SD Negeri Mancagahar 1: Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) Tahun Pelajaran 2015 - 2016

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PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN GARUT 2. We are not allowed to turn ....

Alamat : Jl. Cilauteureun Desa Mancagahar Kecamatan Pameungpeuk

Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS)

Tahun Pelajaran 2015 – 2016

No : ..................................................
Nama : ..................................................
SD : ..................................................

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris a. left

Kelas/ Semester : VI (Enam)/ 1 (Satu) b. right
Hari/ Tanggal : .................................. c. forward
Waktu : 90 menit d. around

3. It is a ....
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, atau c!)

1. The traffic sign means that you can't ... here

a. T-junction
b. crossroad
a. park c. zebra cross
b. stop d. traffic light
c. turn
d. start 4. Bandung is located in ....
a. East Java
b. West Java
c. Central Java
d. Bogor
Text for number 5 and 6 a. roller skate
Tantry : "What do you usually do on Sunday, Dewi?" b. skateboard
Dewi : "I usually read books. How about you?" c. marbles
Tantry : "I usually watch TV." d. toycar

5. Dewi usually ... on Sunday. 9. We go to Borobudur temple by ....

a. reads books
b. gardening
c. singing
d. dancing

6. Tantry likes to ... on Sunday.

a. study
b. go to school a. car
c. play doll b. van
d. watch TV c. bus
d. motorcycle
7. Tiara and Bimo go to the ... on holiday.
10. Dani and Dina go ... every Sunday.

a. beach
b. zoo a. surfing
c. mountain b. fishing
d. temple c. reading
d. singing
8. My brother is playing ... in the park.
11. My grandfather is ... than my grandmother.
a. old
b. older
c. oldest
d. more old
12. Tania always gets the first rank in her class. She is the ... student 25. table - The - on - glass - is.
in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer

13. Train is .... than bus.

a. fast
b. slow
c. faster
d. slower

14. The opposite of south is ....

a. north
b. east
c. west
d. southwest

15. The opposite of long is ....

a. big
b. short
c. large
d. small

II. Translate the sentences into Indonesian!

(Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)
16. The cat is under the chair.
17. The book is on the table.
18. Post office is beside the hospital
19. My house is on Jl.Benteng.
20. Pencil is longer than eraser.

III. Arrange the words into good sentences!

(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar!)
21. is - Where - post office - the?
22. faster - train - The - runs - bus - the - than.
23. is - She - playing - doll.
24. father - My - older - is - my - mother - than.

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