Overview Emergency Response Fund 2015 OCHA Feb2016

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Myanmar: Emergency Response Fund 2015 Overview

The Myanmar Emergency Response Fund (ERF) mobilises resources for partners to respond to the critical
humanitarian needs in Myanmar. It provides funding to both national and international humanitarian organizations
for activities that are in line with the United Nations and Partners Humanitarian Response Plan. In 2015, US$ 5
million was allocated to partners for life-saving humanitarian work in Myanmar, including US$ 1.3 million for the
emergency response to the floods and landslides in Chin, Magway, Sagaing and Rakhine.

Total funding pledged and received (US$) Total number of people targeted

92% 368,000

83,000 122,000
$5.9m* $5.4m** $0.5m
Men Women

Total funding Total fund 162,000 206,000

Total funding Male Female
pledged and disbursed balance 79,000 84,000
received Boys Girls

* Includes carry-over of $2.6million from 2014.

** Includes audit fees and administrative costs.

Contributions in 2015 (US$) Projects funded (US$) Projects

$5m 23
Funding Projects
2 2

1.5 1.5

4m 1m 17 6
1.1m 1

0.6m 0.5


International National International National

Sweden Australia United

Funds by sector/cluster (US$) No. of people targeted by sector/cluster

WASH Education Health Food Security Shelter Nutrition Protection Nutrition Education Protection Shelter Food Security WASH Health

$1.2m $1.1m $1.1m $0.7m $0.6m $0.3m $0.2m 5,800 16,000 17,500 25,700 36,700 83,400 182,600

Timeline of ERF allocations in 2015 (US$)

Standard allocation for projects Floods & landslides emergency Reserve allocation for floods response Standard allocation for under-funded
in Rakhine and Kachin / Shan projects in Rakhine and Kachin / Shan

$1.36m $1.28m $2.4m

January/February July August September

Creation date: 04 Feb 2016 Sources: HFU Feedback: erf-myanmar@un.org www.unocha.org/myanmar www.reliefweb.int

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