Message From Managing Director Corporate Values: COMMITMENT

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Corporate values: COMMITMENT

Core values are deeply rooted norms that guide all Company’s actions; these are the essence of Company’s identity,
fundamentally held beliefs, and are always aligned with the organization's Vision and Mission. With the same zeal,
SNGPL's core principles are the soul of what our organization and employees stand for.
SNGPL’s core values are: Courtesy, Commitment, Competence, Responsibility, and Integrity. These core values
shape the Corporate Culture, influence behavior, help to achieve corporate Goals, and foster long-term growth by
effectively and efficiently responding to external and internal challenges. I, through a series of messages will be
highlighting the importance and essence of each of Company’s core values. Being a utility service provider, we lay
emphasis on:  


We are committed to our vision, mission, and to creating and delivering stakeholder value.

Commitment means being dedicated and engaged towards assigned obligations. It is the psychological attachment of
an employee with his organization as well as a key factor to build employees motivation and confidence to engage
them to exert efforts on the behalf of organization. A meaningful commitment gives employees a possible script for
how to handle the situation when times get tough by looking towards innovative solutions and make them persistent
and extremely resilient. So, this value acts as a catalyst for cultivating a stable and efficient workforce. Thus,
committed employees prove to be an asset to the Company as they are determined to work hard, show relatively
high productivity, are more constructive, and pledged to follow the vision and mission of the organization.

Being engaged and motivated to achieve organizational objectives is expected to be a standard norm here at
SNGPL. However, it has been observed that practical implementation of this value is not seen in employees work
performance. Therefore, in order to improve the organizational culture and to gain competitive advantage,
employees must show commitment to their work. Employees commitment is affected by several factors i.e. bad boss
experience, lack of personal and career growth opportunities, low empowerment, not feel valued, disruption in
work-life balance, lack of open communication and feel ambiguity about organization’s goals and directions. Hence,
lack of this value has lead to turnover, absenteeism, has escalated negligence to do assigned duties, reduced
productivity and well being of employees. Keeping in view the above mentioned facts, SNGPL strongly recognizes
the fact that commitment, trust and empowerment go hand-in-hand. To make commitment value bountiful for both
the Company and the employees, Organization is implementing Affective Commitment practices in which
employees develop a connection with company, feel that they fit in and understand that their personal values and
goals aligned with organizational goals and values rather than showing commitment just for the monetary purposes.
In order to ensure the practical implementation of Affective Commitment practices, the Company has extrinsically
motivated our employees by providing them benefits like job security, incentives, promotions etc. Moreover, the
Company has been taking initiatives to keep our employees satisfied by clarifying their roles and duties, providing
flexible work schedules, encouraging creativity and novel ideas, giving appraisals, creating accountability and
ensuring organizational fairness which demonstrates the organization’s commitment towards the employees well

SNGPL management understands that the level of employee involvement and commitment will not be uniform for
all times. There would be phases when a number of employees will feel low, show tardiness and commit mistakes
that will impact their productivity. Hence, In order to improve employees work performance, management boost up
their morale and encourage them by creating a congenial work atmosphere and giving motivational leadership to
perform their best. Commitment is a two-way process, so, it is also expected from the employees to reflect work

Corporate Values / HR / Organizational Development / Sep 2021

eagerness, show good performance and accomplish assigned goals to optimize the organizational performance and
efficiency. Employees should be proactive, goal-oriented, and serve the company for its sustainable growth. They
must not show negligence and irresponsible behavior towards their assigned duties and should not take undue
advantage of leniency of management. In a nutshell, the true corporate excellence could only be achieved with
sincere efforts and cooperation of employees. Therefore, Employees should rejuvenate the commitment value and
become a long term asset for the organizational development and well reputation of the Company.

SNGPL management endeavors to create a healthy corporate culture that is rewarding and fulfilling for all our
employees. We want to build a conducive workplace environment to improve employee engagement, achieve higher
job satisfaction, happier customers and improved business results. Let us all endeavor to work towards a better and
performance-driven organizational culture built on our core values like commitment!


Managing Director

Corporate Values / HR / Organizational Development / Sep 2021

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