Cervantes, Ralph Raymond G. (SPEECH 2 - AGT & UGT)

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Maysan Road corner Tongco Street, Maysan, Valenzuela City

Introduction to Speech Communication

Agenda Setting Theory and Uses Gratification Theory

CERVANTES, Ralph Raymond G.

BSEd Major in English Language and Literature 2-1
Professor Carmela Abalos
1. Examine how speech communication studied and practice in media studies.
a. Agenda Setting Theory
b. Uses and Gratification Theory
Agenda Setting Theory is a process in which an event or idea is set as the topic
of discussion for a certain period, and it refers to what prevalent issues will be covered
on various news broadcasts on television or during a political speech in front of the
voters. This theory helps us understand how media affects society by setting agendas
and influencing public opinion. Media also has a powerful influence on individuals'
desire for recognition because they feel that their name will be mentioned within the
media coverage if they have done something worthy of being written about or
publicized. This theory also insinuates that media significantly influences their
audience by imparting what they should think about instead of what they actually
think. The concept of agenda-setting was first introduced by Maxwell McCombs and
Donald Shaw in 1972; they stated that people would search the media sources for
information that would confirm their viewpoints if they have already decided what
their opinion is on a particular issue ignore information that opposes their views. The
most common method of changing public opinion through agenda setting is repeating
specific thoughts repeatedly until they become part of the mainstream mentality.
Agenda setting can also be demonstrated through newscasts that give in-depth
coverage on a current event while ignoring other news items that have just as
important implications for society as the mentioned one. To gratify the populace, the
media has been selected to focus on a particular event or thing. Thus, making the
people believe that this is an indispensable item to consider and be aware of. On the
other hand, the Uses and Gratifications Model (UGM) is a media-effects theory that
seeks to explain how individuals become involved with types of media content by
identifying how they use different kinds of media. Elihu Katz is the proponent of this
theory that he particularly delineated the significance of media consumers and
termed them as active media users who get revealed to any media content with their
consent. This theory describes how people find satisfaction in participation in
different media activities such as listening to music, watching television, and reading
the newspaper. People perform various activities to meet their needs for a) identity
or self-concept; b) esteem or positive regard; and c) internal structure or self-esteem.
This theory helps understand how various media forms can serve people in different
ways. They can accomplish specific goals by using one form of media over another
kind of media if the purpose they wish to attain is somewhere between them. An
interesting thing about this model is that it details how different forms of media are
used to meet different needs. This theory shows how television news helps individuals
achieve a sense of belonging, a feeling that they are part of a group. It also allows
people to create an inner sense of stability by being informed of various issues that
affect society. A need for identity is one of the most critical characteristics in a person.
This need is expressed through the ways we speak and present ourselves to others.
2. How are you going to apply media studies in real life?
a. Agenda Setting Theory
b. Uses and Gratification Theory
The media has been a potent and influential force in the shaping of public
opinion. This is where agenda-setting theory comes into play as it elucidates how
different groups of people lead with varying views towards topics that they want to
see more often throughout society. Agenda setting theory explores how this
influences what issues are brought up through the mass media, making specific topics
more prominent than others (Osborne & Davis). The media is a powerful tool that can
get the public out of a slump with information about themselves or create issues that
society is questioning. People will use their built-in biases and prejudices in the media
to influence what content they will see. Media can affect mass opinion on different
topics as mass media has more power than ever before to influence public opinion on
social-political issues (Smith & Kiesler). The media is not a direct reflection of society,
but it is influenced by societal structure; this means that the agenda-setting theory is
not about individual opinions controlling the media, but it is about what certain beliefs
are most highlighted throughout negative or positive coverage of topics (Beard,
2011). While in Uses and Gratification Theory, we can employ this theory in almost
every realm of life; through scrutinizing the effectiveness of technology globally, one
can discern the usefulness and authenticity of this. The prominent application of this
theory is seen in research, usage of mobile phones, television, radio, and the nature
of the internet. We can resolve people's media usage characteristics and determine
their demands' social and economic context through research. We can also use mobile
phones to have immediate access and interaction and use radio and television to gain
entertainment and broadly gather information in achieving purpose and community
development. Lastly, the internet is being indulged by social interaction, social
belongingness, and prerequisite information.
Zowaina, A. (n.d.). COMS307 – Communication Theories-II Week 1: Uses and
Gratification Theory. University of Sargodina. Retrieved from
Zowaina, A. (n.d.). COMS307 – Communication Theories-II Week 2: Agenda Setting
Theory. University of Sargodina. Retrieved from

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