What Does Monkey Paw Mean

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What does monkey paw mean?

The monkey's paw is a symbol of desire and greed—everything that its owner could
possibly wish for and the unrestricted ability to make it happen. This power makes the
paw alluring, even to unselfish people who desire nothing and have everything they
Renounce : formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession). ‫ترک‬
"Isabella offered to renounce her son's claim to the French Crown"

refuse or resign a right or position, especially one as an heir or trustee.

"there will be forms enabling the allottee to renounce"

to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration renounce his errors. 2 : to refuse to
follow, obey, or recognize any further : repudiate renounce the authority of the church.
intransitive verb.
Patronizing :
treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.
"she was determined not to be put down or patronized"

Hypnotize : ‫ وم توجہ پیدا کرنا‬produce a state of hypnosis in (someone).

"a witness had been hypnotized to enhance his memory"

Prissy : fussily and excessively respectable.
"a middle-class family with two prissy children"
What does it mean when a girl is prissy?
1. The definition of prissy is someone fussy and overly proper, or clothing with a lot
of fancy elements. A very proper child who won't ever get messy and who doesn't like
to do anything physical is an example of someone who might be described as prissy.
What is an example of a gimmick?
A gimmick is a trick intended to attract attention. If you lure crowds to your bake sale
by having cute football players handing out samples in front of your booth, that's
a gimmick. A gimmick is often used by businesses to sell a product. ... A TV show may
air a live episode as a gimmick to get people to watch the show.

Exploit: What does it mean to exploit someone?

As a verb, exploit commonly means to selfishly take advantage of someone in order
to profit from them or otherwise benefit oneself. As a noun, exploit means a notable or
heroic accomplishment. ... The noun form of the verb exploit is exploitation, and the
adjective form is exploitative, as in exploitative practices.
What I hate is people exploit other people.
What means Mullover?
The verb mull means to think deeply about something, the way you might mull over
your choice of what college to attend. When you mull something over, you ponder or
seriously consider it.
Desist: ‫باز آنا‬stop doing something; cease or abstain.
"each pledged to desist from acts of sabotage"
Blunt : (of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point.
"a blunt knife"
What is a blunt person?
1 being or characterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner. he
values honesty and is quite blunt about telling people what he doesn't like about them.

Drain away:

drains away, it disappears completely, and if something drains it away, it completely removes

it: Stretching out her tired limbs, she felt the tensions of the day drain away. SMART
Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Taking things away from someone or somewhere.

Until you stand by, hopelessly watching everything that you own drain away.

Wrath : extreme anger.

"he hid his pipe for fear of incurring his father's wrath"
What does confession mean example?
the act of admitting that you have done something wrong or illegal: I have a
confession to make - I've lost that book you lent me. I can't ask for help. ... Confession
is the first stage of coming to terms with what you've done. He made a full confession to
the police.
What is the English meaning of fumbled?
fumble verb (DO STH AWKWARDLY)

to do something awkwardly, especially when using your hands: ... She fumbled
around/about in her handbag, looking for her key. They fumbled around/about (= moved
awkwardly) in the dark, trying to find their way out of the cinema.

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