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Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS.

BSCS 3rd year


Week 1-2

Compare and Contrast


One of his novel is to illuminate readers and understudy regarding the oppressive government
staff who are manhandling our country. It offer motivation to accomplish the opportunity and
harmony in our country. This is Rizal's continuation of his first book, Noli Me Tángere. In El
Filibusterismo Rizal is one of the heroes who penance his entire life for our town. He causes
himself to develop to shrewdness and information to utilize it in God's motivation. He didn't say
to himself that he isn't adequately worth and live visually impaired for what's going on in his
current circumstance. Subsequently, he realize that he is an offspring of God. One of this is his
novel to educate readers and people to understudy regarding the oppressive ministers and
government staff who are mishandling our country this offers motivation to accomplish the
opportunity and harmony in our country.


Nowadays lot and lots of history teachers are instructing or teaching about Rizal's life and the
work's he wrote. Rizal's different works have distinctive messagees and a considerable lot of
this works are imperative to other people. Many of the teens additionally read Rizal books, for
example, Nole Me Tangere El felibusterismo. The issue for the vast majority today is that they
whine or say that training isn't significant in Jose Rizal life. They don't care for contemplating
the existence of Jose Rizal in light of the fact that they experience issues and they don't see a
lot of what it is for.
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

Week 1-2


Jose Rizal's life was a fascinating story. Not like a typical Filipino tale, but rather an account of a
cunning and professional Filipino who is willing to sacrifice for what seems like an eternity in
order to provide opportunity and peace to his family and country. The Masters, like Rizal’s
feared God, is the main person who can determine our prosperity Rizal has taught me a lot.

Jose Rizal, for his own reasons, tells me the importance of those items that are critical to his
life's success. Without God, he would not have been able to go that far. He claims that the
Lords are the most significant factor that will decide our progress. Then there's our country!
Rizal’s depicts his passion for his homeland as a way of loving his fellow Filipinos.

Rizal demonstrated that a pen is more powerful than a sword. Because of his writing skills, he
will persuade his whole community to seek justice, crushing an empire. Words fly everywhere,
igniting every man's emotions. As for his history to mankind and to our country I respect Him to
bottom my heart for inspiring lots of Filipino Folks to overcome their fears and to seek justice
and freedom that they needed.
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

Week 3-5


Local government units: provinces, • Provinces (alcaldias)

Headed by an alcalde mayor (provincial
towns, cities and barrios (Agoncillo,
1990). Executive and judicial functions
• Divided into towns or pueblos
Headed by a gobernadora cillo or town
Elected by all married males; 19th cent. He
was voted by 13 electors
Principal responsibility was tax collection
• Each town was divided into barrios or
barangays (Romero et al, 1978)
Smallest unit of government
Headed by a cabeza de barangay
Function: peace and order; tax and
tribute collection
• City government or ayuntamiento
(Zaide, 1994)
Governed by a cabildo or city council
Composed of: city mayor or alcalde en
ordinario, councilors (regidores), chief
constable (aguacil mayor) and a secretary

The Social Structure of Philippine society was feudalistic

because of the encomienda system
Filipino Society
(Romero et al, 1978).

• Filipinos were treated as slaves.

• Imposed and collected all forms of
taxes and tributes.
• Forced labor

The social structure that was

implemented was pyramidal due to
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

the doctrine of limpieza de sangre or

purity of blood (Maguigad, 2000).

• Peninsulares – Spaniards born in

• Insulares – Spaniards born in Phil.; the
Spanish and Chinese mestizos;
Principalia or the ruling class of native
• Indios or Natives

Economic Situation • Philippines was opened to foreign

trade in 1834.
• Result: Rise of foreign firms in Manila
which stimulated agricultural
production, and export of sugar, rice,
hemp and tobacco.
• The consequences of economic
growth of the Philippines in the 19th
• Opportunities for trade
• Increased Filipino contacts with
foreigners and peninsulares
• Some families were able to send their
sons to European schools
• Filipinos who studies abroad were
able to learn the intellectual
developments in Europe
• Awareness of European society made
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

the European-educated Filipinos

disillusioned with Spain.

Week 3-5


Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

Along the way, the film subtly picks up crucial lessons. What struck me the most was how, at
first, Kulas has no idea what a Filipino is or why he is referred to as one. The story revolves
around Kulas, a simple but kind-hearted farmer orphaned by the death of his mother, his only
known relative, early in the film. Kulas is swept into the turbulent past of the Philippine
revolution and the struggle of the society to establish itself after being released from its colonial
master due to an errand for a priest.

As a product of Spain's long colonization, the Filipinos have no sense of nationality. The film
brilliantly shows not only Spaniards but also fellow Filipinos abusing the Filipinos, making the
situation more tragic as if his heartbreaks over and over weren't enough, Kulas had seen all of
history's abuse, brutality, and unfair treatment.

what inspires me more in the story is that Kulas had the option to characterize and call himself
as a Filipino. This is conceived out of a difficult decision, yet one he chose for himself and held
on until the end. It is having the option to battle a more excellent reason, battle for what is
useful for our country, and save the pride and opportunity our precursors have battled for.

Week 6-7

My Childhood and Rizal’s

Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

Rizal’s Childhood is much different from mine Rizal was born in the town of Calamba laguna
while I’m at Paco manila Rizal first teacher was his mother. For doing anti violence Rizal prefers
using his pen rather than his might his strength is his knowledge and his pen (for writing novel
that inspires people) while I use my might and strength to fend off violence. Rizal as a child seek
knowledge and justice through his writings example of his writings is “El Filibusterismo” While I
seek experience and joy if you compare our childhood, mine is way more different than Rizal’s I
tend to study for experience while Rizal’s study for a purpose and that is to use his knowledge
to help those in who are poor and in need.

Describing how I see Rizal as a child, youth, son, brother, friend, and student.

Although I do not see or know who he was when he was I child from what the history say I can
say that from being a child he was as normal as the other child was, from his youth I think he
more a quiet but a friendly person rather than being completely quiet, and as a son based on
his achievements I think he is a loving child that will do anything for his love ones, as for a
brother I think he more of playful and caring brother, as friend what I think is that he is more of
a dependable person you can rely on him and he will never backstab you, as for a student what
I think of him as a student is that he is more of a straight forward person and a knowledgeable
person I he knows what he is doing all the time and from what history says he “seeks
knowledge” so meaning to say tends to study more rather than just listening all day to a
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

Week 8-9

My own Brindis Speech

When the rest of the world turned their backs on me, you both welcomed me with open arms.
You both opened your hearts for me while others shut their ears to me. Thank you for always
being available to me.

In my life, I've always maintained that I was right and that my father was wrong. Life's harsh
lessons, on the other hand, showed me that my father was right all along. I appreciate it, Dad.

Even the worst of times, I know I can still rely on you. I adore you and will always be thankful
for how wonderful you have been and continue to be as my parents.

"You've been through a lot of pain and struggle, Mom and Dad. I swear I won't let it all go to
waste." "I want to repay you for your faith in me every time." "Thank you, Mom and Dad, for
teaching me to solve life's difficult problems on my own."
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

Week 8-9


The inability of the Stratos and other propagandists to make substantial progress in their reform efforts led
many Filipinos to conclude that such campaigns were futile. Some chose to take a passive role in Filipino
projects, while others sought out their own ways to engage in more aggressive anti-Spanish campaigns.
The lack of success resulted in setbacks after setbacks, eventually leading to failure.

Many people feel that being a part of an organization with members who are united as pillar and hyena
towards a common goal is preferable to being a part of an organization where personal rivalries prevent
concrete acts against great nationalism. Representation in Spanish courts was one of the most common
reforms called by Filipinos. The Filipino was previously given such representation.

After multiple attempts at incarceration, Rizal's mother and sister were apprehended in Manila. Until they
were eventually released, they were ordered to return to the car and walk to the provincial courts. If our
countrymen believe in us here in Europe, they are definitely mistaken; the field of battle is the Philippines,
as I wrote in a letter sent in 1891.

All copies of the novel were sent to the Philippines, where he established a new organization called the la.
It's a secret society that represents rizal's ideas as portrayed in El Phili. It included demands for collective
security and defense against all kinds of injustices.
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year
Week 10 – 11
Graphic organizer for activity on La Liga Filipina

Week 10 – 11
Reflection Paper

The film depicts the life of Jose Rizal, the Philippines' national hero. It tells the story his life from
childhood to his execution by Spanish forces. The film is a three-hour epic about his poet's life and
struggles, as well as his patriotism.

The film also includes flashbacks that show Rizal as a genius, a writer, a scientist, an artist, a lover, a
friend, a brother, and a son, giving Rizal's character a rich texture.
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

The film depicts the Filipino people's life of subjugation under the rule of the Spanish friars. This film is a
stinging indictment of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines, from the execution of three Filipino
priests for alleged subversion in 1872 to the cruel and unjust treatment of Filipino students in schools.

I also applaud the film for its courage in depicting the Catholic Church's evil tyranny at the time. Given
that the Philippines is a Catholic nation, this is akin to slaughtering a holy cow, but Abaya manages to
portray the Filipinos' misery as a result of the friars.

I particularly enjoy the film's final scene, in which Rizal falls to the ground facing the sky, taking his last
breath while gazing at a beautiful sunrise—a metaphor for Rizal's death not being in vain. He did not
perish in vain. He did not succumb to defeat. Rather, he died triumphant since his death ignited the
Philippine Revolution by blazing the torch of independence.

Week 12-13 compare and contrast

 This fish that Morga mentions, that  Their daily fare is composed of: lice
crushed in wooden pillars and when
cannot be good until it begins to rot, is
cooked is called morisqueta (this is the
bagoong [salted and fermented fish or staple throughout the land); cooked fish
which they have in a b u n m pork,
shrimp paste used as a sauce in Filipino
venieon, mountain buffaloes which they
cuisine] and those who have eaten it and call carabaos, beef and fish which they
know is best when it has started to mt and
tasted it know that it neither is nor should
stink (Retana 1909,174).
be rotten (Rizal 1890, 264).
 By the Christian religion, Dr. Morga
appears to mean the Roman Catholic
 Christianity was a weapon for facilitating which by fire and sword he would preserve
in its purity in the Philippines. Nevertheless
the political and economic subjugation of
in other lands, notably in Flanders, these
the native. means were ineffective to keep the church
unchanged, or to maintain its supremacy,
or even to hold its subjects.
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

 Rizal noticed all Morga’s mistakes .

 In Morga’s time, the Philippines
Morga misspelled many native names
exported silk to japan whence now
of places, flora and fauna, and other comes the best quality of that
social classes which Rizal corrected.
 Morga’s remark that the Filipinos like
 Rizal emphasized that native women, fish
better when it is commencing to turn
unlike their European counterparts,
bad is another of those prejudices
never lost their noble titles. It was the which Spaniards like all other nations
groom who gave dowry to the parents
because they going to lost their precious  Morga said that cotton was grown
extensively in practically all the islands
which the natives sold as thread and
woven fabrics to Chinese and other
foreign merchants.
 Rizal clarified that Morga must have
meant sinamay. Which was woven
from abaca thread that comes from the
banana trunks not from the leaves.

Week 14-15
Essay Writing

The novel portrayed real-life incidents such as the Friars' command decisions being more influential than
the Governor- General's, socioeconomic problems, inequality, and the Philippines' reputation as a
backward nation during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. The tensions in the novel are still
present in today's generation, and they have an effect on our society and nation, so it is important to learn
and read Noli Me Tangere. Corruption, racism, poverty, and bullying, both of which were prevalent in the
book, continue to be a concern today.

Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere tells us that we should reflect on our actions and beliefs for our country. We
must patronize our country by respecting the law, promoting Philippine culture, and realizing the true goal
of the country. This novel is being taught in school in order to not repeat the history itself by learning how
to love our country and to empower the youth as the catalyst of change.
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year

Week 16-18
Compare and Contrast Noli and El Fili

The great novel book written by the national hero of the Philippines Doctor Jose P. Rizal,
is Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
The famous book Noli Me Tangere, is a Latin word meaning "Touch Me Not". This book
is a societal novel. He started writing it in Madrid, Spain on 1884, continued in Paris, France
and was finished in Berlin, Germany on February 1887. Noli Me Tangere was dedicated to
his Inang Bayan, the Philippines. The message of this book is about changing the native and
foreign way of life. Simoun insisted that compelled the Filipino regain their native character.
While for the El Filibusterismo, It comes from the word "filibustero" which means a
person who is against the Roman Catholic. This book is a political novel. He started writing it
on 1890 in London, England and was finished in Brussels, Belgium on 1891. This was
dedicated to the "Three Martyrs", Gomburza (Father. Mariano Gomez, Father. Jose Burgos,
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year
and Father. Jacinto Zamora). Dr. Rizal believed that the three martyrs were only a victim of
cruelty and loss of justice. . The message of the story is about the present system of
governing the Philippines through corrupt and self-seeking officials influenced by the friars
and being submissive to their interest in one thing.
These two novels with broad topic are touted as the novels that deal with revolution. Both
of these books have similarities in terms of the aim and purpose of the book. Both aim to
enlighten the Filipinos about what is happening in the country. They encourage and aims to
persuade the people to fight for their country and have the total freedom. Also both books
prattle about how the Spaniards abused the Filipinos, the abuse of the church of their power,
the discrimination on Filipinos. Noli Me Tangere is a novel written by Jose Rizal, same is
received with El Filibusterismo. But it is published as sequel or continuation. So they convey
one story. Same characters but with great changes in their personality especially the main
cast, Crisostomo Ibarra.
Some differences between the books Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo is that the
Noli Me Tangere describes revival in thought long dead, is a romantic novel, a work of the
heart and is consists 64 chapters. Meanwhile the El filibusrerismo describes the inconvenience oneself of
society today, is a political novel, is the work of the head and has 38

Week 16- 18

What’s important now is that we prevent the past from repeating itself. Goneare the days when the
Philippines was under complete control of a different nation.However, we live in today’s society that is
filled still with authorities that flush outthe hopes of raising the Filipino flag.

Rizal stressed the important role of the youth in challenging the governmentas seen in the efforts of
students like Basilio and Isagani to organize themselves andunite to call for reforms.

It is easy to teach children what to think. But it is more purposeful to teachchildren how to think. In such
manner, they will be able to develop themselves inmeans that serve the greater good, the purpose of
being a Filipino the reclaimsunity and peace in the country.
Christian Jhul M. Madayag MRS. IDA MANALO
BSCS 3rd year
Rizal continues to believe in children, that they are the hope of this country,that one day they will give
motherland the love and respect it deserves from its people.

Lastly, like Noli, El Filibusterismo transpires nationalism today. The novelreminds us of the experiences
our ancestor had to go through and why we have tomaintain our freedom as a nation and as people of the
Philippines. As it taught usthe value of the liberation of our motherland, it also teaches us the importance
ofvaluing our essence as Filipinos. Being a Filipino is something to be proud of for ourancestors have
fought for the freedom we enjoy today.

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