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What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

Towards a Pragmatic Logic of Arguments

(with Special Reference to Computational Intelligence)
An Informal Talk for Sci-Tech Undergrads

Joshua Bowles1,2
1 Department of English
Utah Valley University
2 Department of Linguistics
University of Utah

June 4, 2010/ Lecture

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

What this lecture is

This is a rough draft version of a long-term project geared

specifically towards my Sci-Tech wrting students and in relation
to the final research paper. This presentation also shows a
template Beamer class within the LATEXtypesetting framework.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

Why not a Computer?

Computational software is good at structure and logic, but it cannot write a

Classical Argument paper.
If writing research papers was merely a process of compiling syllogism on top of
syllogism – constructing sorites – then programs would write them for us.
I do not explicitly discuss this idea, but please keep it in mind because it is
related in a very strong sense to all that follows (especially in reference to
notions like “setting” and “subjective interpretation.”) Think of what it would take,
as a logical structure, for a program to write a Classical Argument research
paper. How could we develop the structure needed for a program to dynamically
maintain biases, prejudices, and assumptions about how the world works.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

Parsons’ Article

Parsons discusses the basic and intuitive notion of what an

argument is. This article was published in The Journal of
Philosophy, and so, we can assume he is talking to
philosophers—people who, we might also assume, already
know what an ‘argument’ is. The first questions that might
entertain us are below.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments


Why should we care about arguments?

1 Why do philosophers need to know what an argument is?
2 Why does Parsons need to tell philosophers what an
argument is?
3 Are we philosophers?

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

Why should we care?

The question of ‘Why we should care’ is an important one: It

has relevance to our sense of (i) what an ‘academic’ is, (ii) what
academics actually do in and for society, and (iii) what use does
an academic have in society (what kinds of responsibilities they
have to society — think here of a comparison to athletes,
teachers, politicians, firefighters, police, soldiers. etc. . . .) Not
only for academics, but how we digest arguments (or our ability
to analyze them) effects various aspects of our personal and
professional lives; as I mention later.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

Argument defined (first try)

An argument refers to the abstract structure of reasoning
employed in the process of analyzing various concepts, ideas,
opinions, . . . . It may be dialogical (requiring two or more
speakers) but it does not have to be. In any case, it is

Dialectic is the process of a Thesis and Antithesis being
synthesized to a new Thesis. The cycle goes on indefinitely.
First proposed by Aristotle, developed by Hegel and other
German Idealist philosophers.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

A technical notion

“I see what your premises are,” says the philosopher, “and I see
your conclusion. But I just don’t see how you get there. I don’t
see the argument” Parsons 1996: 1

Parsons wants to. . .

. . . distinguish the notion of argument in philosophy from the
technical notion in logic—syllogism. Argument has more stuff to

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

A technical notion

“I see what your premises are,” says the philosopher, “and I see
your conclusion. But I just don’t see how you get there. I don’t
see the argument” Parsons 1996: 1

Parsons wants to. . .

. . . distinguish the notion of argument in philosophy from the
technical notion in logic—syllogism. Argument has more stuff to

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

Why do we care?
What is an argument?
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
I don’t See your Argument
Writing Classical Arguments

The ‘stuff between’

Parsons is not only concerned with the holistic form of

arguments, but in the relationship between the logic and the
language of arguments. The ‘stuff between’ the premises and
conclusions of typical syllogistic reasoning.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

The subjective status of logic

Interpretation is always subjective. It cannot be otherwise.


Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments


Recognition of the subjective nature of interpretation is not an

allowance to BE purely subjective.
Parsons 1996: 4
The first step, interpreting the text, is a sophisticated scholarly
task. It is typically underdetermined by all available
evidence. . . , there may be an ineliminable element of
subjectivity to it. The second step is the logical task of
assessing an argument. This is mostly clear and objective.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments


Recognition of the subjective nature of interpretation is not an

allowance to BE purely subjective.
Parsons 1996: 4
The first step, interpreting the text, is a sophisticated scholarly
task. It is typically underdetermined by all available
evidence. . . , there may be an ineliminable element of
subjectivity to it. The second step is the logical task of
assessing an argument. This is mostly clear and objective.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

The illusion of Objectivity

“mostly clear and objective” assessment of an

interpretation does not need rely so much on subjectivity.
It can proceed by relying on models of logic.

Logic is. . .
an artificial language(s) that have been consciously constructed
to contain mathematical rigor and delete unfortunate structures
in natural languages, like ambiguity, in order to investigate
notions like ‘true,’ ‘false,’ ‘contradiction,’ and ‘consistent.’

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

The illusion of Objectivity

“mostly clear and objective” assessment of an

interpretation does not need rely so much on subjectivity.
It can proceed by relying on models of logic.

Logic is. . .
an artificial language(s) that have been consciously constructed
to contain mathematical rigor and delete unfortunate structures
in natural languages, like ambiguity, in order to investigate
notions like ‘true,’ ‘false,’ ‘contradiction,’ and ‘consistent.’

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

What does this mean?

1 Recognize our subjectivity

world view,
2 Assess our subjectivity in relation to interpretation of an

This results in. . .

the ability to use our subjective interpretations as a tool for
assessment. It helps guarantee that our interpretations
approximate ‘truth,’ ‘fact,’ and ‘reality.’

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument?
Subjective goals
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Writing Classical Arguments

What does this mean?

1 Recognize our subjectivity

world view,
2 Assess our subjectivity in relation to interpretation of an

This results in. . .

the ability to use our subjective interpretations as a tool for
assessment. It helps guarantee that our interpretations
approximate ‘truth,’ ‘fact,’ and ‘reality.’

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

How does this apply to us?

Let’s be practical:
Most of you simply to need to pass the class
Most of you will not write professionally
Most of you just want to finish your paper
Learning to recognize subjective interpretation and provide
an assessment of your opinion goes far outside this class:
1 Voting
2 Co-workers and bosses (interpersonal)
3 Dating
4 Career (advancement)
5 . . . other areas
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic
What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

The 3 conditions

A refined argument must meet the following conditions.

1 Setting: Set of assumptions about the world; assumed
rules, principles, propositions, opinions, ethics.
2 Targets: The goal (to establish some particular proposition
or position).
3 Reasoning Structures: A sequence of statements meant
to reach a Target in a specific Setting; (Syllogism is a type
of reasoning structure).

Argument, from Parsons (1996)

is a ‘task’ that employs a reasoning structure in a setting with a

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

The 3 conditions

A refined argument must meet the following conditions.

1 Setting: Set of assumptions about the world; assumed
rules, principles, propositions, opinions, ethics.
2 Targets: The goal (to establish some particular proposition
or position).
3 Reasoning Structures: A sequence of statements meant
to reach a Target in a specific Setting; (Syllogism is a type
of reasoning structure).

Argument, from Parsons (1996)

is a ‘task’ that employs a reasoning structure in a setting with a

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

The 3 conditions

A refined argument must meet the following conditions.

1 Setting: Set of assumptions about the world; assumed
rules, principles, propositions, opinions, ethics.
2 Targets: The goal (to establish some particular proposition
or position).
3 Reasoning Structures: A sequence of statements meant
to reach a Target in a specific Setting; (Syllogism is a type
of reasoning structure).

Argument, from Parsons (1996)

is a ‘task’ that employs a reasoning structure in a setting with a

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

The 3 conditions

A refined argument must meet the following conditions.

1 Setting: Set of assumptions about the world; assumed
rules, principles, propositions, opinions, ethics.
2 Targets: The goal (to establish some particular proposition
or position).
3 Reasoning Structures: A sequence of statements meant
to reach a Target in a specific Setting; (Syllogism is a type
of reasoning structure).

Argument, from Parsons (1996)

is a ‘task’ that employs a reasoning structure in a setting with a

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

Successfully, yours

A successful argument must meet the following criteria.

1 Every premise is among the statements assumed in the
2 Every inference is in accordance with a principle of
inference assumed in the setting.
3 The conclusion is the target identified in the goal.
4 The reasoning structure is noncircular.
5 There is no infinite regress of justifications for any step.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

Successfully, yours

A successful argument must meet the following criteria.

1 Every premise is among the statements assumed in the
2 Every inference is in accordance with a principle of
inference assumed in the setting.
3 The conclusion is the target identified in the goal.
4 The reasoning structure is noncircular.
5 There is no infinite regress of justifications for any step.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

Successfully, yours

A successful argument must meet the following criteria.

1 Every premise is among the statements assumed in the
2 Every inference is in accordance with a principle of
inference assumed in the setting.
3 The conclusion is the target identified in the goal.
4 The reasoning structure is noncircular.
5 There is no infinite regress of justifications for any step.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

Successfully, yours

A successful argument must meet the following criteria.

1 Every premise is among the statements assumed in the
2 Every inference is in accordance with a principle of
inference assumed in the setting.
3 The conclusion is the target identified in the goal.
4 The reasoning structure is noncircular.
5 There is no infinite regress of justifications for any step.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

Successfully, yours

A successful argument must meet the following criteria.

1 Every premise is among the statements assumed in the
2 Every inference is in accordance with a principle of
inference assumed in the setting.
3 The conclusion is the target identified in the goal.
4 The reasoning structure is noncircular.
5 There is no infinite regress of justifications for any step.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

Successfully, yours

A successful argument must meet the following criteria.

1 Every premise is among the statements assumed in the
2 Every inference is in accordance with a principle of
inference assumed in the setting.
3 The conclusion is the target identified in the goal.
4 The reasoning structure is noncircular.
5 There is no infinite regress of justifications for any step.

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

An argument table

Setting Target Reasoning Structure

assumptions goal statements sequence
explicit? achieved? coherent, consistent?
implicit? not? support setting and goal?

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

Towards a Pragmatic Logic of Arguments

(with Special Reference to Computational Intelligence)
An Informal Talk for Sci-Tech Undergrads

Joshua Bowles1,2
1 Department of English
Utah Valley University
2 Department of Linguistics
University of Utah

June 4, 2010/ Lecture

Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

What is an argument? Practical considerations
Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis Concrete things to look for
Writing Classical Arguments

1 Introduction
2 What is an argument?
Why do we care?
I don’t See your Argument
3 Interpreting & Assessing are like Analysis & Synthesis
Subjective goals
Objective goals
And so. . .
4 Writing Classical Arguments
Practical considerations
Concrete things to look for
Refined Argument
What we want
The basics: Recap
Joshua Bowles Pragmatic Logic

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