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For imparting his valuable insights during the

In grateful recognition of his voluntary contribution and support in the implementation of

In recognition of his active involvement

for being a participant in the Grand Opening of the

for his/her active participation in the 5-day

for his valuable contribution as a Resource Person in the

in grateful recognition and commendation for his invaluable efforts and exemplary performance
as GUEST of HONOR and SPEAKER during the

for her significant contribution in the attainment of the university’s mission of academic
excellence by winning the 3rd place in blablabla held on July 21, 2020 at Digos city.

for being the resource speaker on the school’s team building session with the theme:

for sharing inspirational message to the graduating class of batch 2020

for having shared his expertise as resource speaker during the

for giving her valuable time and effort to be one of the judges during the
TECHNO-TRANSFER COMPETITION with the theme “Climate Information: An emerging need for
a better future”, held on September 29, 2016 at DiCNHS—Matti High School Annex, Digos City,

 For having actively participated in the _______________ held at _______________ last july 21, 2016

Awards this

Certificate of recognition is awarded to ________________ for a commendable performance as best

demonstrator during her final demonstration in the conduct of student teaching of the c.e.d, usep on
the second semester of school year 2026-2018

Given this 20th day of july 2016 at/ the _____________

Certificate of recognition is hereby awarded to ___________ for his/her active participation and
commendable performance as committe in-charge on hall preparation and stage decoration during the
intramurals 2016 with the theme “”

I have considered the benefits that my son will derive from his participation in this activity with the
understanding that every precaution is to be taken to ensure his safety in camp.

I shall not held the Camp Staff and the Boy Scouts of the Philippines responsible for any
untoward accident that may happen beyond their control.

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