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Nama: Reska Utami

Npm: 1931090390

Kelas: Sosiologi Agam/E

Smester: 3

Uas: Study Naskah Bahasa Inggris

A.Introductory paragraph

Bank Indonesia the central bank/bi governor burhanudin abdullah said here on Monday the
central bank would continue to strengthen its interest rate by 25 basis points to 8.25 percent. As a
result, the rupiah's exchange rate was rp6.8 trillion and the target of 1.9 million beneficiaries
(KPM).According to the Jakarta stock exchange JSX, bank Indonesia the central bank/bi decided
to raise its key rate by 25 basis points to 8.25 percent, he said.Not Joseph believes that the case
of corruption of social assistance involving the minister of social services involves many.
Bukhori delivers this in PKS legislative corner (PLC) through a virtual zoom platform, Friday
11, 2020. "We asked the pec to investigate and thoroughly expose this corruption case. The usut
is complete down to its roots. Because I believe that this (corruption) involves even more
widespread people, "says bukhori. Further, he described some of the problems that plagued every
ministry and agency (k/l), and thus opened up opportunities for corruption."I see two basic issues
here. First, from the upper side, problems arose when the ministers appointed commitment
officials (PPK). In practice, the PPK would like to make a deal with the program's executive
partners, which they often appoint in practice without an auction /tender process,""Second, on
the downstream side, there is a problem with the distribution of aid, whether it is a data error or
the aid being 'scaled' by the executive partner. He said the rupiah was expected to continue to
strengthen to rp9,100 per dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday. According to
bukhori, the parliament had its limitations, especially to oversee the implementation of social aid
supplies. "The house of representatives DPR, on the sidelines of the meeting of the house of
representatives DPR, said here on Tuesday. Furthermore, units three, four, and five, we are not
engaged. Here, the minister has broad authority to execute the program through the PPK, "he
said.Unfortunately, there are many concurrent partnerships that implement programs at these
stages. We can monitor back to the public distribution process, whether it was corruption or not,
and based on our findings, it was a lot, "continues bukhori.

Bukhori adds that the situation on the ground has reflected the corruption of social assistance. "I
got a number of reports on aid distribution in the community. There's been a phenomenon of
error on the receiving end, misdirect. People who deserve to receive, don't receive. Whereas
those who should not receive receive receive help. It means it needs an intake update. Then there
are cases of unequal quality and quantity of goods.

B.The Thesis Statement

Secretary of social,Juliari Batubara

Was convicted by the commission on corruption (KPK) in the alleged case of covid-19 social
assistance corruption.Whereas, earlier in the day, President joko widodo warned his cabinet not
to waste their budget on disaster especially during the covid-19 pandemic. The call is again
delivered via twitter feed, Sunday (06/12). Jokowi said that he had "warned Indonesian cabinet
ministers not to corruption.""As for the establishment of a social minister as a suspect by the pec,
I respect the legal process that is going on. I won't protect anyone who gets involved in
corruption," says jokowi.Coal juliarari surrendered to KPK on Sunday (06/12) early after being
convicted of alleged corruption of social aid (bansos). The formation of a suspect juliari is the
development of a sleeve-catch operation on Saturday (05/12) and then the alleged corruption of
bansos for the 2020 wiletepa jabodetails in the ministry of social services. Wearing a black
jacket, hat and mask, juliari arrived at KPK on Sunday (06/12) at 2:45 p.m., almost one hour
after the KPK press conference his alleged involvement and numerous foreign ministry officials
and private parties.

KPK said
At a press conference, KPK chairman firli bahuri thought juliari Peter coal (JPB) had received
rp17 billion from the corruption of bansos sembako aimed at the impoverished family affected
by the corona virus outbreak. The pec suspected that the money was used for personal use. "The
pec appointed five suspects. As recipients of JPB, MJS and aw. Then as the giver was aim and
hs," said KPK firli bahuri ata press conference, Sunday (06/12) early in the morning. Whereas,
earlier today, President joko widodo warned his cabinet against flirting with disaster spending
especially during the covid-19 pandemic.

Under penalty of death.

Minister coordinator of the political affairs of law and security, mahfud md, said that corrupt
officials and areas that dealt with the covid-19 disaster budget were in danger of death. "I remind
you, according to the corruption crime act, the highest in life or 20 years in prison. However, ina
disaster such as the time of the covid-19, the threat of death was imposed under the current law:
"mahfud firmly at the national coordination of government intern surveillance meeting of 2020,
June 15. Article 2 verse 2 of 2001 law on the elimination of corruption crime read: "in the case
of corruption crimes referred to in the verse (1) done under specific circumstances, capital
punishment can be imposed." KPK firli bahuri last August said the covid-19 pandemic condition
entered or fulfilled 'certain circumstances' according to section 2 chapter 2 of the 2001 number
20 law on the elimination of corruption crimes. Thus, the death penalty should serve as a
punishment for those who corrupt the bansos.

How did this alleged bansos corruption start?

The day before, on Saturday (05/12) early in the day, the KPK did a hand - capture operation on
the MJS and sn as social ministry officials, as well as other private suspects of aim and hs. "The
money raised by LPG and hs in one of the apartments in bandung kept in seven suitcases, three
packs and an rp14.5 billion in envelopes," explained firli. The KPK team has secured MJS, sn,
and others in various locations in Jakarta and thereafter is secured in the CPK for inspection.
KPK chief firli bahuri explained the corruption allegations in the social ministry that began with
the existence of bansos for the covid-19 treatment. The rupiah was expected to strengthen to
rp9,100 per dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday morning as investors bought
the local unit. Juliari, as social secretary, listed MJS and aw as commitment makers in the project
with direct appointment of partners. It has been suggested that the fee from each package of
work should be given to the associate to the social ministry through MJS. "The dividends of each
bansos are agreed by MJS and aw at rp10,000 single-serving packages of rp300,000 per share of
bansos," explains firli.Commitment officer at matheus joko santoso (right) walk to the prison car
after inspection of the KPK building, Jakarta, Sunday (6/12/2020). He said the rupiah was
expected to strengthen to rp9,100 per dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday.

"It is thought to be accepted with an rp12 billion share which MJS shares in cash from the JPB
through aw at an estimated rp8.2 billion," says firli bahuri. He said the rupiah would continue to
strengthen to rp9,100 per dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday. The money,
according to firli, is thought to have been used to pay for the various personal services of the
JPB. In the second quarter of 2007, bank Indonesia the central bank/bi decided to raise its key
rate by 25 basis points to 8.25 percent. "It's also thought to be used for JPB purposes," firli
added. Juliari is thus suspected to have received a total of about rp17 billion in bribes allegedly
used for personal use.Based on these allegations, the KPK has already established juliari and four
others as suspects. Juliari has been set up as a potential bribing suspect with MJS and aw.
Meanwhile, two others were assigned as suspects of the bribe, namely aim and hs. The JPB has
violated article 12 letter a or article 12 letter b or article 11 the law against corruption crimes.
Meanwhile, MJS and aw are suspected of violating article 12 letter a or article 12 letter b or
chapter 11 and chapter 12 (I) the law on the elimination of corruption crimes. As for aim and hs
as bribery, the charge is in violation of article 5 verse (1) letter or article 5 verse (1) letter b or
article 13 of the law on corruption crimes.

Bansos prone to corruption

Further, firli reveals that since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, KPK has made efforts to
eradicate corruption and prevention of corruption in the treatment of covid-19."Pec gives an area
or corruption hot spot, one of them bansos," explains firli. The PKF's preventive efforts, in part,
include issuing a circular (se) no. 8/2020 on budget use for covid-19 acceleration services,
especially social assistance. In addition, the pec also published 11/2020 on its use of integrated
data based social assistance. "Social assistance should be targeted, timely and unabused," firli
asserts He said the rupiah was expected to strengthen to rp9,100 per dollar in the Jakarta
interbank spot market on Tuesday. "Even in person, prevention deputies are directly involved in
task forces to prevent corruption in centers and areas, to make governance transparent and
accountable," he added. Prior to that, researchers at the center for the anti-corruption study of
gadjah mada university (trawl ugm), hanifah febriani, revealed a donation of bansos in a disaster
situation to open up a loophole."In a disaster situation, supervision and openness are weak and
lacking because of emphasis on speed and vast affordability. The main thing was that the
problem was solved, and the audit was final," said hanifah.Hanifah continues, in general, the
mode of corruption that appears in the bansos fund, which reduces receiving receivers or even
some not receiving bansos at all. According to the company's President director, the minister of
state enterprises sofyan djalil said here on Monday that the country's economic growth was
expected to reach 6.3 percent in the second quarter of 2008.

Bansos to affected communities covid-19

Last April, President joko widodo details the amount of bansos that will be distributed to
communities across Indonesia, affected by the corona virus pandemic. For people living in dki
Jakarta, bogor, depok, tangerang, and bekasi (jabodetaci) would receive help of rp600 thousand
per month for three months in semaphytes. "For the people in the dki it was allocated to 2.6
million souls or 1.2 million kk (family card) by rp66,000 a month for three months. The
budgeted budget was rp2.2 trillion. "Part of bogor, depok, siege, and clove to 1.6 million, or 576
thousand, kk amounts to rp600 thousand a month for three months. With the total rp1 trillion
budget. "Besides besides jabodetails, he said he wanted to protect his wife from widodo."

C.Body Paragraphs

If I do not agree with adanga the death penalty and if the judge consider this crime a really
severe crime. Not all judges get the death penalty for problems, and some get sentenced years or
lifetimes. When related to human rights, of course, everyone has the same voice based on the
1945 chapter on human rights that gives everyone the right to live. Now this is often the basis on
which people oppose the death penalty, he said, is incompatible with the bill.

The bill is the highest rule in our country. So I guess. The death penalty was no longer
compatible with the intended effect of learning and avoiding similar ACTS. Because how would
a condemned person learn to die, and the death penalty being imposed to prevent people from
committing such crimes is highly inappropriate since the death penalty is still being carried out
but in reality the crime rate is still high.

Then, from the standpoint of the bill, the bill's own editor clearly states the right to life, when
the whole article is involved, and the death penalty is not consistent with its purpose.



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