Independence Day Speech

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A Cry for Independence…..What Independence are we celebrating???

--------A Message to My Countrymen

Good morning India…….!

On this 15th day of August, 2008, I wish to share a few of my thoughts with my
fellow Indians. Today, we claim to have proudly completed 61 years of
Independence and often, we state; “I am proud to be an Indian”. But, today, I ask,
“How far have we gone to respect our freedom.” Are we abusing our

“Is it enough to feel proud over what renowned Indians did earlier?” I think
what’s more important is how we repay, which is infact shameful enough. Look
around you. Life’s a mess. There are so many people with hope in their eyes and
fire in their belly, but no food and clothing, and are only left with a tear in their
eyes. Still they try to smile through it and pray hard and even harder each day for
help. But, who is to answer their prayers. Do we hear their cries? We are all
ignorant, aren’t we? Is this the way we salute our freedom? We, often, forget that
it is not us, personally who deserve this independence, but the nation as a whole.
Then, why do we leave out the materialistically weak?

We are all equal, whether we accept it or not. So, let us learn to stay that way, to
live together. It’s important to make everyone feel wanted. Looking down upon
the poor and downtrodden, or looking up to rich, is not what was meant to be,
because believe it or not, we were born with nothing and will die with nothing.
There’s no secret element to being special. All you need to do is believe yourself
and others around you to be special. Make everyone feel special, coz that’s a
true Indian.

Be an Indian, not today, not tomorrow, but for every day of the year. Learn to
believe and treat yourself as an Indian. Remember, a show of love or tribute to
the nation is much different from real love and respect for our country and
nationality. Even if we do not hoist the flag or chant the national anthem today,
but, for each day of the year, we say a good word to someone, lend a helping
hand, or even think a good thought - - - that’s what’s more important. Even a
simple “Thank you” to a rickshaw driver or a waiter means a lot. It makes him feel
content and needed. To spread goodness, it is essential to be its source i.e. be
good yourself.
Now we often hear each other saying, “Why should I do this?”, “Why should I
help”, “Don’t be so considerate, others won’t think about you.” How far are we
correct when we say such things? Do we give the benefit of doubt to others? We
need to individually and collectively work towards a better future for all (and not a
few). This is possible only through our good deeds.

When we think of ourselves as one nation, it comes without say that, only pious
actions will result in a positive and uplifting future. Impious and reprehensible
actions will only bring about negative, unwanted and troublesome reactions to
endure in the future. The nation itself fosters its future according to the good or
bad activities of its citizens. So whatever reactions this country will endure in its
future, whether it be harvests of plenty, a good economy, or starvation from
famine and drought, victory over our enemies or destruction from war, depends
on the way we live today.

When we see, therefore, that people in certain areas of our country are suffering
from drought, that farmers cannot grow their crops, that fires are consuming vast
forests and destroying homes, that storms are causing destruction and
devastation to cities and towns, or incurable diseases are affecting more and
more people all the time, we should not miss the message. It is easy to ask
ourselves, "Why has God done this to me?" or "Why has He allowed this to
happen?" and then try to put the blame on someone else. But why should such
reversals in life not happen to us? What have we done to avoid it? Usually

When we stop to consider that as many as a hundred million animals and a

billion birds are slaughtered every year, and hundreds of thousands more are
tortured and killed for useless purposes, does anyone wonder why there should
not be a heavy reaction to the cries of pain from so many innocent living beings
as they are butchered in order to satisfy mankind's thoughtless cravings?
Everyone wants to be happy and live in peace, but how can there be peace
when so many other entities suffer or are killed each day so that their corpses
can be sold in supermarkets?

This is coupled by the widespread torture of people by people. There is torture

and fighting of people for being of a different religion. “Why do we always let our
past affect our present?” Further, family crisis, such as discontent, arguments,
separation, and divorce, community wars, such as gang wars, crime, robberies,
murders, and rape, and industrial and economic wars as well. These affect
millions of people every day, and it is nothing more than a reflection of our own
If I’m not wrong, perhaps the most important idea developed when we think of
religion is the concept of Karma, which means "action," that is, anything that you
do. This is solely the responsibility of us as individuals. But, how many of us
consider this before we act? Not many.

Recently I came across an interesting note;

“Yesterday was History,
Tomorrow is a mystery, But,
Today is a Gift – That’s why it’s called ‘Present’ “
Let it be a gift for everyone and not only us few. Let each one of us cherish our
independence together and not at the cost of each other.

Our being an Indian, lies in our hearts and our actions towards others……
So, why not lend a helping hand to everyone who needs us…..I don’t think
it would hurt our ego…Would it??

Something that most of us must have heard, but seldom implement;-

“Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds”

Fifty to Sixty years down the line, when I’m old and I look back at my life, I want
to feel proud to be an Indian and not just say that I am.

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