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Description: A television talk show ran by curious and ambitious young minds interviewing successful

people and local celebrities as role models.

Producers/Host: : Vaughn M. Sams

Aim: To inspire young minds of Trinidad & Tobago to be the best version of themselves by
tapping into their full potential.

Target Audience: Individuals (ages 16 – 35)

 Merge the gap between dream and reality.
 Express to viewers a real way to achieve their goals
 Give the viewers special insight into the lives of successful individuals
 To create awareness of the viewer’s potential in their life.

Basic Assumption(s): Trinidad & Tobago possesses a wealth of resources in the form of
potentially powerful and influential persons, and by extension the entire Caribbean for that
matter. However, most operate below their full/true potential in life. They do not find fulfilment
in life through contribution or significance, as this in itself is regarded as insignificant. This show
is built upon the premise that the audience is ambitious and desires to achieve their goals and are
open-minded of guidance (similar to the approach of SERVOL).

 Time selection
 Show requires the viewers’ self interest
 Show requires viewers to be ambitious

 Role Modelling / Mentoring.
 Book Club
 Inspiring Artist Performance
 Live audience interaction through social media

Station Benefits:
 Build traffic
 Create a positive branding for the channel
 Advertising
 Increased awareness and expression of potential for desiring individuals

Season 1 Episode 1
Avin Paguandas Business Owner- Nuvosera (TBA) Radisson/QRC/BAR

Season 1 Episode 2

Alex 'Kubiyashi'
Barnwell Producer (TBA) Hyatt/Ave/Studio
Season 1 Episode 3
Faris Al-Rawi Senator/Lawyer (TBA) drive/office/lunch

Season 1 Episode 4
Jason Julien Deputy CEO First Citizens (TBA) TBA

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