c) Malaria?
d% $.7, $$  $&*?
21.µQ¶ fever is caused by$&*- ?
a) Streptococcus pyogens?
b) Aspergilla?
c)  +$%% -)$- &$ ?
d) Dipetalonema strepocerca?
22.The antigenic source of  0%). is ?
a) Unharvested paddy field?
b) Fresh cut hay?
c)  )%
, , ?
d) Paddy or rice husk?
23.The following statement about breast feeding )+&  ?
a)  $&$
& $&$ $.  - %
$ ?
b) Breast milk promote bonding between mother and infant?
c) Breast milk provide about 661;& % 6!!. ?
d) It provides about (#1.  6!!. ?
24.The vector for
.)   .$& is ?
a) Culex tritaeneorynchus?
b) Phlebotomus papatasi?
 ., $?
d) Culex vishnui?
2[.In drinking water minimum recommended concentration of free chlorine is ?
a) 0.1 mg/litre ?
b) 0.2 mg/litre ?
c) !#1.7%$$
) %& % $!#(!#1.7%$) & % $ $ 2(1.7% ?
d) 1.0mg/litre?
2‰.Community health centre¶s are ?
a) Upgraded primary health centres?
b) Upgraded health sub centres?
c) Upgraded ICDS centres?
d) Upgraded district hospitals ?
27.The working of septic tank is by ?
a) Aerobic digestion?
b)  -$&
$.$ ?
c) Both aerobic and anerobic digestion?
d) Sedimentation and sludge formation(%)
.  $ $-,  -$& $  ) ?
28.Side effects of oral contraceptive pills include all the following except ?
a) Breakthrough bleeding?
b) Hypertension?
c) %$&$&$  ?
d) Thromboembolism?
29.One of the following statements are true about iron requirements except ?
a) Human iron requirements are satisfied by cow¶s milk?
b) Iron requirements of women decrease after menopause?
c) Iron requirements are approximately same in adult men and postmenopausal women?
d)  <)$$& 
)$. . &,?
30.All the following infections are transmitted by sandflies except?
a) Leishmaniasis ?
b) Sandfly fever?
c)  . 
$ (american trypanosomiasis,trypanoma cruzi,by a blood sucking bug)?
d) /  %% $(& $ 
$ ëbartonela baciliformisësandfly,& &  
$ ë
bartonela henselaeëcat flea,& 7$
,7<$ 7)- & 
ëbartonela quintanaëpediculus humanis corporis/pediclulus humanis humanis) ?
31.Alpha feto protein is a marker for?
a) Cholangio carcinoma?
b) Angiosarcoma?
c)   &%%)% & &$  ?
d) Leiomyoma ?
32.The &  & ) & .$ % . %,(cirrhosi wit portal hypertesion,splenic vein
occlsion,CHF wit increased venos pressre)?
a) $ $ %$ ?
b) Right heart failure ?
c) Portal vein thrombosis?
d) Splenic vein thrombosis
?  ?* º º

 ?º? ?  ?

? ? º 
?  º
? ?? 
? º
? º
? ?  ?? ? ?

?  ? ??
? ? ? 
? ??
33.The syndrome associated with grossly $.
%$(hemochromatosis,long standin
malaria,dubin johnson) is ?
a) Rotor syndrome( $& $.= )
$&,rise of bilirbin in patints serm,mainly nonconjgated)?
b) )-$>   ?
c) Gilbert¶s(most &   
$ ,& ) $& 
recessive,genetic disorder reslt in $%
$&) ?
d) Crigler ± Najjr(autosomal recesive both type 1&2,non hemolyitc,afffects CNS)?
34.All the following are parts of $
 & )   - $, except?
a) Alteration in blood flow ?
b) Endothelial damage?
c)   - &, $ ?
d) Hyper coagulability ?
3[.The substance which accumulates excess in c )& 0
$ ?
a) Sphingomyelin?
b) c%)& &- $
c) Glycogen?
d) Glycolipid ?
3‰.Off the following intestinal polyp is most likely to undergo malignant change(polyps which r

%& &$. $%,risk of becomin colorectal cancer increases if d polyp
is   6&) ?
a) Hyperplastic(unlikly) ?
b) Hamartomatous(unlikly) ?
c) Lymphoid?
  % .
@!"$%  %  
   ) %  
6& . 2another colonoscopy . $
$(1,  if an adenomatos polyp is
removed,remembr µfamilial adenomatous polyposis¶,adenoma comprise only 10% of the
polyp,usualy polyps less than 6& carris no risk n 90% are so!colon cancer usauly not found in
polyps les than #1&!TUBULAR ADENOMASë &  2,"$& % ,least
risk of becomin malignant,VILLOUSë  -$

. )  ,  ,usaly
rectal,velvety non pednculated or califlower,invasive c arcinoma more frequently than any
adenomas ?
37.  $%)&%% are haemosiderophagus found in ?
a) Heart ?
b) Spleen?
c) Liver?
d) 4). ?
38.The &  )   )) is ?
a) 4$ ,  most &      ,& ,, .
 -& & )%$ ,  &  ,)-  % 
" %%,usualy won case any symptoms
ntil its abnormaly enlarged.)-)&)& )  -%2 
$3$& )$.
 .$ ) %$
" %%,no symptoms till highly enlarged, 
 )- "$
 %*,twistin causes sevre pain.  $$& ,develop wen a fibroid tmor attach to another
organ ?
b) Endometrial carcinoma?
c) Leiomyosarcoma?
d) Stromal sarcoma?
39.The &  ,    $    is ( )&,$&   ,seen in child bearing
age,one f the most commn of all forms of ovarian germ cell tuomors)?
a)  )(frequntly seen in children n yong women,tends to be very solid,may be benign
or malignant) ?
b) Benign cyst?
c) Teratocarcinoma?
d) Struma liver ?
40.The commonest histological type of bronchogenic carcinoma( imporatnt histo typesësmall cell &
non small cell,  %%&%%$   % ,( $)-,    %%&%ë<)  
cel lng carcinoma,
 carcinoma,% .&%%ung carcinoma,
<) )&%& &$  )) %,  - & ),well differntiated squmaos cel carcinoma
grows  % "%,  ,  & &, ,
 & &$  ëA!?  %%&%%
carcinoma which usualy $.$ $ $  %%).$),most cases of adenocarcinomas
"$ &*$!bt its d most &   $,$  &*!a subtype of
adenocarcinomaëBRONCHIOLOALVEOLAR CARCINOMA is  &  $ % &*) ?
a) Small cell carcinoma(formrly called OAT CELL carcinoma)?
 & &$  ?
c) Large cell carcinoma?
d) Squamous cell carcinoma?
41.The following organism are & )% 
+& 2commonly fond inc- &$ 2since
most capsules are"  %)-% ,
$$&%  $as most stains don adhere to d
capusle.for microscopic examinationëbacteria n their backgrond r stained darer than the capsule so
pale capsule seen as a ring26A, each impart their antigenicity2%$ , .$%2contains
" preventing
$& $ 2exclude $) n most hydrophobic toxic materials as

a) Streptococcus pneumonia?
b) å$-$ & % ?
c) Haemophilus influenza?
d) Klebsiella pneumonia?
42.The parasitic infection congenitally acquired is?
a) Amoebiasis?
b)  + %  $primary host is %$
B& C $%,,animals is,infectd by cat faeces or eating
infected meat,human{mom to fetus, " 2& %&  $ $   
 is a greater
risk factor} ?
c) Giardiasis ?
d) Balantidiasis ?
43.Direst coomb¶s test(antiglobulin testor AGT,2 types DAT & IAT), is done with (commonly used is
DIRECT COOMBS 4 HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA,indirect is used in   %$. . "  
N in testing blood prior to -%
 $ )
$&& -ëto detect anitbodis which are %
to d srface of RBCs,these antibodis
sometimes destroy RBCs n cause $  = )

$&& -ëlooks 4 )- )
&$&)% $. $-
$ against a series of standerdized red
cells.sed to determine if a per might have  &$  -%
 )$ ?
a) // "  
"$  %$   )?
b) Plasma ?
c) Serum$
d) Platlets ?
44.$& *$
, shaped gametocytes are characteristic of ?
a) Plasmodium vivax?
b) % 
$) %&$ ) ?
c) Plasmodium malaria?
d) Plasmodium ovale?
4[.One of the following causes food poisoning ?
a) Vibrio cholera classical ?
b) Vibrio cholera eltor ?
c) å$-$    %,$&) = & ) 
 $ $$  & )$ ?
d) Vibrio cholera 0139?
4‰.The clinical features of acute severe asthma include the following except ?
a) Marked wheezing and breathlessness?
b) Silent chest(gradualy lungs tighten n   ).  &  
&)&" 3$!!unfortnatly
few interept it good!!5ëpeak expiratory flow,  *% ")
c) Respiratory rate over 2[ per minute?
d)  -& &,  $?
47.The following features occurs in .) except ?
a) Saddle back fever?
b) Cervical lymph adenopathy?
c) 4)& &, $%)& $ marked in dengu ?
d) Bradycardia?
48.Clinical manifestation of polyneuropathy includes ?
a) Muscle weakness and atrophy?
b) Brisk tendon refluxes?
c) Proximal part of limb affected first ?
d) Distal progression as the disorder become severe?
49.The following are true in iron deficiency anemia except ?
a) Decrease in iron stores ?
b) Decreased level of serum ferritin to less than 10mg/ml ?
c) Decreased level of free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP)?
d) Decrease in activity of intracellular enzymes contacting iron ?
[0.One of the following statements regarding AIDS is false?
a) It is caused by  $)(RNA vrius thats replicated in a host cel via the enzyme
å ; ,they are further divided n å6comes under the genus
4å) ?
b) Pneumocystis carinni infection is commonly associated ?
c) Serology is confirmatory for diagnosis?
d) å$)$$     
$$&  ?
[1. )0 ), are found in ?
a) Anterior part of circle of Willis ?
b) Posterior part of circle of Willis ?
c) )-&)% )& $, )%  , , ),
= &  "$ $ 
)-&)% )& $,"  )%  , ),$ -%
$ ,- 
 - & $ % ,    )%  , ,?
d) Abdominal aorta?
[2.The most common urinary abnormality in a patient with acute glomerulonephritis is

{acute post streptococal glomerulonephritis(PSGN) knwon to follw by . )  predominantly in

 %n often completly heals,whereas patient with  ) $& + $&
% 2  
  $in the bacterial wall used to for characterisin streptococi,
62 2A26 2692 12A821121D2@! ,  nephritogenic potential,specific , A821121D2@!
&  %,  &$ 
"$ *$$&$ .the risk of developin nephritis infection by , 
A8$1? if its present in throat,risk in creases   1?  $*$!} ?
a) Macroscopic hematuria?
b) $& & $&  )$ ?
c) Protenuria?
d) Significant bacteuria?
[3.All the following can cause . % -% $& $ (å$ /6 deficiency alone won cause d
syndrome in d presence of sufficeint  %  except,folate recycling depend on Vitb12,if folate
spplementation provided in the absence Vitb12 dosn cause this anemia bt other VitB12
pathogenesis continue)?
a) Crohn¶s disease?
b) Diphyllobothrium latum?
c) Perinicious anemiaautoimmunue,$$$& &  secreted from  )
  & necessary 4 the absorption of $/6 (caobalamin)in the $ %$%)2å$/6 $
 % . )&)%,&  %$& 
$ $E $ $is the enzyme responsible
for folate metabolism?
d) Hookworm infestation?
[4.Factors pre disposing to , )$&$  
. ) are?
a) Psoriasis ?
b) Myxoedema?
c) Hyperparathyroidism?
d) All the above?
[[.The following are important complications of chronic bronchitis except?
a) Respiratory failure?
b) Rt ventricular failure?
c) Secondary polycythemia?
d) Hyperuricemia?
[‰.Following statement regarding senile dementia are true except?
a) Early personality deterioration ?
b) Late impairment of intellect ?
c) CT shows cortical shrinkage and dilatation of ventricle ?
d) Occurs after ‰[ years ?
[7.All the following are features of  % .,  %% except ?
a) Pulmonary stenosis?
b) Ventricular septal defect ?
c4$&)%  ,  , ?
d) Over riding of aorta?
[8.)  )%  $.  occurs in infection with
47& $.) $ 7. )
$& ëcausd by %  of various   $!most
common in $& is Ancylostoma brasilinse?
a) &,%   - $%$ ?
b) Toxocara canis?
c) Scabies/seven year itch(caused by $,scabereëto scratch in latin,dangerous form
 "$.& -$which is associated with immno suppression) ?
d) Echinococcus granulosus?
$ -$& $$ & may be attributed to ?
a) Autonomic neuropathy?
b) Vascular insufficiency?
c) Psychogenic origin?
d) All the above?
‰0.& -$ $%$ $
$& (cause nknown,suggested that an $-
 &%$$ may cause
the changes!leading theory isë
$ -$&$&  .$  ,,)is associated with
Its a disorder of & %% .
. $ "$ . %   ) ,thickening of blood vessl
walls,fat depositio ?
a) $ -%%$) ?
b) Panniculitis ?
c) Hyperthyroidism ?
d) Hyperparathyroidism ?
 4 / D%$*
,%    ,2" $2 ! A!22 $$can
involve 4resultin % $Ecan present with  $ $like skin leisons
&$&$ - % $$* 
 -%  .$& 
 &  $..+ %, $
& % ,
$ %$&$ 2%&  %,Neisseria
gonorrhoea,salmonella,schigella,camphylobacter intestinal infections )is a $
of the following
a) Urethritis, Cervicitis and Salpingitis ?
b)  $$2 =)&$$$ 
  $$ ?
c) Urethritis, cystitis and pyelitis ?
d) Urethritis, cystitis and proctitis ?
‰2.$. $    %)&  is diagnostic of
$. $    %)&  ëintrnsic process) =. ,
process  %. 2  $.2hyperplastic or neoplastic%   2iartogenic &*$.?
a) Vit A deficiency?
b) Secondary syphilis?

$ 0
$ ?
d) Lead poisoning ?
‰3.All are true regarding
)% $  ,,
a) Decreased tidal volume?
b) Decreased lung compliance ?
c) Increased respiratory rate?
d) Increased pulmonary capillary pressure?
‰4. & .% $ is seen in ?
a) ,% $
b) Addison¶s disease?
c) Motor neurone disease?
d) Syringiomyelia ?
‰[. $.) $  are more commonly seen in infections with ?
a) Ankylostoma duodenale?
b) Nectar americanus ?
c) *,%   & $) ?
d) None of the above?
‰‰.Which one of the pair of polypeptide chains constitute haemoglobin F?
a) Alpha 2 Beta 2?
b) Beta 2 Gamma 2?
c) Alpha 2 Gamma 2?
d) Gamma 2 Delta 2 ?
‰7.One of the following &  -
$ . 
-, % examination?
a) Entrobius vermicularis ?
b) Trichuris trichura?
c) Ancylostomiasis ?
d) Ascariasis ?
‰8., $ $%$&,
  is charectrised by all except
ëis a disease characterised by persistently elevated esinophil countë61!!7( in the blood for
% @   withot any recognizable cause "$$ % $  2
FF / G ?
a) Peripheral esinophilia ?
b)   $$&$ $ ?
c) Bone marrow esinophilia?
d) Tissue esinophilia?
‰9.  = &$$ in rheumatic fever according to 
> 0&$$ includes
 = ë$.  , %,  $$(usualy from below upwards),& 
$$(congestive herat
failure,pericarditis,murmrs,)-&)  )
)%(painless,seen commonly on the backof the
wrists,outside the elbow,n front of the knee),,   .$ )(aggravated by heat,never
starts on face,begins on trunks n arms,spreads outward to form a snake like ring while clearing in
the middle),,
 &  7#å$)
$ 2   %.$ cant be included if polyarthritis presnt as a major symptom), rised  ë
 &$  $, 4)& &, $, ECG( )  /4;)&  4c
å 4,cant be included if carditis present as a major symptom), elevated
4F O titre or  ,$  $
 of rheumatic fever or inactive heart
a) Fever?
b) Arthralgia?
c)   ?
d) Prolonged PR interval?
70.The  &$ method for definitive
$ . $of c )%  ) is by ?
a) Tissue smear?
b) Serum tests?
c) Skin tests?
d) Culture?
71.First grade remedy for cough after measles in Kent¶s repertory?
a) Carb.veg?
b) Arnica?
c) Pulsatilla?
d) Cuprum met ?
72.First grade remedy for chorea ameliorated during sleep in Kent¶s repertory ?
a) Agaricus?
b) Actea recemosa?
c) Helliborous nig ?
d) Mygale ?
73.Asthma where the patient can only breath by standing up (Allen¶s Key note)?
a) Ignatia?
b) Mephitis ?
c) Corallium Rub ?
d)   -$ $ ?
74.Epilepsy from valvular diseases of the heart (Allen¶s Key note)?
a) Calc.ars ?
b) Cretagus?
c) Digitalis ?
d) Cactus Grand?
7[.Heart disease that had developed from rheumatism or alternate with it, pulse slow, scarcely
perceptible (3[ ë40 per minute) pale face and cold extremities (Allen¶s Key note)?
a) Ledum pal?
b) Kalmia lat ?
c) Aurum met?
d) Lilium tig ?
7‰.,$&& $ is a cyst of ?
a) Echinococcus?
b)  $  %$) ?
c) Dracunlus?
d) Trichenella ?
77.The one feature common to all forms of shock is ?
a) Falling right atrial pressure ?
b) Inadequate tissue perfusion?
c) Reduction in cardiac out put?
d) Fall in left atrial pressure ?
D9#c . . is caused by ?
a) % $
$) $.  -$&- &$ 2+  +$& $?
b) Anaerobic streptococcus ?
c) Eschericia coli ?
d) Clostridia difficile ?
79.) -%   is a malignant tumor of ?
a) Adrenal cortex?
b) Adrenal medulla?
c) ;$
, ?
d) Spleen?
80.5 0$. shows a paralyzed?
a) Median nerve?
b) %  ?
c) Radial nerve?
d) Circumflex nerve?
81.  )
 &) means
 &)H  &?
a) Fracture associated with neurovascular complication?
b) Comminuted fracture(bone is fragmented)?
c) 5 &)" $& & )$&  )$
  ).   " )
d) Double fracture ?
82.$$$-  &,$& is due to
Other namesëå  &*%$. )
$  - 7 
, $ $-  ?
a) Hyperthyroidism ?
b) ,    , $
$stimlates  &%  which braek down bone n increase :- 
  $ 0?
c) Hypoparathyroidism?
d) None of the above?
83.; .0,
  is characterized by the following except ?
a) Situs inversus?
b) Chronic sinusitis?
c)   $& 
$$ ?
d) Braonchiectasis?
84.Factors delaying wound healing are all except?
a) Malignant disease?
b) Hypertension?
c) Uremia?
d) Diabetes ?
8[.Regarding µ  )
  .0 following statements are true except?
a) Due to cutaneous lymphatic edema?
b) Is a classical sign of early breast cancer?
c) && $  %%,$&  $& -&?
d) Resembles orange peel?
8‰. ,& -%$ is a feature of ?
a) Cirrhosis of liver ?
b) Actinomycosis?
c) Hydatid cyst?
d) Gumma liver ?
87.$ & %  is characteristics of ?
a) %& $& %$$?
b) Hirschsprung¶s disease?
c) Diverticulosis ?
d) Amoebic colitis ?
88. -&$%  , is commonly seen in ?
a) Median nerve?
b) Lateral popliteal nerve?
c) Greater auricular nerve?
d% ?
89.The )  $ which spreads by %,   is
Testiclar cancer is the most common cancer in 61(1,risk factorsë)

 2" $more prone to2  $, $   $  
$  % "%,growin,sensitive to radiation terapy,commonly 30ë402usualy confind to testes bt
can spread to %, 

 $  ë t growin,&  ,  of testes cancer,differentiated toë
choriocarcinoma(rare),embryonal,teratoma,yok sac tumor
  %) ërare type,usualy occur in & $%

2 & & )2 , %,
a) Steroli cell tumor ?
b) Choriocarcinoma?
c) Teratoma?
d) $  ?
90.The most common cause of conjunctivitis is ?
a) Staphylococcal infection?
b) Trachoma?
c) Drug irritation?
d) Contact lens wearing?
91.First grade remedy for prolapse of rectum in children in Kent¶s repertory?
a) Podophyllum?
b) Nux.v?
c) Ruta?
d) Aloe. S?
92.First grade remedy for crushed and lacerated wounds of finger ends in Kent¶s repertory?
a) Laedum Pal?
b) Staphysagria?
c) Hypericum?
d) Arnica?
93.Renal colic, intense pain in ureters with sensation of passing calculus with craving for ice in Allen¶s
Keynotes of MM?
a) Medorrhinum?
b) Verat.alb?
c) Beriberis Vulg?
d) Phosphorous?
94.Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from tissue. Fish bone, needles, bone splinters ( Allen¶s Key
a) Hepar.S ?
b) Merc.sol ?
c) Sulphur?
d) Silicea ?
9[.Dry senile gangrene aggravation from external heat ( Allen¶s Key notes)?
a) Secale cor?
b) Silicea ?
c) Phosphorous?
d) Antim.crud ?
9‰.Precipitated labour can cause all the following except?
a) Postpartum haemorrhage?
b) Prolonged labour?
c) Perennial lacerations?
d) Cervical incompetence?
97.Maternal death in eclampsia occurs due to ?
a) Cerebral haemorrhage?
b) Pulmonary edema?
c) Renal failure?
d) All the above?
98.The largest diameter of fetal skull is ?
a) Mentovertical?
b) Submento bregmatic?
c) Sub occipitobregmatic ?
d) Occipito frontal ?
99.  0,
  is caused by thrombosis of vessels supplying ?
a) Anterior pituitary?
b) Posterior pituitary ?
c) Thyroid gland?
d) Adrenal gland?
100.Colostrums has more of the following compared to breast milk?
a) Calcium?
b) Magnesium?
c) Iron ?
d) Copper?
101.In a primigravida ith 12 weeks amenorrhea and vaginal bleeding with internal os admitting a
finger, the most likely diagnosis is ?
a) Threatened abortion?
b) Inevitable abortion?
c) Incomplete abortion?
d) Complete abortion ?
102.In the histological examination of choriocarcinoma, which one of the following absent??
a) Trophoblast?
b) Haemorrhage into surrounding tissue?
c) Villi ?
d) Necrosis of adjoining tissue?
103. Which one of the following is associated with maximum risk for endometrial malignancy?
a) Atypical hyperplasia?
b) Cystic glandular hyperplasia?
c) Adenomatous hyperplasia?
d) Proliferative endometrium ?
104.The karyotype typical of Turner¶s syndrome?
a) 47XXY?
b) 48XXXY?
c) 4[X?
d) 47XXX?
10[.Klinfelter¶s syndrome is associated with all the following except ?
a) Gynaecomastia?
b) XXX chromosome?
c) Infertility ?
d) Mental defect ?
10‰.In a 30 day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs between the following cycle days?
a) 11 to 13?
b) 14 to 1‰?
c) 17 to 19?
d) 20 to 22?
107.The most common cause of postpartum haemorrhage is ?
a) Uterine fibroids ?
b) Antepartum haemorrhage ?
c) Mismanagement of 3rd stage of labour?
d) Coagulation defects?
108.Oestrogens are secreted by one of the following ?
a) Cystic teratoma?
b) Granulose cell tumor ?
c) Dysgerminoma?
d) Arrhenoblastoma?
109.The decubitus ulcer in prolapse of the uterus is due to?
a) Supravaginal elongation of cervix?
b) Friction of exposed parts?
c) Congestion and circulatory changes?
d) Hyperkeratosis?
110.The most common complication in a fibromyoma during pregnancy is ?
a) Cystic degeneration?
b) Red degeneration?
c) Calcareous deposits ?
d) Infection?
111.Phlebitis, puerperal after forceps delivery (Allen¶s Key notes)?
a) Allium cepa?
b) Secal cor ?
c) Cimicifuga?
d) Caulophyllum?
112.Leucorrhoea, thick bluish white mucus especially or only night (Allen¶s Key notes)?
a) Syphillinum ?
b) Alumina?
c) Ambra griesa?
d) Pulsatilla ?
113.Cold drinks relieves menstrual pain and menstrual flow aggravates on lying down ( Allen¶s Key
a) Mag.Carb?
b) Kreosote?
c) Bovista?
d) Ammonium mur?
114.First grade remedy for abortion from excitement (Kent¶s repertory)?
a) Aconite?
b) Gelsemium ?
c) Sepia?
d) Opium ?
11[.Prolapsus uteri, seemingly in hot weather ( Allen¶s Key notes)?
a) Medorrhinum?
b) Lilium tig ?
c) Kali. Bich?
d) Nat.carb ?
11‰.Convulsions preceded by great restlessness (Allen¶s Key notes)?
a) Ars. Alb?
b) Rhus. Tox?
c) Arg.nit ?
d) Aconite?
117.Always anticipating, feels matter most positively, before they occur and generally correctly (Allen¶s
Key notes)?
a) Ars alb?
b) Arg nit ?
c) Medorrhinum?
d) Phosphorous?
118.Very forgetful in business, but during sleep dreams of what he had forgotten (Allen¶s Key notes)?
a) Lachesis?
b) Selenium ?
c) Anacardium?
d) Cannabis Indica?
119.When symptoms reëappear they change locality or go from one side to other (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Agaricus?
b) Led.pal ?
c) Anti.crud?
d) Phytolacca ?
120.Feels unusually well day before the attack (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Ignatia?
b) Psorinum?
c) Thuja.oc?
d) Hyoscyamus ?
121.As the coldness of the body increases so also does the ill humor (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Allium Cepa ?
b) Eup.perf?
c) Podophyllum?
d) Capsicum?
122.Excessively happy,affectionate, ants to kiss everybody, the nest moment in a rage (Allen¶s key
a) Ignatia?
b) Crocus.sat?
c) Murex?
d) Lilium tig ?
123.When child nurses, pain goes from nipple to all over body (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Crot.tig ?
b) Phytolacca?
c) Medorrhinum?
d) Rhus.tox?
124.Enuresis diurnal et nocturna, profuse watery urine, where habit is the only ascertainable cause
(Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Equisetum hyemale?
b) Acid.p ?
c) Helonias ?
d) Cantharis?
12[.Constipation with ineffectual urging ameiolerated by drinking cold milk (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Iodum?
b) Rhus.tox?
c) Chelidoneum?
d) Phosphorous?
12‰.Cataract, gauze before eyes with complaints caused by checked foot sweat (Boerick¶s MM)?
a) Calc. carb?
b) Phosphorous?
c) Silicea?
d) Baryta carb?
127.Small wounds bleed freely and cough after influenza (Boerick¶s MM)?
a) Lachesis?
b) Crotalus.H?
c) Kreosote?
d) Phosphorous ?
128.Before menses pain in sacrum, hunger, palpitation and amenorrhea with asthma (Boerick¶s MM)?
a) Cuprum.met?
b) Lachesis?
c) Iodum?
d) Spongia?
129.Expectoration gray, thick bloody purulent salty with nocturnal pyuria (Boerick¶s MM)?
a) Phosphorous?
b) Pulsatilla ?
c) Lycopodium?
d) Ars.alb ?
130. Headache if obliged to pass dinner hour, rt sided prosopalgia, constrictive pain in the head and
pain return at the same hour. (Boerick¶s MM)?
a) Ars.alb?
b) Lachesis?
c) Cactus. Grand?
d) Lycopodium ?
131.Piles with scanty menses at climaxis, strangulated with stitches shooting upwards (Allen¶s key
a) Pulsatilla ?
b) Lachesis?
c) Graphitis ?
d) Collinsonia ?
132.Frequent urging to urinate, if desire is not attended with sensation of congestion in chest (Allen¶s
key notes)?
a) Lilium tig ?
b) Cannabis.I?
c) Stannum.met?
d) Phosphorous?
133.Stammering, repeats first syllable three or four times, with abdominal ailments, with helminthiasis
(Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Stramonium?
b) Bovista?
c) Spigelia?
d) Gelsemium ?
134.Sensation of growing larger in every direction (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Asarum Europ?
b) Platina?
c) Thuja?
d) Cannabis ind?
13[.Sweat, mouldy musty odor, after 4am, every morning,on neck and forehead, very debilitating.
(Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Stannum?
b) Silicea ?
c) Psorinum?
d) Sulphur?
13‰.Can only void urine while sitting bend backwards (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Kali.carb ?
b) Hep.s ?
c) Zincum.m?
d) Medorrhinum?
137.Circumscribed red cheeks in afternoon, burning in ears, in bronchitis,pneumonia,pthisis (Allen¶s
key notes)?
a) Sangunaria.can?
b) Chamomilla?
c) Sulphur?
d) Phosphorous?
138.Mentally happier when leucorrhoea is worse (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Sepia?
b) Ignatia?
c) Murex?
d) Thuja?
139.Avaricious, greedy, miserly, malicious, pusillanimous (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Nux.v?
b) Lycopodium?
c) Sulphur?
d) Calc.carb?
140.Cold sensation in larynx on inspiration ameliorated after shaving (Allen¶s key notes)?
a) Bromium?
b) Carb.animalis ?
c) Iodum?
d) Phosphorous?
141.Stitches in the chest, pleurisy with exudation, tendency to gangrene (Boerick¶s material medica)?
a) Kali.c ?
b) Cantharis ?
c) Bryonia?
d) Squilla?
142.Parotid gland swollen with night walking (Boerick¶s materia medica)?
a) Rhus.t ?
b) Belladonna?
c) Calc.carb?
d) Silicea ?
143.Aural vertigo,burning in lower lip in old smokers, lip swollen dry black and cracked (Boerick¶s
materia medica)?
a) Aurum met?
b) Silicea ?
c) China?
d) Bryonia?
144.Great weakness and trembling, tongue trembles while protruding, catches under the lower teeth.
(Nash MM) ?
a) Lycopodium?
b) Lachesis?
c) Rhus.t?
d) Sulphur?
14[.Dyspnoea , agg from sitting, after sleep in room, amel by dancing or walking rapidly (Nash MM)?
a) Rhus.t ?
b) Psorinum?
c) Sepia?
d) Kali.carb?
14‰.Dr.Hahnemann went to Leipzig university to study medicine in the year ?
a) 1779?
b) 177[?
c) 1777?
d) 1782?
147.Dr. Hahnemann translated Cullen¶s material medica from English in the year?
a) 1799?
b) 1790?
c) 1793?
d) 1803?
148.The theme of dissertation submitted by Hahnemann to Erlanger University for his MD examination
was ?
a) Experiment on hydrophobia?
b) On mineral waters and warm bath ?
c) The wonderful construction of human hand?
d) A view of the cause and treatment of cramps?
149.First edition of Dr.Hahnemann¶s µThe chronic disease, their peculiar nature and their homeopathic
cure¶ was published in the year?
a) 1790?
b) 1828?
c) 180[?
d) 1819?
1[0.The homeopathic law of nature has been enunciated by Dr.Hahnemann in his Organon aphorism?
a) 7?
b) 48 ?
c) 2‰?
d) [7 ?
1[1.The true natural chronic disease are that arise from ?
a) Exciting cause?
b) Maintaining cause?
c) Chronic miasm?
d) Material cause?
1[2.The section of Dr.Hahnemann Organon with we enter the field of mental disease is ?
a) Aphorism no.184?
b) Aphorism 201?
c) Aphorism 210 ?
d) Aphorism 78?
1[3.A patient having latent Psora is (H.A.Robert)?
a) Alert active and quick?
b) Anxious restless, hysterical?
c) Depressed and melancholic?
d) All the above?
1[4.³Amelioration by unnatural elimination through the mucus surface´ is a feature of (H.A.Robert)?
a) Psora?
b) Sycosis?
c) Syphilis?
d) None of the above?
1[[.If a patient suffering from particular disease is attacked by a stronger and dissimilar disease, then
which of the following does not happen (Organon. Hahnemann)?
a) The former disease is cured?
b) The latter cannot enter body?
c) The patient is cured both diseases?
d) All the above?
1[‰.As per Boenninghausen concept, the term QUID pertains to?
a) Nature and peculiarity of disease?
b) Personality of the patient?
c) Cause of the disease?
d) Modalities ?
1[7.In his material medica Prof.Cullen explained that the curative property of Peruvian bark in the
treatment of intermittent fever, was done due to?
a) Insipid taste?
b) Tonic effect in the stomach?
c) Similarity between the symptoms of intermittent fever and the effect of juice of Peruvian
bark on healthy human beings?
d) None of the above?
1[8.One of the following is not applicable to idiosyncrasy ?
a) Peculiar physical constitution?
b) A disease state ?
c) Posses a disposition to be affected by certain things?
d) None of the above?
1[9.To remove a disease in the living organism, a medicinal force is required, which must satisfy the
conditions like?
a) Superior in strength?
b) Similar in manifestation ?
c) Different in kind?
d) All the above?
1‰0.In sudden poisoning, where imminent death allow no time for the action of a homeopathic remedy,
Hahnemann recommended use of antidotes, such as?
a) Alkalies for mineral acids ?
b) Hep.s for metallic poisons ?
c) Coffee and camphor for opium poisoning?
1‰1.During drug proving, the symptoms of the primary action alone of the drugs are to be recorded,
a) Narcotics ?
b) Aphrodisiac?
c) Astringents?
d) Purgatives ?
1‰2.After the administration of a remedy, if the patient exhibit full time amelioration with out any
relief, then he requires (Kent¶s philosophy)?
a) Palliative treatment ?
b) Anti syphilitic medicine followed by anti psoric ?
c) A deep acting anti psoric?
d) Anti sycotic medicine followed by anti psoric medicine?
1‰3.The requisite knowledge on the part of a physician for being a true practitioner of the healing art,
has been enunciated by Hahnemann in the doctrine part in Organon?
a) Aphorism 9?
b) Aphorism 2‰?
c) Aphorism 3?
d) Aphorism [9?
1‰4.A method of curing a given disease by the same contagious principle that produces it, is called?
a) Enantiopathy?
b) Isopathy?
c) Antipathy?
d) Heteropathy?
1‰[.³There are two realms or words, the realms or world of cause and the realms or world of ultimates´
this statement was made by ?
a) Dr.H.A.Robert ?
b) Dr.Stuart Close?
c) Dr.C.Dunham?
d) Dr.J.T.Kent ?
1‰‰.A symptom brought out by a prover occasionally and which has not been confirmed but verified by
curing the sick people is called?
a) First grade?
b) Third grade?
c) Second grade?
d) None of the above?
1‰7.The reaction of the organism to external and internal influences according to Dr.H.A.Robert is
called as ?
a) Immunity?
b) Resistance?
c) Sensitivity?
d) Susceptibility ?
1‰8.The treatise captioned ³ Samuel Hahnemann his life and work´ in two volume has been complied
a) Richard Hughes ?
b) Richard Hale?
c) Dudgeon R.E?
d) William Boerick ?
1‰9.The most appropriate and efficacious time of administering the medicine in the case of intermittent
fever is ?
a) Before the paroxysm?
b) Immediately after the termination of paroxysm?
c) 24 hour after the termination of paroxysm?
d) Just before the next paroxysm?
170.What is the word meaning of the couplet of words ³Lege artis´ by Hahnemann in the introduction
of Organon?
a) Enervating the body to death?
b) Very opposite of what it should do?
c) Away from act of employing medicine?
d) Document or evidences?
171.The word Organon was first used by ?
a) Aristotle ?
b) Hahnemann?
c) Lord bacon?
d) Hufeland?
172.The only peculiar way to know the peculiar effects of medicines to administer experimentally to ?
a) Animals ?
b) Sick person?
c) Healthy persons?
d) Laboratory testing?
173.The modus operandi of homeopathic medicine is explained in Organon in Aphorism?
a) 2[ ?
b) 2‰ ?
c) 27?
d) 29 ?
174.When one sided disease assume the shape of some affections more of an external kind, it is
distinguished by the name of ?
a) Disease proper?
b) Local maladies?
c) Iatrogenic disease?
d) None of the above?
17[.A typical intermittent disease, according to Hahnemann satisfy the following?
a) A morbid state returning at tolerably fixed period?
b) The feature which return are of unvarying character?
c) The symptom disappear at an equally fixed period?
d) All the above?
17‰.Repertory of intermittent fever was published by ?
a) H.C.Allen ?
b) T.F.Allen?
c) W.A.Allen?
d) Minton ?
177.One of the following chapter in Boger¶s repertory incorporates rubric ± Apolexy?
a) Sensorium?
b) Head ?
c) Sensation & Complaints?
d) Circulation ?
178.Whooping cough belongs to which chapter of Kent¶s repertory?
a) Generalities ?
b) Expectoration ?
c) Chest?
d) Cough ?
179.The cross reference given for µActivity desire for¶ in Kent¶s Repertory is ?
a) Workaholic ?
b) Laborious?
c) Busy?
d) Industrious?
180.Gentry¶s concordance repertory was published in the year ?
a) 188‰?
b) 1890?
c) 1782?
d) 1990?
181.µHiccough¶ belongs to one of the following sub chapters in Boger¶s repertory?
a) Stomach?
b) Throat?
c) Eructation?
d) None of the above?
182.µWaterbrash¶ belongs to one of the following sub chapters in Boger¶s repertory?
a) Eructation?
b) Nausea?
c) Mouth?
d) Abdomen?
183.µMilky Urine¶ in Kent¶s repertory ?
a) Urine ?
b) Kidney?
c) Bladder?
d) Urethra?
184.Kneer¶s repertory is based on?
a) Hering;s guiding symptom?
b) Allen¶s encyclopedia?
c) Material medica pura?
d) None of the above?
18[.Rubric µGoitre¶ is found in which chapter of Kent¶s repertory?
a) Generals ?
b) External throat?
c) Internal throat?
d) Neck?
18‰.In Kent¶s repertory, rubric µjaundice¶ is found in ?
a) Abdomen?
b) General ?
c) Skin?
d) Stomach?
187.Pick one symptom among the following that occupy highest value in repertorisation according to
Kentian approach?
a) Weeping disposition?
b) Poor memory?
c) Delusions?
d) Open air ameliorates ?
188.In Kent¶s repertory the section Kidney is placed immediately after ?
a) Bladder?
b) Prostate gland?
c) Urethra?
d) Urine ?
189.Boenninghausen¶s TPB has«« medicines?
a) 242?
b) 342?
c) 442?
d) 2[2?
190.Thirstless with desire to drink can be found in Kent¶s repertory under ?
a) Mind ?
b) Mouth?
c) Stomach?
d) Generalities ?
191.The number of sections in TPB?
a) 33 ?
b) [?
c) 7?
d) 9?
192.The doctrine of concomitants is the gift of ?
a) Boenninaghausen?
b) William Boerick ?
c) H.C.Allen?
d) C.M.Boger?
193.The full name of C.M.Boger is?
a) Christopher M Boger?
b) Cyrus M Boger?
c) Christian M Boger?
d) Cyriac M Boger?
194.Boenninghausen¶s repertory of antipsorics with the preface by Hahnemann was published in the
a) 1890?
b) 1790?
c) 183[?
d) 1832?
19[.One of the following chapters in Boger¶s repertory contains the rubric µillusion,auditory, voices etc¶?
a) Mind ?
b) Sensation & complaints?
c) Ears?
d) Sensorium?
19‰.Repertory is useful?
a) As a reference book?
b) To find out group of similar medicines ?
c) Helps in the study of material medica?
d) All the above?
197.In Kent¶s repertory µappetite wanting¶ is found in ?
a) Stomach?
b) Abdomen?
c) Generalities ?
d) Mind ?
198.T.F.Allen¶s symptom register published in the year?
a) 188[?
b) 1882?
c) 1880?
d) 1883?
199.µAnthrophobia¶ belongs to one of the following in Boger¶s repertory?
a) Mind ?
b) Sensation?
c) Dream?
d) Vertigo ?
200.In Kents¶ repertory, the rubric talking sleep in is found in chapter?
a) Generalities ?
b) Sleep?
c) Mind?
d) Mouth?

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