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This report discusses the important aspects

of test to find out the moisture content of

soil by using microwave oven. Soil with
certain moisture content is placed in the
microwave oven repeatedly for small
interval of time unless all moisture is
evaporated form the soil. Based on the
weight loss due to evaporation of water
moisture content of soil is calculated

Content Of
Soil Sample
ASTM D 4643-93

Author Name
Example of Calculation..........................................................................................................................3
Interpretation of result..........................................................................................................................4
Attached data with signature………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…5
In this test moisture content of the soil is calculated by using simple electronic device called
microwave oven. The soil sample is placed in the microwave oven for short period of time
repeatedly unless it gives the constant weight. Based on the difference of the weight moisture
content is calculated.

Moisture content of the soil is the important perimeter which is used for test and other purposes.
Moisture content of soil is basically the amount of water in the soil. It is also one of the basic
properties of soil which can be used for the soil investigation. Clayey soil has more moisture content
as compared to the sandy soil. Moisture content can also be found by following ASTM D 2216 which
is more accurate way but that could be verry time consuming. Accuracy of this test method less as
compared to the ASTM D 2216. If accuracy is the concern ASTM D 2216 should be followed. (ASTM,

To determine the water (moisture) content of soil by the microwave oven method.

1 Take a dish which should dry and clean and weigh it using electronic balance. Electronic
balance should have readability of at least 0.1g. After weighing the dish name it m1.

2 Now take the soil sample in the dish and weigh it using the electric balance. Denote this
weight as m2.

3 Now place the dish with soil in the microwave oven and start heating it for 60 seconds.
Heating for more time could set the sample on fire.

4 After 60 seconds remove the soil sample and allow it cool down and then weigh it.

5 Move the soil in the dish with help of glass carefully without spilling the soil sample.

6 Again, microwave it for 60 seconds and weigh it unless the difference in weigh less than

7 When the weight of soil becomes constant, stop the reheating process, and note down the
weigh as m3.

8 Also keep on noticing the change in color of the soil sample.

1 Microwave Oven

Figure 1 Microwave Oven

2 Electronic Balance

Figure 2 Electronic Balance

3 Specimen container (dish)

Figure 3 porcelain dish

4 Container handling gloves

5 Glass rod

Example of Calculation
Mass of empty cup = m1 = 10.11 gm

Mass of moist soil + cup = m2 = 11.44 gm

Mass of dry soil + cup = m3 = 11.33 gm

Mass of wet soil = m2 – m1 = 1.33

Mass of dry soil = m3 – m1 = 1.22

Mass of water in soil = (mass of wet soil) – (mass of dry soil) = 0.11
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 = ∗ 100
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙

Water content = 9.01%

Mass of dish = m1 = 50.98

Mass of dish + wet soil = m2 = 55.82

Mass of dish + dry soil = m3 = 54.63

Mass of wet soil = m2 – m1 = 4.84

Mass of dry soil = m3 -m1 = 3.65

Mass of water in soil = (mass of wet soil) – (mass of dry soil) = 1.19

mass of water
water content = ∗100
mass of oven dried soil
Water content = 32.6 %

Water content can also be calculated using following equation

water content = ( mm 2−m 3

3−m1 )

Water content = 32.6 %

Color of soil was observed to be dark grey as shown in Fig 4

Figure 4 Soil Color is dark grey

Interpretation of result
When most soil was put in the dish, its weight was more than the dish having oven dried clay. When
we put it in the oven repeatedly for small intervals of time, its moisture was evaporated leaving
behind dry soil. Difference between weights is used to calculate amount of water and moisture

Water content obtained by following ASTM D 4643 standard is 32.6%. As moisture content is less
than 100% then it means that its not fully saturated. Visual color of soil changed to dark grey.


ASTM. (2017). Standard Test Method for Determination of Water Content of Soil and Rock by
Microwave Oven Heating. In. West Conshohocken.

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