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Bgy. Malanday Marikina City

DAILY LESSON LOG Learning Area: ENGLISH Grade Level: 9

Teacher: EDMON B. ADESAS Quarter: FOURTH
Date: JUNE 16, 2021 Day: TUESDAY

A. Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding
Standards: British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other text types for a
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Learning MELC:
Competencies/Objectives Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effe
of the presentation. (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)

Specific Objective:

At the end of the lesson, it is expected that we would achieve the following objective
1. determine the ideas of the author.
2. note biases and prejudices in a text.
3. identify the proof or evidence of ideas in a text.
4. judge the validity of the evidence in a text.
Sound Judgement
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s Materials

3. Additional Materials
(Learning Resource Video lesson
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Previous Prayer:
Lesson/Presenting new Review of the past lesson:
Lesson Answer:

B. Establishing Purpose Before the lesson starts the teacher will present a game called..
for the Lesson
Cite one (1) statement and your reason/s for your answer about that statemen

Read each of the given situations carefully and try to respond to what is asked from y

1. Your friend convinces you to buy a newly released cellphone with good features e
though your old cellphone is still working fine. You know you can buy it because
have savings, which you have been keeping well. What will be your response to y

2. Your brother or your sister asks your help to teach him or her about a certain topic
you know well, but your sibling does not know much. You are also doing your sc
tasks during that time. What will you reply to your sibling?

C. Presenting Examples/ Sound judgment is necessary for effective decision-making because it helps you loo
Instances of the new situation from different angles.
Here are some key pointers when it comes to judging the relevance and worth of
soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation of a text.

• You should recognize which situations make the biggest impact on the
• You should pay attention to character relationships as well as problem
• You should try to figure out what the author wants you to learn.

When you understand the importance of judging the relevance and worth of ideas
soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation of a text, yo
be able to know other important pieces of information such as:

• when and why a character begins to change.

• what a character says or does
• a story’s setting.
• impact of story’s events to the rest of the story
• lesson in a story

B. During Reading Activity

Read the text, The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant. After reading the text, answer th
following questions to help you understand the text better.

The Necklace
by Guy De Maupassant

The short story "The Necklace" by Guy De Maupassant takes place in France several
hundred years ago. Mathilde Loisel lives in a flat with her husband, who works as a clerk for
the Minister of Education. Their lives are not luxurious, but they are not poor, merely simple.
Mathilde, however, longs to be rich. She envies her friend Jeanne who has a large house and
lots of jewelry.
One day her husband brings home an invitation to a ball. He thinks his wife will be
excited to attend such a fancy party, but instead she is upset. She complains that she has
nothing suitable to wear to such an extravagant occasion. Her kind husband agrees to give her
the four hundred francs that he had been saving to buy a new rifle to get herself a gown.
The week of the party, Mathilde seems anxious again. When her husband asks her
why, she frets that she has no jewelry to wear with her dress. He suggests that perhaps she
could borrow something from her friend Jeanne Forestier. Mathilde goes to Jeanne's house and
picks out a sparkling diamond necklace to borrow.
She and her husband attend the gala and have a fabulous time. She loves amazing
and dances all night. Finally, they head home in the wee hours of the morning. When they
arrive home, Mathilde realizes that the necklace is missing. They wonder if it fell off in the
carriage that they took home, but neither of them noticed the number. Her husband goes out to
search the streets but returns empty handed. To stall for time, Mathilde writes to her friend that
she broke the clasp and is having it repaired. In the meantime, they find another necklace that
matches the missing one, but it costs thirty-six thousand francs. Her husband fortunately
inherited eighteen thousand francs from his father, but they will need to borrow the rest of the
money. Finally, they have enough to purchase the replacement necklace and Mathilde gives it
to Jeanne who does not even look at it.
The next ten years Mathilde's life changes dramatically. They move to a smaller
apartment where she must cook and clean for herself. She also does work on the side while
her husband works multiple jobs to pay back all the
money they borrowed. After the ten years, the money is all paid back, but Mathilde has aged a
great deal.
One day she sees Jeanne Forestier on the street. She decides to tell her the truth about
the necklace. Jeanne is stunned by Mathilde's rough appearance. Mathilde explains that it is
indirectly because of Jeanne since she lost the necklace, she borrowed from her and had to pay
for a replacement. Shocked, Jeanne confesses that the necklace Mathilde borrowed was a fake,
made of paste, worth no more than five hundred francs.

C. Post Reading Activity

Activity 1. Read the following questions and choose the correct letter of your answer
space given before the number.

_B_1. Where does the story take place?

A. Chicago B. France C. London D. New Yo

_D_ 2. How does Mathilde feel about her life at the beginning of the story?
A. blessed B. comfortable C. troubled D. discontented

_B_ 3. What does Mathilde's husband bring home for her?

A. dress B. invitation C. necklace D. money

_A_ 4. How does Mathilde react to this thing (in question number 3)?
A. upset B. relieved C. surprised D. angry

_C_ 5. What two things does Mathilde insist that she needs to attend the party?
A. shoes and a coat C. jewelry and a dress
B. a dress and a bangle D. shoes and jewelry

_A_ 6. What happens right after the party?

A. Mathilde loses a necklace.
B. Mathilde’s friend gives her a new jewelry.
C. Mathilde gets her husband fired from his job.
D. Mathilde’s necklace is stolen by a guest in the ball.

Activity 2.
express your reaction about the events and characters of the story by answering the fo
questions below.

1. What do you think is/are the event/s in the story when Mathilde is happy?

2. How does Mathilde see her life with his husband throughout her life’s story?

3. In the story, how would you describe Mathilde’s husband? Jeanne Forestier?

4. What does the necklace symbolize in the story?


5. If you were part of the story, what would you do or tell Mathilde to change the outco

6. What decision from Mathilde and her husband do you think would make an impac

D. Discussing new From the given reading text, cite at least two (2) characteristics of each of the follo
concepts and practicing characters from the story “The Necklace” and tell how these characteristics imp
the new skills (Formative whole story.
Assessment # 1
characters characteristics impact to the story
Mathilde Loisel

Mathilde’s husband

Jean Forestier

E. Continuation of the Apply what you have learned from this lesson by responding to real-life scenarios.
discussion (Formative
Assessment #2) Think of a personal experience in which you encountered a work or an idea, i
you were asked to comment or judge about it. You have reflected about it, listened to
views, or read some ideas, and you were able to successfully comment or judge abou
Share your thoughts by reflecting them to the given questions below:

What was the encounter that you had?

Did you listen to other views or read ideas

from others? What did you get from
listening or reading?

What did you consider before giving your

comment or judgment?

How did the person/s involved react about

your comment or judgment?

What was the impact of your comment or


F. Developing Mastery Think of one (1) specific short story that shows sound reasoning or has lesson
(Presentation of you can learn from. It could be your own story, your favorite story, or another story th
Individual Work) listened to or read from. Share the story by completing the table below:
(Formative Assessment
#3) Use the following rubrics as a guide while working on this activity.
Criteria Score Rem
Setting, characters, and their characteristics are specified, clear
10 pts
and relevant to the story
Problem and solution to the problem are specified, clear and
10 pts
supported with enough details.
Comments or judgments in the story are supported with enough
10 pts
Describe the setting of the story.

Describe the characters and the way they

speak or act.

Explain the problem and how the

character/s respond about it.

Explain the solution applied to the


Describe the impact of the solution to

address the problem.

What do you learn from this story?

What are your comments or judgments

about the characters of the story and the
impact of their roles to the rest of the

G. Finding Practical
Applications of concepts  If you were one of the characters, would you do the same thing? Why or why
and skills in daily living  What are the things you must consider in coming up such decision?
(Valuing)  What did you learn from the story?

H. Making
Generalizations and Why do you think our lesson is relevant to our life and the way we live today?
I. Evaluating Learning Choose one from the following tasks or think of your own task. Use your skill or tale
showcase what you learn from this lesson. Show what it means to have a sound judgm
this on a separate sheet of paper.
Use the following rubrics as a guide while working on this activity.
Criteria Score Rem
Output is relevant to the topic. 10 pts
Output shows what it means to judge the relevance and worth of
ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and 10 pts
the effectiveness of the presentation
Effort on doing the output is evident. 10 pts

1. writing a poem 5. making a poster

2. writing a short story 6. doing a blog or a vlog
3. writing a script or dialogue 7. forming a brochure
4. composing a song others: ________________________
J. Additional activities Watch or listen to the news, a talk show or any radio or TV program that feature
for application or person’s worthy ideas, sound reasoning, and effective presentation of thoughts about
remediation or a problem. The person could be a politician, a celebrity, an entrepreneur, or anyone
influential. Answer the given questions, and complete what is asked from the table be
Use the following rubrics as a guide while working on this activity.
Criteria Score Rem
Ideas of the person watched or listened to is specified, clear and
10 pts
have enough details
Ideas of the person watched or listened to is specified, clear and
have enough details to point out worthy ideas, sound reasoning,
10 pts
and effective presentation of

Describe what you watched or listened to, and write briefly about the personality of w
you have watched or listened to:

What are the What makes What makes What does What le
ideas of the this person’s the person this person or insig
person that ideas worthy effectively try to teach do you
you find and have present his or you? from t
worthy and good her thoughts? person
have good reasoning?

1. % of Mastery (80% of
the evaluation Section/ Score 10 % 9 % 8 % 7 % T

2. No. of Learners who

need remediation

Section/ score 6 % 5 % 4 % 3 % 2 % 1 % 0 % To

3. Strategies/Methods
that worked well

4. Difficulties
encountered by the
teacher which the
principal or supervisor
can help

5. Innovations or
localized materials used
which can be shared to
other teachers

Prepared by:
Edmon B. Adesas
English Teacher
Approved by:

Bernie Ibanez

Approved by:
Mary Jane A. Se

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