2020 Application of Modified Kna Cycle in Biomass CHP Plants 2

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3 Modified Kalina cycle with flash drum and super- literature and result in thermal efficiency which is signifi-
heater (KCFDS) cantly lower than the one obtained by the newly pro-
posed cycles.
Newly proposed processes have not been previously
discussed in the open literature and as such can be classi-
fied as novel and original processes with important 2 | RANK INE CY CLES I N M ODER N
improvements over the original process. In fact, each of POWER PLANTS
the proposed processes can be classified as a contribution
to the new body of knowledge. Brief overview of Rankine cycle presented herewith has
It is important to underline the particular importance the aim to present both technical and thermodynamic
of work presented in References 11 and 12, which present limits of the most commonly used cycle in the thermal
correlations used to determine the T-P-x-y data for power generation plants. These data can be used to com-
ammonia-water mixture, for pressures up to 100 bar, and pare the Rankine cycle with other cycles used in the
enthalpy and entropy data for ammonia-water mixture modern biomass power plants in terms of technical, eco-
up to 100 bar and 535 C. Without the findings presented nomic, and thermodynamic aspects.
therein, it would be practically impossible to analyze the Rankine cycle is a process typically used in thermal
Kalina cycle at elevated pressures. power generation plants and, in its essence, it is a ther-
Above cycles (MNBC, KCDCS, and KCFDS) have all modynamic cycle of a heat engine that converts heat into
been analyzed by means of the proprietary software mechanical work while undergoing phase change. It is
developed especially for this purpose, and based on the an idealized cycle in which friction losses in each of the
input data defined beforehand. four main components (pump, evaporator or boiler, tur-
It has been shown based on in-depth analyses that bine, and condenser) are neglected. Basic Rankine cycle,
the proposed cycles have both economic benefits and alongside its main components, is shown in Figure 1.
similar thermodynamic efficiency when compared with Given its many favorable properties (high specific
NBC or even greater efficiency when compared with KCS and latent heat, abundance, and non-toxicity, to name a
11 or KCS 34. Based on these findings, the modified few), water is typically the fluid of choice for the Ran-
cycles presented in the paper are suggested as viable kine cycle. Some general recommendations from the
alternatives to the original Kalina cycles, resulting in open literature on how to increase the cycle efficiency in
both lower capital and operating expenses. case of water as the working fluid are given in fur-
It should be noted that other cycles, such as KCS ther text.
11 or KCS 34 found in References 13 and 14, will not be According to Reference 15, when using water as
discussed since they are already well covered in the open working fluid the thermal efficiency of Rankine cycle in

F I G U R E 1 Basic Rankine cycle

[Colour figure can be viewed at

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