2020 Application of Modified Kna Cycle in Biomass CHP Plants 1

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Received: 16 March 2020 Revised: 15 April 2020 Accepted: 2 May 2020

DOI: 10.1002/er.5570


Application of modified Kalina cycle in biomass chp plants

Branislav Jacimovic1 | Srbislav Genic1 | Nikola Jacimovic2

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia Summary
DPE Conceptual Design Division, This paper presents alternatives to Kalina cycles typically used in place of the
Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A, organic Rankine cycle in biomass power plants. Overviews of both Rankine
Buttrio, Italy
and Kalina cycles are given alongside the possibilities of using biomass as a
Correspondence viable energy source and recommended guidelines from the engineering prac-
Nikola Jacimovic, DPE Conceptual Design tice for selection and management of these cycles. Benefits of Kalina novel bot-
Division, Danieli & C. Officine
Meccaniche S.p.A., Via Nazionale
toming cycle (and the alternative cycles presented herewith) over the Rankine
41, 33042 Buttrio (UD), Italy. cycle are the higher thermodynamic cycle efficiency and lower capital expendi-
Email: n.jacimovic@danieli.it tures combined with the possibility of using low-grade heat sources, such as
biomass or waste heat from exhaust gases. Analysis of ammonia-water binary
system under various operating conditions has been performed for all the pro-
posed cycles based on the published references and it has been shown that the
proposed alternative models prove to be simpler and to have similar or even
greater thermodynamic efficiency compared with the Kalina novel bottoming

biomass, Kalina cycle, power plant, Rankine cycle

1 | INTRODUCTION practice in terms of suggested process parameters for

each of these cycles are given alongside with the potential
Kalina cycle is one of the cycles typically used in power issues and hazards of using organic fluids in ORC
plants for converting thermal into mechanical energy. (including an example from engineering practice).
Although there are sources that indicate various case Next, an overview of the original novel bottoming
studies, process parameter optimizations and cycle presented by Kalina (NBC in further text) is given
comparisons,1-6 there are not so many sources that deal and the potential benefits and issues related to biomass
with process improvement (eg, References 7 and 8). Con- heat sources are presented. Furthermore, a discussion is
sidering the potential for process improvement,9 the presented on correct and economically viable selection of
study presented in this paper aims not to optimize pro- cycle operating parameters substantiated with examples
cess parameters, but the process itself; thus resulting in from everyday engineering practice.
simpler and more efficient cycle. Optimization of the pro- In the second part of the paper three novel alternative
cess in the presented form is not discussed or presented processes or cycles are considered, each having its own
in the open literature, and, therefore, presents an impor- benefit over the basic original cycle—NBC orKCS 11 (ie,
tant contribution to the pool of knowledge dealing with Kalina cycle system 11, from Reference 10). These are:
this particular topic.
Introductory sections of the paper present a brief 1 Modified NBC (MNBC)
overview of Rankine and organic Rankine cycles (ORC in 2 Modified Kalina cycle with distillation column and
further text). Recommendations from the engineering superheater (KCDCS)

Int J Energy Res. 2020;1–15. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/er © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1

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