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13-15 November, 2018, Berlin, Germany





Cover: A fully armed Typhoon GR4 of the 3 WELCOME Welcome to this special International Fighter Conference So what about the next 500,000 miles? Well that future
RAF prepares for take off on Operation Welcome from Volker Paltzo, 2018 edition of Eurofighter World. We’re going into the looks exciting, with the Eurofighter Typhoon set to re-
Shader, the Counter-Daesh mission,
from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. © UK MoD
CEO of Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH. conference having just passed the 500,000 flying hours ceive a new electronically-scanned array radar and an
Crown Copyright 2017 milestone. enhanced human machine interface. Already the best in
4 Retaining Combat Edge their class, the EJ200 engines, will also be further devel-
RUSI’s Justin Bronk gives an exclusive A great deal has been achieved since Eurofighter oped, ensuring that Eurofighter Typhoon can maintain its
insight into how he believes the West can Typhoon entered into service. We now have a fleet of combat edge.
Eurofighter World is published by
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH maintain its combat edge in the future almost 500 aircraft protecting
PR & Communications threat environment. Europe’s borders, with the po- In this edition of the magazine
Am Söldnermoos 17, 85399 Hallbergmoos
Tel: +49 (0) 811-80 1587 tential for this number to grow we take an in-depth look at the substantially in the next dec- future battle space. Justin Bronk
8 The Perfect Option for Poland ades. from RUSI talks about the future
Editorial Team
Tony Garner As the campaign for a new fighter for threats, while Bruno Fichefeux
Martina Schmidmeir Poland takes shape, we talk to the team And, during this period, the from Airbus Defence & Space
Adam Morrison
making the case for Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft has transformed its ca- outlines the potential technolo-
Contributors on how they think they’ll be successful. pability into a true swing-role gies that could come into play in
Airbus Defence and Space
BAE Systems
combat aircraft, with significant the development of a future Eu-
LEONARDO combat operational experience ropean combat air system. Our
Viva PR under its belt from its first com- own Head of Marketing, Raffael
Photography 10 The Road to FCAS bat role over the skies of Libya in Klaschka, discusses how Eu-
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH The man heading the Airbus Defence & 2011 through to today’s opera- rofighter fits into this complex
Eurofighter Partner Companies
Geoffrey Lee, Planefocus Limited, UK Space FCAS programme explains the tions over Syria and Iraq. jigsaw.
Jamie Hunter thinking behind its concepts and plans
Giovanni Colla for the future battlespace. In fact, there’s a fascinating arti- What’s clear from all these dif-
cle in this magazine on how Eu- ferent contributors is the impor-
Design & Production rofighter Typhoons are taking the tant role Eurofighter will play in Werbeagentur GmbH 16 Inside Operation Shader fight to the terrorist group Daesh the decades ahead.
We take a rare look inside RAF Akrotiri in with daily operations conducted
Printed by
ESTA Druck GmbH
Cyprus, where Eurofighter Typhoons have by the RAF from RAF Akrotiri in We’ll also take an in-depth look been playing a pivotal role in the fight Cyprus. Today Eurofighter is also at the ground-breaking new
against terrorist group Daesh. the backbone of NATO’s European air defence and will Spear3 weapon and look at the campaign for a new
continue to be developed to defend against all future fighter for Poland.
threats for decades to come.
Eurofighter World on the Internet 20 Eurofighter in the Future Battlespace I hope you enjoy the read.
Follow us on: With rapid technological developments When you reach a milestone like this it’s worth pausing
shaping the thinking about the future of for a moment to reflect on just what an important contri-
air power, we look at how Eurofighter will bution Eurofighter makes. It represents the biggest and
shape up through the eyes of a former most successful defence collaboration programme ever
Eurofighter Typhoon pilot. undertaken in Europe. It has provided security, industrial
If you would like to request additional copies of and economic cooperation and sustainment on a previ-
Eurofighter World, please contact the
PR & Communications Department:
ously unseen scale. And it’s the model for future defence Volker Paltzo 24 Packing an Almighty Punch and industrial collaboration in Europe. CEO
The ground-breaking new weapon SPEAR3 Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH
November 2018
is being hailed as a breakthrough
capability. Discover why and exactly what it
will bring to Eurofighter Typhoon.

What do you see as the main emerging Your research paper says that while You talk about the decline of the
threats for Western governments? Western air forces have got used to technical edge that Western forces
very low attrition rates in recent have long enjoyed; can you explain how


There has been a proliferation of high-end decades, there’s significant potential that manifests itself?
threat systems, which previously would for this situation to be reversed.
have been the preserve of peer states. It’s basically a combination of Russian
There’s been an increasing trend towards When you look at the systems which make defence spending, particularly on ground
the spread of triple-digit Surface-to Air-Mis- up so-called anti-access area denial or based air defences after a 15-20 year gap,
sile (SAM) systems, high end electronic A2AD bubbles, they’re sophisticated and with the emergence of China as a potential
warfare equipment and radars to countries long-ranged enough that Western forces will peer competitor in technological terms. It’s
like Iran, and plenty of others. These states take losses in degrading those capabilities. a trend that is going to accelerate.
are buying equipment which presents a A2AD tends to be something which can im- It’s not necessarily that the West has
threat level which we’d have considered as pose attrition on the attacking force, delay become worse at designing or procuring
characterising high intensity warfighting in it and increase the timescales and political things, rather that for a while we were the
In this edition of Eurofighter World we talk to the author of a new report previous decades. appetite required to push on. The flip side undisputed masters of the game because
Clearly the ground-based threats are is that there are plenty of techniques that other people weren’t really trying to catch
on the future threat environment facing the West and some possible increasing. Russia in particular is continuing to you could deploy to start suppressing those up.
pursue improvements in missile performance defences and in the long term A2AD tactics So in a sense it’s the erosion of a mas-
solutions. Justin Bronk is Research Fellow for Airpower with for both SAMs and in the air-to-air domain. It are unlikely to actually stop a determined sive technological and operational advan-
is also focusing on improving and broadening force. tage lead, in terms of the way we did things
the Military Sciences programme at the highly respected the range of different detection and tracking Politicians tend to overestimate the and how we linked them up. But that was
technologies that cue in those weapons. It’s capabilities of high end air defences and fairly artificial because it was the result of
defence think tank RUSI (Royal United Services Institute). going to get harder and harder to remain see them as an impregnable shield. They’re some very specific geostrategic circum-
unseen, and the kinematic threats that are not. They only become an impregnable stances in a set period of time.
then cued in when you are seen will continue shield if you’re not politically willing to risk We’re simply moving back to the natural
to improve in range and agility. losses. status quo — which is a constant game
So there’s an issue around how you of evolution between attack and defence
Justin Bronk square it with political risk. For a lot of na- in ground and air threats, and weapons
Research Fellow, Airpower and tions, the serious prospect of taking losses systems. The 1990s and the 2000s were a
Technology, RUSI
will result in a greatly reduced political will- bit of an aberration and Western air forces
ingness to use force. Of course, if we find were able to reign unchallenged. Now we’re
ourselves in a high intensity conflict against having to relearn old lessons.
a peer then that’s a different ball game, we But the problem is that the mechanisms
have no choice but to engage. Then it’s a by which we develop, procure, design, pay
question of how credible and sustainable for and value air power at a political and
your force is. industrial level have unavoidably changed
within those 20 years.
Procurement timescales and attitudes
to attrition have been conditioned by those
two decades. They’re better suited to a time
when the competition was from allies for
exports, rather than a serious set of kinetic
threats. Frankly, we need a much more rap-
id pace of iterative development, as well as
a more serious look at forces in the round.
It’s not enough to say ‘Well we have the
best individual platforms,’ it’s a question of
whether they are credible in the whole force
terms. Are they supportable? Are they ad-
equately dispersed? Can we protect them
on the ground? Are there enough weapons
stockpiles to actually prosecute any sort of
meaningful campaign? All of these things
which we used to be very good at in the
Cold War, and which have withered over 20

It’s a challenging scenario you’ve set

up, can you explore some of the
potential solutions?

There are good arguments for another

manned programme and there will continue
to be a lot of relevance and usefulness to
be gained out of the current 


generation of manned platforms, like Obviously in recent months we’ve heard How do you see an evolving Eurofight- You talked as well earlier about its What other technical areas, do you As an interested observer, how opti-
Eurofighter Typhoon, for a long time to about the ambition for two different er platform potentially fitting into this inherent flexibility being one of its core think, would it need to build on to keep mistic or otherwise are you about the
come. FCAS programmes in Europe. What’s future force mix? strengths that will keep it relevant, can it relevant? future generally — how do you feel
However, if you accept the argument your view on these? you expand on this? personally about the challenges and our
that those solutions alone are not going to I think the airframe/engine combination I think building on the work which the RAF fitness to face them?
give you an answer to the combat mass/at- It’s not necessarily a terrible idea to have two that forms the basis of Eurofighter Typhoon Typhoon’s design philosophy means it’s in- has done very successfully, in conjunction
trition problem, you’re going to have to add competing programmes at the early stage, is a strong one, particularly in terms of herently flexible and capable (because of its with BAE Systems with the TyTAN pro- I’m reasonably confident that technically
something more in there. And, of course, that way you don’t get a single myopic view its potential for evolution to fulfil the sort specific excess power, its thrust to weight gramme (the maintenance construct) to speaking, it is within the capability of the
that something more is going to have to be that takes you down one design philosophy of combat mass in discretionary conflicts ratio, its payload capacity and high altitude keep driving operating and maintenance European defence industry to meet future
paid for. route which may not be the optimal outcome. and standoff roles needed in high intensity performance, especially with a big radar costs down will be critical because the needs, however they choose to go about it.
For me, the num- But at a certain point down the road, ideally conflicts. It will be relevant for a long time aperture). So I’d say it’s a very useful sup- sticker price is only one element of what I’m fairly convinced that there is the techni-
bers don’t really add up no later than when you’ve got a couple of fly- to come. port to a cutting edge very low observable, a nation looks at for in its force planning. cal capability within the funding available to
in terms of what we’re ing prototypes, then you really need to merge It will be a very valuable part of any eyes-forward platform, which by definition How much it actually costs to run and own come up with decent solutions.
prepared to spend and those programmes. mixed force, particularly because of its would have limited internal capacity and through its life is much more important than I am less convinced there is the political
what we expect to lose I just don’t think the European market is ability to supply a lot of munitions, as well be available in limited numbers. One good the upfront fly-away cost of the jet. focus and will behind these efforts to
(for European air forces in particular), to large enough for two competing programmes as having a lot of potential power for future option to allow Typhoon to better support actually agree on and support everything
think that manned platforms alone offer a to be viable in terms of production and com- electronic warfare packages. the eyes further forward role in future might required in the timelines needed. That’s
viable way forward long term. petition for exports. And frankly, the operation- It can operate at high altitudes with be to increase the missile carriage capaci- more of a concern. 
The idea that makes most sense is al requirements in Europe are not so different reasonably long endurance, loiter time and ty, as Boeing has done with the latest F-15
a UCAV force capable of autonomous that a mutually suitable platform, or series of range, so it’s a very useful capability. And variants.
operations in contested airspace, with- platforms as a system, could not be arrived at. it’s proven. There’s a lot of strength in the
in a new force mix. The manned force design. I think its future evolution will be
would be able to carry out many of the predicated on being quite realistic about the
low intensity and discretionary taskings, Eurofighter’s strength and limitations.
with the UCAVs forming the leading edge
and attrition sponge against very high risk
threats. It would have to be something you
could manufacture in enough numbers and
reasonably rapidly.

TIPPING THE to support the needs of different nations —

the UK, Germany, Spain and Italy — and

therefore ours is an inherently flexible model
and one that we can offer to Poland.
The presence of “We can also offer the possibility for
possible threats is local industry to be involved in the
programme at a level that would best fit
embedded in the DNA their capabilities and aspirations. Euro-
In 2017 the Polish government launched the of Polish people to a fighter can offer significant packages of
work, not only in support or manufacturing,
Harpia programme to define a requirement for level that is far beyond but we can give Polish industry access to
that of other European development work too. This is a unique
a multi-role fighter and/or an airborne jamming countries. opportunity for local industries to grow and
improve their own capabilities. It could
system. In this edition of Eurofighter World we open the door for Polish companies to have
a completely different future.
talk to Andrea Nappi, Vice President Eurofighter “Being involved in development work-
would position Poland as a potential partner
Export from Leonardo Aircraft at a high level in any future European
Combat Air System, or FCAS, programme
Division, who is leading the as that emerges. Poland would be a per-
fect candidate to participate in any future
campaign in Poland to find out programme and Eurofighter would be the
perfect way in.
how the competition is “Then there’s the high reliability,
increased maintenance scheduling and
shaping up. integrated training system which Eurofighter
Andrea Nappi It’s a very positive story and one which

the Leonardo team is determined to ensure
t’s very early in the race but Eurofighter That’s why the Leonardo team has been gets plenty of airplay in Poland. They’ve
is already off the starting block, aiming to positioning the Eurofighter as the best air already hosted a number of media briefings,
win hearts and minds in Poland, as the supremacy fighter available on the market. including arranging a visit for media to the
nation starts to consider its future air power “There’s no question that from an oper- Gioia del Colle Air Base in Italy, which have
needs. ational perspective we see Eurofighter as been well received by Polish journalists.
“We are really at square one of the the perfect answer to Poland’s needs, but Says Andrea: “They are very keen to
definition phase,” says Andrea, however, Eurofighter would bring a series of other listen and understand. In Poland there’s
Leonardo has proactively started putting its benefits too. a lot of interest in defence-related topics
case forward. “For one, it will guarantee Poland na- among the public and because of that the
As the campaign takes shape, the tional sovereignty. They will have full control media are keen to discuss defence issues.
Eurofighter message is clear. In essence it of the weapon system and there would be We believe that entering these forums is
boils down to Eurofighter being the perfect no issues with restricted black boxes as is very important.
military option for Poland and the right often the case with non-indigenous aircraft. “The air base visit gave journalists the
choice for the future of the Polish aero- This is an important distinction because it opportunity to talk directly to Eurofighter
space industry. means they could programme their mission pilots and maintenance teams. It gave them
“Air defence is critical because Poland data directly from their national intelligence a real insight into how the Italian Air Force
is right on the front line,” says Andrea. “It is database which means the integrity of this operates and how effective the Eurofighter
at the NATO border and as such represents intelligence would not be compromised.” weapon system is. It generated lots of
the first line of defence, so it needs to be Of course, campaigns for combat good publicity and this represents a very
ready to defend itself until the support of its aircraft export sales are always complex. good start.
NATO allies is fully deployed. Headline writers have a tendency to focus
“The presence of possible threats is on performance, but there are a host of So how positive is Andrea that
embedded in the DNA of Polish people to a other factors that come into play: capabil- Eurofighter will ultimately emerge
level that is far beyond that of other Euro- ity, through-life support, budgets, air force successful?
pean countries. They are very conscious of relationships, the political picture, jobs, and “A few years ago no one believed Poland
it. That’s why Poland has allocated a huge industrial partnerships. They’re all factors would select our M-346 as a trainer, but
budget for the modernisation of its Armed that play a part. One area where the Euro- they did, and now they are thinking of
Forces as well as procuring a multiple lay- fighter team believe they can tip the scales taking more. From a Eurofighter perspec-
ered missile defence system. in their favour is in industrial terms. tive, we’ve got a great offer — a weapon
“When considering an aircraft, some “If you buy European you don’t spend system that’s perfect for air supremacy
think in terms of a plane with an ability to money, you invest money, and there is a — and a great history of industrial collab-
attack. Over the course of this campaign huge difference between those two little oration in Poland through the Eurofighter
I believe we will need to shift this thinking words,” says Andrea. Partner Companies that generates a huge
because our belief is that on day one of “For one thing, we can tailor the support economic impact in the country. I’m not
any war, Poland would need an aircraft that model to meet Poland’s specific needs. a betting man but right now I’d say our
could effectively protect its country.” Right from the start, Eurofighter was built chances are high.” 

Bruno Fichefeux is at the helm of Future Combat Can you explain the Airbus FCAS el, especially in the combat sphere. This will
Air Systems for Airbus Defence & Space, in that philosophy? be supported by new technologies around
role he leads Airbus’s effort in its positioning in
the future European programme and represents
artificial intelligence, communications and


the group in front of European customers, For us, the FCAS idea is much more than big data management. We’re looking at a
industrial partners and suppliers. a single platform — it is a combination of future with an information-centric system
various assets working together as a global with connected platforms. Information will
system. Each and every part of Airbus’ become a combat resource.
business is involved, from UAV & military This approach will have a huge impact
and combat aircraft to space, connectivity, on all the platforms, both existing ones like
cyber and security. All these elements have Eurofighter and new ones that are still to be
Over the last 12 months Airbus Defence & Space has built an organisation to a special role in a common system. It’s the developed, indeed for everyone operating in
first time we’ve had a programme which the future combat space.
coordinate their burgeoning FCAS programme. In this edition of Eurofighter brings together the whole spectrum of what We see the necessity for the next gen-
Airbus Defence & Space can do. This is eration combat system to be a combination
World we talk to Bruno Fichefeux who leads it, to find out about how they also the reason why we decided to build an of assets, or System of Systems, where
organisation that’s able to drive such a pro- manned and unmanned assets, combat
see the future battlespace taking shape. gramme across Germany, France, Spain and and collaborative platforms, will need to
the UK and all programme lines. The level of operate jointly. The distinction between
ambition is high and we want to address it. shooter and sensor platforms will blur. Even
In particular, we are looking at what the between kinetic and non-kinetic assets.
future threats will be, and what technologies The right effect at the right time matters.
we will need to tackle them. By working collaboratively, they will quantify
their mission effectiveness, retaining a high
What’s your view on what the main flexibility .
future threat scenario is, and how will Besides developing a new fighter or new
this impact on FCAS planning? unmanned air systems like the EURO Male,
Bruno Fichefeux
it’s important to make existing ones smarter
From 2040 onwards we will face a mas- with a disruptive approach. For example,
sively increased threat level for air assets a future smart Multi-Role Transport Tanker
and these will require new technologies to (MRTT) – a persistent platform close to the
address them. Even today we see the pro- battlespace — could contribute not only
liferation of threat systems with the advent by giving fuel, but also be a contributor in
of near and potential peer opponents. It’s the intelligence, surveillance and recon-
therefore vital to have a roadmap for capa- naissance-processing, exploitation, and
bilities and the technologies that leverage dissemination (ISR-PED) cycle by filtering in-
these. formation through AI analytics and pushing
At the same time, the way we manage relevant intelligence back into the forward
information, the way it’s analysed, pro- battlespace.
cessed, transformed into intelligence, trans- And all these will be connected through
mitted and used will be on a whole new lev- a joint IT and Communication 

From 2040 onwards we will face a massively increased threat level for
air assets and these will require new technologies to address them.


network, distributing and managing the Airbus has already started working on ed an example of what teaming manned the FCAS system for more than 20 years. possibility is laser communication. Airbus and create solutions that are tailored to Eu-
information between the platforms. In the manned and unnamed teaming — can and unmanned systems could look like. We And until a new fighter is developed, has a project called Network For The Sky ropean needs. Europe will also require the
end it’s not a new fighter which will replace we assume that this will become in- used off-the-shelf target drones, and the Eurofighter will be the platform where we which is, among other technologies, looking ability to operate missions jointly according
an existing fighter — it will be a whole new creasingly important in the FCAS era? core of the demonstration was around the will test and operationally implement some into direct laser communication between to our own standards, based on sovereign
connected system. intelligence in the swarming algorithm and of the technologies which will be required satellites and airborne platforms, providing solutions, while maintaining interoperability
Without a doubt. In the future we will see in the level of automation. for an FCAS. Here we’re looking at connec- a very high data rate combined with resilient into NATO.
What do you think will be the key areas manned and unmanned teaming as stand- The live demonstration featured five tivity, networked weapons and the remote communication – safe against jamming. However, Europe, over many decades,
that will drive technology change? ard. That’s linking the platforms which are drones commanded by an aircraft. The air- carrier, manned/unmanned teaming. In addition, in another project mentioned has been weakened by internal competi-
currently being developed, like Euro-MALE. craft gave the drones a series of high-level Just imagine in the timeframe before an earlier, we are working on a smart tanker. tion. There have been too many different
We believe there are four key elements that They will provide information and support commands like ‘identify the threats’ and FCAS we could have the Eurofighter flying Here we are talking about using an MRTT, platforms within Europe and there’s a need
will be the building blocks of development the tactical combat parts of FCAS. they automatically adapted their mission with an unmanned system and that could sat just behind the tactical area, that is able to go for increased commonality.
of new technology. However, we suggest there will be plan to perform the different tasks. They dramatically increase the capability of the to provide, using artificial intelligence, all the And if we want to be able to perform
The first one is the existing fleet of another type of manned and unmanned even split tasks between them to perform aircraft in theatre. It’s a fantastic opportu- necessary data (rather than just the fuel) to missions in a coalition in the future, we will
combat aircraft, the Eurofighter and others, teaming. This is for very specific scenarios, them in the most efficient manner. nity for Eurofighter because you can invest the fighter pilots in the theatre. These are need to develop the appropriate standards,
which will need to be upgraded to new in denied environment combat missions It’s a first step but it’s the result of just one into increased capabilities, and that would bricks of what FCAS will need. especially regarding communications but in
levels to face new threats. for example. Here you’ll see a combination year’s work so just imagine what could be enable it to operate in the networked envi- We also need to invest money into direc- many other aspects too. Indeed, the Euro-
The second is a new fighter, which will of smaller unmanned assets working with achieved in the coming 10 or 15 years once ronment of the future. tional data links to get our own sovereign pean view, by design, because it’s made up
have new technologies, with things like a a fighter aircraft. At Airbus we call them a we have put serious development into it. solutions. of many nations and industries participating
new approach to propulsion, stealth, new ‘remote carrier’, because the unmanned What advances do you see existing Of course, Eurofighter will be compliant together, is based on collaboration.
sensor and communications capability and assets will carry some of the fighter’s capa- How do you see Eurofighter’s role in platforms having to make to remain to the future standards and protocols of At Airbus, while focusing on the resil-
new cockpit design that will allow the man- bilities remotely. the future — could it be a good bridge relevant in a future battlespace? communication that will be required by an ience of future systems, we are pushing for
agement of complex tasks in a distributed The remote carrier concept is the log- for technology transfer? FCAS. open architecture solutions within FCAS.
C2 environment. ical conclusion when you think about the If we had the Eurofighter or the FCAS flying First, it will enable other solutions and com-
The third element is around unmanned level of threat constantly or exponentially People have described Eurofighter as a in the future battlespace environment, they How important is the development of an panies to plug in and second, it will enable
systems, where we’ll have to invest in increasing over time. Given that reality you bridge into FCAS but I’d go further, Euro- will need massive amounts of data. How do FCAS project for Europe? upgradeability of the system over decades.
technology linked to automation, mission would not be able to develop an aircraft fighter will also be at the core of the FCAS you bring all this data from space or from We know the threats will change so the
systems, swarming and connectivity. to fully answer these very high-end threat system – whatever it turns out to be. You the command centres back in Europe to the Recent global developments show a clear ability to upgrade constantly to meet the
The final driver of new technologies is scenarios because it would drive the com- only have to look at the timeline, Eurofighter theatre? You will need high speed and re- need for European sovereignty. We certainly changing threat environment is vital.
around IT and communication technologies, plexity of the aircraft to levels which are will fly alongside the new fighter and within silience to transmit all this information. One need to reduce dependency on US systems
the way we manage networks and the way non-fundable and are not realistic. What do you see as the big obstacles in
we handle very large amounts of data. We The only way to respond is by combining the way?
will look at technology like artificial intelli- assets. The sophisticated fighter aircraft
gence that will support decision-making in combined with external unmanned systems If we take European sovereignty serious-
the system to ensure pilots don’t drown in that can perform a wide range of missions ly we will have to invest both in further
data whilst at the same time increasing their — be it kinetic or non-kinetic, from tactical upgrades for Eurofighter and for the
situational awareness. to strategic level missions. development of an FCAS. Both will require
Combining assets will give flexibility serious money and the current budgetary
What will be the key capability require- to the system and will also have the very plans don’t recognise the full extent of what
ments for success in the air domain in simple effect of saturating enemy defences needs to happen.
the years and decades ahead? through force mass, while limiting the risk The development of a new model system
for operators and with reasonable economic is not cheap and the level of ambition
Developing a so-called ‘Combat Cloud efforts. is high. A connected system, with new
Eco-system’ where a range of networked The other advantage of this approach is aircraft with a new propulsion system, with
fighters and other assets are all communi- that the development and upgrade cycles unmanned elements is something big and
cating and sharing information is a funda- for a fighter aircraft are relatively long, needs the commitment of nations to invest.
mental shift. We aren’t simply talking inter- whereas the threats will constantly evolve. You can’t go for the middle way, because
operability, where you define some protocols The cycles that we expect for a remote you’d end up with something which can’t
and standards to exchange information, but carrier are much shorter. You can evolve respond to your needs.
rather a future of full integration. Here all the the capabilities of the whole system by Nations and industry also need to learn
systems will be integrated and the level of developing new remote carriers, in turn they that what Europe really needs is for every-
exchange of data will be much higher. will extend the capabilities of the aircraft. one to work together. We cannot repeat the
The crucial point is this: the way you It makes the system both upgradable and scenarios of the early 80s where we ended
handle information will be the main scalable. In the process it protects the pilot with three fighter programmes.
differentiator between winning or losing in a and multiplies the impact of the attack and Collaboration has also the great advan-
battlespace. also, by downloading some capabilities tage that you put money together, you get
When you look at the old mantra of from the fighter to the remote carrier, it more volume and by adding more volume,
requirements for fighter aircraft in the increases mission efficiency. then you get a higher end solution to your
previous decades speed and agility were needs. In addition, in export terms, you
always top of the list. For the next genera- How much progress have you made have all the European nations rowing in the
tion the call will be information management with manned and unmanned teaming same direction rather than battling against
because this is what will give you superior- work to date? one another. 
ity in front of your enemy. It doesn’t mean Eurofighter will be the platform where we will test and
a future fighter won’t need to have agility
and air-to-air capabilities too, but what will
We have a successful track record for work-
ing on technologies linked to automation,
operationally implement some of the technologies which
make it a winner is the way it manages swarming algorithms, and common mission will be required for an FCAS.
information. systems. In fact, in October we demonstrat-
14 2018 · EUROFIGHTER WORLD 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 F LY I N G H O U R S 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 F LY I N G H O U R S 2018 · EUROFIGHTER WORLD 15


he Eurofighter fleet is celebrating after now a fleet of almost 500 aircraft protecting NATO’s European air defence. “But, looking

passing the 500,000 flying hours mark, Europe’s borders, with the potential for this to the future, it will continue to be developed
as it cements its place at the heart of number to grow substantially in the coming to defend against all threats for decades to
European air defence. decades. come. The aircraft will play a key role in the
Eurofighter Typhoon has rapidly accumulat- Volker Paltzo, CEO of Eurofighter Jagd- future battlespace, and will be a central pillar

ed hours across the fleet, particularly in recent flugzeug GmbH, said: “Passing the 500,000 in any future European combat air system,
years, following an increase in the tempo of flying hours milestone underscores the fact developing and integrating key technologies
air policing and combat operations. There is that Eurofighter Typhoon is the backbone of that will feed in to that future system.”
Clemens Linden, CEO of Eurojet Turbo
GmbH, who provide the engines for the
aircraft, said: “We have clocked up more
than a million hours of engine performance
for the EJ200 which is a major achievement
and through countless deployments, both in
Europe and internationally, we have enjoyed
incredible engine reliability.
“There’s no doubt, that throughout their
million flying hour lifespan, the EJ200 engines
have demonstrated they are the best in their
class. But looking ahead to the next million the
engine can also be further developed, ensur-
ing that Eurofighter Typhoon can maintain its
combat edge.” 

he holidaymakers on Lady’s Mile
Beach in Limassol receive an early
This is what ‘taking the fight to Daesh’
actually means. There’s a regular drumbeat
manding Officer of the 903 Expeditionary
Air Wing (EAW) at RAF Akrotiri.

morning wake-up call. It’s 7.38am, of daily missions from coalition partners. “Daesh has been severely degraded but
but a pair of RAF Eurofighter jets have just On a day–to-day basis this involves some of they are not defeated. It will not be long
roared off to work. Their exact destination the RAF’s six Eurofighter Typhoon and eight before we have destroyed the caliphate in
remains a classified secret but as part of Tornado aircraft stationed at Akrotiri, along terms of the land it holds but now we need
Operation Shader their objective is clear — with a Voyager air-to-air refuelling tanker to defeat them as an organisation. We need
to defeat Daesh across Iraq and Syria. and a Sentinel aircraft, which are all perma- to disrupt their networks and their abilities
Fighter jets on operational duty are a nently allocated to 903 Air Wing. to resupply. And that will take time.”
For the past four years the UK Royal Air Force has been part of a coalition of fact of life on sun-kissed Cyprus, where the 77 nations form the coalition and their However, their success to date has
UK has a Sovereign Base at RAF Akrotiri in aim to date has been to squeeze Daesh out brought its own challenges.
nations fighting the terrorist group Daesh in Iraq and Syria. Daily operations the south of the island, a 25-minute drive of the territory they’ve held in Iraq and Syria “The issue with Daesh being reduced to
from Limassol. and to destroy their resources. So far it’s a very small area means there is a serious
have been conducted from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, This particular pair of Eurofighters been highly effective but that’s not to say concentration of aircraft, manned, un-
were facing the prospect of an eight-hour it’s been straightforward. manned, and attack platforms all in quite
with Eurofighter Typhoons playing a working day, consisting of a series of refu- “Syria is one of the most complicated a small amount of space,” says one of the
elling stages and a visit to one of the most air campaigns I have ever been involved in,” RAF pilots who has flown multiple missions
pivotal role. Eurofighter World was dangerously-congested pieces of airspace says Group Captain Chas Dickens, Com- into Iraq and Syria. 
on the planet.
invited onto the base to find out how
it performs this vital task.

 Gp Cpt Dickens


“In such a busy airspace the biggest the mission) there is no need to use after- what is going on on the ground.” Over “It offers excellent countermeasures and
threat is other aircraft. The Eurofighter’s burners to get airborne,” says the pilot. time this activity — which he describes as a lot of work goes on behind the scenes on
radar is key, particularly after refuelling, He explains that the aircraft’s sensor ‘armed overwatch’ — allows the force to these. It give me a great awareness of who
because it allows you to get back into your fusion capabilities mean he doesn’t have build a clear intelligence picture. Then other is around, who is looking at me and who
airspace and see who is in there. Effectively to worry about what each particular sensor assets like the Eurofighter Typhoons, with may be a threat.
it ensures you’re safe because our biggest is seeing, rather he can be confident he their advanced targeting Litening pods, “The helmet is another great strength.
concern right now isn’t enemy action but is receiving “a clear picture of what’s out are used to add to that picture. Essentially In the busy airspace we’re operating in, in
our own aircraft. We have to make sure we there.” Which is far better than having lots there’s a stack of aircraft constantly moni- the middle of the Euphrates, the ability to
stay away from each other.” of sensors showing you lots of information toring small areas. cue something with your helmet and take
concurrently. “We look at where the friendly forces a closer look at it is huge. It allows me to
MORE THAN 1,700 STRIKES “As a pilot what you want is the aircraft are, where people are going, and for an safely fly my aircraft and manage a forma-
to make it easier to process the information established pattern of life. Then we look for tion in a very busy piece of airspace.
The RAF conducted its first strikes against and help you understand what’s going on. changes to try and understand them. Then “If I see something of interest on the
Daesh in 2014 and since then has carried That allows you to make valid tactical deci- it’s a case of putting the pieces together ground — say an explosion or something
out more than 1,700 over Iraq and Syria sions at the right time. It’s a great suite and so that we can target the enemy should happening — I can rapidly move the sensor
(about 1,400 have taken place in Iraq). there’s great capability in the aircraft.” they present themselves. Once we have to it in a matter of seconds and use the
Throughout most of this time Eurofighter With Daesh squeezed into a smaller established where Daesh are, that’s where targeting pod to take a closer look.”
has been a key player in the action. And it pocket, Group Captain Dickens says the combat air comes into play.”
has performed well under pressure. biggest challenge for Operation Shader However, the aircraft are still asked NEAR PERFECT RECORD
“It’s a great aircraft to fly, you have so right now is finding the enemy. The Sentinel to operate in some of the busiest, most
much thrust available, and even in its Op- goes out and searches an area, typically dangerous airspace on the planet. From a Back on the base, despite the constant
eration Shader weapons-fit (when it carries around 50sq miles. He says: “We are look- pilot’s perspective the Eurofighter Typhoon breeze from Limassol Bay, it’s hot and
a mix of bombs and missiles depending on ing to establish a pattern of life and seeing is more than up to the task. humid. For the engineers, the shade of the
hangars reduces the intensity of the heat —
but only a touch. The good news for them is
the Eurofighter’s near-perfect maintenance
record, which in the light of the heavy mis-
sion workload is incredible. The RAF is the
second largest contributor to the campaign
and its ‘attack assets’ — Eurofighter includ-
ed — are in constant daily use.
For the engineers, the shade “Up to this point we have carried out
of the hangars reduces the 299 sorties since our Squadron was sta-
tioned here a couple of months ago and
intensity of the heat — but we haven’t missed a single mission due to
only a touch. engineering issues, which is fantastic,” says
one of the engineers.
“At any one time we have five aircraft
serviceable and one in the hangar for
planned work. Our mission availability is
running at 99 percent,” he adds.
For now, the RAF’s contribution to Oper-
ation Shader is proving to be a success and
for Group Captain Dickens there’s a gen-
uine sense of pride about the work that’s
being undertaken at RAF Akrotiri.
“Daesh is probably the most despicable
group I’ve ever seen and I have previously
been involved in operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan. My crews have seen Daesh
do some things to people I have not seen
in other campaigns. It’s a particular nasty
bunch of people.
“We are trying to defeat them and trying
to stop them from exporting terrorism
around the world. What we have done here
has been able to keep the public back in
Europe and the UK safe and make the life of
the people in Iraq and Syria better. For me
that is our mission’s lasting legacy.
“So my sense when this is over will be
pride in a job well done.” 

e’re living through a time of rapid
technological developments that
are shaping the thinking about the


future of air power. Recent conflicts have
seen a shift from symmetric to asymmetric
warfare, with fast moving elusive targets.

Threats that demand a high degree of
flexibility and precision to avoid or minimise
collateral damage. At the same time, from a
technology perspective, we are seeing the
dawn of new weapons systems, including
new drone-based and advanced land-
based air defence systems. We also see
an emerging threat from advanced passive
The challenges of the radar systems, which will pose an increas-
ing danger for current platforms, with low
In a recent issue of Eurofighter World, former future battlespace are observable characteristics, reliant on a
already being inserted reduced radar signature.
Eurofighter Typhoon pilot Raffael Klaschka, into the enhancement
Another important factor is cyber tech-
nology. Around 80 percent of the capabili-
Head of Marketing at Eurofighter GmbH, of the Eurofighter ties of future aircraft will be software-based

took an in-depth look at stealth. platform. and ensuring the whole infrastructure
and system is robust and resilient against
cyber-attacks will be crucial. All of these
In the latest of the series he developments are driving Europe’s future air
warfare requirements. What’s already clear
looks at how Eurofighter is that new approaches and solutions will
be required. In recent months, a direction
is evolving to meet the of travel has started to emerge in Europe
about the capability need for future combat
demands of the air systems.
However, the challenges of the future
Future Battlespace. battlespace are already being inserted
into the enhancement of the Eurofighter
platform. That’s why an evolving Eurofighter
is set to be the logical bridge to any future
combat air system. Clearly an enhanced
Eurofighter will be part of the DNA of the
future fighter — working hand in hand
with other systems in a future battlespace,
whether those are manned or unmanned.


So you can ask what does the future

battlespace look like and what factors are
key for success? Is it capability? Is it super
cruise? Is it agility in the dog fight? Is it
stealth? Is it sensor fusion?
Well, my answer is that it’s none of those
factors. Or rather, it’s the combination of
those capabilities to be able to attain a
certain freedom of movement in a contest-
ed airspace to be able to fulfil your mission,
be it kinetic or non-kinetic. And for that, you
need different capabilities which depend on
the type of mission.
So how well is Eurofighter currently able
to meet these challenges and what are the
pressing needs to ensure that it remains
at the heart of European air defence in the
decades ahead? Well, I’m convinced that
for current scenarios, Eurofighter is a very
good choice for a military decision maker.
It’s proven daily in international opera-
tions. But we are also looking at 


what are the best technologies to ensure are already seeing the introduction of these
Eurofighter meets the operational demands — like SPEAR3 — onto Eurofighter. You can
of the future battlespace too. To simplify employ them from the most suitable loca-
this complex question we should look at six Even in the future tion or you can get the best data available
key enablers to maintain combat edge in to your weapon, without necessarily using
the future battlespace. battlespace robust your own sensors.
capabilities will always
be of fundamental
SIX KEY ENABLERS FOR importance When you talk about survivability people
THE FUTURE BATTLESPACE often jump to considering the quality of the
hardware on the jet and the fidelity of the
1 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER sensors, the way it displays information
and so on. But that’s just one part of the
Interoperability and connectivity will be key equation. Just as important is the mission
requirements of the future battlespace. data — the data that you insert into the jet
Decision speed depends on it. so that it’s able to ‘know’ what’s going on
Coalition forces will have to be able in the future battlespace.
to talk the same language, to exchange It has to be able to gather data, save
information, data and targeting solutions it and make it downloadable in the fastest
to a far higher degree – and speed - than possible time. Then it has to be analysed
they do today. We currently have common by specialists who can share it with your
NATO standards but demands for data will forces. With mission data we’re talking
intensify in the future. about several factors: the software, the
The Eurofighter of the future will see people who are trained to analyse it, and
new data links introduced and existing your experience as a force.
ones enhanced. Our view is that in the With Eurofighter, forces in operations
near future, the player who doesn’t have have the ability to re-programme the soft-
the required degree of connectivity will not ware in the jet as quickly as possible. That’s
be able to take part in coalition operations because Typhoon has no black boxes.
because it would have a negative effect on And this is really important. If you don’t
efficiency and safety of your own troops have good mission data, your survivability
and forces. decreases and therefore your efficiency and
Everybody in the network — the soldier survivability is at risk.
on the ground, the ship, the pilot, the
weapons system, the weapon itself — will 5 SENSOR FUSION
all be connected. This will contribute to the
situational awareness of the decision maker. Eurofighter Typhoon already has a very high
The dynamics around the exchange of level of sensor fusion capabilities but, as
information and intelligence will drastically sensors improve, the amount of data will
increase. increase. In order to remain future-proofed,
the capacity and the processing speed of
2 DIFFERENT MISSIONS, our equipment will increase as part of our
The bottom line is sensor fusion has
A one-size-fits-all solution doesn’t exist. If to serve the pilot so he can take the right
you want stealth, you can’t have payload. If decision and can focus on his mission, and
you want payload, you can’t have stealth. If other tasks are taken from him and carried
you want survivability, you need two engines. out by smart systems, for example, a sen-
If you want vertical take-off capability you sor manager.
can only have one engine, which can have
an impact on the survivability of your jet. 6 PAYLOAD CHOICE
Eurofighter is built on a philosophy that
a broad set of equalised capabilities is Flexibility — in terms of the weapons you
future-proof in a future battlespace because have at your disposal —will be crucial in
there are a whole set of capabilities needed terms of effectiveness and survivability. The
and not just a single one. more weapons you can choose from, the
more flexible you are in using your weapon
KILL WEB Eurofighter already has a broad weapons
suite to call on but that’s expanding with
Current combat scenarios are ‘Sensor However, the new technological devel- ‘Combat Cloud’. Essentially, it means you future battlespace is an evolutionary change So we need to get used to the concept the arrival of Brimstone, Marte ER and
Shooter’ led, which means the platform opments that are coming on stream will can use target data from another asset in — it’s a continuous transition and we’re of having a ship as your wing man. The Spear3, to name just a few. On top of this
carrying the weapon uses its own sensors make it viable for the platform to rely on a the network, for example, a ship, and then living through it. A platform like Eurofighter future battlespace will inevitably be a highly Eurofighter has the ability to carry both
to create a targeting solution, then employs targeting solution from another sensor. It’s employ your weapon on it. This shift, from will evolve with it and through it and will networked environment and network ena- American weapons and European weapons,
its weapon against it. a concept known variously as ‘Kill Web’ or the traditional Sensor Shooter scenario, to a therefore play a crucial role in future. bled weapons will be a key requirement. We which all adds to its flexibility. 

elping it evolve is a new weapon that
will be integrated on the near horizon
ability to overwhelm enemy air defence
capabilities and the flexibility to engage
weapons that can operate in all conditions,
against severe countermeasures, and


— SPEAR3 which stands for Select- multiple targets per sortie,” says Paul Mead, attack moving and manoeuvring targets in
ed Precision at Range, type 3. Hailed as a Director of Business Development at MBDA. all weathers.
breakthrough capability, SPEAR3 is a mini “The Royal Air Force sees the need to “So the RAF is looking for a flexible

air-to-surface cruise missile that promises engage enemy air defences as a primary solution — one that’s able to adapt to a
to bring new power and flexibility to Euro- role. One way to do that is to saturate and complex environment, but also one where
fighter both in terms of individual capability overwhelm them, ideally from standoff they can control through the data linking,
and force mass. ranges. That means you’ve got to be able to and the ability to have third party control of
“With SPEAR3 each Eurofighter Typhoon have a high load out, to have time on target, the weapon as well. SPEAR3 ticks all the
will be capable of carrying up to 12 mini and you need a warhead capability that’s boxes.
The battlespace of the future will be a highly-contested, networked cruise missiles, compared to two standard able to make variable effects on whatever “There is nothing else like this in the
cruise missiles currently, as well as a full target you’re going after. And that’s what world. It’s a unique capability and one that
environment with far greater integration of different assets. It’s an air-to-air weapons suite, bringing revolu- SPEAR3 brings. sits alongside (the air-to-air-missile) Meteor
tionary capability for the platform. Crucially, “But recent conflicts have also demon- in terms of the unique differentiators for
environment where Eurofighter, through the integration of new capability, that extra capacity will give Eurofighter the strated the need for precision-strike Eurofighter as a platform.” 

will thrive, playing a leading role and countering

future threats.

With SPEAR3 each Eurofighter Typhoon will be capable of

carrying up to 12 mini cruise missiles.

An Italian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon during a NATO Air Policing
mission over Estonia. Photo: Giovanni Colla

Two Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons during

a training sortie over the United Kingdom.

Photo: Aviation Photocrew

An Italian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon with deployed break chute,
escorted by a group of 5 Typhoons.
Photo: Giovanni Colla
The integration process is moving at units, ballistic missile launchers, hardened The Royal Air Force confirmed the
pace. SPEAR3 underwent its first test firing structures, fast-moving and manoeuvring integration of SPEAR3 to Eurofighter at the
from a Eurofighter at Aberporth in Wales in vehicles, main battle tanks, armoured per- Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) this
March 2016 and was placed on contract lat- sonnel carriers and naval vessels. year and it’s set to be a key weapon for
er the same year. The development phase State-of-the-art data imaging software years to come. It forms part of a dynamic
is due to be completed in early 2020, with ensures high precision and high collater- weapons set for the UK RAF. SPEAR 1 is
an in-service date anticipated in the early al management. “It gives us the ability to Paveway, SPEAR 2 is Brimstone, SPEAR
2020s. look at and match images so that we know 4 Storm Shadow and SPEAR5 is another
Powered by a turbojet engine, SPEAR3 exactly what we’re going after.” for the future — a cruise and anti-ship
has the beyond-horizon reach — something SPEAR3 features a two-way data link weapon.
in the order of about 140 kilometres — to which allows in-flight updates, retarget- SPEAR3 was also revealed as a fun-
ensure that the aircraft remains safely away ing and abort functions and, because it’s damental component of Team Tempest
from hostile air defence units. network enabled, it can be controlled and at Farnborough, so it’s a capability that’s
Impressive stand-off capability is one take targeting data coming from third party being looked at for a future combat air
key feature, but SPEAR3 is also equipped assets. system. “It’s a future-looking weapon,” says
with the latest generation multi-mode “Another key feature is low altitude Paul. “We’ve got the ability to upgrade it
sensor seeker, providing increased flexibility launch — you can keep the platform both at over time to put in different modes, different
in the kind of complex scenarios commonly range and also at low level and, through the variants and to make it a weapon with
envisaged in the future battlespace. It’s weapon’s turbo jet, launch off low and then longevity.” 
designed to be effective against air defence climb to altitude.”
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