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Plumbing Workshop-A Manual

CO5: Conduct basic plumbing activity and plumbing repair works.


 Learning Outcomes
 Plumbing Symbols
 Methods for Making Water Safe
 Types of Plumbing work.
 General Terms Used in Plumbing
 Personal Protective Equipment
A Ex-1: Study of various plumbing tools and fittings and their usage in
household plumbing activity
B Ex-2: Build a Water Pressurized Bath Shower or Overhead Tank to Tap
Plumbing work
C Ex-3: Understating the Rainwater Harvesting and Tracing the RTRWH
The plumbing is an essential part of every house or building. Proper planning and
designing of plumbing system is crucial as it takes care of the hygiene requirements
of the occupants. It has been reported that about 8 per cent of the construction cost
of a building is marked for plumbing and sanitary work. A plumber’s job role
consists of installation, repair, maintenance and servicing of plumbing fittings and
fixtures. An engineers should have a thorough understanding of plumbing materials,
tools used for plumbing activities, various fittings used for plumbing, plumbing
standards, make an effective plumbing layout and design and offer pubbing services
to domestic and industrial applications.

 Learning Outcomes:

o Identify the importance of plumbing.

o Typical skill set required of a plumbing.
o Explain the general terms used in the plumbing profession
o Describe the three phases of plumbing projects.
o Exercise the Pipe Cutting, Pipe Rimming and Threading practices
o Exercise the Pipe Fitting for the Finishing Plumbing exercise.
o Exercise the Plan for the Rain Water Harvesting Units.
 Plumbing Symbols:
 Methods for Making Water Safe:
To prevent the spread of harmful organisms, chemicals, and materials through water
supply system, water is made safe through disinfection, filtration, and softening.
The following below shows ways of making water safe:
Disinfection: To disinfect water means to destroy harmful organisms in the water.
To disinfect water means to destroy harmful organisms in the water.
Filtration: Filtration is the process of cleaning water to remove particles and
chemicals. Filtration is the process of cleaning water to remove particles and
Softening: Softening removes magnesium and sodium salt that causes scale on the
inside of pipe and fittings. Softening removes magnesium and sodium salt that
causes scale on the inside of pipe and fittings.
 Types of plumbing work:
Plumbing can be divided into three broad phases:
o Underground rough-in: During the underground rough-in phase, a
plumber locates all the supply and waste connections from the building
system to public utilities and establishes where these systems will enter
or leave the building.
o Above ground rough-in (also called top-out or stack-out): During
the above ground rough-in phase, a plumber:
1. Cuts holes in wall, ceiling, or floor to attach or hang pipes for
connection to the fixture.
2. Installs the pipe for the building’s various supply and waste system.
3. Uses welding tools, soldering equipment to join pipe runs or special
chemicals for plastic pipes.
4. Operates power threading machines, propane torches, and other
power tools.
o Finish (also called trim-out or trim finish): In the finish phase, the
plumber installs fixtures such as sinks, showers, and toilet appliances
such as dishwashers, water purification system, and water heater. The
plumber may be called on to install the automatic controls that regulate
the pressurized pipe system as well.
 General Terms Used in Pluming:
o Apparatus - One tool, which combines a variety of functions, to
perform a particular job.
o Asbestos - A fibrous, fire-resistant substance used in pipe insulation,
shingles, wallboard, floor coverings, and certain types of insulation.
(This material is now banned by government regulation as a health
o Atmospheric Hazard - A potential danger in the air or a condition for
poor air quality.
o Benching - A method of protecting workers from cave-ins by
excavating the sides of an excavation to form one or a series of
horizontal levels or steps, usually with vertical or near-vertical surface
between levels.
o Bladed Tools - Tools that have a sharp edge. Bladed tools include saws,
knives, scissors, tin snips, and wire cutters.
o Combustible - Air or materials that can explode and cause a fire.
o Confined Space - A space that, by design and/or configuration, has
limited openings for entry and exit, has unfavorable natural ventilation,
may contain or produce hazardous substances, and is not intended for
continuous employee occupancy.
o Decibels (dB) - A measure of sound intensity or loudness. The higher
the decibel level, the louder and more potentially damaging the sound
o Electrically Powered Tools - Tools that use electrical current to
o Energy-Isolating Device - Any mechanical device that physically
prevents the transmission or release of energy. These can include
manually operated electrical circuit breakers, disconnect switches, line
valves, and blocks.
o Energy Source - Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other energy.
o Gassy Operations - Working condition in which one or more of the
following conditions exist: higher than minimum levels of methane or
explosive gases are present; a gas ignition has previously occurred
there; or the area is connected to an underground area designated a
gassy operation.
o Guards - Devices that protect tools operators from dangerous moving
parts, such as blades, gears, and pulleys.
o Guy Wires - Ropes, chain, cables, or rods attached to something as a
brace or guide.
o HazCom Standards - A federal OSHA regulation requiring employers
to educate and inform workers about chemical hazards on the job site.
o Hypothermia - A life-threatening condition caused by exposure to
very cold temperature.
o Impact Tools - Tools that strike against something or must be struck
in order to accomplish a task. They include hammers, chisels, and taps.
o Liquid-Fuel Tools - Tools that use a liquid fuel, such as gasoline or
liquid propane, to operate.
o Lockout - The placement of a lockout device on an energy-isolating
device, in accordance with an established procedure. This is done to
ensure that the energy-isolating device and the equipment being
controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.
o Lockout Device - Any device that uses positive means such as a lock
to hold an energy-isolating device in a safe position, thereby preventing
the energizing of machinery or equipment.
o Lockout / Tagout Procedure - A process for identifying hazardous
equipment, locking it so that no worker can use it until it is certified for
safe use, and placing a tag on the equipment that describes the problem
and warns against use.
o MSDS - Material safety data sheet (MSDS) is a document that must
accompany any hazardous material. The MSDS identifies the material
and gives the exposure limit, the physical and chemical characteristics,
the kind of hazard it presents, precautions for safe handling and use,
and specific control measure.
o NFPA Diamond Warning - A four-color diamond label placed on
containers or doors to alert people to specific safety hazards in a product
room, or building.
o Nonpermit-Required Confined Space - A confined work-space free
of any atmospheric, physical, electric, and mechanical hazards that can
cause injury or death.

 Personal Protective Equipment(PPE):

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is designed to protect you from injury.
Many plumbers are injured on the job because they are not using protection

o Hard hats o Hearing protection

o Eye and face protection o Fall protection
o Gloves o Respiratory protection
o Safety shoes o Proper clothing

Ex-1: Study of various plumbing tools and fittings and their usage in
household plumbing activity

1. Objective:
To demonstrate various plumbing tools and pipe fittings used for plumbing activity for household
2. Outcome:
To identify various plumbing tools and pipe fittings and to know their use for making a piping
layout for household plumbing
3. List of plumbing tools and fittings:
a) List of important plumbing tools

S.No. Plumbing tools Use

b) List of plumbing pipe fittings

S.No. Plumbing - pipe fittings Use

4. Plumbing standards:

Indian standard :

International standards :

5. Plumbing pipe materials and their application:

S.No. Pipe material Application

6. Conclusions:
Ex-2: Build a Water Pressurized Bath Shower or Overhead Tank to Tap
Plumbing work
To build Head Shower with positive displacement pump or Tab connection from the
Over Head tank.
Tools Required:
o PVC Pipe
o Accessories such as Tap, Valve, Shower, Joints and Bends
o Nylon Thread

1. Construct a Shower with positive displacement pump or Tab connection
from the Over Head tank.
2. Utilize the necessary joints and Union to have the fixture fixed for the
successful water flow path with the control Tap.
(Record your observation on the exercise carried out.)
Ex-3: Understating the Rainwater Harvesting and Tracing the RTRWH
To understand the Rainwater Harvesting and tracing the RTRWH in the Workshop
Shed 1-4.
Necessity of the time:
1. To arrest ground water
2. To beneficiate water quality in aquifers
3. To conserve surface water runoff
4. To reduce soil erosion
Types of harvesting rainwater:
1. Surface runoff harvesting
2. Roof top rainwater harvesting (RTRWH)
Components of RTRWH system:
Catchment- The surface that receives rainfall directly is the catchment. Sloping roof
or flat roof.
Transportation- Rainwater from rooftop should be carried through down take water
pipes or drains to storage/harvesting system. Water pipes should be UV resistant (ISI
HDPE/ PVC pipes) of required capacity.
First Flush- First flush is a device used to flush off the water received in first
shower. Provisions of first rain separator should be made at outlet of each drainpipe.
Filtration Methods- Sand gravel filter, Charcoal filter, PVC –Pipe filter,
Sponge filter.

Methods of Rooftop Water harvesting

Storage for Direct use
- Rain water collected from the roof is diverted to storage tank.
- Storage tank has to be designed according to the water requirements, rainfall
and catchment availability.
- Each drainpipe should have mesh filter at mouth and first flush device before
connecting to storage tank.
- Each tank should have excess water over flow system. Excess water could be
diverted to recharge system.
- Water from storage tank can be used for domestic and gardening purpose. It
is most cost effective way of rainwater harvesting.
Recharging ground water aquifers
- Ground water aquifers can be recharged by various kinds of structures to ensure
percolation of rainwater in the ground instead of draining away from the surface.
Commonly used recharging methods are: -
1) Recharging bore wells
2) Recharge pits
3) Soak ways or Recharge Shafts
4) Recharging dug well
5) Recharge Trench
6) Percolation Tank
Trace the rain water harvesting type installed in the Workshop sheds 1-4 and draw a
sketchematic diagram to illustrate the design, and also comment on the type of First
flush, Type of filter and types of the harvesting system installed.
(Record your observation on the exercise carried out.)

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