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Privacy Preserved Secure Identity and

Access Management (IAM) in Cloud


How does this system work?

Above figure represent our IAM control management proposed system. In this
proposed system our main intention is to protect our personal data from
unauthorized access and third party service provider. For this we are proposed
above system which is called Identity and Access Management Tracker. Here we
are describing our system:
Process 1: Suppose, user wants to take any service from service provider and send
request to service provider for service.
Process 2: Service provider need to verified user. So, Service provider request for
some personal data access like image, contacts, file etc. from the user.
Process 3: Then user will forward the request to the Identity and access
management Tracker.
Process 4: the system will check the available data in this process.
Process 5: The system will check the available data in this process If yes, it will
forward the request to the Cloud for the data and if no, the request will be shown
to the user that there is no specific data in the cloud.
Process 6: the system will check the available data in this process if it is no, the
request will be shown to the user that there is no specific data in the cloud and
request for upload data.
Process 7: Then the user will submit or store the data to the cloud.
Process 8: After getting request cloud will be generating a data shareable link and
sent it to the Identity and access manager
Process 9: After receiving link from cloud, Identity and access manager tracker
will forward the link to the service provider. Here, tracker will have stored the
information like log, link validity for specific time, and also stored the information
about the service provider.

All entities have been described for this system.

User: There will be user in our system. User will be able to take any kinds
of service from service provider. User have to store personal data in
cloud. Suppose user wants to create an account in BKASH. To process
his/her verification he/she needs to give his/her personal data. When service
provider (BKASH) request to user for accessing personal data. Then the User
will forward service provider (BKASH) request to the Identity and Access
Management Tracker. 
Service Provider: A service provider is an individual or entity that
provides services to another party. In this system the service provider
provides service to end user or all kind of organization. In our system the
service provider request to user to send him/her all kind of document like
(Picture, NID, Birth doc) when needed to open or create any kind of account.
And the service provider collects this information to IAMT via a shareable
link and used it.
Cloud: Cloud will be used as a primary storage of our system. User will
store personal information or data like picture, document, file etc in the
cloud. Service provider have to collect data link from cloud and before
collecting data link service provider have to go through our Identity and
Access Management Tracker. User could be able to add or delete data from
the cloud.
IAMT: In our system Internet Access Management Tracker will be working
as a tracking system. IAMT will received accessing data request from user
which will be come from service provider. Then IAMT will check the
specific data in the cloud. If the data is found in cloud, then IAMT will send
the request to the cloud to generate a shareable link. On the other hand, if the
data is not found, IAMT will send a request to the user to upload the specific
data. When cloud generate the shareable link, the link will be forward to
IAMT. IAMT will collect the link and store information of link validation
time and service provider information. Then IAMT will give the data link to
the service provider for limited time.


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