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Course Type: NTCC Program: UG

Course Title: Major Project Semester: 8th

Course Code: ETMJ100 Duration: 15 weeks

Credit Units: 10

S. No. Particulars Tentative Dates

1 NTCC Committee meeting for preparation of Major
5th - 8th Dec 2020
Project commencement

2 Allocation of Faculty guide By 10th December 2020

3 Briefing session for students 13th – 15th Dec 2020

4 Registration date for Major Project 16th Dec 2020

5 Synopsis presentation for assessment of suitability

07th Jan 2021
and feasibility of the Major Project

6 Final Synopsis presentation 14th Jan 2021

7 Submission of WPRs Every Monday

8 Feedback by Faculty guide Every Wednesday

9 First progress review presentation 11th Feb 2021

10 Second progress review presentation 11th Mar 2021

11 Third progress review presentation (Final Internal

5th – 9th April 12021

12 Date of completion of Major Project 1st May 2021

15th May 2021 (Late completion)

13 Submission of First Draft of report 5th May 2021

14 Feedback of Faculty guide on the First Draft 10th May 2021

15 Submission of Final Draft 15th May 2021

16 Plagiarism Check 17th May 2021

17 Submission of Final Report 19th May 2021

Late Submission of Final Report

by 30th May 2021 (with penalty of
10% internal marks)

18 Date for uploading Internal Marks on Amizone On or before 24th May 2021

19 NTCC committee meeting to review the work and

access eligibility of student to be recommended to 24th - 31st May 2021
COE office

20 Submission of MOM along with the list of students

1st - 5th June 2021
to COE along with the relevant documents

21 Evaluation and Submission of External Marks 7th - 15th June 2021

Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Bansal Prof. (Dr.) M.K. Pandey

Joint Head, ASET Joint Head, ASET

Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Singh Prof. M.S. Prasad

Director, AIAE Director, AISST

Prof. (Dr.) Alpana Goel Prof. (Dr.) Kanchan Saxena

Director & Head, AINST Dy. Director & Head, AIRAE

Prof. Vivek Kumar

Head, AIT

Prof. (Dr.) K.M. Soni

Dy. Dean (Domain - Engg. & Tech.)
Domain of Engineering & Technology

Course Title: Major Project L T P/S SW/F TOTAL

Course Level: UG W CREDIT
Programme: B. Tech UNITS
Course Type: Non-Teaching Credit Course - - - - 10
Credit Units: 10
Course Code: ETMJ100

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of Major Project are:
 To practice and apply the acquired knowledge “hands - on” in the working
 To experience learning process in a realistic way.
 To assist the student's development of communications skill, responsibility and
attention to detail.
 To develop a sense of responsibility to complete a project on time
 Understand subject better
 Chance to showcase skills

Basic knowledge of respective B.Tech. programme.

Course Learning Outcomes:

The course learning outcomes are very critical for every course. Therefore, those
must be clearly defined keeping in mind the programme educational objectives
and programme learning outcomes. The Major Project is intended to provide a
culminating experience that allows a student to demonstrate proficiency in several
of the learning outcomes that are set forth by his or her degree program.

The Major Project intends to assess the following learning outcomes:

Outcome 1: (Scientific foundation) When faced with a technical problem the student
should be able to use applied scientific knowledge
1A: to identify and implement relevant principles of mathematics and computer
1B: to identify and implement relevant principles of physics and chemistry
1C: to identify and implement relevant principles of engineering science
Outcome 2: (Experimentation) The ability to design experiments, conduct experiments,
and analyze experimental data.
Outcome 3: (Tools) An ability to use the relevant tools necessary for engineering
Outcome 4: (Technical design) The technical ability to design a prescribed engineering
Outcome 5: (Design assessment) The ability to develop and assess alternative system
designs based on technical and non-technical criteria
5A: To define overall needs and constraints.
5B: To assess the social and environmental requirements of the system and its
impact on the global society.
Outcome 6: (Professionalism) The ability to recognize and achieve high levels of
professionalism in their work.
Outcome 7: (Leadership) Ability to assume leadership roles and respect human values.
Outcome 8: (Teamwork) The ability to function on teams.
Outcome 9: (Communication) The ability to communicate effectively and persuasively.
Outcome 10: (Ethics and Morals) A critical understanding of ethical and moral systems
and respect for human values in a social context.
Outcome 12: (Lifelong learning) A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage
in lifelong learning and development.

Guidelines for Conduct of NTCC Even Semester (2020-21) During Covid

-19 Global Pandemic


The academic philosophy of Amity University revolves around student centric learning, which
takes into consideration their varied learning needs and significantly accelerates their retention
of both knowledge and skills. Major Projects have proved to be great tools to achieve the
objectives of student centric learning.

These guidelines outline the specific guidelines for conduct of Non-Teaching Credit courses
during the pandemic situation. This is applicable to the students undergoing Major Projects
during Final Semester of the B.Tech programmes. All the students and faculty guides are
required to adhere to these guidelines.

Students can pursue research work in national and international laboratories, research
Institutes/Organizations, industries or in house at Amity campuses. This can be conducted in
Face to face or Hybrid mode. On completion of Major Projects, the students shall submit the
Major Project report as per the Guidelines prescribed below.

1.0 Introduction
Major Projects can best be described as an attempt to institutionalize efforts to bridge the gap
between conceptual knowledge and practical skills. Considering the present situation, most of
the industries are not operating in a regular mode and hence students may not get an opportunity
to do Major Projects in the industry/research organizations. However, the students and faculty
guides are expected to consult the industry experts as per the need of the project/dissertation.
In the current situation, the students may be allowed to do their Major Projects Face to face or
Hybrid mode in consultation with faculty and visit to campus for lab experimentation, library
resources, design, and analysis softwares etc.

2.0 Type of Projects Permitted

Keeping in view of pandemic situation, students of core branches are also permitted to take the
following types of projects on approval of institution NTCC committee.

1. Simulation based design projects

2. Research Projects
3. Design and Analysis based projects
Selection and finalization of the projects to be done by the institutional NTCC committee.
3.0 Mode of Conduct for Major Projects
The students may undertake the Major Project in any of the two modes depend on the
requirements of the project:
a) Face to face
b) Hybrid Mode

a) Face to Face: In addition to the inhouse, the students may be allowed to visit the
industry, research labs, research organizations (in case they get an opportunity) to pursue
Major Project in accordance with the guidelines of the research organizations and
government advisories.

Face to face mode will be planned from 1st week of January 2021 onwards. The
HoI/HoD may prepare a plan/timetable so that the students can utilize the Lab facility
maintaining all the required safety norms.

b) Hybrid Mode: The Hybrid mode will involve both online and face to face interaction
with internal faculty guide at Amity. Based on Project requirements the
Institution/faculty may plan face to face interaction followed by online interaction or

i. The student may pursue the following activities in the hybrid mode:
1) Literature Survey
2) Data collection, compilation and analysis.
3) Use of open source software for data compilation and analysis.
4) Use of open source statistical software for data analysis.
5) Compiling the work and preparation of major project report in consultation with
faculty guide.

ii. During on campus in the hybrid mode, the students would be involved in the
1) Experimental work to corroborate the findings, work done in the minor project
during previous semester.
2) Design and Development/Fabrication, testing and validation etc.
3) Hands on work for creation of prototypes.

The monitoring of weekly progress of students while working online in hybrid mode will be
done through MS Teams meetings periodically and a record of the same will be maintained by
the faculty guide.

4.0 Detailed Process for Conduct of Major Project

4.1 In-house Discussion of Faculty Members as guide

NTCC Co-ordinator and faculty guide will jointly discuss and decide the major
topics of the project to be given to the students as mentioned in 1.0 Introduction
(Para 1).

4.2 On-line Registration for Project on Amizone

Each student is required to register him/herself for project on Amizone
immediately after the registration in the final semester.
4.3 On-line filling of the Synopsis Form on Amizone
After online project registration and approval by the project co-coordinator, each
student is required to duly fill in the synopsis form available on Amizone.
4.4 Submission of the Synopsis report by e-mail/in-person to respective guides
After filling the synopsis form, a synopsis report of 3-4 pages must reach
allocated internal guide either by e-mail or handed over in person.
4.5 Submission of the Mid-Term Report by e-mail/in-person to respective guides
A Mid-Term report of 3-4 pages must reach allocated internal guide either by e-
mail or handed over in person.

Regular reporting to internal guide once a week is mandatory (Total WPR 15).

Students, please note that this will be important criteria for internal evaluation process as well.
Meeting with guide will be the criteria for the eligibility of the final evaluation. The final
Report submission should be according to University Guidelines inclusive of Plagiarism
Percentage less than 10%.

5.0 Monitoring the Progress

Institutions/departments are required to constitute the project monitoring committee. Monitoring

committee must ensure the suitability, feasibility and quality of the projects. The project should
have some innovative components in it and be useful for improvising the system, processes and
The assessment scheme of the Major Project will remain same as specified in the guidelines.

6.0 Allocation of Faculty Guide

a) Each student/project group shall be assigned a faculty guide for the Major
Project well in advance in a formal manner depending on the number of
students/no of groups per faculty member, the available specialization
among the faculty guides by HOI/Institution Non-Teaching Credit Course
(NTCC) Committee.
b) In-case a student/ project group is undertaking Major Project in
collaboration with an industry or research lab or other university, the
students/ project group will have two guides – a faculty guide from the
institution and an external guide from the concerned organisation. In such
cases of joint guidance, the main guide will be faculty guide.
c) The allotment / allocation of supervisor shall not be left to the individual
students or teacher.
d) The external guide must be provided with brief guidelines for
performance monitoring and assessment of the student of Major Project.
e) The faculty guide from Amity university must closely interact with the
external guide and monitor the progress of the student in Major Project
wherever applicable. Faculty guide must also strengthen the relationship
with the collaborating organisation of the student for future collaborative
research and placement of the student in that organisation.
d) Overall Coordination will be done by the NTCC Coordinator.
7.0 Approval of Topic, Synopsis

Student will finalize the broad area /topic, synopsis of his / her project in consultation with the
faculty guide. If the student is undertaking the practical training outside Amity, he/she will
provide broad area of practical training course at the time of Registration. However, within ten
days after the registration / joining the organization, whichever is earlier, the student will work
on the topic, synopsis of his/her training under the guidance of external supervisor and faculty
guide. The student will submit the synopsis duly approved and signed by external guide to his
faculty guide as per the following Format:
 Student Details (Name, Enrollment Number, Programme, Section)
 Faculty Guide
 Topic/Problem
 Objective(s)
 Description
 Proposed Methodology
 Resources Required
 Work schedule (in consultation with faculty guide)
 References

8.0 Attendance

The students are required to follow the timings given by institute. Student must be present in all
activities announced by faculty guide/HOI. Students who have planned to do their Project
training in the industry, they must workout weekly schedule of reporting with the
concerned faculty guide.

9.0 Assessment Plan

a) The institute will define the assessment plan and tools keeping in mind the
Learning Outcomes (PLOs), Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and Course
b) The assessment will have clearly defined Continuous Internal Assessment and
Final Assessment weightage, which have various components to assess various
learning outcomes.
c) The weightage of CIA and Final Assessment will be as under:

S.No. Continuous Internal Final

Assessment Assessment Credit Units
1 50 50 10 Credit Units

d) The breaks up (components and their weightage) of continuous internal

assessment are given as under:

S. No. Title Marks (CIA = 50%)

1 Progress Reviews 5
2 Methodology 5
3 Project Outcome 5
4 Problem Profile 5
5 Contents and Layout of the Report 10
6 Innovation & Quality 10
7 Presentation 10
a) The breaks up (components and their weightage) of final assessment are
given as under:

S. No. Component Marks

1 Introduction and Statement of the problem 5
2 Literature Study 5
3 Conceptual Framework 5
4 Selection of Solution 5
5 Methodology/Methods/Approach 5
6 Critical Insight 5
7 Future Scope and Limitations outlined 5
8 Quality of work and written expressions 5
9 Presentation & Communications 5
10 Innovation & Quality 5
Total 50

10.0 Plagiarism

 The Major project report must be written in students own words. However, if the
words of others, all the debts (for words, data, arguments and ideas) have to be
appropriately acknowledged, required to cite
 It is mandatory that each project report shall be checked for plagiarism through
software available with the university before submission. The content which is based
on existing published work must come from properly quoted material and from the
references cited section. After checking the accuracy of the citations and references
of such content the plagiarism report should not return similarity index of more than
10% in any circumstance. However, if the matching text is one continuous block, the
index of 10% could still be considered plagiarism. Any report with higher than this
percentage matching must be explained by the student. The details of copy rights,
professional ethics are given in Plagiarism Prevention Policy of the University.

11.0 Submission of Final Report

The following points must be ensured for producing quality report:

a) The student will start the project report while doing his/her practical training as
per the prescribed guidelines.
b) The students will submit 1st draft of the report to the guide for guidance.
Followed by the submission of second draft of report after making necessary
changes as suggested by the guide.
c) The final report shall be submitted after checking plagiarism through available
software subscribed by University. Copying material should not be more than
10% provided source is mentioned in the report along with proper
acknowledgement and referencing as per plagiarism policy of the university.
d) Following will be submitted along with final report:
(i) WPRs
(ii) NTCC Diary
(iii) Plagiarism Report
e) A student will be eligible to submit his report and final assessment provided
he/she meets following conditions:
(i) Online Registration for the NTCC course
(ii) Approval of Topic, Synopsis and Project Plan by the guide
(iii) 90% of WPRs were submitted
(iv) 80% of the WPRs were satisfactory
(v) Similarity index not more than 10% as per Plagiarism Prevention

Note: In case of severe medical conditions such as Covid19/Dengue etc.: Total weeks given to
a student starting from 7th Jan 2021 to 19th May 2021 is approximately 20 weeks. So, in such
severe medical conditions, the condition of 15 WPR is being taken care of as per guidelines
[11.0 (e). (iii) & (iv)].

Students must submit the 2 copies of final Hard bound project report with a soft copy in

No report will be accepted after the due date. Academic Institute copy will be finally housed in
the library of the institute. The evaluations of the major project will be done by a board
comprising of internal and external faculty and experts. The NTCC Team will submit the final
marks (continuous and final viva) to Exams Department as per dates given along with project

The starting and the closing dates of the program should be adhered to strictly.

Annexure-1: Report format

Annexure-2: WPRs & Daily Diary format
Annexure-3: Major Project Evaluation Rubrics
Annexure - I

A Project Report



Submitted to

Amity University Uttar Pradesh

inpartial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology




under the guidance of

Nameof faculty





April-May 20XX

I/We, ……………………….., student(s) of B.Tech (Discipline) hereby declare that the project titled

“……………………………………………..” which is submitted by me/us to Name of Institution /

Department Domain of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, in

partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology

(Name of the Discipline), has not been previously formed the basis for the award of any

degree, diploma or other similar title or recognition.


Date Name and Signature of Student(s)



On the basis of declaration submitted by …………….., student(s) of B. Tech (Discipline), I hereby

certify that the project titled “…………………………………………………...” which is submitted to

Name of Department / Institution, Domain of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar

Pradesh, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of

Technology (Discipline), is an original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of

work carried out by him/them under my guidance and supervision.

To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any Degree or

Diploma to this University or elsewhere.


Date Signature of Guide

(Name of



Name of Department / Institution

Domain of Engineering and Technology

Amity University Uttar Pradesh


It is high privilege for me to express my deep sense of gratitude to those entire faculty Members who helped
me in the completion of the project, specially my internal guide <Guide Name> who was always there at hour
of need.

My special thanks to all other faculty members, batchmates & seniors of <Name of Institute>, Amity
University Uttar Pradesh for helping me in the completion of project work and its report submission.

<If you want you can add other name also>

<Student Name>
<Enrolment Number>


S. No. Topic Page No.

1 Declaration
2 Certificate
3 Acknowledgement
4 Abstract
List of Figures
List of Tables
5 Chapter-1: Introduction
6 Chapter-2: Objective
7 Chapter-3:
8 Chapter-4:
9 Chapter-5:
10 Chapter-6:
14 Chapter-10: Conclusion and Future Scope
15 References


Table No. Title of the Table Page No.



Figure No. Caption of the Figure Page No.



Annexure - II

Domain of Engineering & Technology

<Name of Institute>

Major Project

For the week commencing on: ----------

Program: Student Name:

WPR: Enrollment Number:
Company Name (if any):
Industry Guide’s Name (if any):
Faculty Guide’s Name:
Project / Seminar Title:



Domain of Engineering & Technology
<Name of Institute>


WPR of Week: WPRs remaining:

Student Name:
Enrollment Number: Programme:
Project Title:

Week’s Summary
Progress report of Week ……….

Duration: ……………….. to …………………

To be filled by Students


Synopsis submitted

Literature review

Technical & Economical Feasibility

Bill of Material

Project Progress Schedule (PERT Chart)

Design of critical components

Fabrication work (give %)

Experimental work (give %)

Result and Analysis

Report writing

Signature of students

Work done in this week

To be filled by Guide (strike off whichever is not applicable)

Performance of students is satisfactory

Performance of students is unsatisfactory

A warning to be issued to student(s) (Name)

Student was not well (Name)

Date Signature of Guide

First Evaluation of Major project
Name of student: ……………………………. Date :……………………

Enrolment No: ………………………………

Room No: …………………………………… Board No: ………………

Feedback/ Observations

……..………… ………………… ……………… ……………… .

(Signature of All Evaluation committee Members)

Second Evaluation of Major project
Name of student: ……………………………. Date:……………………

Enrolment No: ………………………………

Room No: …………………………………… Board No: ………………

Feedback/ Observations

……..………… ………………… ……………… ……………….

(Signature of All Evaluation committee Members)

Feedback of Internal Guide

Feedback/ Observations
Internal Evaluation of Major project
Name of student: ……………………………. Date:……………………

Enrolment No: ………………………………

Room No: …………………………………… Board No: ………………

Feedback/ Observations

……..………… ………………… ……………… ……………… .

(Signature of All Evaluation committee Members)

COMMENT BY EXTERNAL EXAMINER (Page to be added at the end of the Report)

Name of the External

Annexure - 3
Major Project Evaluation Rubrics

Name of Department / Institution

Enrollment No.

Below Average
S.No Trait Unsatisfactory Good Very Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5
Student is Student is Student
Student fails to Student correctly comprehensively and
somewhat able marginally able correctly
identify the identifies the main precisely identifies
Problem to identify the to identify the identifies the
1 main engineering problem the main engineering
Statement main main main
engineering and somewhat frames problem and correctly
engineering engineering engineering
problem the problem statement frames the problem
problem problem problem
Student is able
Student is Student is
Student fails to identify the key
somewhat able marginally able
identify the & relevant Student is able Student identifies all
to identify the to identify the
relevant literature, and identify the key & the key & relevant
relevant relevant
literature, and somewhat able relevant literature, and literature, and was
Literature literature, and literature, and
2 unable to to compare and able to compare and able to develop the
Study unable to unable to
compare and contrast the contrast the concepts concepts & theories
compare and compare and
contrast the concepts & & theories for the for the engineering
contrast the contrast the
concepts & theories for the engineering problem problem
concepts & concepts &
theories engineering
theories theories
Student is able to
Conceptual Student is Student is Student is devise
Student fails to
Framework- somewhat able marginally able somewhat able methodological
Justifies to establish to establish to establish Student is able to approach in relation
methodologic methodological methodological methodological establish and justify to research objectives
approach to be
3 al approach approach to be approach to be approach to be methodological and research design
followed with
in relation to followed with followed with followed with approach in relation to and identify relevant
respect to
research respect to respect to respect to objectives and design links through recent
objectives and
design & objectives and objectives and objectives and literature surrounding
objectives design design design a engineering
Selection of
Solution- Student
Student is Student is Student identifies Student identifies
Justifies substantially
somewhat able marginally able relevant links through relevant links through
appropriatene Student fails to justifies
to justify to justify literature to literature to
ss of justify appropriateness
appropriateness appropriateness objectives; justifies objectives; justifies
analytical appropriateness of design and
of design and of design and appropriateness of appropriateness of
procedures / of design; is data collection
4 data collection data collection design and data design and data
instruments not able to methods;
methods; is not methods; is not collection methods; collection methods;
/software for justify rejection somewhat
able to justify able to justify presents reliable and presents reliable and
design and of alternative justifies
rejection of rejection of valid data; somewhat valid data; justifies
justifies methods rejection of
alternative alternative justifies rejection of rejection of
rejection of alternative
methods methods alternative methods alternative methods
alternative methods
Student fails to Student is Student is Student is able Student is able to Student is able to
justify data somewhat able marginally able to justify data justify data collection devise and justify
collection to justify data to justify data collection methods and is able to data collection
Methodology methods and collection collection methods and develop appropriate methods and is able
5 / Method / fails to develop methods and methods and somewhat able methodology to develop
Approach appropriate somewhat able somewhat able to develop appropriate
methodology to develop to develop appropriate methodology
appropriate appropriate methodology
methodology methodology
Student Student Student Student Student performs Student performs
performs Weak performs performs performs competent analysis high-level analysis
and limited or limited or appropriate with evidence of using appropriate
unacceptable logically logically analysis but ability to evaluate techniques with
6 analysis with inconsistent inconsistent with limited results. strong evidence base.
inadequate use analysis with analysis with evidence.
of evidence for superficial limited
discussion evidence. evidence.

Student fails to Student is able Student is able Student is Student is able to Student is able to
outline to outline to outline somewhat able outline limitations and outline limitations
Future scope limitations and limitations and limitations and to outline future work with identification of
and fails to identify future scope future scope limitations and alternative methods
Limitations future scope but they are but theyare future work and future work
outlined irrelevant somewhat

Unacceptable Poor layout in Somewhat Good layout. Organized and Correct Excellent layout.
layout in terms terms of good layout in Conforms to format. Consistent Conforms to all
Quality of
of structure and structure and terms of appropriate layout of the report. technical
work and
8 logical logical structure and length. specifications.
argument. argument. logical

Irrelevant and Somewhat Marginally Relevant and Relevant and well- Relevant, well-
disorganized relevant and relevant and organized organized presentation organized and well-
presentation organized organized presentation backed with structured
without any presentation presentation backed with appropriate evidences presentation backed
appropriate but no but weak appropriate & meaningful with appropriate
9 evidences. appropriate evidences. evidences. interpretation of evidences &
evidences. results. meaningful
interpretations along
with innovative
No Weak review Suitable review Explores limits Substantial Meticulous,
Innovation & contribution to of current
of current of current exploration of limits substantial
Quality- the knowledge for knowledge, knowledge in & strengths with exploration of limits
Contribution development of development of with some areas, significant & strengths with
to the field theory, theory, demonstrated Moderate contribution with little strong impact on
/Impact on research or research or
awareness of contribution impact on society society or field of
Society practice practice limits in some study
The institutions will develop detailed assessment parameters as per course objectives, student learning outcomes and guidelines
as above for necessary approval of Academic Council

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