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Team Process

How teams work?

• Purposeful & rigorous decision making
• Problem focused vs solution focused
• Psychological safety
• Participation
• Who, how, when and to what effect
• Motivation
• Provide opportunities to contribute
• Influence
• Status, experience, competence
• Conflict
• Task conflict vs affective conflict
• Interpersonal conflict
Team development

Five stages of team formation

Punctuation equilibrium model
Leading the teams
Team design
• Team task
• Task complexity
• Task interdependence : pooled, reciprocal or sequential
• Task objectives
• Resources
• Rewards & Compensations : Perception matters
• Right people
• Team size
• Role: perception, expectation and conflict
• Diversity
Team Process : Five stages
• Forming
• Storming
• Norming
• Performing
• Adjourning
Case: Merit corporation
Group Decision Making
During the decision making…
• Ask yourself:
• Self interest; Has the team overoptimistic?
• Affect heuristics; Has the team in love with solutions?
• Group think; were there dissenting opinions?
• Check with the team-mates:
• Representative heuristic : similarity trap
• Availability : recency/ accessibility trap
• Anchoring & Adjustment : first shift biases
• Cognitive biases : confirmation bias, false consensus effect, Fundamental Attribution
Error, Actor observer bias, halo effect
• Check the solution:
• What will we get, are we meeting the desired goals
• The worst-case scenario
• Check on loss aversion
Inquiry Vs Advocacy
Case- Challenger Launch Decision B : The script
• Setting the problem statement : Launch vs Success
• Setting the process : Inquiry vs advocacy
• Status and power dynamics
• Normative conformity (to be liked ) Vs informative conformity (to be right)
• Insufficient and ambiguous presentation of the data
• Self censorship
• Last minute decision
• Symptoms of group think

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