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KDU International Research Conference – 2014

Trucking Industry Perceptions of Congestion Problems and Potential

Solutions to Container Transportation in Sri Lanka


Faculty of Management, CINEC Maritime Campus, Malabe, Sri Lanka;
 College of Transportation Management, Dalian Maritime University

  lalithedirisinghe2@gmail.com, 2 jinzhihong@dlmu.edu.cn

Abstract — Inland Container transportation is coordinated and interacted between port

terminals, Container Freight Stations, exporters, consignees, clearing agents, freight
forwarders and primarily container transport companies. This paper has identified important
issues and challenges in designing, planning, and operating inland transportation with respect
to containers, from the transport companies’ perspectives.

Infrastructure plays a vital role in efficient cargo handling operations thus adequate
infrastructure is needed to avoid congestion especially when a country has increasing cargo
flows. Sri Lanka has a vision of developing the country as a commercial and naval hub in
which efficient and effective container transportation would be the key.

The key objectives of the study were to examine the efficiency of container transportation by
land; identify the perceived effects of road congestion on container transporters; and propose
recommendations to improve the intermodal freight transportation. The cost associated with
delay in transport is the key variable to calculate Transport efficiency. Transport time has a
direct relationship with the cost associated in transport. Therefore the factors influence in
transport time was examined. Transport time depends on four factors namely, human,
vehicle, environmental, and road.

There are 102 major trucking companies registered in Sri Lanka. The survey was conducted
as a questionnaire survey and the questionnaire was send to all companies concerned. There
were 61 responses thus overall response rate of 59.80% was obtained. The study also
considered the Past data and future projections of Ports in Sri Lanka. The comprehensive data
of 649 truck movements also have been collected to examine any possible variations in travel
time. The final analysis was done using EViews and Excel software.

The questionnaire consisted of 51 questions covering General; Road related issues; Time
related issues; Port related issues; Customer related issues; Container yard related issues; HR
related issues; Vehicle related issues; and Environmental issues. It also suggested nine
potential solutions.

Congestion experienced by trucking companies is considerable thus congestion mitigation

measures will be needed especially in the urban areas. Road related actions that need policy
decision should be seriously considered. Further research on dedicating a single lane to truck
traffic, having truck-only lanes on some surface streets; truck-only streets for access to ports,
rail terminals, and airports; Eliminating some on-street parking during certain periods should
be carried out prior to taking any policy decisions. Better coordinating of traffic Signals and
implementing effective system to attend emergency crews in clearing accidents should be
done. Visibility in the system with respect to customs and other border management agencies
in order to install electronic clearance stations at international border crossings would be

Keywords: Congestion, Containers, Transport

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