Note Book Work 2021-22: Subject: Science Grade - 6

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Note book work 2021-22

Subject: science Grade – 6

Topic – Unit 3 Forces and motion – TB Q and A in page 75 (to be written in notebook)
Date: 02.09.21 Submission: 03.09.21
Please read the below instructions before you start writing
You are starting a NEW LESSON – so start in a NEW PAGE and put heading as shown in task 1
Use a blue ballpoint pen Use a blue ballpoint pen (you can use a black pen to write the question- this
is optional not compulsory).
Please write date when you start your work.
Do not copy the content in red.
Mention the textbook page number for the questions - as shown
Graphs if any must be done with pencil in GRAPH PAPER then to be cut and stuck in the notebook
Diagrams if any should be done with PENCIL

Task 1 - Write the chapter heading as shown in the picture below. Please write date.

Task 2 – Write the sub-heading as shown below

Textbook - Question and answers

Task 3 - Answer Questions 1,2,4 in page 75 in your notebook. Writing page number and question is compulsory.
Use to clues given to answer the questions. Use the hints given.

Page No 75

1 Draw a circle to make a diagram of the Earth. Put arrows around your diagram to show the
direction of the force of gravity. Use pencil to draw.
(Hint: Draw a circle. Draw arrows pointing towards the center of the earth. Arrows can be inside or outside of
the circle)

2 Use your diagram from question 1 to explain why people who go to the South Pole do not fall off the Earth.
Discuss your answer with a partner.
(Hint: gravity, pull, center of the earth)
4. The Moon has a mass of about 70 000 000 000 000 000 000 000kg.
Some people think there is no gravity on the Moon. Are they correct? Use the information in this question to
explain why.
(Hint: First answer if they are correct or wrong in their idea. Any object with mass has gravity. Look at the mass
of the moon. Do you think it has large mass? Now relate the mass with the gravity)

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