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Scoring Sheet

1. Enter the ratings from the completed questionnaire on the lines above the item numbers in parentheses.
Notice that the item numbers in each column are consecutive. Item No. 2 is below item No. 1 and so

2. Do the addition and subtraction in each row to compute each PEC score. Watch carefully the plusses
(+) and minuses (-) to come up with the correct computation.
Check twice or thrice if you have obeyed this rule!

3. Add all the PEC scores to compute the total score.

Rating of Statements Score PEC

+ + - + +6 = Opportunity
( 1) (12) (23) (34) (45) Seeking

+ + - + +6= Persistence
( 2) (13) (24)
(35) (46)

+ + + - +6= Commitment to
( 3) (14) (25) (36) (47) Work Contract

+ + + - +6= Demand for

( 4) (15) (26) (37) (48) Quality & Efficiency

- + + + +6= Risk Taking

( 5) (16) (27) (38)

- + + + +6= Goal Setting

( 6) (17) (28) (39)

+ - + + +6= Information
( 7) (18) (29) (40) (51) Seeking

+ + - + +6= Systematic
( 8) (19) (30) (41) (52) Planning & Monitoring

- + + + +6= Persuasion and

( 9) (20) (31) (42) (53) Networking

- + + + +6= Self-Confidence
(10) (21) (32) (43)

Total PEC Score

Correction factor computation

- - - + + 18 = Correction
(11) (22) (33) (44) (55) Factor
Note that the correction factor is very important for the calculation of the final score.

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