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August 30, 2021

Molecular (mass) transfer

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

1. Continuum approximation (continuum

hypothesis) for fluids
- Fluid is regarded as single continuum phase that is
continuous and indefinitely divisible.
- Characteristic macroscopic flow scale is large
compared to the molecular length scale which
characterizes the structure of the fluids
- Macroscopic quantities are finite and uniformly
distributed over any infinitesimally small volume

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Consequences of continuum approximation

- Transfer mechanisms split into convective and
molecular contribution.
- Uncertainty in the boundary condition →
discontinuity in boundary conditions

Molecular contribution
- Momentum transport
- Diffusion
- Conduction

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Phenomenological model
- Ex. Energy transfer in a nonisothermal system
without any mean motion (eg. flow)
(i) no of equation = 1
θ no of unknowns = 4
ρC p    q
t (θ, qx, qy, qz)
θ : temperture → We need additional relationships
to have well-posed problem
q : heat flux vector
(ii) temperature: macroscopic (or
 : del continuum) variable
   heat flux: representing
: ex  e y  ez molecular transport processes
x y z
→ We need relationships between

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Additional relationship:

q   K 
K : thermal conductivity tensor

tensor: similar to function,

mapping vector to vector

Ty  u
Linear transformation

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Constitutive Relations (구성관계)

Newtonian fluid : τ  μ u

Fourier' s Law : q   kT
Fick' s Law : J   Dc
Ohm' s Law : I   Λ e φ
•All these relations include transport coefficients, which may be
determined from molecular theory or determined empirically
from the phenomena themselves
• Continuum-based field equation + Constitutive relations
= Phenomenological Model

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

We assume linear relation between flux and the

gradient of macroscopic variables
* For a sufficiently smooth or gradual variation of the
intensity of the macroscopic variables with
respect to the position in the material, flux vector
depends only on the local properties of the medium
and the local value and gradient of macroscopic
variable (c & c)
* For sufficiently small values of the magnitude |c|
the flux vector varies linearly with the components
of c. The flux vector is known to vanish with
|c| .

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

flux gradient Transport
Momentum Velocity Viscosity
 v 
Heat Temperature Thermal
q T conductivity
Mass Concentration Diffusivity
J c D
Current Electrostatic Electric
I potential conductivity
 
Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Design of a sustained release system for the control of insects

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Design of a bubbler for delivering dopants to a CVD reactor

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Design of a dryer for a polymer coating

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

Design of a artificial kidney: an enzyme/bead reactor

Prof. Do Hyun Kim, CBE332 Heat and Molecular Transfer, Fall, 2021

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