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Assignment: Smart City Projects.


Q.1.: Sustainable City v/s Smart City: Which should come FIRST? Why? Argue your case.
1. As the bulk of the world's people will reside in towns by 2050, economies have needed to
develop cities capable of reacting smartly to the needs of present and future generations.
2. There are had been successful initiatives against smart / sustainable cities, and others had
failed. 70 per cent of the world's population is estimated they will live in towns by 2050 (ITU,
3. As with the towns more educational and job incentives to deliver, populations in towns,
especially emerging ones Economies, by 2030 was estimated at 4 billion(2015 by Deloitte).
4. Societies are becoming more and more centred towards development and enhancement

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of life quality by the usage of Knowledge and Communication Technology. Thereafter, the
definition of a "Smart Sustainable Community" ensure 'sustainability' is not neglected

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fancying ICT spending.

5. Smart communities aren't that clever without a stable and superfast Internet Connection
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and Incorporation Sensors, meters, monitors and other sophisticated tools too as structures
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of data / details / expertise during the area where citizens can interact with those apps,
systems and others which promote the definition of IoT .

6. The potential lies ahead. Quickly! I don't know if the flying vehicles we used to see in sci-fi
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videos years ago are going to be part of our lives, but the advances are exciting. At a
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moment when we are thinking of autonomous cars, energy conservation has invaded the
agenda of the cities, and advancements start without interruption.
7. The other Smart Element for a sustainable urban infrastructure approach is Big Data
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maximizes power and asynchronous functionality volume for large-scale study and trend
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discovery sets info, and provide intelligence alongside with clear, factual reality (De Mauro et
al., 2015).
8. The word "sustainability" indicates, in dictionaries the ability to use without being used to
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the massive up or done away with. As a theory, biodiversity was the used at the Industry
Sector, in production and community-level.

9. Sustainable growth communities are specified as "spaces where people are ought to work
and function, now as in the future. We are meeting current and future complex needs the
people, are environmentally conscious and contribute to high level of standard.
10. In way to attain efficiency, societies need to implement smart technologies that are
allowed by data engineering. These smart technology systems need to be built "Smart City
Initiatives" of the Community.
11. Smart City projects will include people, state, company and non-profit SMARTGREENS
2017-6th Multinational Meeting on Smart Cities and Ecological ICT Networks 252 of them
collaborative organizations and cooperation activities.

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12. This strategy finds preservation to be achievement of living conditions that are more
than practicable in every area of the city. It should, however, be this can be remembered
that Graham and Marvin did not endorse a "smart community" as a framework in their
conversation. Instead, the focus was on the smart evolution of facilities.
13. It is clarified and covered exactly the same problem concepts (i.e. technological,
technological environment, innovation, etc.) growing affluence and strategic sustainable
cities) they were used interchangeably and confused by illustrating the difference, with each
other attributes in a definition.
14. Such a possibility provides the necessary guidelines to administrations as investing in
and incorporating smart cities programs in the future.
15. The way smart cities influence social issues of equity, justice, citizen participation, health
and well-being is of particular interest. Identifying and assessing the deficits and potential of
various forms of smart and sustainable urban development in order to address social and
environmental challenges is the first step towards providing an alternative and potentially

more progressive evidence base for alternative, and likely more inclusive, solutions to local

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smart city growth.

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16. Given the relative freshness of the smart city model, the special issue 's statements both
consider and criticize the manner to which smart city planning conceptualizations and

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activities have evolved-and continue to do so.
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17. A more recent version of the smart city argument lays the smart city's technical
movement on its head to resume with individuals' needs and desires, preferably engaging
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18. To wind up, a clever / sustainable accomplishment city can be significantly related to its
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goals, easily achievable, appropriate to desired outcomes, and gained within a reasonable
19. "Sustainability" is, in fact, an objective that can be achieved by phases of 'structural
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reform' with a cultural, social and environmental outlook community features and
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relationships among the three.

20. From an urban standpoint planning and growth, "conscious" implies a town has a main
target of achieving its cultural, social and environmental regulation, and thus strengthening
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of life quality.

21. In addition, approaches to obtaining the sustainability objective should reflect the "Think
Worldwide, Conduct Locally" principle.

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Q2. Present a Project Concept for Smart City that you know better.
1. India is the world 's fastest developing country, with the randomness becoming like
significantly changing infrastructure networks.
2. People seeking to modify their way of living and also shifting from rural to urban areas.
3. Further I will discuss about the Smart City concepts of Nagpur City which was launched by
then Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis in 2015. I will further discuss the smart solutions and
Strategies for making a city smart.
4. The rise in urbanization undoubtedly exerts considerable pressure on the traditional
Infrastructure, food sources, water resources, traffic management, waste disposal,
sustainability and general quality of life.
5. The idea of smart cities evolved at the peak one of the worst economic issues facing the

entire world.

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6. India's smart cities are intended to bring capital and create cities that will specifically work

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well for industry and emerging new digital technologies. "Smart India" vision has a strategy
for constructing 100 smart cities across the country. Digital India focuses on making India a

specialist in digitally supplying health, education, and banking services.
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7. Nagpur has opted for itself "e3i" model, where the three "E" are supposed to make it an
eco-friendly, Edu-city, electronically integrated city, while "I" is chosen to make it inclusive.

8. Some of the strategy to address this concept are: combine Nag waterfront growth and
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metro rail projects to encourage sub-centre, expand hospital bed efficiency, use property
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combining structures to establish sub-centre. In relation, by 2020, develop 10 new equitable

open areas, and by 2020, develop Nagpur City community channel with 400 km of fibre
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9. Nagpur Smart and Sustainable City Development Corporation Limited (NSSCDCL) has also
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discussed building internal roads and moving elevated overhead lines In the Smart City areas
proposed-Pardi, Punapur, Bharatwada and Bhandewadi throughout the East Nagpur.
10. NSSCDCL supported the construction of an extensive 130 km buried electricity
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infrastructure, which is also a smart concert, along with major and minor roads at a cost of
20 crore Rs.

11. Another initiative before the Board of NSSCDCL is to formulate an understanding with
the Indian Green Building Council to endorse the notion of Environment constructed
sustainably and heading further city development as a Green City Model.
12. The Board is also set to expand CEO Ramnath Sonawane's phrase for yet another two
years, bearing in mind his significant experience and the Smart City project to place 1 among
100 country's smart cities.
13. The construction work on all the road projects was originally supposed to be
accomplished immediately. But it was observed that only three road projects had
commenced, and those too had not progressed as planned.

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Q.3. Identify the Execution Challenges for your proposed Project Concept. How will you
overcome the same?

1. Lack of Acknowledgement: Effective communication has always been a crucial aspect for project
managers, particularly thanks to the latest innovation such as project management software and
social media that keep us posted over various networks via an endless flow of messages.
2. Evaluating the right communication tool for your project is your responsibility.
3. It is important to engage with your team in a reasonable fashion and in the acceptable order for an
effective project to run. In order to get the best results it is necessary to send the right things at the
right time.
4. Consider removing unnecessary and distracting communication as this will help your team focus
only on the right and crucial texts.

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5. Deadlines Meet: Meeting deadlines and targets is everything for project managers, because

meeting tight deadlines means getting the right Return on investment.

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6. Timely and feasible goals are the answer to success, since unrealistic and unattainable goals mean

waste of time. rs e
7. As a project manager therefore, you need to carefully evaluate what is really required to be
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produced so you can prepare enough time to produce.
8. Working long hours to be beneficial is a great option but really not unreasonably generating

additional effort. Do not engage in decisions, communication and tasks that do not require your
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input at all.
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9. It just waste of your money and effort, which you can use intelligently for something that can make
you more competitive.
10. Corporate Policy: It's not actually just enough to conduct your work successfully, as a project
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manager, you need to consider the entire strategic plan carefully and communicate it within the
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organization to all of your staff, at every level.

11. Each project manager and their staff needs to have a good view about how all the project they
are focusing on will help achieve company objectives. When it is not authorised, they will suspend
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the activities.

12. Project planners continue to function outside controlling schedules, scale and other components
in the conceptual strategy.
13. They ought to concentrate on how their ventures will produce the greatest returns and bring
value to the business.
14. Incorrect risk analysis: Another crucial element of project management preparation is
understanding how to cope with and prepare for the possibility. Risk reduction is usually a beneficial
characteristic for project managers, since programs never go perfectly as schedule.
15. Obtaining insight, building confidence and recognizing which aspects of a project are most
probable to veer off course are aspects of the job of project manager.

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16. Uncertain priorities: If goals are not correctly established, then perhaps the entire project and
team may struggle.
17. Where upper management cannot cooperate to or support unquantifiable goals, typically the
project in query has little chance of succeeding.
18. To establish and communicate clear goals from the outset, the project manager must ask the
right questions.
19. Missing Transparency: The management skills of a project manager will highlight as each team
member takes accountability for their involvement in reaching project success. Conversely, a lack of
transparency will absolutely stop a project.
20. Finger-pointing and liability evasion are unmotivated but all-too-common aspects of poor
planning. A main element of project management practice is how to lead the team against a
particular goals.
21. Deprivation of capital: Management should have sufficient support for a project to be conducted
efficiently and effectively.

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22. Training of project management demonstrates how to critical load and gain front-end support,
which lets project managers prioritize which organize manpower over the life cycle of a project.

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