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Brand Perceived Country Of Purchase

Image Quality Origin IntentIon

(X1) (X2) (Z) (Y)
Brand Image Pearson 1.000 .633 .203 .582
(X1) Correlation
Sig. - .000 .021 .000
N 100 100 100 100
Perceived Pearson .633 1.000 .340 .694
Quality (X2) Correlation
Sig. .000 - .000 .000
N 100 100 100 100
Country Of Pearson .203 .340 1.000 .429
Origin (Z) Correlation
Sig. .021 .000 - .000
N 100 100 100 100
Purchase Pearson .582 .694 .429 1.000
Intention (Y) Correlation
Sig. .000 .000 .000 -
N 100 100 100 100

Purchase Brand Perceived Country

Intention Image Quality Of Origin
(Y) (X1) (X2) (Z)
Pearson Purchase 1.000 .582 .694 .429
Correlation Intention (Y)
Brand Image .582 1.000 .633 .203
Perceived .694 .633 1.000 .340
Quality (X2)
Country Of .429 .203 .340 1.000
Origin (Z)
Sig. Purchase . .000 .000 .000
(1-tailed) Intention (Y)
Brand Image .000 . .000 .021
Perceived .000 .000 . .000
Quality (X2)
Country Of .000 .021 .000 .
Origin (Z)
N Purchase 100 100 100 100
Intention (Y)
Brand Image 100 100 100 100
Perceived 100 100 100 100
Quality (X2)
Country Of 100 100 100 100
Origin (Z)

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