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REPORT FILE- 2021-22


1. Write an HTML program to display the following output:

The parts of computers are:
o Monitor
o Printer
o Mouse
o Keyboard

2. Write an HTML program to display the following output:

Operating System
A. Window
1. Window 7
2. Window 8

3. Write an HTML program to display the following output:

H2O and SO4

4. Write an HTML program to display insert image by providing the following parameters to their attributes:
Height =400
Alt= ***Hello***
5. Write an HTML program to horizontally divide your web page into five parts or sections.
6. Write an HTML program to display the text in the following way:
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language ( with Blue color, Font size 20)
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language ( with Green color, Heading 2 Style)
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language ( with Red color, Center Align , Underline style)

7. Write an HTML program to display the following output:

First Line:

Second Line:
8. Write an HTML program to view the following line on a web page:
The < and > are used to create an HTML element.
9. Write an HTML program to display text in three lines with different colours, size and styles.
10. Write an HTML program to display picture in background of the web page and describe about this picture with text
colour as red and size 16.

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