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PAPER – 1,2 & 3

fhy msT : %d;W kzp Neuk; nkhj;j kjpg;ngz;fs; : 250

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 250
(,t;tpdh – tpilj;jhs; njhFg;G 64 gf;fq;fisf; nfhz;Ls;sJ)
(This question-cum answer booklet consists of 64 pages)
mwpTiufs; / Instructions

(fPo;f;fz;l mwpTiufis tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; jtwhky; gpd;gw;w Ntz;Lk;)

(Candidates shall comply with the following instructions)

1. tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs;> ,t;tpdh – tpilj;jhs; njhFg;G nkhj;jk; 64 gf;fq;fisf; nfhz;Ls;sJ.

vd;gij Kjypy; cWjp nra;J nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ,j;njhFg;gpy; VNjDk; FiwghbUg;gpd;>
cldbahf NtW njhFg;ig Njh;Tf; fz;fhzpg;ghsplk; Nfhhpg; ngw;Wf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
Candidates shall first ensure that this question-cum-answer booklet contains 64 pages. In
case, if any defect is found in this booklet, they can request for replacement from the invigilator

2. xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; jdpj;jdpahf tpil vOJtjw;nfd ,lk; xJf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

tpz;zg;gkjuh;fs; xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; tpilaspf;f xJf;fg;gl;l ,lj;jpy; kl;LNk
tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;. tpilaspf;f xJf;fg;gl;l ,lj;jpw;F ntspNa vijAk; vOjf;$lhJ.
Space has been provided to write the answer for each question. Candidates have to answer
the questions only in the space provided for that question. They should not write anything
outside the space provided.

3. tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; tpdhj;jhspd; xt;nthU gphptpYk; mwpTWj;jg;gl;Ls;s vz;zpf;ifapyhd

tpdhf;fSf;F kl;LNk tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;. mjw;F kpifahd vz;zpf;ifapyhd
tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspj;jhy;> xt;nthU gphptpd; KbtpYk; kpifahd vz;zpf;ifapy;
tpilaspf;fg;gl;lit fzf;fpy; vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;gl khl;lhJ.
Candidates should answer as many number of questions as instructed in the question paper
in each section. If more than the required number of questions are answered, the answers
written at the end of each section will not be taken into account.

4. ,t;tpdh-tpilj; njhFg;gpy; tpdhf;fs; jkpo; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy tbtq;fspy; cs;sd. midj;J

,dq;fspYk; Mq;fpy tbtpy; jug;gl;Ls;s Fwpg;GfNs Kbthdit.
In this question-cum-answer booklet, questions are in Tamil and English versions. In all
matters, English version is final.

5. tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; ,e;j tpdh-tpilj; njhFg;gpypUe;J ve;jj; jhisAk; fpopj;Jtplf; $lhJ.

Candidates should not tear off any leaves from this question-cum-answer booklet. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 1

6. ,j;Njh;it nghWj;jtiu> mofhf vOJtjw;fhfTk;> gpioapy;yhky; vOJtjw;fhfTk; jdpahf
kjpg;ngz;fs; xJf;fgltpy;iy.
There is no reservation of marks for neatness of writing and correctness of spelling in respect
of this examination.

7. tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; fbj tbtpyhd tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;Fk; nghOJ jq;fsJ ngaiuNah>

gjpntz;izNah vOjf;$lhJ. jq;fsJ ngahpy; ifnahg;gkplTk; mDkjpapy;iy. mt;thwhd
tpdhf;fSf;F gjpyspf;Fk;nghOJ tpdhf;fspy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s ngah; kw;Wk; KfthpiaNa
tpdhf;fspy; ngah;> Kfthp Mfpait Fwpg;gpltpy;iynadpy;> „ mDg;Geh;‟ „ngWeh;‟
Kfthpfspy; m> M. , my;yJ vf;]; xa; ,rl; my;yJ vf;]; vf;]; Nghd;w nghJg;
ngah;fis kl;LNk vOjNtz;Lk;.
questions. Putting signature in their name is also not permitted. To answer such questions, the
name & address given in the questions alone should be used. If no name is given in the
questions, they should write the general names like ABC or XYZ or XXX in „From‟ and „To‟
addresses. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 2

jhs; / PAPER – I

myF – I / UNIT — I
gphpT – m / SECTION — A

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.
(4 x 10 = 40)

1. ekJ Njrpa ,yr;rpid gw;wp tpsf;Ff. NkYk; ,e;jpa Njrpa ,aw;ifr; rpd;dq;fis
Explain about our National Emblem and list out our National Natural Symbols of India.

2. kJiu fhe;jp vd miof;fg;gl;lth; ahh;? mtuJ rhjidfis thpirg;gLj;J.

Who was popularly called as Madurai Gandhi? Enumerate his achievements.

3. 1773- k; Mz;L xOq;F Kiwr;rl;lj;jpd; Kf;fpa ruj;Jf;fis tpthjp.

Discuss the important provisions of the Regulating Act of 1773.

4. kf;fis Njrpa ,af;fj;jpy; gq;Fngw nra;jpl fhe;jpabfs; Muk;gpj;j gy;NtW ,af;f

eltbf;iffisg; gw;wp tpthjp.
Discuss the various movements started by Gandhiji to draw the participation of mass into
National movement.

5. fhydpahjpf;fj;jpd; fPo; ,e;jpahtpy; Vw;gl;l tptrha vOr;rpfis tpthp.

Describe the Peasant uprisings during colonial rule in India. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 3

gphpT – M
Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;
Note: Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.
(4 x 15 = 60)

6. 1935 – Mk; Mz;L ,e;jpa murhq;f rl;lj;jpd; Fiwfis Muha;f:

Critically analyse the defects of the Government of India Act 1935.

7. ,e;jpahtpy; gphpl;b\; Ml;rpapd; tpisthf fpuhkg;Gw nghUshjhuk; rPuope;jJ – jpwhda;T nra;.

There was a disintegration of Rural Economy due to the impact of British Rule in India – Analyse.

8. r%f ePjpapd; Nkk;ghl;bw;F nghpahh; <.nt.uh. Mw;wpa gq;fpid kjpg;gpLf.

Evaluate the contribution of Periyar E.V.R. in the promotion of Social Justice.

9. ,e;jpa Njrpa fhq;fpu]; ntWk; fl;rp kl;Lk; my;y ,e;jpa Rje;jpug; Nghuhl;lj;jpd xU mq;fk;
- jpwdha;T nra;.
The Indian National Congress was not merely a party, but an integral part of the Indian
National Movement – Analyse.

10. INuhg;gpa gilnaLg;gpd; Jtf;f fhy fl;lj;jpy;> ,e;jpah;fspd; goikahd Nghh;

eltbf;iffSf;F Kd; Mq;fpy fly; Mjpf;fk; vt;thW cah;e;jpUe;jJ vd;gij tpsf;Ff.
During the Advent of European invasion – Explain how the naval force of the English became
superior before the outmoded Indian Warfare. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 4

myF – II
gphpT – m

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.

(4 x 10 = 40)
11. ,e;jpahtpy; ngz;fSf;fhd FiwjPh;f;Fk; Kiwfis Ma;f:
Examine the Grievance Redressal mechanisms for women in India.

12. Foe;ij chpik ghJfhg;G Njrpa MizahdJ ve;j khjphpahd nray;fis fz;fhzpf;fpwJ?
What are the activities monitored by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights

13. ,e;jpahtpy;> muR rhuh epWtdq;fs; kf;fs; njhifia fl;Lg;gLj;j ve;j tifahd
jpl;lq;fis nray;gLj;Jfpwhh;fs;?
What are all the different types of schemes taken up by Non-Governmental Organisations to control population
explosion in India?

14. ,e;jpa murpayikg;gpd; ngz;fSf;fhd tpjpfis gw;wp tpthp

Describe the constitutional provisions for women in India.

15. ef;ry; ghhp ,af;fj;jpd; Nehf;fq;fisf; nfhzh;f:

Bring out the objectives of Naxal bari movement. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 5

gphpT – M

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note : Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gjpide;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.

(4 x 15 = 60)

16. FLk;g td;Kiw jdpegh; gpur;ridah my;yJ r%fg; gpur;ridah? Tpthjpf;f.

Is Domestic Violence a Private issue or a Social problem? Discuss.

17. ,e;jpa nghUshjhu fl;likg;G Ntiy tha;g;ig mjpfhpf;fpwjh – tpthp.

Does the structure of the Indian Economy promote employment opportunities – Discuss.

18. jw;fhy ,e;jpa r%fj;jpy; fy;tpawpT jpl;lq;fspd; gyk; kw;Wk; gytPdq;fis tpsf;Ff.
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of literacy programmes in the contemporary Indian Society.

19. ,e;jpahtpy; ngz;fs; jfty; kw;Wk; nra;jp njhlh;G njhopy;El;gj;jhy; mjpfhuk;

ngw;Ws;shh;fsh? gFg;gha;T nra;f:
In India, are women empowered through Information and Communication Technology? Analyse.

20. ,e;jpahtpy; kj rpWghd;ikapdh; vjph; nfhs;Sk; Kf;fpakhd r%fg; gpur;ridfisg; gFg;gha;T

Analyse the major social problems faced by the Religious minorities in India. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 6

myF – III
gphpT – m

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s %d;W tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ,uz;L tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any two questions out of three questions.

(2 x 10 = 20)
21. (m) Fkhh; vd;gth; 2 kzp Neuj;jpy; 70 fp.kP. J}uk; flf;fpwhh; vdpy; mNj Ntfj;jpy; nrd;why;
8 kzp Neuj;jpy; vt;tsT J}uk; fle;J ,Ug;ghh;?
M) 24 khzth;fSf;F rPUil toq;f &. 6>000 nrythFk; vdpy; &.72>000f;F vj;jid
khzth;fSf;Fr; rPUil toq;fyhk;
(a) Kumar takes 2 hours to travel 70 km. How much distance will he travel in 8 hours?
(b)The cost of uniforms for 24 students is 6,000. How many students can get
uniform for 72,000?

22. xU nfhs;fydpy; 3 kQ;rs; kw;Wk; 4 gr;ir epwg;ge;Jfs; cs;sd. jpUk;g itf;FkhW rk

tha;g;G Kiwapy; 3 Kiw ge;Jfis xd;wd;gpd; xd;whf vLf;Fk; NghJ fpilf;Fk; gr;ir epwg;
ge;Jfspd; vz;zpf;ifapd; epfo;jfTg; gutiyf; fhz;f. NkYk; ruhrhp> gutw;gb Mfpatw;iwf;
An Urn contains 3 Yellow and 4 Green balls. Find the probability distribution of the number of
Green balls in three draws when a ball is drawn at random with replacement. Also find its
mean and variance.

23. ,uz;L iff;fbfhuq;fs; xt;nthd;iwAk; &. 594f;F xUth; tpw;whh;. ,t;thW tpw;wjpy; xd;wpy;
10% yhgKk; kw;wjpy; 10% el;lKk; mtUf;F Vw;gl;lJ. nkhj;jj;jpy; mtUf;F Vw;gl;l ,yhgk;
my;yJ el;l rjtPjj;ijf; fhzTk;. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 7

gphpT – M
Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;
Note : Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gjpide;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s %d;W tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ,uz;L tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any two questions out of three questions.

(2 x 15 = 30)

24. xU khztpf;F kUj;Jtf; fy;Y}hpapy; Nrh;f;if fpilg;gjw;fhd epfo;jfT 0.21 vd;f.

nghwpapay; fy;Y}hpapy; Nrh;f;if fpilg;gjw;fhd epfo;jfT 0.26 kw;Wk; ,U fy;Y}hpfspYk;
Nrh;f;if fpilg;gjw;fhd epfo;jfT 0.12 vdpy;>
m) kUj;Jtk; kw;Wk; nghwpapay; fy;Y}hpfspy; VNjDk; xU fy;Y}hpapy; Nrh;f;if
fpilg;gjw;fhd epfo;jfT fhz;f.
(M) kUj;Jtf; fy;Y}hpapy; kl;LNkh my;yJ nghwpapay; fy;Y}hpapy; kl;LNkh Nrh;f;if
fpilg;gjw;fhd epfo;jfT fhz;f.
The probability that a girl will be selected for admission in a medical college is 0.21. The probability that she will
be selected for admission in an engineering college is 0.26 and the probability that she will be selected in both is
(a) Find the probability that she will be selected in atleast one of the two colleges.
(b) Find the probability that she will be selected either in a medical college only or in an engineering college only.

8 10 32
25. , , Mfpatw;wpd; kP.ngh.f (HCF) kw;Wk; kP.ngh. k (LCM) fhz;f:
9 27 81
8 10 32
Find the HCF and LCM of 9 , 27 , 81

26. (m) ,U vz;fSf;F ,ilNa cs;s NtWghL 5> mtw;wpd; th;f;fq;fSf;F ,ilNa cs;s
NtWghL 75 vdpy; mt;tpU vz;fspd; nghpa kjpg;G ahJ?
(M) xU rhptfj;jpd; gug;G 160 nr.kP. mtw;wpd; ,izgf;fq;fs; 2:3 vd;w tpfpjj;jpy;
mike;Js;sd. mtw;wpw;F ,ilNa cs;s nrq;Fj;J njhiyT 16 nr.kP vdpy;> mjpy; rpwpa
gf;fj;jpd; ePsk; ahJ?
(a) The difference between two numbers is 5 and the difference between their squares is 75, find the larger
(b) The area of a trapezium is 160 cm2. If its parallel sides are in ratio 2 : 3 and the perpendicular distance
between them is 16 cm, find the smaller of parallel sides. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 8

jhs; - PAPER – II

gphpT – m UNIT — I

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.
(4 x 10 = 40)
1. ,e;jpa murpayikg;Gr; rl;lk; xU khepyj;jpw;F xU cah;ePjp kd;wk; mikf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W
$WfpwJ. mNj Neuj;jpy; VohtJ murpayikg;Gj; jpUj;jr; rl;lk; 1956-d; fPo; xd;W my;yJ
,uz;L khepyq;fs; kw;Wk; xU a+dpad; gpuNjrj;jpw;F Nrh;j;J xU cah;ePjp kd;wk; mikayhk;
vd;W $WfpwJ. Mdhy; xU khepyj;jpw;F xU cah;ePjpkd;wk; mike;jhy; ey;yJ> tpthjp.
The Constitution of India provides for a High Court for each state, but the seventh amendment
act of 1956 authorised for common High Court for two more States and a Union territory. Now,
there are only 24 High Courts in the country. It will be better if each State has a High Court –

2. Rje;jpuk; ngw;wNghJ nkhopthhp khfhzq;fs; mikg;gJ njhlh;ghf jpU. jhh;. FOtpd;

mwpf;ifia tpthp.
Describe the Dhar commission report regarding linguistic province formation at the time of

3. ,e;jpa [dhjpgjpapd; kPjhd murpay; rhrdf; fl;Lg;ghLfisg; gw;wp tpthjpf;fTk;.

Discuss the Constitutional limitations on the powers of the President of India.

4. ,e;jpahtpd; mz;il ehLfs; (neighbourhood) gw;wpa ntspAwTf; nfhs;ifiag; gw;wp tphpthf

Explain India‟s neighbourhood foreign policy in detaiol.

5. ghuhSkd;w [dehaf murhq;f mikg;G Kiw kfhj;kh fhe;jp[papDila “Rauh[;[pa

ghuhSkd;w Kiw” vDk; fUj;Jld; NtWgl;Ls;sjh vd;gij gFg;gha;f.
Whether the Parliamentary democratic system of Government is in contrast with Gandhiji‟s
notion of “Parliamentary Swaraj System” of Government? Analyse. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 9

gphpT – M
Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;
Note: Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.
(4 x 15 = 60)

6. khepyj;jpy; cah; ePjpkd;wk; vd;gJ tphpthd kw;Wk; nray;tpidTila cr;repiy Nky;

KiwaPl;L mjpfhuq;fis ngw;w ePjpkd;wk; MFk;. tpsf;ff; Fwpg;G jUf.
The High Court is the highest Court of appeal in the State, vested with quite extensive and
effective powers. Comment.

7. midj;J murpay; rhh;e;j mikg;Gfs; kPJk; rl;lk; ,aw;Wk; mjpfhuk; ,e;jpa

ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;F kl;LNk cs;sJ. ,e;j thf;fpaj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; ,e;jpa ghuhSkd;wj;jpd;
mikg;G kw;Wk; mjpfhuq;fis ntspf;nfhzh;f.
The Indian Parliament alone possesses legislative supremacy and thereby ultimate powers
over all political bodies in India. In light of the above statement bring out the composition and
powers of the Indian Parliament.

8. epjp MNahf; vd;gJ ,e;jpa murpd; Kjd;ik tha;e;j nfhs;if rpe;jid $lkhFk;.
,e;epWtdk; kj;jpa kw;Wk; khepy muRfSf;fhd ,yf;F kw;Wk; nfhs;if cs;sPLfs;
kw;Wky;yhJ njhopy; El;gk; njhlh;Gila MNyhrid toq;FfpwJ. tpsf;Ff.
NITI Aayog is the premier policy “Think Tank” of Government of India providing directional and
policy inputs and relevant technical advice to the Centre and States.

9. Kjy; murpayikg;Gj; jpUj;jr;rl;lk; 1951-d; fPo; ,e;jpa murpayikg;Gr; rl;lj;jpy; nfhz;L

tug;gl;l %d;W Kf;fpaj; jpUj;jq;fs; md;iwa fhy fl;lj;jpy; fl;likf;fg;gl;l Njrpa
eph;khzg; gzpfNshL cs;sizf;fg;gl;ljhfNt ,Ue;jJ. ,f; $w;wpid tphpthf Muha;f.
The three main amendments to the Indian Constitution under the First Amendment Act 1951
made the Constitution intrinsically linked with three different aspects of the Nation – building
project in India at that time – Explore this statement elaborately.

10. ,e;jpa murpayikg;G rl;lk; kw;w ehLfspd; murpayikg;G rl;lq;fspypUe;J jdpj;J

jpfo;tjw;fhd gy rpwe;j mk;rq;fisf; nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,tw;iw chpa cjhuzq;fNshL
The Constitution of India is remarkable for many outstanding features which distinguishes it
from other Constitutions. Discuss with suitable examples Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 10

myF – II / UNIT — II
gphpT – m

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.

(3 x 10 = 40)

11. mwptpay; njhopy;El;g Jiwfspy; Nehgy; ghpRngw;w ,e;jpah;fspd; gq;fspg;gpid

Highlight the contributions made by Indian Nobel laureates in the field of Science and

12. ehNdh kUe;Jfspd; rpwg;gpay;Gfis tpthp

Describe the characteristics of Nanomedicine.

13. caph; njhopy; El;gj;jpy; CSIR –d; rhjidfis Fwpg;gpLf.

Mention the achievements of CSIR in the field of biotechnology.

14. Ntshz;Jiw ePh; Nkyhz;ikapy; mwptpay; kw;Wk; njhopy;El;gj;jpd gad;ghLfis tpthp.

Describe the applications of science and technology in water management with respect to
agricultural sector. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 11

gphpT – M
Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;
Note: Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gjpide;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.
(3 x 15 = 45)

15. ghiy epykhjypd; fhuzpfs;> mJ Vw;gLj;Jk; tpisTfs; kw;Wk; mjid fl;Lg;gLj;Jk;

Kiwfis ek; ehl;bd; #o;epiyapd; mbg;gilapy; Ma;f.
In the Indian context, examine the causes, effects and control measures of desertification.

16. “nfhR kpf mghafukhd caphp” Vd;? nfhRf;fspdhy; cUthFk; gy;NtW Neha;fis
Nkw;Nfhs;fhl;b tphpthf tpthjp.
Why is Mosquito called the most dangerous species? Discuss briefly with reference to various
diseases it causes.

17. ghJfhg;G Muha;rr ; p kw;Wk; Nkk;ghl;L epWtdj;jpd; (DRDO) tuyhw;iw RUf;fkhf vOjp ek;
ehl;Lf;F mjd; gq;fspg;gpidAk; vOJf.
Give a brief history of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and also
explain its role in our nation.

18. nraw;if Ez;zwpT (Artificial Intelligence) vd;why; vd;d? fzpdpapy; nraw;if Ez;zwptpd;
gad;ghLfis tpthp.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Describe a few applications of Artificial Intelligence in
Computers? Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 12

myF – III / UNIT – III
gphpT – m / SECTION – A

tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; ,e;j myfpy; cs;s tpdhf;fSf;F Mq;fpyj;jpNyh my;yJ

jkpopNyh tpilaspf;fyhk;.
Candidates may answer the questions in this unit either in Tamil OR
In English.

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.

(3 x 10 = 30)

19. ,ilf;fhy jkpo; rKjhaj;jpy; Njtjhrp Kiwia ntspg;gLj;Jf.

Bring out the Devadasi System in Tamil Society during the medieval period.

20. jpUthq;$h; rk];jhdj;jpy; eilngw;w r%f rPh;jpUj;j ,af;fk; gw;wp vOJf.

Write about the Social reform movement which took place in the Travancore State.

21. ghz;bah;fspd; fOFkiy xw;iwfy; Filtiu Nfhtpy; gw;wp Fwpg;G jUf.

Give an account on Kazhugumalai monolithic rock cut cave temple of the Pandyas.

22. FLkpahd; kiy fy;ntl;Lg; gw;wp eP mwptnjd;d?

What is you know about “Kudumiyan malai” inscription? Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 13

gphpT – M

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note : Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gjpide;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.

(3 x 15 = 45)

23. gpw ghlq;fs; jkpo;rr; %f tuyhw;iw Ghpe;J nfhs;s ve;j mstpw;F cjTfpwJ?
How far other disciplines help to understand the history of Tamil Society?

24. fhe;jpa fhyj;jpy; Rje;jpug; Nghuhl;lj;jpy; jkpof ngz;fspd; gq;if kjpg;gpLf.

Evaluate the role of Tamil women freedom fighters during the Gandhian era.

25. jkpof Nfhapw; fl;blf;fiy tsh;rr ; papy; tp[aefu kd;dh;fspd; gq;fspg;gpid kjpg;gpLf
Evakuate the contributions made by the Vijayanagara rulers for the development of Temple
architecture in Tamil Country.

26. gpw;fhy rq;f ,yf;fpaq;fshd ,UngUk; fhg;gpaq;fis xsp&l;Lf.

Highlight the twin epics of later Sangam literature. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 14

jhs; - PAPER – III

myF – I / UNIT — I
gphpT – m / SECTION — A

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.

(3 x 10 = 30)
1. fly; ePhpd; cth;g;gpaj;ij ghjpf;Fk; fhuzpfis tpsf;Ff.
Explain the factors which affect the salinity of Ocean water.

2. jkpo; ehl;bd; Kf;fpa goq;Fbapd; kf;fl; FOf;fs; gw;wp tpthpf;fTk;.

Describe in detail about the major tribal groups in Tamil Nadu.

3. fq;if ejp J}a;ikg;gLj;Jjy; Njrpa jpl;lk; Njit Fwpj;J tpthjpf;fTk;.

Discuss the need for the launching of the National Mission – „Clean Ganga‟.

4. nghpar;rkntspfs; ,e;jpahtpd; nghUshjhu Kf;fpaj;Jtk; tha;e;j epyj;Njhw;wq;fs; -

Great plains are economically significant land forms in India – Justify. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 15

gphpT – M
Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;
Note: Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.
(3 x 15 = 45)

5. ,e;jpa kz;tiffspd; Fzhjpraq;fs; kw;Wk; gutiy tpthpj;J kz; ts Fd;wYf;fhd

fhuzq;fis gl;baypLf.
Explain the characteristics and distribution of soul types in India and list out the causes of
infertility of soils.

6. “,e;jpa tpz;ntsp Ma;Tf; fofk;” ,];Nuhtpdhy; (ISRO) Vtg;gl;l gy;NtW

nraw;iff;Nfhs;fs; Fwpj;J xU tphpthd njhFg;G jUf.
Give a dtailed account on various satellites launched by ISRO

7. ,e;jpa kf;fl;njhif guty; kw;Wk; mlh;j;jpia ghjpf;Fk; fhuzpfis tpsf;Ff.

Explain the factors which influence the distribution and density of population in India.

8. kz; mhpg;gpd; tiffs;> fhuzq;fs; kw;Wk; tpisTfs; Fwpj;J vOJf.

Write about the types, causes and effects of soil erosion. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 16

myF – II / UNIT - II
gphpT – m / SECTION - A

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.

(3 x 10 = 30)

9. mtru eltbf;if vLf;fg;glhtpl;lhy;> jl;gntg;gepiy khw;wk; tsUk; ehLfspd; gy;yhz;L

tsh;rr; pia jpUg;gptpLk; vg;gb? tpsf;Ff.
If urgent steps are not taken, climate change will reverse decades of growth in the developing
countries. How? Explain

10. Njrpa tdf;nfhs;if (1988) apd; rpwg;G mk;rq;fs; gw;wp tpthp.

Describe the salient features of the National Forest policy of 1988.

11. gUtepiy khw;wk; gtsg;ghiwfis vt;thW mr;RWj;JfpwJ? gts mkpykakhf;fj;jpd; ,af;f

Kiwapid jFe;j cjhuzq;fSld; tpsf;Ff.
How is climate change a threat to coral reefs? Explain

12. tsh;rr; p jpl;lq;fshy; Rw;Wr;#oy; mikg;gpd; ntt;NtW mq;fq;fspy; Vw;gLk; jhf;fq;fs; gw;wp
Discuss the possible impacts of various project activities on the Components of Eco system. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 17

gphpT – M

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gjpide;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehd;F tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; %d;W tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any three questions out of four questions.
(3 x 15 = 45)

13. Rw;Wr;r#oy; rPh;Nfl;lhy; Foe;ijfSf;F Vw;gLk; gpur;ridfs; kw;Wk; Kd;nkhopag;gl;l

Foe;ijfSf;fhd Rw;Wr;#oy; jpl;l mwpf;if gw;wp Fwpg;G tiuf.
Describe the problems faced by the children due to deterioration in the environmental
conditions and write notes on the “Proposed Children‟s Environmental Health Program”.

14. ePh; khRgLjy; vd;why; vd;d? mij ,e;jpa rl;lq;fs; %yk; vt;thW fl;Lg;gLj;jyhk;?
What is water pollution? How can we control through Indian Environmental laws?

15. ,e;jpahtpy; vy; epNdh jhf;fj;jpdhy; Vw;gl;l Rw;Wr;#oy; tpisTf;s ahit? gUtepiy
khw;wj;jpid fl;Lg;gLj;Jk; Nehf;fpy; COP – 21- rkh;g;gpf;fg;gl;l Njrpa mstpy;
eph;zapf;fg;gl;l gq;fspg;G ,yf;fpid milAk; nghUl;L ,e;jpah Nkw;nfhz;Ls;s rkPgj;jpa
KidTfspd; rpwg;gk;rq;fs; tpthpf;fTk;.
What are the environmental consequences of EL Nino impact in India? Discuss the salient
features of the recent initiatives to accomplish India‟s INDC in COP 21 to combat Climate

16. mdy; kpd; epiyaq;fspy; fhw;W khRgLjiy Fiwf;f Nkw;nfhs;Sk; nray; Kiw khw;wk;
gw;wp tpsf;Ff.
Explain how „process change‟ can be adopted in thermal power plants to reduce the problem
of air pollution. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 18

myF – III / UNIT – III
gphpT – m / SECTION - A

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 150 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note: Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gj;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.

(4 x 10 = 40)

17. ,e;jpahtpd; Njrpa tsh;r;rpf; FOkk; (NDC) mjd; Fwpf;Nfhs;fis mila vt;thW
In India how does the National Development Council (NDC) function inorder to achieve its

18. Njw;fhrpa kz;ly xj;Jiog;Gr; rq;fkhdJ (SAARC) rpy Nehf;fq;fSf;fhf cUthf;fg;gl;lJ.

,e;j mikg;ghdJ vt;thW mjd; Nehf;fq;fis xl;br; nray;gl;L rpy rhjidfis mile;jJ
vd;gij tpthjpf;fTk;.
“ The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) was established with
certain objective”. Discuss how it functioned in accordance with the objectives and elaborate
its achievements?

19. tsh;rr
; pFd;wpa ehLfspy; tUkhd rkj;Jtkpd;ikia Fiwg;gjpy; epjp nfhs;ifapd; gq;fpid
Explain the role of fiscal policy in reducing “Inequality of Income” in Under – developed

20. ,e;jpahtpy; mwptpay; kw;Wk; njhopy; El;g cs;fl;likg;gpy; cs;s FiwghLfis Muha;f.
Analyse the weaknesses of Science and Technology infrastructure in India

21. ,e;jpa Ntshz;ik tpiyf; nfhs;ifia eph;zapf;Fk; fhuzpfis gw;wp tpsf;Ff. NkYk;
mf;nfhs;ifapd; nray;ghL kw;Wk; epiwNtw;wj;jpid tpsf;Ff.
Explain the factors which influence the agricultural pricing policy in India. Also Explain the
functioning and implementation of this policy. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 19

gphpT – M

Fwpg;G: i) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; 250 nrhw;fSf;F kpfhky; tpilaspf;fTk;

Note : Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) xt;nthU tpdhtpw;Fk; gjpide;J kjpg;ngz;fs;
Each question carries Fifteen marks.
iii) nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Ie;J tpdhf;fspy; vitNaDk; ehd;F tpdhf;fSf;F kl;Lk;
Answer any four questions out of five questions.

(4 x 15 = 60)

22. Gztpay; nfhs;ifapd; Nehf;fq;fs; ahit? ,e;jpa hprh;t; tq;fpapd; gzpfis tpsf;Ff.
What are the objectives of Monetary Policy? Explain the functions of the Reserve Bank of

23. jkpo;ehl;bd; njhlh; nghUshjhu tsh;r;rpf;F> cyf KjyPl;lhsh;fspd; re;jpg;G – 2019d;

ntw;wptha;g;gpid Muha;f.
Examine the prospects of Global Investors Meet - 2019 for the sustained economic
development of Tamil Nadu.

24. rpwg;G nghUshjhu kz;lyk; gw;wp ju Ma;f. (SEZs).

Critically analyse the Special Economic Zones(SEZs)

25. gztPf;fk; ,ilntspia tpsf;Ff. kw;Wk; gztPff ; k; ,ilntspia fl;Lg;gLj;j KbAk;

vd;gijAk; tpsf;Ff.
Explain inflationary gap and also explain how can the inflationary gap be wiped out.

26. “,e;jpah tsh;r;rpailahj ehL” ,ij xg;Gg; nfhs;tPuh? ,y;iynadpy; mjw;fhd fhuzq;fis
jUf kw;Wk; ,e;jpag; nghUshjhuj;jpd; rpwg;gpay;Gfis tpsf;Ff.
“India is an Under-developed country” – Do you agree with this. If no, give reasons for it and
describe the salient features of the Indian economy. Vellore – 9043211311, Tiruvannamalai - 9043211411 Page 20

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