The Nuclear Lamina

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Yosef Gruenbaum*, Ayelet Margalit*, Robert D. Goldman‡, Dale K. Shumaker ‡
and Katherine L. Wilson§
Abstract | Many nuclear proteins form lamin-dependent complexes, including LEM-domain
proteins, nesprins and SUN-domain proteins. These complexes have roles in chromatin
organization, gene regulation and signal transduction. Some link the nucleoskeleton to
cytoskeletal structures, ensuring that the nucleus and centrosome assume appropriate
intracellular positions. These complexes provide new insights into cell architecture, as well as a
foundation for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the human
laminopathies — clinical disorders that range from Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy to the
accelerated ageing seen in Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome.

The nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of eukary- number of INM proteins that have been identified in
otic cells are separated by the nuclear envelope (NE). mammalian cells is growing rapidly2, and many of these
The NE consists of two concentric membranes — the proteins are also likely to bind lamins. The identifica-
outer (ONM) and inner (INM) nuclear membranes — tion and analysis of lamin-binding proteins is essential
nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and an underlying to understand the diverse cellular roles that are attrib-
nuclear lamina network (FIG. 1). The ONM is continu- uted to the nuclear lamina. Mutations in lamins and
ous with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is cov- lamin-binding proteins cause a wide range of heritable
ered with ribosomes. The INM and ONM are separated or sporadic human diseases, which are collectively
by a lumenal space, but join at sites that are occupied by known as the laminopathies (BOX 1). So far, most
NPCs, which mediate bidirectional transport of macro- laminopathies are linked to mutations in A-type lamins.
molecules between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The However, two integral membrane proteins are also dis-
*Department of Genetics,
The Institute of Life Sciences, nuclear lamina is a network of lamin polymers and ease-linked: emerin — which binds both A- and B-type
The Hebrew University of lamin-binding proteins that are embedded in the INM. lamins and lamin-B receptor (LBR) — which binds
Jerusalem, Givat Ram, In the nuclear interior, lamins also form stable com- B-type lamins. In this review, we summarize the evi-
Jerusalem, 91904 Israel. plexes (internal lamina), the structure of which is dence for lamin-dependent protein complexes with

Northwestern University
Medical School, Department
unknown. proposed roles in chromatin organization, gene
of Cell and Molecular Lamin proteins are the main components of the expression, nuclear architecture and signalling
Biology, 303 East Chicago lamina network and of nuclear architecture. Lamins are through transforming growth factor β (TGFβ). We
Avenue, Chicago, Illanois type-V INTERMEDIATE-FILAMENT PROTEINS, which have a short also discuss complexes that traverse the nuclear enve-
60611, USA. N-terminal ‘head’ domain, a long α-helical coiled-coil lope, which have roles in nuclear positioning and
Department of Cell Biology,
The Johns Hopkins ‘rod’ domain, and a globular ‘tail’ domain. The rod mechanical anchoring to the cytoskeleton.
University School of domain mediates lamin dimerization, whereas the head
Medicine, 725 North Wolfe and tail domains mediate head-to-tail polymer assem- Lamins
Street, Baltimore, Maryland bly and higher-order assembly1. Lamins are grouped as A- and B-types on the basis of
21205, USA.
Correspondence to Y.G.
It is increasingly clear that lamins support a broad their biochemical properties and behaviour during
e-mail: range of functions through interactions with proteins mitosis1. B-type lamins are essential for cell viability, are
doi:10.1038/nrm1550 that function in many cellular pathways. Also, the expressed in all cells during development, have acidic


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in vivo, or how lamins are organized in the nuclear inte-

rior, although both A- and B-type lamins are stable
Nesprin components of the nucleus. During mitosis, lamins first
Emerin Actin
+ depolymerize and subsequently reassemble. During
ER Cytoplasm
telophase and early G1, when daughter nuclei reassem-
ble their lamina infrastructure, lamins are relatively
Ribosome MTOC
ONM – Microtubule
(FRAP) halftimes of about 30 minutes, whereas, later
– – in interphase, lamin polymers are nearly immobile,
with FRAP halftimes of about 3 hours6. Several studies
Nuclear Lamin- indicate that these dynamic properties are regulated
lamina binding
protein + by post-translational modifications (for example,
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation) and by
lamin-binding partners. Purified lamins have been
+ notoriously difficult to assemble into the expected 10-nm-
envelope diameter filaments in vitro. For example, purified ver-
tebrate and Drosophila melanogaster lamins form
stable paracrystalline arrays that are not physiologi-
cally relevant, as they do not exist in vivo1. In an
Figure 1 | Schematic diagram of a human cell showing the nucleus and other selected
structures (not to scale). The nuclear envelope (NE) has two membranes (inner and outer; INM
important recent breakthrough, conditions were
and ONM, respectively), which join to form ‘pores’ that are occupied by nuclear pore complexes found in which the only lamin of Caenorhabditis
(NPCs; not depicted). For clarity, only two nuclear pores are depicted. NPCs mediate traffic in and elegans, Ce-lamin (a B-type lamin), forms stable 10-nm
out of the nucleus, as indicated by the double-headed arrows. The NE is continuous with the intermediate filaments in vitro7. Natural (endogenous)
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network. Microtubules, which originate at the centrosome 10-nm filaments have so far only been directly visual-
(or microtubule organizing center; MTOC), and microtubule-dependent motors (not shown) ized in the Xenopus laevis oocyte NE8.
regulate the position of the nucleus by attaching to lamin-dependent protein complexes (shown
as blue interlocking shapes) at the NE. Certain ONM-localized members of the nesprin protein
family attach to actin filaments (red). The proposed nuclear actin network (to which emerin and Lamin-binding proteins
A-type lamins bind) is depicted in FIG. 5. The lamin-filament network near the INM is shown in Lamins bind in vitro to many known INM proteins,
purple; internal lamins are not shown. Lamin-dependent complexes that are formed by integral including emerin, MAN1, LBR, lamina-associated
INM proteins, such as emerin (blue triangle) and MAN1 (blue U-shape) are shown in FIGS 5,6, polypeptides-1 and -2β (LAP1, LAP2β) and nesprin-1α.
respectively. In normal cells, proteins that localize specifically to the INM (or ONM) give bright Lamins can also bind chromatin proteins (histone H2A
fluorescent signals at the NE when they are stained by indirect immunofluorescence (not
or H2B dimers), as well as ostensibly soluble proteins
depicted). In cells that lack A-type lamins (not depicted), many of these proteins are not retained
at the NE but instead drift throughout the NE/ER network12,13,21,36,79.
including lamina-associated polypeptide-2α (LAP2α),
Kruppel-like protein (MOK2), actin, retinoblastoma
protein (RB), barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF),
sterol-response-element-binding protein (SREBP) and
isoelectric points when separated on the basis of their one or more components of RNA-polymerase-II-
electric charge, and are post-translationally modified by dependent transcription complexes and DNA-replica-
ISOPRENYLATION. This modification helps B-type lamins tion complexes9,10. Lamins and their associated proteins
attach to the INM (and to INM proteins) during inter- are proposed to have roles in large-scale chromatin
phase, and to remain attached to membranes (specifi- organization11–14, the spacing of NPCs11,15, the position-
cally, ER membranes) when the NE disassembles during ing of the nucleus in cells16,17 and the reassembly of the
mitosis. A-type lamins (A, C, A∆10 and C2) arise from a nucleus after mitosis18. Furthermore, essential nuclear
single gene (LMNA) by alternative mRNA splicing; they functions depend on lamins, notably DNA replication19
are distinguished from B-type lamins, both biochemi- and RNA-polymerase-II-dependent gene expression20.
cally (A-type lamins have neutral isoelectric points) and Lamins are further proposed to anchor multiprotein
PROTEINS functionally. A-type lamins are expressed in a tissue- complexes in which integral proteins of the ONM and
A large family of proteins with a specific manner, disperse as soluble proteins during INM ‘hold hands’ across the NE lumen, thereby ‘bridging’
central coiled-coil ‘rod’ domain mitosis, and are probably incorporated into the nuclear the NE and mechanically coupling the nucleoskeleton
that polymerize into stable
~10-nm-diameter filaments in
lamina later than B-type lamins during post-mitotic and cytoskeleton. At present, proteins that are proposed
cells. These filaments are thicker nuclear assembly. Some A-type lamins, including A to participate in NE ‘bridging’ include UNC-84 and
than actin (‘thin’) filaments but and A∆10, are initially isoprenylated, but the modified UNC-83 (REFS 16,21), ZYG-12 (REF. 22) and nesprins23.
thinner than microtubules, C-terminus is subsequently cleaved by a specific metal-
hence ‘intermediate’. Lamins
loproteinase3,4 to form the mature protein. Lamins C Chromatin silencing and LBR
(type-V intermediate-filament
proteins) are found only in the and C2 are not isoprenylated or cleaved. In most cells, a large proportion of transcriptionally
nucleus. More than 25 years have passed since lamins were silent HETEROCHROMATIN localizes near the nuclear
discovered, and it has been 20 years since lamins periphery24. Lamins seem to be important for the
ISOPRENYLATION were first recognized as the most ancient intermedi- attachment of chromatin to the NE, as heterochro-
Enzyme-mediated post-
translational covalent
ate-filament proteins1, yet little is known about how matin is lost from the nuclear periphery in fibroblasts
attachment of a hydrophobic lamins assemble in the nucleus of somatic cells5. It is and myocytes from LMNA-knockout mice, and in
isoprenyl moiety to proteins. unclear whether A- and B-type lamins co-polymerize fibroblasts from patients with Hutchinson–Gilford

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Box 1 | The laminopathies

has sterol-reductase activity (FIG. 2), but how this enzyme
activity might relate to LBR regulation of chromatin
Mutations in A-type lamins or lamin-binding proteins cause various diseases structure and nuclear architecture is unknown. These
(‘laminopathies’). Mutations in emerin, an X-linked gene, cause Emery–Dreifuss findings collectively implicate lamin-dependent LBR
muscular dystrophy (EDMD), which is characterized by early contractures of major complexes in both chromatin structure and sterol-
tendons, muscle wasting in the upper and lower limbs, CARDIOMYOPATHY and cardiac dependent signalling in the nucleus.
conduction defects94. Heterozygous mutations in lamin-B receptor (LBR) cause the
Pelger–Huet anomaly (PHA) in blood granulocytes29. PHA nuclei have fewer Lamins, LEM-domain proteins and BAF complexes
lobules, indicating the incomplete differentiation of neutrophils. Homozygous
The LEM domain is a ~40 residue motif that is found in
mutations in LBR cause Greenberg skeletal dysplasia27, an embryonic lethal
several INM and nucleoplasmic proteins30,31. All LEM-
domain proteins that have been tested so far bind directly
Over 180 disease-causing mutations have been mapped throughout LMNA (see the
to A- or B-type lamins (or both) in vitro, as shown
Leiden Muscular Dystrophy pages in the online links box) including both autosomal-
dominant and -recessive forms of EDMD. Some dominant mutations cause limb-girdle for emerin, LAP2α and LAP2β in vertebrates32,33,34,
muscular dystrophy or dilated cardiomyopathy, both of which include cardiac Ce-emerin and Ce-MAN1 in C. elegans12 and Otefin and
conduction defects. The only disease for which mutations seem to cluster (in the tail Bocksbeutel in D. melanogaster35,36.All LEM-domain pro-
domain of A-type lamins) is the autosomal dominant Dunnigan-type familial partial teins that have been tested also bind BAF37,38, an essential,
lipodystrophy, which is characterized by loss of adipose tissue from the extremities, small, dimeric protein that binds dsDNA nonspecifically
excess adipose tissue in the face and neck, insulin resistance and usually diabetes in vitro39 and that represses the transcriptional activator
mellitus that begins at puberty or later in life. Recessive laminopathies that are caused by cone-rod homeobox protein (CRX) in vivo40.
mutations in the tail domain of A-type lamins include axonal neuropathy In the interphase nucleus, the LEM-domain proteins
(Charcot–Marie–Tooth disorder type-2) or skeletal malformations associated with and BAF form an inter-dependent network that is based
postnatal growth retardation, mottled cutaneous pigmentation and partial on the integrity of lamin filaments. In lamin-depleted
lipodystrophy (mandibuloacral dysplasia). cells, emerin, Ce-MAN1, and Bocksbeutel are not
Accelerated ageing (Hutchison–Gilford progeria syndrome; HGPS) is caused by the retained at the NE and instead mislocalize to ER mem-
C1824→T mutation (G608G), which creates an ectopic mRNA-splicing site that deletes 50 branes12,13,36. Furthermore, Ce-BAF enrichment near the
residues from the tail domain of A-type lamins. HGPS is characterized by growth nuclear periphery in C. elegans embryos requires the
retardation, loss of subcutaneous fat, atherosclerosis, bone deformations, delayed membrane-bound LEM-domain proteins Ce-MAN1
dentition, hair loss, sclerodermatous skin and cardiovascular disease. Atypical HGPS is and Ce-emerin12. Therefore, lamin mutations that
caused by dominant mutations in the rod domain. Other dominant mutations in the result in mislocalized lamin-binding proteins can sec-
rod domain can cause another form of progeria (atypical Werner syndrome)95. The
ondarily mislocalize other proteins, which amplifies
phenotype of any given LMNA mutation can vary between individuals and between
the biological effects of these mutations. BAF, lamins
siblings96. Some patients with a single mutation suffer from several laminopathies97. A
and certain LEM-domain proteins (notably LAP2α)
neonatally lethal syndrome, restrictive dermopathy, is caused by tail deletions in A-type
are also present in the nuclear interior, where they
lamins or mutations in the gene that encodes the lamin-A-processing metalloproteinase
ZMPSTE24 (REF. 86). support cell-cycle regulation41,42,43, replication and
transcription (discussed below), presumably also by
functioning as a scaffold for multiprotein complexes.
Therefore, mutations that severely disrupt lamina
progeria syndrome (HGPS)13,25,26 — a clinical disorder organization could have significant effects on cell
that is caused by mutations in the LMNA gene (BOX 1). function during interphase.
At the molecular level, this attachment is probably When lamin expression is downregulated in C. elegans
multipronged, mediated directly by chromatin binding embryos, interphase nuclei have abnormally condensed
AFTER PHOTOBLEACHING to lamins, and mediated indirectly by chromatin bind- chromatin, and mitotic cells have gross defects in chro-
(FRAP). A microscope ing to membrane proteins, which, in turn, bind mosome segregation including anaphase chromosome
technique used to measure the lamins. The most well-characterized example of a ‘bridges’ that lead to ANEUPLOIDY11. Similar phenotypes
movement (for example,
chromatin-and lamin-binding membrane protein is are observed in C. elegans when both Ce-emerin and
diffusion rates) of fluorescently
tagged molecules over time LBR (FIG. 2). Ce-MAN1 are downregulated, or when Ce-BAF is
in vivo. Specific regions in a cell LBR, an integral membrane protein, is essential dur- downregulated12,39. Therefore, interactions between
are irreversibly photobleached ing human development, as homozygous mutations lamins, LEM-domain proteins and Ce-BAF are pro-
using a laser; fluorescence is that disrupt its enzyme activity are lethal27. As its name posed to influence chromatin organization during both
restored by diffusion of
fluorescently tagged unbleached
suggests, LBR binds B-type lamins, but, in vitro, it also interphase and mitosis. Ce-BAF does not localize at the
molecules into the bleached binds directly to double stranded (ds)DNA, histone nuclear periphery after mitosis in cells that are down-
area. H3–H4 tetramers, chromatin-associated protein HA95 regulated for either Ce-lamin, or both Ce-MAN1 plus
and HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN-1 (HP1)28, which contains Ce-emerin12. At first glance, these findings in C. elegans
both a chromodomain and a chromo-shadow domain indicate that lamin filaments are the ‘bedrock’ for LEM-
Highly compacted chromatin
that is transcriptionally inactive. and which mediates gene silencing. Further support for domain proteins, which in turn recruit BAF. However,
Includes structural regions of LBR involvement in chromatin organization comes in mammalian cells, a dominant-negative BAF mutant
the chromosome that lack genes from mutations in LBR that cause the Pelger–Huet was found to disrupt post-mitotic nuclear assembly of
(for example, centromeres; anomaly (PHA)29, an autosomal dominant (but clini- emerin, LAP2β and A-type lamins, but not B-type
‘constitutive’ heterochromatin)
as well as genes that are silenced
cally silent) phenotype in which white-blood-cell nuclei lamins, which illustrates the mutual inter-dependence
in a given cell type (‘facultative’ have abnormal chromatin organization and decreased of this triad of proteins during nuclear assembly 44.
heterochromatin). lobulation. The membrane-embedded domain of LBR LEM-domain proteins and BAF might be important to


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CARDIOMYOPATHY Sterol-reductase domain Figure 2 | The lamin-B receptor is a membrane-

Weakening of the heart muscle embedded enzyme with an exposed domain that
that results in a decreased INM binds B-type lamins and other partners. The exposed
cardiac pumping force. N-terminal domain (N) of the lamin-B receptor (LBR) binds
C C14 sterol several partners, including B-type lamins and
CHONDRODYSTROPHY heterochromatin protein HP1 (shown), as well as DNA and
B-type lamins
Inherited skeletal disorders in histones H3/H4 (not shown). HP1 binds ‘silenced’ forms of
which cartilage is prematurely or histone H3 that are methylated at Lys9 (Me-K9H3).
inappropriately converted to Chromatin protein HA95 co-immunoprecipitates with LBR
bone. Non-lethal forms can Reduced sterol
but might bind LBR indirectly. The eight transmembrane
cause dwarfism. N
spans of LBR have sterol-reductase activity that is essential
? for human development. Because LBR is anchored through
HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN-1 B-type lamins and chromatin, its enzyme activity is
HP1 HA95
(HP1). Originally identified in restricted to the inner nuclear membrane (INM) and
D. melanogaster, HP1 is a protein
presumably has nuclear functions. It is unknown whether
that silences chromatin by Me-
H3K9 the enzyme activity and chromatin-binding functions of LBR
binding histone H3 when the H3
Silent chromatin are related. C, C terminus.
tail is methylated at amino-acid
residue Lys9 (Me-H3K9).

Having an abnormal number of
assemble lamin filaments and therefore rebuild the Tethering to A-type lamins is required for RB stability, as
chromosomes (too many or too nuclear lamina after mitosis, although these same pro- RB is rapidly degraded by proteosomes in Lmna-null
few). teins later depend on lamins for their own localization mouse cells43. The interactions between transcriptional
during interphase. Co-dependent roles in nuclear regulators and LEM-domain proteins (such as LAP2β
structure and function might make it difficult to dissect and emerin) that are discussed below, provide mecha-
the mechanisms of laminopathy disease. nistic insight into other roles for lamin-dependent com-
plexes in gene regulation.
Lamins, LEM-domain proteins and gene regulation
Lamins are required to support RNA-polymerase-II- LAP2β mediates gene repression. LAP2β binds B-type
dependent gene expression in vivo 20. There are now sev- lamins and a ubiquitous transcriptional regulator that is
eral examples of transcription factors, including RB, that known as germ cell-less (GCL). GCL localizes preferen-
bind lamins or lamin-associated proteins45. RB regulates tially near the INM of the NE46,47. GCL binds and
entry into S-phase and terminal differentiation. inhibits the DP3 subunit of the heterodimeric transcrip-
tional activator E2F–DP3 (REFS 46,48). In transfection
studies with an E2F–DP3-dependent reporter gene,
a LAP2β b LAP2β c LAP2β cells that overexpressed both LAP2β and GCL repressed
the reporter as effectively as RB, which is an alternative
transcriptional regulator (FIG. 3a). Furthermore, overex-
B-type lamins
pression of LAP2β alone was sufficient to repress the
E2F–DP3-dependent reporter gene, which provided
the first evidence for gene regulation by a LEM-domain
N N ? N
Other protein46 and indicated that LAP2β might similarly
GCL repressors HA95
recruit other (endogenous) repressors (FIG. 3b).
Interestingly, LAP2β also contributes to the initiation
? of DNA replication. HA95, which can also bind LBR
(FIG. 2) , interacts with LAP2β, and this complex
somehow stabilizes cell-division-cycle protein-6
(CDC6), an important component of pre-replication
E2F–DP3-dependent Other genes? stable unstable complexes49 (FIG. 3c).
genes off

Figure 3 | LAP2 β mediates gene silencing and indirectly stabilizes pre-replication Emerin binds GCL and other gene regulators. Emerin
complexes. a | Lamina-associated polypeptide (LAP)2β has many partners at the inner nuclear is another LEM-domain protein that overlaps func-
membrane (INM), including B-type lamins and germ cell-less (GCL), which binds the DP3 subunit tionally with LAP2β, as it also binds directly to
of the E2F–DP3 transcription factor. When co-overexpressed, LAP2β and GCL synergistically
lamins and GCL. Emerin is expressed in nearly all
repress an E2F–DP3-dependent reporter gene in vivo46. Other LAP2β partners that are not
depicted include DNA and barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF)32,38. b | In cells that overexpress
tissues, but its loss causes the X-linked recessive form
LAP2β, but not GCL, the overexpressed LAP2β still represses the E2F–DP3-dependent reporter of Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD),
gene in vivo46. We therefore speculate that LAP2β can recruit other endogenous regulators (‘other which affects only a subset of tissues (BOX 1). Emerin
repressors’) and their associated genes. c | Chromatin protein HA95 binds two regions in LAP2β. co-immunoprecipitates with GCL from HeLa cells
One region (shown) overlaps the LEM domain and is implicated in stabilizing cell-division-cycle and forms a stable trimeric complex with GCL and
protein-6 (CDC6), a key component of the pre-replication complex49. This ‘replication-relevant’ lamin A in vitro50 (FIG. 4a). Interestingly, GCL is dis-
HA95-binding site is present in all LAP2 isoforms including LAP2α, an abundant protein that
binds lamin A and retinoblastoma protein (RB) in the nuclear interior105. The second HA95-binding
placed by BAF in vitro (FIG. 4c), possibly due to par-
region (not shown) overlaps with the lamin-binding region in LAP2β, but HA95 does not seem to tially overlapping binding sites on emerin 50,51. The
compete with B-type lamins. This second region in LAP2β is relevant for nuclear assembly, but mutually exclusive binding of GCL and BAF to
not for DNA replication49. C, C terminus; N, N terminus. emerin indicates that emerin can form at least two

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a Emerin b Emerin c Emerin Nuclear actin is not recognized by most actin anti-
C C C bodies or by phalloidin, a compound that binds cyto-
INM plasmic F-actin. Nonetheless, there are at least two
monoclonal antibodies that recognize nuclear-specific
Lamins Lamins conformations of polymeric actin55.
Both lamin A and emerin bind monomeric globular
N N N BAF (G)-actin in vitro 51,56,57. Nuclear emerin from mature
GCL BTF muscle and differentiating myotube cells co-immuno-
CRX precipitates with lamins, α-ACTIN, β-ACTIN and protein
DP3–E2F ? kinase A (PKA)58,59, which indicates that the composi-
? ? tion or function of nuclear emerin–lamin–actin com-
plexes might be regulated by phosphorylation by PKA.
Recent work indicates that emerin has a special role
with respect to nuclear actin. In biochemical studies,
E2F–DP3-dependent BTF-repressed CRX-activated
genes off? genes off or on? genes off? emerin binds and caps the pointed end of polymeric,
filamentous (F)-actin with an affinity of 300–500 nM
(REF. 60), and thereby stabilizes F-actin in vitro. Emerin
Figure 4 | Emerin binds many transcriptional regulators in vitro; models for in vivo
function. Emerin binds A- and B-type lamins in vitro, as well as at least four gene regulators, also co-purifies with nuclear-specific isoforms of
including germ cell-less (GCL), BCL2-associated transcription factor (BTF) and barrier-to- αII-SPECTRIN , a filamentous protein that binds F-actin.
autointegration factor (BAF). For simplicity, the regulator-binding region in emerin, to which all Other nuclear parallels to the cytoskeleton are emerg-
regulators (except BAF) bind, is depicted as a single site, although it involves residues on both ing. For example, a protein that is known as protein 4.1
sides of the lamin-binding site, and partially overlaps the BAF-binding region50,52. Two regulators links spectrin to F-actin in the cytoplasm, and stabilizes
are shown: GCL (a), which binds the DP3 subunit of E2F–DP3 heterodimers and represses
the actin cortical network. Cells also express nuclear iso-
E2F–DP3-dependent gene expression, and BTF (b), a cell-death-promoting transcription
repressor, the DNA-specific partner of which, is unknown. Emerin-null cells have gene-expression forms of protein 4.1 (REFS 61,62), which might carry out
defects that are rescued by exogenous emerin106. However the molecular roles of emerin in gene similar functions in the nucleus. The actin-binding
expression are untested, so the models shown in parts a and b are speculative. BAF binds region of nuclear protein 4.1 is essential for nuclear
directly to both lamin A and emerin in vitro (c), and blocks GCL binding to emerin50. BAF assembly in X. laevis egg extracts63, which indicates that
binds directly to dsDNA (not shown) and to the homeodomain transcription activator cone-rod both actin and protein 4.1 have structural roles during
homeobox protein (CRX), and represses CRX-dependent genes in vivo40. Part c speculatively
nuclear assembly. Interestingly, loss of A-type lamins
suggests that BAF represses CRX when bound to emerin or other LEM-domain proteins.
However, BAF is highly mobile in living cells107, so other models are plausible. C, C terminus; INM,
causes both mechanical weakness and defects in
inner nuclear membrane; N, N terminus. mechanical-stress-dependent gene expression in vivo 64.
In mechanical studies of the X. laevis oocyte NE, the
lamina behaves like a reinforced network of stiff rods,
which resist compression forces while maintaining their
distinct lamin-anchored complexes. The GCL-binding ability to expand elastically (leading the lamina to be
region in emerin is recognized by at least three other described as functioning like a molecular shock
gene regulators, including a death-promoting repres- absorber)65. It will be interesting to know if interactions
sor that is known as BCL2-associated transcription fac- between lamins and F-actin contribute to these
tor (BTF; FIG. 4b)52. These data implicate emerin–lamin mechanical properties of the lamina. LAP2β, a LEM-
complexes in transcriptional regulation, but it is not domain protein that is closely related to emerin, was
yet known how emerin behaves in vivo. 20-fold less active than emerin in actin-polymerization
assays60, which indicates that emerin might have
Emerin binds and stabilizes actin filaments unique roles that involve actin. Therefore, as well as
Surprisingly, emerin, an integral INM protein of the possible roles in gene regulation, lamin-bound emerin
NE, also binds actin. Actin is an abundant protein in is proposed to anchor an actin- and spectrin-contain-
muscle cells, where it is required for muscle contrac- ing structural network at the INM60 (FIG. 5). As mechan-
tion. Actin is also one of the main components of the ical weakness contributes to the pathology that is found
cytoskeleton in all cell types and is required for cell in at least some laminopathy-affected tissues, an
division, motility, mechanical resilience and cell important question for the future is which other INM
integrity. Notably, actin is also present in the nucleus53. and soluble proteins influence actin dynamics in the
Nuclear actin is involved in many activities including nucleus. If emerin is an important element of the pro-
α-ACTIN, β-ACTIN AND γ-ACTIN chromatin remodelling, the formation of heteroge- posed nuclear actin cortical network, its mislocaliza-
In higher eukaryotes there are neous nuclear RNA particles, stress responses, nuclear tion in Lmna-null cells might disrupt the mechanical
three actin isoforms; α-actin is
export and transcription53. For example, a nuclear- integrity of the nucleus.
specific to muscle cells, whereas
β-actin and γ-actin are present specific isoform of myosin I, an actin-dependent
in all cells. motor, interacts with the RNA-polymerase-II com- MAN1 and signal transduction
plex and is implicated in transcription activity54. Vertebrates express MAN1, a LEM-domain protein
SPECTRIN Which, if any, of these roles might involve polymeric that crosses the INM twice30. The C-terminal domain
A family of tetrameric, actin-
binding proteins. The functional
actin (F-actin) is not known. Indeed, understanding of MAN1 binds directly to receptor-regulated SMAD
molecule consists of two α/β the nature and variety of actin polymers in the (R-SMAD) proteins 66, which mediate signalling
heterodimers. nucleus is a significant challenge in cell biology53,55. downstream of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)


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Lamin-dependent links to the cytoskeleton

Cytoplasm The position of the nucleus within each cell is regu-
ONM lated. This positioning requires the activity of actin,
microtubules and microtubule-dependent motors16,17.
C Emerin C Remarkably, various studies reveal that nuclear posi-
INM tioning also depends on the nuclear lamina, and
involves novel membrane proteins that localize uniquely
to the ONM, but not to the ER.
Protein Protein
4.1 N 4.1 N
Lamins, UNC-84, UNC-83 and nuclear positioning.
Nuclear positioning has been studied extensively in
C. elegans. Mutations in either C. elegans UNC-84 or
UNC-83 affect the polarization of gut primordial cells
and disrupt nuclear migration in P-CELL precursors,
Figure 5 | Proposed emerin-anchored actin cortical network at the nuclear envelope. which leads to P-cell death and uncoordinated move-
Emerin binds and caps the pointed end of F-actin in vitro, and affinity-purifies several actin- ment 71. UNC-84, an integral protein of the NE, is
binding proteins including a nuclear-enriched isoform of spectrin, which is a filamentous also required for nuclear positioning (anchoring) in
actin-binding protein60. In the cytoplasm, protein 4.1 reinforces the cortical actin network at the 72
cell membrane by linking spectrin to short actin filaments. A similar ‘cortical’ network is proposed
to exist at the inner nuclear membrane (INM), and to mechanically reinforce the lamina network60.
four human proteins share a C-terminal motif of ~120
The actin-binding domain of nuclear-specific isoforms of protein 4.1 is essential to reconstruct residues, the SUN (Sad1/UNC-84 homology) domain71.
nuclei after mitosis63. This indicates further roles for nuclear actin filaments, protein 4.1 and The SUN domain of human SUN2 localizes to the NE
possibly spectrin during nuclear assembly (not shown). C, C terminus; N, N terminus; NE, nuclear lumen73. UNC-84 is detectable at the NE of essentially
envelope; ONM, outer nuclear membrane. all C. elegans cells from the 26-cell-embryo stage
onwards, although the precise membrane topology and
exact location (INM versus ONM) are not known.
and other members of the TGFβ superfamily67. X. laevis UNC-84 colocalizes with Ce-lamin21, and furthermore,
Man1 inhibits signalling downstream of Bmp4, the NE localization of UNC-84 depends on Ce-lamin.
through direct binding to a subset of R-Smads (1, 5 or However it is not known whether UNC-84 binds Ce-
8) and thereby blocks VENTRALIZATION during embryo- lamin directly21. A second C. elegans SUN-domain pro-
genesis67 (FIG. 6). Activated (phosphorylated) R-Smads tein, matefin, specifically localizes to the INM74. The
normally multimerize with a ‘co-Smad’ (for example, topology of UNC-84 and its partners in the NE are
Smad4), accumulate in the nucleus, bind specific tran- important, because these proteins are proposed to
scription factors and regulate many genes, which mechanically link microtubule-dependent motors to the
include those encoding transcription factors such as nuclear lamina, perhaps by forming protein–protein
X. laevis Vent1, Vent2 and Msx1 (REF. 68) (FIG. 6). Msx1 complexes that bridge the NE16,21 (FIG. 7). Resistance to
is potentially relevant to EDMD and other biochemical fractionation, a criterion that is often used
laminopathies because it represses muscle differentia- to distinguish lamin-binding INM proteins from ‘typi-
tion69. Smad signalling can be blocked in several ways. cal’ ONM or ER proteins, must be interpreted cau-
Upstream, Bmp4 itself is antagonized by factors that tiously because we are now aware that some ONM pro-
are secreted by the SPEMANN ORGANIZER, which block teins (for example, UNC-83 and UNC-84) might resist
universal ventralization and allow neuroectoderm extraction without binding directly to lamins.
and dorsal mesoderm to develop 70. However, once UNC-84 binds directly to another integral mem-
VENTRALIZATION Bmp4 binds the cell surface, further signalling can be brane protein, UNC-83. This in vitro interaction
Loss of dorsal-axis specification regulated by inhibitory Smads, which function at requires the SUN domain of UNC-84 and possibly the
during early development,
several levels and shuttle in and out of the nucleus67. membrane-anchoring Klarsicht domain of UNC-83
which produces embryos with
ventral-only fates. In X. laevis embryos that have been injected with the (REF. 16). UNC-83 localization also requires the SUN
C-terminal domain of Man1, cells fail to acquire a domain of UNC-84 (REF. 16), however, mutations in
SPEMANN ORGANIZER ventral fate66, which indicates that activated Smads unc-83 do not affect the localization of UNC-84 (REF. 21).
Specialized tissue at the dorsal can be inhibited by binding to Man1 at the nuclear Therefore, the NE localization of UNC-83 depends on
lip of the blastopore in
amphibian embryos, which
envelope. In support of this model, human MAN1 UNC-84, which, in turn, depends on lamins. These
directs formation of the binds a different subset of R-SMADs (SMAD2 and 3), findings are consistent with models in which UNC-83
embryonic body axis. and inhibits signalling downstream of TGFβ in vivo faces the cytoplasm, but crosses the ONM and binds a
(H. Worman, personal communication). It will be domain of UNC-84 in the lumen of the NE21 (FIG. 7,
interesting to watch the MAN1 story unfold, since left). Alternatively, if both proteins localize to the ONM,
Ventral cord blast cells in
C. elegans. MAN1 is the first lamin-dependent INM protein the lumenal domain of UNC-84 might ‘hold hands’
with a direct role in signal transduction. SMAD- with an unidentified INM protein that binds directly to
SYNCYTIAL HYPODERMAL CELLS mediated signalling pathways have key roles in tissue lamins (not depicted in FIG. 7). Based on the phenotype
Many of the hypodermal cells differentiation and tissue homeostasis67. We therefore of unc-84 or unc-83 mutants, the UNC-83–UNC-84
that establish the basic body
shape of C. elegans form
speculate that MAN1, as a SMAD-binding protein, complex is proposed to facilitate nuclear migration and
multinucleate syncytia by cell has the potential to regulate vertebrate tissues at positioning by mechanically linking microtubule-
fusion during development. many levels. dependent motors to the nuclear lamina.

26 | JANUARY 2005 | VOLUME 6

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cells, immunolocalization studies show that the N-ter-

minus of ANC-1 colocalizes with cytoplasmic actin,
II I Cell membrane whereas the C-terminus embeds in the NE, presumably
P at the ONM17. Anc-1 mutations do not affect the local-
P ization of UNC-84 (REF. 21) but the NE localization of
ANC-1, like that of UNC-83, requires the SUN domain
P of UNC-84 (REF. 17) (FIG. 7, right). As both UNC-84 (a
R-Smad SUN-domain protein) and ANC-1 (a nesprin) are evo-
Smad4 lutionarily conserved in metazoans, complexes between
SUN-domain and nesprin-family members might
mechanically link the nucleoskeleton and the actin
cytoskeleton (FIG. 7, right). We speculate that UNC-84
anchors ANC-1 (nesprin) and UNC-83 separately, as
R-Smad Smad4 depicted in FIG. 7, as these partners connect to differ-
Lamins ent cytoskeletal structures. Notably, ANC-1 interacts
ONM with cytoplasmic F-actin whereas UNC-83 associates with
INM Purified emerin also binds nesprin-1α78, and both
P emerin and nesprin-1α are displaced to the ER network
R-Smad Smad4 Ventral fate in human LMNA-null fibroblasts79. This supports the
P lamin-dependent nature of nesprin-containing NE-
C R-Smad Smad4 bridging complexes. Bridging complexes are probably
N Txn factor dynamic in living cells, since mammalian nuclei
rotate slowly (minutes or hours) independent of the
Dorsal fate
Target genes surrounding cytoplasm80.
The nuclear lamina and centrosome position
Figure 6 | Man1 represses Smad signalling downstream of Bmp4 in Xenopus laevis
The microtubule organizing center (or CENTROSOME) is
embryos. Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp)4 and other members of the TGFβ superfamily are
secreted proteins (dimers) that bind heterodimeric receptors. The type-II receptor (‘II’) tightly associated with the NE in metazoan cells. This
phosphorylates the type-I receptor (‘I’), which then phosphorylates the regulatory Smad positioning requires microtubules and microtubule-
(R-Smad)67. Different cell types express different R-Smads. R-Smad1, 5 and 8 mediate Bmp dependent motor components, including DYNEIN heavy,
signals, whereas R-Smad2 and 3 mediate Tgfβ signals67. The phospho-R-Smad binds a intermediate and light chains81,82. It is unknown if
co-Smad (for example, Smad4), accumulates in the nucleus, and oligomerizes with gene-specific dynein and microtubules function only to initially
transcription factors (Txn factors) to activate or repress various genes that collectively confer a
bring centrosomes to the NE, or if they actively main-
ventral fate during development. Ventralization fails in Xenopus laevis embryos that express (or are
injected with) the C-terminal domain of Man1 (REF. 66). This indicates that sequestration of
tain centrosome position. In C. elegans, centrosome
R-Smad/co-Smad complexes by Man1 at the inner nuclear membrane (INM) inhibits signalling; position also depends on the nuclear lamina, ONM
by default, cells maintain a dorsal fate. The colocalization of Man1 and R-Smad at the INM that is proteins and centrosome proteins22. For example,
predicted by this model remains to be tested in vivo. NE, nuclear envelope; ONM, outer nuclear ZYG-12 belongs to the Hook family of proteins, which
membrane; P, phosphate. are thought to link various organelle membranes to
microtubules83. Endogenous ZYG-12 contains a puta-
tive transmembrane domain and localizes both to the
Lamins, nesprins and nuclear ‘outreach’ to actin and centrosome and the NE (presumably at the ONM); its
microtubules. Nesprins, which have been identified in C-terminal region binds to itself and the dynein light
many laboratories and given many names (BOX 2) are chain. Since ZYG-12 has a dual localization (the NE
also proposed to mechanically bridge the NE. In and centrosomes), its self-association is proposed to
humans, nesprins are encoded by two genes: nesprin-1 link centrosomes to the ONM22. This proposed role is
DOMAIN and nesprin-2. Both genes give rise to a splendid array supported by the phenotype of ZYG-12-deficient
A ~110-residue, actin-binding of alternatively-spliced transcripts, some of which rival embryos: centrosomes appear morphologically normal
domain that is common to many titin, the largest known human transcript75. Many iso- but fail to associate with the NE. These embryos have
actin-binding proteins,
including cytoskeletal and
forms of nesprin-1 and nesprin-2 bind F-actin in vitro defects in chromosome segregation that lead to aneu-
signal-transduction proteins. and colocalize with the actin cytoskeleton in vivo when ploidy and death22. Whether ZYG-12 binds other NE-
visualized by indirect immunofluorescence. Many bridging components, or functions independently, is
CENTROSOME nesprin isoforms have a Klarsicht domain at their an intriguing question.
The microtubule-organizing
C-terminus, which anchors them to the NE, presum- For its anchorage to the ONM, ZYG-12 somehow
center, an organelle that contains
the centrioles and that ably at the ONM23,76. Other isoforms such as nesprin-1α depends on a putative lamin-binding INM protein
anchors the ‘minus’ ends of localize inside the nucleus (see below). In C. elegans, matefin/SUN-1 (REF. 22) Matefin/SUN-1 is a C. elegans
microtubules. ANC-1 encodes a giant (8,546-residue) nesprin pro- SUN-domain-containing INM protein that has two
tein, with typical features that include an N-terminal putative transmembrane domains and that binds
A microtubule-dependent
pair of actin-binding CALPONIN-HOMOLOGY DOMAINS fol- lamins in vitro74. Downregulating mtf-1/sun-1 in early
motor protein that is powered by lowed by six 903-residue repeats and a C-terminal embryos causes centrosomes to detach from the NE,
ATP hydrolysis. Klarsicht domain77 (BOX 2). In the nucleus of muscle and displaces ZYG-12 from the NE, but not from the


© 2005 Nature Publishing Group


Box 2 | Nesprins
The proteins that are encoded by the nesprin-1 and nesprin-2 genes are among the largest in the cell. The human
nesprin-1 locus at chromosome position 6q25 has 147 exons that encode up to 8,797 residues75,98. The nesprin-2 locus
(14q23) has 115 exons that encode 6,884 residues75. There are many splicing isoforms for both nesprin-1 and nesprin-2,
which have acquired many names including cpg-2 (REF. 99), syne-1 and syne-2 (REF. 100), myne-1 and myne-2 (REF. 101),
enaptin76, ANC-1 (REF. 17), MSP-300 (REF. 102) and NUANCE23. A relatively small isoform, nesprin-1α, localizes at the
nuclear inner membrane and binds both lamin A and emerin78,101. The longest isoforms contain an actin-binding
domain at their N-terminus, which colocalizes with actin in vivo17,23,76, and a membrane-localizing Klarsicht domain at
their C-terminus75. The Klarsicht domain spans the membrane and, in longer nesprin isoforms, is anchored in the outer
membrane of the nuclear envelope17,103. Nesprins have several spectrin repeat (SR) domains, each of which consists of
~106 residues that form a triple-helical bundle. SR domains mediate protein–protein interactions, crosslink actin and
microtubules, and function as molecular scaffolds or stabilizers. SR domains are also found in many cytosolic proteins,
including dystrophin, mutations in which cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Other nesprin isoforms seem to anchor to the Golgi apparatus or mitochondria. In epithelial cells, overexpression of
the Golgi-binding domain of nesprin-1 causes the Golgi to collapse into a condensed structure near the centrosome104.
Further evidence that the nesprin family anchors other organelles comes from Caenorhabditis elegans anc-1 mutants,
which are defective in the positioning not only of nuclei (see text)71, but also of mitochondria71,72. Drosophila
melanogaster and C. elegans each encode one gene that is orthologous to nesprins, known as MSP-300 and ANC-1,
respectively17,102. Proposed roles for nesprins in the mechanical linking of the nuclear envelope to the cytoskeleton and
nucleoskeleton are described in the text.

centrosome. So, ZYG-12 probably depends on an matefin/SUN-1 is naturally depleted74. Matefin/SUN-1

INM protein for its anchorage to the ONM22. Another continues to be expressed only in germline cells,
protein is thought to replace matefin/SUN-1 after where it is required for germline proliferation or sur-
mid-embryogenesis, when maternally deposited vival after the third larval stage74. However, in con-
trast to early embryos, centrosomes seem to maintain
their NE position in the germ cells of mtf-1/sun-1-
Actin null larvae (A. Fridkin and Y.G., unpublished obser-
Cytoplasm vations). Because somatic cells lack matefin/SUN-1,
it can be predicted that somatic cells express other
INM proteins that bind ZYG-12 and help to localize

Microtubule centrosomes.

What do laminopathies reveal about lamins?

+ Centriole Human disease has been linked to mutations in the
UNC- Nesprin
83 genes that encode A-type lamins, emerin and LBR, all of
ONM which are expressed in most human tissues. Many
laminopathy syndromes disrupt only one or a few major
Lumen UNC-84 UNC-84 tissues (adipocytes, bones, granulocytes or peripheral
NE neurons), whereas others affect combinations of tissues.
For example, EDMD, which is caused by mutations in
the genes that encode either emerin or A-type lamins,
affects certain skeletal muscles, tendons and the heart,
whereas progeria (premature ageing) syndromes and
restrictive dermopathy, which are linked to mutations in
Figure 7 | UNC-84-containing complexes are proposed to ‘bridge’ the nuclear envelope and A-type lamins, affect skin, hair, fat, muscle, bone and the
link lamins to the cytoskeleton. UNC-84 is a SUN (Sad1/UNC-84 homology)-domain protein. In cardiovascular system84–86 (BOX 1). Other laminopathies
Caenorhabditis elegans, the nuclear envelope (NE) localization of UNC-84 depends on lamins21. cause insulin resistance and phenotypes that might be
Whether UNC-84 localizes to the inner nuclear membrane (INM) or outer nuclear membrane (ONM) is secondary to changes in body-fat location. The range,
unknown. For simplicity, only one location (INM) is depicted. The C-terminus of UNC-84 binds directly
diversity and tissue-specificity of laminopathy pheno-
to UNC-83, an ONM protein that is required for microtubule-dependent nuclear migration in vivo16.
The mechanism by which UNC-83 binds microtubules is unknown. The centrosome (or microtubule-
types are providing valuable clues about the functions
organizing centre; MTOC) anchors microtubules and provides directionality for nuclear movement; that require lamins, and will ultimately allow
minus-end-directed motors, such as dynein, that attach to the ONM, pull the nucleus toward researchers to focus on the specific roles of A-type
the centrosome. Another protein named ZYG-12 (not depicted) connects the ONM directly to the lamins, and gene-expression pathways, that are rele-
centrosome. In C. elegans, the C-terminus of UNC-84 also binds directly to ANC-1, a nesprin protein. vant to each disease.
ANC-1 is very long (8,546 residues; depicted by the parallel lines), with its C-terminus in the ONM, Fibroblasts that are derived from some laminopathy
and its N-terminus in the cytoplasm where it binds actin17. Both UNC-83 and ANC-1 have a so-called
patients have a reduced resistance to mechanical
Klarsicht domain (K) at their C-terminus, which spans the membrane. (Despite the Klarsicht domain,
UNC-83 is not a nesprin.) We speculate that UNC-84 binds these otherwise-distinct partners through stress87,88 and, as discussed above, fibroblasts and
their Klarsicht domain. There is no evidence that UNC-84 directly binds lamins, which indicates that myocytes from Lmna-null mice have impaired
UNC-84 might be anchored by an unknown lamin-binding protein (X) at the INM. responses to mechanical stress25,64,89. At stress levels that

28 | JANUARY 2005 | VOLUME 6

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ZYG-12 ANC-1/nesprin human cells that are homozygous for the Y259X muta-
UNC-83 tion in LMNA, and which lack detectable A-type lamins,
both emerin and nesprin-1 are displaced from the NE
Matefin/SUN-1 UNC-84
to the ER79. These findings are consistent with previous
results for emerin and other nuclear-membrane pro-
DNA replication teins in lamin-deficient mouse cells, D. melanogaster
YA X and C. elegans12,13,36. The severe mutations (for example,
Lamins a 50-residue deletion) that are seen in patients with
Y Pol II
transcription progeria and restrictive dermopathy (BOX 1) are expected
Histones or
chromatin LBR
to directly and immediately disrupt associations with
RB HP1 many lamin-binding partners and, consequently, to
affect the corresponding downstream pathways, in
LAP2α LAP2β HA95 addition to grossly disrupting lamina organization.
E2F–DP3 Consistent with pleiotropic effects, certain lamin
Emerin mutations seem to disrupt cell-growth control and
senescence. Fibroblasts from emerin-null patients
BTF divide faster than control fibroblasts90. By contrast,
BAF YT521-B lamin-null Y259X homozygous fibroblasts grow slower
GCL Actin
than heterozygous or control fibroblasts79. Normal
human fibroblasts undergo a limited number of divi-
Figure 8 | Summary of interactions between proteins of the nuclear lamina. Lines connect sions before entering senescence, a viable non-prolifer-
pairs of proteins that interact directly in vitro, or indicate activities (for example, DNA replication) ating state. Fibroblasts from HGPS patients undergo
that depend on lamins. Some of these interactions are reviewed in detail elsewhere9,10. X and Y fewer and much slower divisions, and enter senescence
represent unknown proteins. BAF, barrier-to-autointegration factor; BTF, BCL2-associated
early26. HGPS cells also have short telomeres and little or
transcription factor; CRX, cone-rod homeobox; GCL, Germ cell-less; HP1, heterochromatin
protein-1; LAP1/2β, lamina-associated polypeptides-1 and -2β; LBR, lamin-B receptor; Pol II,
no telomerase activity91, which is consistent with
RNA polymerase II; RB, retinoblastoma protein; YA, young arrest35. reduced cell-division potential, as well as increased ane-
uploidy and reduced DNA-repair activity in response to
treatment with ultraviolet light or γ-rays92,93. These phe-
notypes collectively indicate that lamins are required,
allow control fibroblasts to completely recover nuclear either directly or indirectly, to avoid early senescence,
A signal-transduction pathway shape, Lmna-null nuclei remain misshapen, stretched maintain telomere length and repair DNA.
with central roles in immune and fragile. In normal cells, mechanical stress induces a
and stress responses, survival response by activating the NF-κB PATHWAY. Lmna- Future perspectives
inflammation, cell adhesion and
protection against apoptosis.
null fibroblasts have reduced and attenuated activation The sum of knowledge about lamin-binding complexes
of the NF-κB pathway 64. Interestingly, late-passage and their nuclear functions is woefully low (FIG. 8) com-
HGPS fibroblast nuclei, despite their aberrantly thick pared with our knowledge of protein complexes at the
lamina, have shapes that resemble mechanically stressed cell surface. This situation reminds us of the apocryphal
Lmna-null fibroblasts26, which indicates a loss of three blind men, each studying a different part of the
mechanical integrity. HGPS fibroblasts also show classic elephant — metaphorically speaking, we can now
lamin-null phenotypes, including the loss of peripheral describe the tusk, foot and tail. However other vital
heterochromatin and clustering of nuclear pores. parts and functions, and an integrated understanding of
Consistent with the dominance of HGPS mutations, the whole, are important and interesting challenges for
overexpression of a progeria-causing form of lamin A in the future. A deeper understanding of the components,
normal cells disrupts nuclear shape, DNA replication mechanisms and pathways that are regulated by lamin-
and the distribution of heterochromatin26. dependent complexes will require diverse approaches
Because many nuclear proteins depend on lamins that include detailed biochemical analysis and the dis-
for their localization, lamin mutations have the poten- covery of new partners and complexes, as well as in vivo
tial to change the protein composition of the INM, studies in relevant tissues and model organisms. Such
nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. Precisely which proteins in vivo approaches are particularly vital to understand-
are displaced depends on whether their binding site on ing the pathological mechanisms and tissue-specificity
the lamin surface is disrupted by the mutation10 and of laminopathies, and to evaluate and design potential
whether lamina organization per se is disrupted. In therapies.

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